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Pushing Daisies Jun 2014
I like to watch them,
as they fold gently,
Into newly found realms,
Of softened happiness.
Scents of lavender,
and milkweed,
Blaming their aches,
Until they fade away.

I am selfish enough,
To seek comfort in them,
I am selfish enough,
To pretend I am part of them.

Part of this ever growing bubble,
That is verging on delirium.

But I am not,
I know I am not.
This I hope,
Will be unnoticed.

It's easy to mimic,
Or fake your behaviour,
If the outline of what,
You hope to achieve,
is merely,
A heartbeat away from you,

It's easy to colour,
between the lines,
Even if my pencil,
is shaded melancholy blue.
  Jun 2014 Pushing Daisies
Listen to the wind screaming
And the air howling
The thunder rolling
Lightening illuminating the black skies
You will hear the storm
And remember me;
She wanted storms
Pushing Daisies Jun 2014
There's a rooms where the light
won't find you,
Darkness will dilute all
You hoped to be.
In the black you can't see,
What's behind you,
But his breath is so heavy,
As you breathe.

Trapped in a open space,
That feels endlessly enclosed.
You can't escape the truth,
Or walk down the right paths road.

In this room where the light,
won't find you.
All alone is the life,
You can achieve.
In the black you can't see,
What's behind you,
But you'll feel him,
As he falls to his feet.
Pushing Daisies Jun 2014
You tell me,
I need to breath,
As you watch,
My rib cage heave.

There's comfort,
In your clouded eyes,
But I ignore,
Your feeble cries,
It's pity lined,
With bitter lies.

You tell me,
I need to breath,
I hold my breath,
And watch you leave.

*you tell me,
I need to breath,
And suffocate,
My self belief.
Pushing Daisies May 2014
I miss you,
More than the infinite,
Timeless number,
Our hearts cannot define.

I miss you,
The waves of efficient,
Self worth you gave me.
The feeling of clarity,
You stretched out,
across the shore.

I miss you,
Now the wind has changed,
And you no longer,
See me as who I know,
I could be.

I miss you,
Being your namesake sunshine,
Now I blend,
With the greyest skies,
And you just lie,

You just lie.
  May 2014 Pushing Daisies
clumsily, I fall -
whether it be in or
out of love with you.
similar to how
I bring accidental pain
upon myself, simply
from knocking
my knee on something
solid. clumsily,
I trip over my own
footsteps. I know not
my destination, or
what I'll do upon arrival.

clumsily, I allow
myself to create pathetic
fancies. stupidly,
I give you the power
to inflict
bitter pain upon me.
me, the clumsiest girl
you'll ever know,
who'd be
glad for whichever marks
etched upon her skin,
by you.
coffee shop scribbles
Pushing Daisies May 2014
Where has the tide gone?
Why does it no longer,
Form a pool around my feet,
And send my aching body,
Into a fragile glass like state?

Where has the rain gone?
Why does the water,
Not fall from the parting clouds,
And crash down upon,
My broken bones?

Where has the wind gone?
Why does it no longer,
Wrap it's wrath around my core,
And wind so tightly,
Around my vacant soul?

Where has the sun gone?
Why am I left alone,
In the absolute darkness,
Unable to feel warmth,
Diffuse across my skin?

Why can't I feel pain?

Why am I so numb?
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