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Sherri Harder Oct 2017
Moments are filled up with good and bad.
Sometimes happy, sometimes sad.
Some rather forgotten and some remain.
Some scattered with words of anger and pain.
Moments are full of ups and downs.
Don't let anyone tell you different, or play the clown.
The ones that lie and manipulate,
the ones that make you think twice or hesitate.
There is always room for our improvement.
We are human, no need for this positive movement.  
When we are perceived as what's negative,
We are not batteries charged, we're people who live.
So to those who want to live in smoke and mirrors.
with a plastic smile and well kept fears.
Don't tell me everything is all coming up roses.
Life is not perfect and some time grief imposes.
You do not have to be happy all the time.
Being sad or shedding tears is not a crime.
Its how we take those moments and memories in mind.
we pick up our feet again and find.
Those scars that heal that teach a lesson or more,
will remind us that we can move on and be stronger than before.
Sherri Harder Jun 2015
My heart is like a ship at sea
Going through ups and downs.
Sometimes I just don't want to feel
anything and thus just have to anchor down.
Sherri Harder Aug 2022
I take to path and walk my
journeys road.
I with thee, take what I need
of burdens load.
Through forest pines adrift,
towering to the sky,
with mountain castle walls nearby, I put
aside my fears to appreciate what's here.
Breathe in breathe out so fresh...
the crisp, cool...daunting air.
My journeys path; a humbling stand,
I am in awe of thee.
God's precious in hand,
I hike and be so free.
His splendor artwork fills the air
and not forsaken.
For I walk the journey with the Lord as
I take the path less taken.

@ Sherri G Harder
Sherri Harder Oct 2017
To those that dare to dream,
from the passion that sparks a fuse.
To those brave enough to swim with
dolphins; you shall be my muse.
Sherri Harder Oct 2017
Onward into the misty, dawn of morning day.
I walk through the enchanted trails that guide me
as I pray.
No more can plots against me stand.
I came to conquer, like a knight that battles
for his  kingdom's land.
No more can jealous envy of enemies prevail.
I say and thus declare...
"they fail!"
With my breeze swept hair, into the sunset glow.
I move onward with each step,
I further go.
No more from slander, can it hurt me from grudges.
Let them feel backfire onto them
that judges.  
With my armor scratched, yet I hold high
my sword;
I conquer through the castle wall's of time,
as I take my pen to write this word.
Goodbye enemies that whisper secrets
behind my back.
Your power fades as wisdom, knowledge
For I got up, no more headaches and no
more pain.
I learned how to defend my honor, and turn
loss to gain.
I enter the palace through enchanting gates,
of purple gardens adorn.
Flowers bloom, yet not
with thorn.
I cast them out, i cut them off.
No more weakness,
I can be tough.
I have long ago grieved and now
bury that crown of yesterday.
I rise from the past that tried to destroy,
from the bullies and nay sayer....
I move onward each day!
One step at a time and
with my protection through day and night.
I soar like an eagle as....
'My words take flight.'
Sherri Harder Oct 2017
Not afraid to take a stand.
Not afraid to publicly declare.
I love the Lord with all my heart.
The devil loses in his snare.

Not afraid of being bold, not afraid
to pray.
Not afraid to read my Bible,
It's the word of God... 'Hey! I'm just saying!'

Not afraid to keep on learning,
even as a christian, could learn more.
Not afraid to admit that I am not perfect,
but only God will keep the final score.

Not afraid of standing up for truth.
Not afraid to die.
Not afraid to tell it like it is, even when
Satan's deceiving with his lies.

Not afraid of darkness,
not afraid of light.
There is only one true light--
His name is Jesus Christ!

Not the one who masquerades or will
come to manipulate.
Not the one who pretends to love,
cause underneath the devil is
of jealousy and hate.

Not afraid to live my life.
Not going to let people dictate what I should do.
Not afraid to take a stand
for Christ, because only Jesus sees me through.
Sherri Harder Sep 2014
My life is an autobiography.
I hate monsters and biology.
I like dance and song.
rhythm keeps me strong.
My heart is like a non-stop battery
going up and down
and re-charging steadily.
Eyes are like a hawk piercing through time
coordination is an instrument tuned to rhyme.
Memory sharp and so eidetic.
Focusing on the beauty, calling me to be poetic.
Visiting the past.
Some things never last.
The day in the life of I.
Sometimes I had to do my best or try.
Still here
not there.
Vacation time is done
The battle I have won.
Learning to overcome
from the things that bring me down I run.
Overall my life was blessed.
I don't dwell on the negative yet in God I rest.

Sherri Harder
Sherri Harder Jun 2015
A poets heart is truth from what we feel inside.
Its not a game to play where we feel pride.
We might feel more than others and deeply
care from within our hearts.
We express so openly and honest and want
to share some of these heartfelt thoughts.  
You may not always like what one of us has to actually say.
It may sound good, it may sound sad, but for
those that hate, I pray.
My heart is full of so much love and want to share
with you.
That one day when life is over here, I know God
will see me through.
So when these days are finally over and all on earth
here is done.  
I will cherish every moment knowing God's battle--
He hath already won.  
To you the reader, we have a legacy of what we
leave  hopefully not sounding like a bunch
of nerds.
We have an honesty about us to let you know
what we feel from inside and describe it
poetically with words.
So if you ever want the truth and ever doubt things I say that make you sad or cry.
Please feel like you can ask me what I feel, and in a poem
maybe learn the truth and why.
Sherri Harder Sep 2014
Fast, windy, noisy,
such as the wind at sea.
light, wispy, fluttering,
as a bird to be.
frantically, busily, swaying
are the leaves blowing in the air
as the storm briskly rolls through
just like a running stallion or mare
last raindrops drip and
trinkle down,
like little trinkets to the ground.
As darkness leaves and
now is bright
from dark to grey and now clouds white.
From thunderous claps and echo's gone.
A rainbow prevails as this painting's dawn.
A new day gone and another sigh'
with a poetic painting 'the storm gone by'
Sherri Harder Jun 2015
Under the sky at night
I feel a gentle silken air of touch.
Under the kiss of moonlight,
I poetically feel so much.
Sherri Harder Oct 2017
I Have fun, I have zest!
Oh, hell ya--
Redheads are best!
Sherri Harder Oct 2017
I once again write this poem in time,
as the hands tick with the clock.
To take a stand and declare, that surely
"Redheads Rock!"

Blondes may have some fun, and
brunettes can put up fight.
Now we come more bold and brave,
as our flags wave "Gingers Unite!"

Don't think we will be bullied.
We will defend our honor as our duty.
Too all the coppers, golden, orange,reds...
and to I - the "Auburn Beauty!"
Sherri Harder Aug 2014
Reflections of fire in the mirror I caught in
the eye to look.
A warm feeling came over me, just like a
romance setting from a book.
Reflections of fire in my mind, could be
a metaphor of lost love.
A burning passion that lost its spark,
like a worn out leather glove.
Reflections of fire make me yearn for
a sense of serenity.
For reflections of fire that burn
is not mine true destiny.
Sherri Harder Oct 2017
Whilst writing a thought of a poem ot two,
shall I write what I've learned or  
a memory hue?
Some rhyme, and some not, like
'again' and 'hen.'
Others write and rhyme with
'again' and 'pain.'
It's not about how you feel inside all the time,
or how you relay words.
It can be merely painting a picture, like art
and to be free as the birds.
So as art taketh on slopes, colors
that which creates a scene;
just like some sentences play out
like an enchanting dream.
Like a stroke of a paint brush, pencil and
shading of an art, gum eraser;
some with pen,  carved out like a sculptor,
with words whispering to paper.
Together they bind when put into thought,
whilst some rhyme and some flow;
some stand bold without rhyme,
yet still quite a show.
Just as a ring leader at a circus
commands their stage.
I write and close off for today,
with this new crafted page.
So if you don't like my poetry,
then please do not dwell.
I shall  bid you good night and to
you a farewell.
Sherri Harder Jun 2015
I do not trust many people because I am afraid
of how they can punch me in the head if they ever get mad.
I do not know what some people are capable of.  
Mean abusive people make me sad.  
Trust is earned through time but can be broken.
Who can you really trust and why.
A battle in my heart I cry.
Sherri Harder Aug 2014
Dark and lonely
no one knows,
yet in the dark there is
a light that glows.

  Like an angel watching
and a sense of peace.
No more sadness,
now to feel at ease.

  Like a true friend that
will warm your heart,
or a true love forever,
never to part.
  Like a poem, song,
or melody.
A tender air filled with serenity.
Sherri Harder Jun 2015
I want to run and be set free
of this ****** world closing in on me.
I want to soar like an eagle or dove.
Then once again am reminded of His love.
Set me free Lord I humbly pray.
Set me free from these burdens
through night and day.
Sherri Harder Oct 2017
There once was a girl named Sherri.
She was writing a poem, not scary.
She had auburn hair.
Her skin pale and fair.
She is definitely not ordinary.
Sherri Harder Oct 2017
If thou shall speak to me... talk!
Talk thou as if you would speak to me.
Sherri Harder May 2014
Gentle breezes like the morning wind,
whispers softly on my skin.
  The sun approaches in the sky,
eagles soaring as they fly.
  Mountains all around and a valley down below,
spring is drawing nearer as flowers start to grow.
Sherri Harder Oct 2014
Strength is getting back up
when life knocks you down.
learning to cope when all you have
is a frown.
Strength is learning to fly in the dark
when there is no flame.
When all else fails, but someone
whispers your name.
Strength is not being scared
when things get tough.
Its learning to cry, hurt, and still
find the humour when people
are rough.
Strength isn't giving up hope and
always saying goodbye like a passing
lesson or two.
Strength is sticking through, and standing
by with possibilities too.
Nothing is easy and some run away
with fear.
Strength is standing your ground
and saying despite differences,
you'll always be there.
Strength is not always how much muscle
you have or how much you train.
It is having courage to be strong
even through pain.
Sherri Harder Aug 2022
Rising up from the tears
I've cried.
Surviving storms from heartbreaks
Obstacles that have been;  
I now erase.
Once again, I find
my place.
The sad world we live in, I cannot
Some won't take a helping
hand, some fake and just just pretend.
Where is our honor and
Where is compassion that we
cannot see?
Everyone is in it for themselves.
We're not ornaments....
out on shelves.
I will not conform to that...
"No way!"
Better to kneel to God
and pray.
For He is the only truth and
"Oh Lord guide me through each
night and day."
As I break free from doubts that try
to tear me apart;
I know my faith lives on inside me...
never to part.
I know where I have struggled through,
who I am, and where I came from.
in the end, I always know that through Christ
I have the strength to overcome.

@ Sherri G Harder
Sherri Harder Aug 2014
Walking down the road at night with the
lights dancing through the breeze.
Trees swaying, casting shadows
like a flirtatious whisper or a tease.
Summer perfumed scent so
Chills go through me, so
Oh summer night is here.
Sherri Harder Aug 2014
A young girl sways back and forth ecstatically
in a rustic, creaking chair,
with the peaceful country setting and
summer, scented air.
  The evening sky turned dark with the sound
of alarming fear.
The clouds briskly rolled through with a
tremble to the ear.
  Running through patio doors wide open
as she saw light dance across the lake.
Flashes of lightening caught the eye,
while she watched the heavens
Written by Sherri G Harder
Sherri Harder Oct 2014
Looking up at the sky so beautiful tonight.
Feeling so much love in this time and space
so right.
The symphony plays of harmonious chords,
while writing my thoughts with poetical words.
Seeing the stars twinkle like diamonds of
Sparkling, magical, feeling happy.
Wish this feeling would stay and never end.
As the sky drapes its paintings of orchestras,
beauty, to lend.
Sherri Harder Sep 2014
Thanksgiving is a time we are thankful
for what we've got.
For the food on the table and what
harvest hath brought.
Thanksgiving to some is  a cold,
autumn day.
Yet to be thankful quietly they
Thanksgiving is remembered usually
with gourds, leaves, and turkey dinners.
Praising God even as sinners.
The wine is poured and some drink up.
Just remember who fills your cup.
Thanksgiving is time to be happy
and a time to celebrate.
Memories of mother saying.." come for dinner-
don't be late."
The table set and people feast and dine.
As one says.." pour me another glass of wine."
"Cheers to all and another year of shelter, clothes,
and food to eat."  Yells one.  
Harvest time hath been good, but still isn't
quite done.
Thanksgiving is more than that to me.
I'm thankful for God's blessings everyday-
I see.
Its more than food and a pumpkin pie,
latte, or cake.
Its about the love that Jesus brings for
what is real and not fake.
He died and rose again for our sins,
and another year is almost through.
Thanksgiving is a way of reflecting the past
and be thankful for what's new.
I took a walk one thanksgiving afternoon and
saw a poor man begging for at least a dime.
His clothes were worn out, and I gave him
a dollar and a rhyme.
He smiled at me and said..."Bless your soul,
I wish more cared like you." he cries.
As I walk away I notice a teardrop in his
Thanksgiving is a time when we should be more
than thankful than one day, but to have a loving heart.
Be thankful for what each day brings and not just one day
in the year that taketh part.

Sherri Harder
Sherri Harder Jun 2015
The butterfly once bore the darkness of its past fate.
It changes slowly from cocoon to a better state.
A change in time and ethereal.
So captivating beauty, and so surreal.
Like a bird begins to sing.
As so does this butterfly begin to spread its wings.
Sherri Harder Aug 2014
There are shadows,
where there is light,
and darkness when
all seems bright.
A sense of good, where
there is bad.
Better to see through it,
than to be had.
Piercing eyes and hypnotic
Fighting off the evil
The mind can see what the
eyes do not,
and to win I cannot
be bought.
There is no price or quote to say
that in them will I believe.
Only to know I'm strong and feel sorry
for those that are lost and naive.
I go to bed at night with a peace inside
my soul.
That forever I will be true to God
and to see what I am to know.
Strong willed and strong mind I cannot
be moved by the one that goads.
I look ahead and see a fork in the path,
they are two totally different roads.
I stop and look to see one that so many take and
many follow.
I think its best to take the one with less,
that seems narrow and less shallow.
For in the end all I need is here
and always will be.
For He is always love and truth and I know
that Jesus is the one that loves me.
Sherri Harder Sep 2015
The mind cannot think freely if it is prisoner of ones own thoughts.
short quip-quote
Sherri Harder Oct 2017
Sometimes nothing is as it seems.
It may appear like nothing but dreams.
Like a novel, a story, or mystery.
Might not always be happy, but misery.

Enchanting, captivating, thrilling or mesmerizing.
I can sure read, and always been good with memorizing.
reading, writing, spelling,
marketing, wording,  and selling.

Like a game of chess, one wins on one side,
like the ocean changes with tide.
As to the novel that reads out in due time.
As can poetry rhyme.

Can be a quip with few words--oh what the hell!
Perhaps  a story with witches and wizards casting a spell.
Some ring true to others and others do not.
from copy written lyrics through court battles some fought.

From poems, to letters, a story, or script,
to rhyming, signing, telling or reading lines--do not skip!
From astrology, psychology, genealogy too.
A history pattern developed and a story plays through.

As art to a painter, as student to teacher.
As buyer to seller, as in scripture to preacher.
like a role played by an actor, as a craft that they learn.
like fire is from matches on to paper that burn.

We take on different roles that we write, not just one.
Whatever the story or memory be, it can be fun!
Some are serious, some not and some just with humor.
'Poetry is like magic'- "Oh that's just a rumor!"

Sometimes like a fantasy, or a dream state illusion.
To decipher a code within words, to break up confusion.
Like a detective that finds clues, and puts pieces together,
as to the bride and the groom who stays married forever.

From seasons, to passion, from faith we write.
from heartbreak to storms and the ghost stories that fright.
As the pen  is to the paper, in language we know it.
As the rhyming or feeling soul of the poet.
Sherri Harder Oct 2017
the sun is brighter.
It is also warmer out.
Wear your sunglasses!
Sherri Harder Oct 2017
Chorus: The tides are turnin
and keep me on the rise.
Like the ocean waves,
splashin' - I won't compromise.
I was ten feet under, now
I'm holding on.
the tides are turnin'
I can feel this battle won.

Verse 1: The sea of broken hearts,
can't keep me down for long.
My pen in hand as I sit by
the ocean dock and write my song.
This tides turnin for the better,
I can hear the sound.
I can feel the melody,
that's turning things around.

Chorus: The tides are turnin
and keep me on the rise.
Like the ocean waves,
spalshin'  I won't compromise.
I was ten feet under, now
I'm holding on.
The tides are turnin'
I can feel this battle won.

Verse 2:  As the sun shines on
the water, and ripples to the shore.
I look out to the surfers, trying to
catch a wave once more.
The tides keep dancing,
like a rhythm trance.
the tides are turnin' I hear it
saying "take a chance."
turnin, swaying,
"come on, let's go!"  

Chorus:  The tides are turnin'
and keep me on the rise,
like the ocean waves,
splashin' I won't compromise.
I was ten feet under, now
I'm holding on.
The tides are turnin'
I can feel this battle won.

Verse 3:  Don't stop, don't give up.
I will soar like the eagles looking down.
I will bury that old doubt,
and let it drown.
The tides are turnin'
as the dolphins swim, I can feel
the passion burnin'
No- I won't compromise, I won't disguise.
I'm here now, standing tall upon
the shore, I rise.  

Chorus:  The tides are turnin'
and keep me on the rise.
like the ocean waves,
splashin' I won't compromise.
I was ten feet under, now
I'm holding on.
The tides are turnin'
I can feel this battle won.
Song lyrics
Sherri Harder Jun 2015
One more poem, another rhyme.
One more moment out of time.
Memories clear yet some behind.
A part of me needs to unwind.
Sailing, drifting out somewhere.
To escape some nightmare.
To control the dreams I think.
Finding solstice on the brink.
Day time, night time comes again.
Ignore the bad times and the pain.
So when the monsters draw so near.
I feel the angels closer here.
Praying, fighting, amongst the wicked mass.
Knowing, feeling, 'This too shall pass.'
Sherri Harder Jun 2015
We live in a world so blinded by distractions
we don't want to see.
When will enough be enough so we can learn
to fly so free.
To soar like the eagle and truly know
what is.
To feel love, to feel more like a gentle kiss.

We live in a world with hunger, with homeless
When will we see a way to help those more
unfortunate than we.
We the ones not living there that we have managed
to escape.  
to help those in need and of emotional pain
and ****.

We live in a world full of hate, resentment,
and fear.
When will we show them what is needed
for them to hear.  
For I write to you these words from in my
heart therin,
please help to do our parts-to care,
for this is the world we live in.
Sherri Harder Aug 2022
Verse 1:

The sea of broken hearts can't
keep me down for long...
As I sit by the ocean dock, trying
to write my song.
The tides are turning for the better,
I can hear the sound.
I can hear the rhythm dancing...
I'm turning things around.....around....

Verse 2:

The sun on the water, that ripples
to the shore...
I look out to the surfers trying to catch
a wave once more.
The tides are turning, I can hear it
saying..."Let's dance"...
turning, swaying, "come on, (come on)"
and take a chance.


The tides are turning---- the tides are turning---
the tides are turning....keep me on the rise;
like the ocean waves splashing,
I won't compromise.
I was ten feet under, now I'm
holding on....
From my heartbreak and misery, I'm finally
moving on.

@Sherri G Harder
Song lyrics I shortened  from a more wordier poem of mine  and turned to a song I envisioned  in my mind.  I am still debating on how to finish the last 2 verses from poem.  I have couple more verses. Not wanting to share whole song yet.
Sherri Harder Sep 2014
make a move
don't drop.
Fast track
click clack
run the race
wuz up
holler back

Don't cry
say goodbye
life is short
to retort.
No demands
or make commands
just live
and forgive.
Love, play,
worship, pray

eat, sleep,
drop a beat
write, read,
no greed
fight fare,
time to share.
Learn grow,
centre stage,
front row.
No regrets -
stop the show.

No pain
time to heal
soft touch
time to feel.
open eyes
to the soul
some things
gotta go
Just dance again
in the rain
and feel the rhythm

So tik-tok
don't stop
make a move
don't drop
I wrote this with as a potential song lyrics. Preferably something catchy and up-beat.  I do not write music or notes, however.  The first verse could be the chorus.
Sherri Harder May 2015
He comes to me with gentle whispers
in my ear and softly runs his fingers
through mine hair.
He gently kisses my lips and feel his
breath pressing against me like being
caught up in a lair.
His body presses against mine as
he whispers "you are mine."
As my body tingles with his touch
I snap out of it in time.
While his fingers start moving down,
seeking for more.
I realize he wants to go further than we ever
have before.
As he whispers " baby I love you" and " I always will
be there."  He tries to ****** me with his gentle touch
as I pull away and stare.
He looks into mine eyes with a yearning plea
and says " please let me make you feel good."
I tell him "I have to say goodbye" as I know
I should.
I tell him " I don't believe you and I see through
your disguise."
I say " if only I didn't know what I knew now....I might
actually believe those lies."
He starts to get angry and I see a nasty glare up in
his eyes.
He shouts " baby I just need you" as he starts
to cry.
I walk away...
to see through the disguise.
Sherri Harder Jun 2015
I wish I could just go and swim with the dolphins
and to feel the water splash against my skin.
I want to be able to see underwater and know
I can once again swim.
Sherri Harder Sep 2014
To those that dwell on sadness
and think of hurt and pain.
What really makes you sad?
Are you sure its not all in vain?
To the one whose partner left them,
is he or she worth the agony and strife,
If they could not appreciate you and
accept you in their life?
To the teens rebelling and behaving
like a brat.
Do you really know why your like this?
Your game is getting old, to you no one wants to chat.
To the ones drowning in their sorrows and beer
down at the local bar.
Please be careful after and don't you dare
get behind the wheel in your car.
To the young ones dabbling in and getting high off illegal drugs.
Better smarten up and kick the habit so you don't
wind up like street thugs.
To the ones crying suicide and "watch me cut my wrist."
Maybe think of what your doing.
Is it really worth the risk?
To the stranger in the club that thinks
talking ***** will get me with him in bed.
You are obviously delusional, I'd rather kiss
a frog instead.
To the woman that gets abused
better leave before its too late.
Some are not as lucky as I've been.
Some don't get to choose their fate.
To the lonely souls out their crying all the time
why they think their life should end.
Just remember you have options.
You can allow Jesus in your heart that leads
to a path that will mend.
So to everyone that's listening, to this I say...
there's more to life than heartache,
"just don't give up so easily", I pray.
We always have a choice and one
is always grim.
Don't you think that you deserve
one that isn't dim?
There aretwo roads to follow.
Which one will you choose?
One way leads to happiness and the other
you will lose.
To those that are depressed and homesick
and do miss.
My heart goes out to those that have a heart.
I hope you soon find true comfort, joy and bliss.
So to those that are suffering, you see
you don't have to raise your voice.
To those suffering, you have a choice.

Sherri Harder
Sherri Harder Aug 2014
For the train goes by so fast
full steam ahead.
The engine powerfully in charge with the box cars
being led.
The conductor blows the horn
as its coming around the bend.
As the conductor yells " I hope there
ain't nothing in the way,  for some things
I cannot mend. "
As he grins and sips his coffee listening to another
"chug-a-chug-a-choo-choo,"  he thinks of things he's
seen gone by and remembers with nostalgia,
  As the train will soon approach with the sound of
rolling wheels on the track,
like a rhythm of a song as it sings
"clickity-clack, clickity-clack."
The box-cars roll and caboose will
while the engine slows and does not
Time to help the passengers off with their
luggage and their cases.
Then another trip departs soon from the station
as its engine speeds up and races.
Sherri Harder Aug 2014
Moonlight serenades the dimly night lit sky
with a shade of deep, dark blue.
It reflects a sparkle on the lake at night
with a dazzling, misty hue.

  The scent of pine so rich and
captivating me the most.
The beauty in the nature
with the moonlight playing
heavenly host.

  Sitting by the campfire listening to
the crackling sound.
The flames dance under the moonlight as I sit
on the earthen ground.

  The stars are twinkling, shining so
brightly under the sky at night,
with the beauty of the moon
so bright.

  Looking up at the sky and all the
beauty so far up above.
I am at peace to feel God's
never ending love.

  So as I sit here in awe at His creation
and never question why.
I know I am a child of God,
under the moonlit sky.
Sherri Harder Jan 2015
When I am lost and all else seems to fail,
you are the strength in me to gently sail.
When at times I am sad or lost,
you give me light-like sunshine to frost.
In darkest hours to a long hard day,
I turn to you as I kneel down to pray.
You give me shelter from the storms at night.
I know you're there watching over with your love so bright.
When I am lost I know there are angels watching over me.
Through the times so hard to see.
When I am lost there is only you.
Guiding me and seeing me through.
Sherri Harder Jul 2015
This life may seem a mystery
now and some will not understand,
someday I will be heading home and
not of this foreign land.
Some will cry and some will mourn,
but as truly as this can be,
Just look up and know that I will be much
happier and my soul set free.
So when my time hath come
and only God to love and fear.
I shall not remember this place,
and be with God and new family
so dear.
So when this life is over in the meantime
do my best,
to search Him in scripture and in Him
I seek my rest.
When things on earth are painful and
things seem to go wrong,
I will remember Jesus and trust
he'll keep me strong.
For I realize that this time here
is only temporary and will not
forever last.
I will yearn to seek Him and hold my
angels hand to walk when I shall pass.
Sherri Harder Oct 2017
What do I begin to say?
A starting line, like a new day.
Do I simply say hello?
Will you let me know?

Like once upon a time?
Like in a fairy tale rhyme.
Do I write a poem or a quip?
Will you laugh or will you trip?

From the memories we shared,
do I write a story for you?
Do I speak what's on my mind?
Tell me darling, before the
night is through.

Do I send you a love letter,
sealed with a kiss?
Do you think of me or of me
even miss?

Where do start?
Where do I begin?
I want to be your babe,
and in your heart, to win.
Sherri Harder Nov 2014
Why do we open up and share
our thoughts so free?
When people lie, and betray the trust
that was never really meant to be.  
Why do we choose to give,
when all but most do take?
We are vulnerable to play the victim,
and they think we're the ones are fake.
They hurt with deception and hide between
their disguise.
For what they tell you is far from truth and
covered up with lies.
For seduction can seem like beauty,
rose petals and white lace.
What is really going on is like arsenic
poisoning trying to **** with just a trace.
Why do we trust some people and open up
our lives to some?
When we have no reason to trust, what
have to us succumb?  
Why do we take vows and choose to trust?
When all most think about is far from love,
but really lust.
Why do we forgive and some do not?
Why do we trust?  Are we sold out?
Are we bought?
Sherri Harder Aug 2014
The cool winter air leaves
a trace of frost.
To remind us that warm summer
nights are now lost.
  For the leaves are raked and
off the ground.
Cold, beauty,silence, and
barely a sound.
  Soon snow will sway so
The Christmas lights glitter
so beautifully.
Sherri Harder Oct 2017
I hear the mountains calling
my name as it beckons me to come.
I feel the winter chill through my bones,
with a kiss from the gentle, smiling sun.
Day dreams capture my mind with the
peaceful, sparkling snow.
Dazzling my senses with tingly shivers that
I have learned to know.
Mountain caps veiled beautifully, glistening
like a majestic crown of earth.
Echoes of laughter fill the air, like a new
adventure to rebirth.
Going up, the adrenaline rises, as the trees
are passing by.
Winter beauty all around, whispering...
'it's time to fly.'
Getting off, I'm ready now.
To the mountains, with thrill elope.
I am set free like a bird who flies, as I
go to carve the mountain *****.
Sherri Harder Sep 2014
When life gets you down,
stand tall, don't frown.
It doesn't really matter what
other people say,
as long as you, trust in the Lord and
faithfully pray.
When you see sorrow, sadness,
and pain,
keep marching ahead,
"It is finished."  Jesus said.
He died and rose again
from the cross for your salvation.
Don't ever let the lies of the devil
bring you down to die with his damnation.
Life is a war for your mind, and Satan
will try to battle,
God loves you as his child,
so don't let your mind rattle.
Satan can transform himself like
a rose, and back like a snake.
Don't be fooled with thoughts
of self-loathing, doubt and hate.
This poem is not about me,
but feel compelled to write this.
To those that are struggling, lost,
and sad do not take these words to dis.
Your life is of value, more than money
and gold.
Stay true to yourself, don't bow to the devil
and fold.
The devil will lie and in lies about in who
you are sell,
Don't get caught in the trap of the serpent
and wind up in hell.
Win the battle!
Sherri Harder Oct 2017
With treasures lost at sea,
forbidden places we see.
I take your hand, as we explore,
along the beaches tides that soar.

As dawn sets in, as sunlight fades,
soon the sky will set its shades.
The water rushes at our feet.
We come together as our eyes meet.

You gently hold and hug me tight,
as we still gaze at each others sight.
Your fingers strung through my sunset auburn hair,
as I take a breathe of  sea swept air.

Then firmly pulling me so close,
with waters with the sand between our toes.
You grab me firm as we embrace,
your hand then lingers on my face.

You take my breathe away with just one kiss.
Along the ocean's tide of bliss.
With this passion, I cannot hide.
As you take me in - Oh with the tide.
Sherri Harder Oct 2017
I know the way you love me
by the way you hold me tight.
You make me feel like I'm the only
girl in sight.
I feel it in your hug and feel
love in your embrace.
I see it in your smiling eyes, and
feel it in the way you touch my face.
When we're apart, there was a time
that I would truly miss.
The passion you would spark,
from just a lingered kiss.
Your way of loving me, not
always vocal, but I know its there.
Just like the summer beach blown
breezes that are in the air.

— The End —