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Pitch Hiker Oct 2020
I hope I met your needs.
I hope my smile was the right medicine,
Given to you at the right time.
I hope that I was the first thing,
That came to your mind when you thought about home.
I hope that it relieved you to wake up
And see my eyes absorbing you,
Or the smell of my hair from my shower.
I hope you could feel the love I have for you
In every touch.
I hope you could hear my voice
When you needed to be reminded of who you are
I hope that I'm the one you call
If you ever have any reason to
I hope that I was the help you needed,
Whenever you need it.
Because that is all I have ever wanted to be.
I hope you think about me
When you need a reason to smile.
I hope I was the hug to heal all the pain you felt.
I hope one day we will make it work.
I hope that one day we won't be falling apart.
Pitch Hiker Oct 2020
I guess our love is a different kind of love.
Not a bad kind of love.
Just a different love.
We love each other but we don't always understand
One another.
I searched for reasons to be mad
Because I couldn't tell you the underlying problem.
Two different people with different expectations.
Not to say it's not ok to be two different people.
We were just too different.
I saw myself with you in the future.
You were fitted in a striking police uniform
And a warm smile overcoming your face.
We were getting ready for bed preparing for the next time
We wake together.
We chuckle softly,
As if a silly spoken word penetrated our force fields
And we were defenseless to one another.
Pulling one another close and
Holding on to every ending of every minute
In fear that it will be the last.
And we will be alone again.
Pitch Hiker Apr 2020
I constantly overthink in fear
That I am always missing something
Missing something important
Or silly
I am so scared to be missing a key piece
Of information
And be made a fool of
By myself
For not thinking hard enough on it

That is why
I cannot simply stop overthinking
Everything there is to
Pitch Hiker Aug 2019
Yesterday I told my eight-year-old niece
To be a flower
If someone knocks you down
Grow back stronger
If someone calls you ugly
Call them beautiful
As you shine in your own
Beauty and self-worth
You will continue to bloom
And you may help them grow
I told her to smile at those who taunt her
They will be defeated by your bright eyes
Just always remember to be nice
Because nice is what everyone is looking for
When they aren't pretending anymore
Pitch Hiker Aug 2019
I don't feel any sadness in this goodbye
There is no weight to my worries
Tomorrow I leave for college
Yet I feel the same as I ever did
I could leave in silence
Not a word needing to be spoken
Though I will leave with I love you's
And thank you's
Because it's the right thing to do
Mom, Dad, I'm leaving you
I do not plan on returning often
It's time for me to become a new
And learn my place
Pitch Hiker Mar 2019
I do not have pockets full of sunshine
To counter the rain and thunder you throw at me
I do not have a place to hide when you summon
The tears from a dark place I tried to keep hidden
Emotionless was the shell you spoke to me with
When I spoke of my sadness you responded
With okay
Leaving me with the puddles of pain
And the headache of heartbreak
As I remind myself I allowed myself
To let you make a fool of the love I have for you
Pitch Hiker Feb 2019
Gone with destruction,
Is the worst kind of gone.
Its a gone that never comes back,
Gone is the home I ran to when
Home wasn't home.
Gone is the place I cried my hardest,
And learned the best.
Visions of my childhood fall
With every tree you cut,
With every natural beauty you turned into profit,
My untouchable world ***** by you and your
Machines of metal
Never asking the kids in the neighborhood,
(I which you are considered an intruder to),
What the woods across the street meant to them
What they meant
Every tree and woodland sound found my company.
Providing me with wholesomeness, as I knew
When I was there, I wasn't alone.
Knowing no one could find me and hurt me
As I was being cradled by the natural curve in the branch
Of a large oak
A friend you chopped at the ankles
And gave a price tag.
As if my security and state of mine could be bought.
You stuffed fallen trees into magnificently formed
Streams that now only trickle.
As I walk into the woods
That I once knew as my wonderland
I only see an unfamiliar land,
Almost as bare and naked as I feel standing in it.
And I cry quietly.
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