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91 · Nov 2018
Halloween Harvest Song
i am shadow
         the sleep
that severs
    spirit from body
The river crossed
What will you pay the ferryman?

   the faded wilted rose

  drains like wine
    from the shattered crystal chalice

Thorns no longer pierce
Bones to rotten wood
Blood to sea-water
Flesh merely sandy clay
Inspired by Toad the Wet Sprocket - Walk on the Ocean
89 · Sep 2018
Broken Circle
On the occasion of leaving Pillar of Fire Church

Words of steel spoken
like a lover's quarrel
the crimson glowing glory of love
poured out like wine from a cup
The dream has faded
The rain has put out the fire
shattered illusions
fragments of a picture
that was once a rainbow
now only painted shadows
Men fail,
Trust is broken.
Only the Truth is forever...

But now it's over,
and I'm ready to move on
87 · Sep 2018
Strange Fires
Fleshly desires escalate
Lust for flesh untamed
85 · Sep 2018

From a dream, a design
by the carpenter's hand a house
is formed

Innumerable rocky layers
press of tectonic plates,
quakes, volcanoes
a mountain range is formed

Winding river, howling windy erosion
a canyon is formed

A seed, soil, rain and sun
a tree is formed

A mist, sunbeams streaming
a rainbow is formed

Clouds, gravity's pull
a storm...
a raindrop is formed

Clouds scattered battling electrons
lighting formed ...

Here a great mystery
the very breath of God
dust of the earth
Man was formed
Adam, Eve, they conceived
our race was born
  Generation to Generation
the thread of life descended
So you in your mother's womb
were formed

By spirit conceived,
Jesus lived, Jesus died
Jesus resurrected
  The second birth by which your life
  was newly created

Not just FORMED...
85 · Sep 2018
Set me FREE
In between the desolation
And hope of liberty
I hear stories of others You
set free
Why doesn't it work for me?
Is it something wrong in me?
I can't get closer
lower the barriers on my own
Clutching claws
reaching from the dark I have slipped into
Running from You
Prefering darkness to light it seems
Comfort of misery
don't have the bravery
to exit the cage
Coming to my knees, SET ME FREE
but give me the desire to walk when times are good
thinking You're not the one I need

I still run when the time has come
to open the book
to approach throne
What's rising in me?
maybe it's just flesh
...that isn't really me
The time is drawing closer
To your return, or to the end of my days...
still stuck in insensibility...

I cry out turn me from my ways
I cry out turn my heart away
from what I think I need

find me a reason to be
less to doubt
something to believe

making choices ... not emotionality
Change me
Where doing good is not enough
where not being empty is not filling

reaching out to set others free...
Is this love in me?
77 · Sep 2018
Remember the wind
The breath of heaven
as it lifted you up
on its wing

Remember the sea
Hear the whisper of its waves

Remember the ashes
From which you arose
like a new flame

Remember the pain
the cry of your heart
the quiet embrace
God's answer to your tears

What is the song of your heart
in this moment?
Let it be joy!

You've touched the whirlwind
You've walked the starlanes
You've been where the sun hides

76 · Sep 2018
The Bride's Song

The King offers the promise of heaven in His hand
The heaven of His glory

He calls
My soul is stirred by longing
breaking through my dreams and
Bursting my heart free from the *******
of the earthly realm

His eyes of fire and love
seek my face
Our gazes lock

He invites me to dance
I reach out my hand
His first touch so warm and electric
I draw nearer
My first step is tentative
His arm of strength envelops me
His right hand stops to caress my face
His embrace is passion personified

He leads me so meekly
a Shepherd with an infant lamb

He whispers so tenderly
the words of peace, love and joy
I sigh
As He lifts my head
For our first kiss

Enraptured by the pulse of His heart
He is a rose, blood red with petals
dancing in a cool breeze
He is my Bridegroom

He is building our shelter
our habitation
of joy
74 · Sep 2018
Seeker 10-3-07
We wander high
we wander low
we go
but we don't know
We get confused
We lose direction
So many roads
So many voices
In a world where
it seems Truth is shattered
like glass on a pavement
But there You are waiting for
The seeker

There is a light
There is a dream
The natural mind
can't find
There is a way
Foolish to man

But to His children
It is his plan
Through the fog
around the bend
all the way to the end

You, Lord Jesus, are with the
The seeker
68 · Sep 2018
The Grail
You lifted up
the communion's cup
that we might share in the fellowship
of your sufferings

You did not let pass from your lips
but drank the bitter cup
of agony in a lonely dark garden
that is our eternal bliss

The Wine of Grace which gave us life and freedom
was the taste of death for you
as you poured out
your life into this cup

Oh Captain, my Captain
through the bread of your flesh
this precious cup of blood
we partake of the destruction
of death and hell
the resurrection of life

In the darkest moment of all history
you poured out your crimson glory
for your eternal Victory

You declared us brethren in praise to your Father
Your are the child given for signs and wonders
the way back into the Kingdom for Israel
from the Lord of hosts who dwells in Zion
Let us drink the cup
and give thanks for joy everlasting

Your offering;
Our Grail...
66 · Sep 2018
Fiery angelos
Winged messenger descending
wondrous prophecy

— The End —