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  Feb 2023 Tulip
Alexis D Cruz
before finding solace in the meadow that lies in your eyes,
I found peace in the way silken lavender would melt into an orange & pink sorbet;
but as I lie here now, cradled in the comfort of your arms, I find that I dread sunrise

most find the dark unsettling — shutting themselves off when midnight strikes;
but in the moonlight, is when we shine the brightest — when we thrive, when we are most alive
Tulip Jan 2023
Constantly denying that i like you, yet intentionally ignoring your existence & all your moves, frightened that i might in the very distant future hurt you.
I don’t know which i’ll regret more if i kept ignoring the sparks i get when you’re around, or if i accepted the fact and surrendered to your genuine moves, because no one ever got me like you did, and it’s driving me crazy how you know all the keys, know the perfect timing and the perfect words to touch my heart, and make my soul happy.

— The End —