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Mar 2015 · 9.9k
Sad Case Mar 2015
Waves crashing, upon my heart,
All I've come to know, was ripped apart,
My clean arms, have bleeding scars,
My thoughts, have been butchered,
Emotions never ending, bottled up inside,
The screams you never hear, the ones I always hide,
In this lonesome room, yet another,
Mar 2015 · 620
They Say
Sad Case Mar 2015
They say to hide my scars
But I don't want too
They say it's OK
But it's really not
They say I'm crazy
But I'm completely sane
They say that I don't try hard enough
But I try my hardest at everything
They say I don't know what pain is
But I fight battles everyday
They say who am I battling
I say myself...
Sad Case Mar 2015
1, 2, 3, 4
My body, I can't feel no more
5, 6, 7, 8
Always filled with hate
9, 10, 11, 12
This world is a living hell
13, 14, 15, 16
Crippled, and non existing
17, 18, 19, 20
I better run, I know you're coming
21, 22, 23, 24
Someone's banging on my door
25, 26, 27, 28
It's the police, they have come for me
29, 30, 31, 32
No more crying, I'm done with that ****
33 34, 35, 36
I have hung the rope, and said my goodbye's
37, 38, 39, 40
I have jumped, and I have died
41, 42, 43, 44
45, and so much more
as I fell, they just yell
Mar 2015 · 381
Sad Case Mar 2015
There is a time for everything
A time to give up.
A time to end.
There's also a time to be sad.
Right now is my time.
Wish me luck.
It's time to redo everything.
I'm starting over.
I'm getting happy.
The plane that I was supposed to be on landed.
And didn't burn to ashes.
Yeah, I might have missed the flight.
But I'm fine.
'Cause there's a new type of plane.
This new plane takes you.
Up to see the heavens.
The light.
People call it suicide.
But I call it life.
This is my time.
Wish me luck.
It's time to redo everything.
I'm starting over.
I'm getting happy.
Mar 2015 · 464
You Not Me
Sad Case Mar 2015
**** me.
Save me.
Love me.
Hate me.
Date me.
Dump me.
See me.
Not me.
Hide me
Find me.
But don't.
Be me.
Be you.
Only you.
Mar 2015 · 593
Sad Case Mar 2015
Wrists stained red.
All has gone to hell.
You picked me up.
When I fell.
I've Drowned.
Everything out.
The screams of my family.
Before I fell.
I went down.
Don't let me drowned.
Lost is now found.
My mom ran towards me.
And dropped to her knees.
I was gone...
My brother opened my diary.
With tears on his face.
He read the last entry aloud.
It said...
"I love my friends, family, and all...
But this has to end.
So I will fall.
Off the edge...
But this time i will be dead..."
Mar 2015 · 304
Forgotten Road
Sad Case Mar 2015
Take a breath.
Let it go.
Let it rain.
Make a rainbow.
Let her cry.
Make her smile.
Don't die.
Last awhile.
Take my hand.
Don't let it go.
As we walk down.
This forgotten road.
Mar 2015 · 1.2k
Sad Case Mar 2015
I'm a ghost and everyone knows it.
Peoples words flow through me at high speed.
People walk through me as if I wasn't there.
Who am I? Who was I?
Is this even real or is this just another dream, another nightmare?
Another death, or a new beginning?
The roses blossom and everything starts to get better.
But one day a twister hits and I the ghost is blown to bits.
My wrists are bleeding, tears a flow.
As I say to myself "Its time to go back to my world of other ghosts."
I say "Its been fun.  I'll miss you all."
As I close my eyes, and i fall.
But this isn't goodbye, and that's all.
Mar 2015 · 969
I Wanna
Sad Case Mar 2015
I wanna take a leap.
I wanna down a drink.
I wanna run away from this sickness that tortures me.
I'm wallowing in the screams.
Not aloud to cry.
So I make up with a sharp knife.
Grabbing my last hope of relief.
I take my pen.
I tear it apart 'til there's nothing left but the spring.
Letting, letting  the blood flow hiding it with a white sheet.
Staining my shirt sleeve a crimson red.

— The End —