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SkyeWolfe Mar 2019
Hope is a light
That shines in the dark
It lights up the night
With only a spark
SkyeWolfe Dec 2018
I have a hope
Her name is love
I know her well
She knows me not
Yet she's my hope
For me to meet love
Is my one ambition
My deepest desire
Yes I have a hope
And her name is love
SkyeWolfe Dec 2018
I don't think you know
Know how much I love
Love you so so much
Much more than I should
Should let my self love you
You are so captivating
Captivating my heart
Heart that beats for you
You alone now and always
Always I will love you
You can need know how much
Much more than words can say
Say... Do you love me too?
SkyeWolfe Mar 2019
You are a human
That's why I care
That's why l love
That's why I help
That's why I believe
That's why I trust
That's why I value
Because you are human
SkyeWolfe Dec 2018
They say that I can
I know that I can't
I am a madman
They can just recant

I would if I could
For them and for me
I know that I should
For it is their plea

But I am not capable
It is not escapable
SkyeWolfe Dec 2018
I could be your sunshine
I could make your day
If only you were mine
If only you were bae

I would give you anything
I would spend it all
If you were my everything
If you were my doll

I could make you happy
I could be your joy
If only I could be sappy
If only I was your boy
SkyeWolfe Dec 2018
I do not write for them
I write for myself
Not to pour out to them
But to express myself
Not to bring joy to them
But to cope with myself
My poems are not for them
My poems are for myself
SkyeWolfe Dec 2018
She is cute and amazing
But she doesn't even know it
I can't stop myself from gazing
A passion inside me lit

She says she is fat
But it is in her mind
I want to tell her that
A few words to remind

She makes me feel alive
But it could never be
I am too afraid to strive
A large weakness of me

She could never love this individual
But in my dreams she does
I have flaws so visible
A cures of mine it is

If only she could see
How much she means to me
SkyeWolfe Jan 2019
I give you my heart
You give me it broken
I give you my love
You give me the shoulder
I give you my time
You give me the leftovers
I give you my money
You give me a dime
I give you my pride
You give me it defeated
I give you my key
You give me your walls
I gave you everything
You gave nothing at all
SkyeWolfe Dec 2018
Ignorant of the pain you make
Because you made my heart awake
Yes you caused my heart to ache
But you caused my heart to brake
SkyeWolfe Feb 2019
I know I am not good enough
I know I can't be perfect
I know I don't deserve you
I know I will always be average
I know I can't do everything right
But that doesn't mean I will stop trying
SkyeWolfe Feb 2019
I don't deserve this love you give
I am but worthless flesh and blood
While you are a goddess divine
In your presence I can not live
For I am worse than mud
And you my dear are so fine

I think that we should part
For I can not live up to you
You are leagues above
I will only break your heart
And then you will find someone new
Who will give you so much love

Although it hurts me so much
I know that it is for the best
For me to leave you on your own
I will always miss your touch
But I did not pass the test
So I am meant to be alone

I hope you can understand
That all I care about is you
And none of this is your fault
I am unworthy of your hand
This is something I always knew
That by your love I can not stand

I am sorry it must end this way
But I wish you only happy days
SkyeWolfe Dec 2018
Crying in my bed
Wishing I was dead
All because of you
This is nothing new

I just want your love
But you are far above
Anything I deserve
How did I get up the nerve

You want to be friends
But my love it never ends
So my heart goes on in pain
I think I might go insane

So I'll just sit in my bed
Hoping I end up dead
Sorry if this is garbage, I am writing it while experiencing it so it's a little raw.
SkyeWolfe Feb 2019
I say that I'm alright
Even when I'm not
Because I feel so tight
Like I'm tied in a knot
SkyeWolfe Jan 2019
I think I like you
But I'm not sure
I know I love you
I am pretty sure

I think you like me
But I'm not sure
I know you love me
I am pretty sure

I think we like each other
But I'm not sure
I know we love each other
I am pretty sure
SkyeWolfe Dec 2018
I walk the world alone
But not without a fight
I have friends to call my own
But none within my sight

All doing their best
But it never is enough
All say they are not like the rest
But my problems are too tough

I can play pretend
But the truth to me is know
I am always in the end
But a man alone
SkyeWolfe Feb 2019
I want to cry
Into your arms
To feel your breath
On my neck
To hear your voice
Say it's alright
To feel your lips
So close to mine
And then I know
I'll be just fine
SkyeWolfe Jan 2019
I want to help you
But you don't want my help
You just want to live
In all of your pain
I can understand that
But you would never know
Because you'll never talk
SkyeWolfe Feb 2019
I wish to hold
You oh so tight
And let you know
That it's alright
I'll move your fears
Far from your sight
And if we were
To ever fight
I would be sure
To make it right
So we could hug
In the moonlight
SkyeWolfe Dec 2018
Joy is but a vapor
Little more than wind
We feel it for a moment

I can feel it taper
As life goes to it's end
Stopping it's bestowment

Joy is but a vapor
SkyeWolfe Dec 2018
Joy is not a person
Joy is not a feeling
It is a decision
It is what keeps us living
SkyeWolfe Dec 2018
Your words are like silk
No matter what they are
Softer than a quilt
Could heal any scar

Your smile is a lantern
In my darkest night
In my mind you burn
All that's in my sight

Your presence is a gift
It makes my day much better
Without I feel a rift
To you I am a debter

Your eyes are like jewels
Priceless beyond compare
I would break all the rules
So into them I'd stare

Your lips are like a rose
I can't resist the lure
Oh the way it glows
Something oh so pure
SkyeWolfe Dec 2018
I wish you could know
How much you broke my heart
How much you hurt me so
When you wished to be apart

I could not help but cry
It make my fears come true
I would rather die
Than to be apart from you
SkyeWolfe Mar 2019
Love left my life
So long ago
We had some strife
And she let go

I want her back
But I'm messed up
so much I lack
An empty cup

She couldn't care
For I am weak
Don't think I dare
For her seek

I'll live without her
But it will hurt
With what we were
When we would flirt
SkyeWolfe Feb 2019
You told me a lie
That you'll always be here
For me when I am down
But in my darkeat moment
You're nowhere to be found
SkyeWolfe Dec 2018
Love is a lie
You can obtain it
But it will leave you dry
Better to quit

Why even try
It's hard to admit
Love will leave you to die
Head held back throat slit
SkyeWolfe Dec 2018
The sun will rise
The moon will fall
Like the sun we will rise
Like the moon we will fall
But in-between is where life lives
Yes in-between is where love is
SkyeWolfe Dec 2018
Life is but a rhythm
Watch it ebb and flow
Let it fill your vision
See how far you go

But don't forget your friends
Without them you are lost
The journey never ends
And all the bridges crossed

So keep on living life
You will find a way
You will beat the strife
And see another day
SkyeWolfe Dec 2018
To live a life of crime
How exciting would it be
Wouldn't it be devine
To truly see

This life of boredom
It makes me want to cry
I know this goes against wisdom
But I would rather die

To continue this life
It would make me suffer
More than a knife
Oh how much better

A life of crime would be
The joy of freedom
Having me be me
But alas I'm stuck with boredom
SkyeWolfe Apr 2019
I close my eyes
And start to cry
My hope dies
I don't know why

Life just hates me
And so will you
Once you see
I'm nothing new

But your smile
Lures me still
From a mile
Over a hill

It is a lighthouse
For me a waif
It is a blanket
To keep me safe
SkyeWolfe Apr 24
You cannot live without dreaming
but dreaming is not living
SkyeWolfe Dec 2018
Lonely by choice
To help others
They should rejoice
We aren't brothers

I push away
To be kind
They can't stay
They will find

I would allow
For their good
This I vow
To get rid

Please give up
Just let up
SkyeWolfe Jan 2019
I am feeling lonely
Without you by my side
You make me feel so lovely
When in your arms I hide

I wish I was next to you
Because you are feeling sad
I would tell you what is true
So much joy to be had

I hate you see you cry
It scares me half to death
When you want to die
It takes away my breath
SkyeWolfe Jan 2019
Lonelyness is here to stay
It fallows me around all day
It's like a cloud about my head
Making me wish I was dead
I just want to curl up and cry
Because my friends won't let me die
Even with those friends I am alone
Because in the end they all go home
Then once again lonelyness is my company
It doesn't go easy or have any sympathy
Just breaks your heart and will to live
Weeds out the weak like a sive
It follows me around all day
This lonelyness is here to stay
SkyeWolfe Apr 2019
L osing all you doubts
O pening up to them
V aluing them above you
E xperiencing life together
SkyeWolfe Feb 2019
It is a lie
That Love exists
Some argue against
They say love is real

Now read it backwards
SkyeWolfe Jan 2019
Love is hate
The hate of being alone
The hate of being apart
The hate of seeing them hurt
The hate of seeing them go
The hate of hearing their crys
The hate of hearing their pain
The hate of leaving someone
The hate of leaving forever
SkyeWolfe Mar 15
My broken heart
Still beats for you
I'll play the part
A lovestruck fool
SkyeWolfe Jan 2019
Tears rolling down my face
Spiraling out of control
Getting sader and sader
Nothing can bring me up
I will always be down
But nobody even cares
Like I actually matter
Maybe one day I will
today is not that day
In truth that day will not come
Because I could never
Never be loved
SkyeWolfe Dec 2018
Oh that great expanse
The ever present sky
Clouds upon it dance
In in it birds do fly

To gaze up at the stars
It is a dream of mine
Have it all be ours
Me and my devine

If only I could find
That one and only star
Who just won't leave my mind
I am searching wide and far

But I am but a fool
Forever I am marred
Oh this life is cruel
For it has left me scarred

No one would ever take me
Or even give a care
Forever alone to be
It's something I must bare
SkyeWolfe Mar 2019
The second we met eyes
I knew you were the one
That I would always prize
But you are on the run

I will never see you
Once this moment ends
I don't know what I'll do
For my love transends

Any length of time
Or any gap of space
So I wrote this rhyme
To give it to your face

But I already know
That you won't understand
The way you make me glow
When I hold your hand

If love is my guide
It has led me true
In my heart you'lll hide
Till the world is new
SkyeWolfe Jan 2019
These thoughts inside my head
They won't let me go to sleep
Keep my mind on racing
I wish I could make it stop
I try and I try but I am too weak
Funny how my mind is stronger than me
Not funny how it makes me feel
Feeling like I want to die
Feeling like I want to end it all
Making me hate all I am
I am a worthless human
Praying every night I die
Disappointment when I wake up alive
Every night it's getting worse
Don't know how long I can fight
These demons inside my mind
SkyeWolfe Mar 15
Don't know who I am
Or what I want to do
Brain has gone to mush
I only think of you
SkyeWolfe Dec 2018
My heart is yours if you want
It always is and it shall be
Till the day you end your hunt
And return my heart to me
SkyeWolfe Dec 2018
My love for you
It has not left
It waits for you
Or what is left

My heart is shattered
It is broken
For you I'm shattered
For you I'm broken

I don't blame you
I just wanted your love
I just wanted you
To give you love

You got up my hopes
But you knocked me down
I still have some hopes
But I they are so down

You broke my heart
And walked away
I taped my heart
And died away

It was over text
Not even to my face
When I read that text
Tears stream down my face

You don't even know
The extent of the pain
I don't want you to know
I would leave you in pain

I still love you
Nothing will change the fact
My heart is here for you
That my dear is fact
SkyeWolfe Dec 2018
My love for you
It overflows
But that's nothing new
Everyone already knows

They always ask
They always guess
You wear a mask
We are a mess

They ask if we are in love
You tell them no
But we fit like a glove
You won't let it be so

I know you love me
You said it yourself
I guess you are afraid to be
Be true to yourself

All I have for you is love
All I want from you is love
SkyeWolfe Dec 2018
My mind is an enemy
One I can't defeat
I will be the end of me
Put me down six feet

I try to fight it
But it gets stronger
With every hit
I can't fight much longer

I need some help
To defeat my mind
When the thoughts develop
Friends who will get behind
SkyeWolfe Dec 2018
I want to be myself
To make my own decisions
To find joy itself
I want to fulfill my visions

But you hold me back
You say it's for my good
But it feels like a smack
You took away my childhood

What else can you want
My life is my own now
So you can stop your taunt
I don't listen anyhow

I do what makes you mad
I do it for the spite
I hope it makes you sad
I want you from my sight

You think I am so naive
To think that you love me
To believe the lie you weave
I'm not blind I can see
SkyeWolfe Dec 2018
My future is not clear
Its far beyond my sight
As long as you are near
I know I'll be alright
SkyeWolfe Dec 2018
People all around
Yet I feel alone
Having a breakdown
Sitting on my phone

No matter how much I talk
I can never feel them close
Almost as if to mock
To remind me of my woes

Always ever near
Yet still they feel so far
I can see them clear
Yet it feels bazaar

If only they were here
By my side to stay
Willing to hear
All that I have to say
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