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Whit Howland Apr 7
Some say the TeCh#
is not what it should be -

and they might be right

                                    but w/o

hELL0      pOEtry

weLL (I don't want to speculate)

All I want T@ saY is that
this sight and all my friendS on iT!

MEAN more
                                     to ME

Than you WIll EvER

Some abstRact browniE POINTs in the style of E.E. Cummings
Whit Howland Apr 7
In his              
plaid sport coat

pulling tissues
from his paper sack head

flinging them

bathroom jokes


a comedic
unknown soldier

known only
to God
Another whimsical  poetic riff.
Whit Howland Apr 6
Mood swings

see saws

but definitely
not monkey bars

and what does it matter

you don't write
or call

I get it though

you're too busy
but aren't we all
A moody abstract riff
Whit Howland Apr 6
Or trap
for tourists

but not travelers
and searchers

who'd find gold
and platinum

in the two headed

or snake
with a spooned tongue

and they would
bank on it
A whimsical word painting
Whit Howland Apr 5
you say you
love me

and immediately
I look for strings

and a hand
up your back
An absurdist word painting
Whit Howland Apr 3
we sit in a park

on the grass
as the day turns


we fail to see
but most of all

we  struggle
An abstract word painting
Whit Howland Mar 31
A hardboiled egg
on the counter

dyed blue

staring at me
at six am

he is risen
and unfortunately

so did I
Abstract impressionism
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