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Sam Riede Mar 2020
To sin is to be;
A simple fact,
of humanity,

But if we choose,
to ignore it's moral;
Engrossed by things, simply temporal,

We'll be without humility,
and all things found,
Sam Riede Mar 2020
A virtual shift, into another reality,
One, of honest brutality,
Form, of raw actuality;

Nature and absurdity,
Cultivated, Insanity.
Sam Riede Mar 2020
Shame arises, when shame is due.
It's conception formed, in me and you.
Without its check, you'll come to see,
that you probably lack,
Sam Riede Mar 2020
David David wiggle about!
His only wish: to play and shout!
But little David must do his rounds,
And eat his apples by the pound!
For if he is to hop with glee;
He must keep up his therapy!
Sam Riede Mar 2020
A glance; a chance
To see something more,
Dependent on eyes
Of I's that soar.
Free in flight, telling of soul,
Though most seem cast,
Upon sullen floors.
Sam Riede Mar 2020
Eyes intercepted,
Linger some more.
Reveal the heart,
Of that one's whole.
Enchanting the viewer,
All the more.
Sam Riede Mar 2020
I don't know what's to become of me,
I don't know if I'll have a people to call my own,
Or a place to call my home.
I don't know if I'll encounter success as it's agreed;
A definition by you or by me,
though I know I'll have my smile;
A peace of serenity,
Bordering on ecstasy,
That will make life worth its misery,
For self security,
Is surely the best remedy.
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