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155 · Jan 2018
I Take This Moment...
Curtis C Jan 2018
Today I take a moment of Gratitude, a time to be truly Thankful and know that I am Blessed for all the gifts, lessons, Love, Joy, smiles, Laughs, songs of joy and so much more that has been given to me by so many,  My friends, my family, my Guides, my Teachers and all others.  I know at times it may have looked like I wasn’t Grateful but I am…I just didn't know, see, understand, realize or was aware of it at the time.  But it all stayed and I used it all and have move forward because of It.  Thank you for standing by me even when I wasn’t standing with myself.   It took time and more experiences but I know, I understand, I Am Aware.  Now I move forward but not without you but with you always. For what you have given me is apart of the foundation of this thing I call my Life and you will always be in my Life in some shape or form.  Please know that I Am Grateful for it all.  Thankful that you gave it.  Blessed that I opened up to receive It and now I go out to share It all.
I Am So Blessed and Grateful…Thank You!
153 · Jul 2017
Curtis C Jul 2017
Starting my day very quietly. Clearing my mind and knowing another wonderful day is ahead.  I feel it is going to be a long day and I am choosing to enjoy every moment of it and leave myself open to every adventure, the new ones that will start and the ending of some old ones.  Knowing that all that I require and want is there, waiting for me, surrounded in Love, happiness and tons of Joys.

I am always celebrating the Freedom of my life. But with the 4th of July coming up I am truly focusing on Freedom, not just in what I have but in who I am…the Freedom to be me! The Freedom to Love.  The Freedom to walk and stand tall.  The Freedom to change and grow.  I celebrate this fact and know we all have this Freedom to be who we are and take the actions to move forward toward the highest Good.

This week really focus on the Freedom that we all have and use to make conscious choices in our lives and know that our choices and lives are based in Love, Truth and the Freedom to just BE!  
Be aware and celebrate your Freedom to BE!
I Love You!
Curtis C Jun 2017
"have you notice that there are some people that only come to you when they need something..."

'Yes, I know. But do you know how wonderful it feels that when someone needs help or Love, you are one of the first people they think off.  It makes me realize; I am doing something right!
and yes, I also know some people call me foolish because of it.
hehehehehe...I call myself foolish at times but I've come to accept that I would rather be "a fool for Love" than "a fool for hate".
In being an ole fool, I know where to draw the line..
where Loves begin'

You see, what I do, how I help others is because I want to.
My foundation is Love and goodness.
What we all come to this place with and in Love and goodness
but as we grow older we forgets.
I Am here to help. To Be...Me.
151 · Jun 2018
In a moment...
Curtis C Jun 2018
In a moment, after frustration, sitting in the night with nature, just before you release those feeling and sensations, take a look in that place where those feeling come and you will find beauty. Collect the beauty and hold on to it and release the frustrations into the flow. The next moment after that will be from the beauty you have collected. With release from a dark place beauty and light will lead one heart beat. One deep breath.
151 · Jun 2017
yesterday and today
Curtis C Jun 2017
You ever have one of those days that everything is going good but things just seems out of place?
That was my yesterday...a Great day but an out of place day. There were times that I felt I was just standing in the wrong place.
My lil inside voice kept saying, "keep going, you're fine. You should be here. Keep moving." it was a Great day!!!! I'll just keep moving and see what happens!
I'll be happy, loving, grateful, focus and ready for an adventure. I'll share what I have and be open for what's to come. I'll celebrate everything and enjoy it all. I listen to understand, not just to reply.
I'll create something and make sure it's wrapped in good.
Oh, I'll study my lines!!!!
Today I shall find playfulness in all I do.
We are all here for a reason. Sometimes we my not know why but stay!!! It might be just so you can have a little fun. So, smile, laugh, Love, be happy and just have/create a good **** day for yourself.
This is Your day to create as you wish...
Don't runaway for it, you have the stuff to create it...DOIT!!!
Love you, BIG SMILES and shake that thang!!!!
147 · Jul 2017
Curtis C Jul 2017
To walk this journey for many days and still find new ways to step upon the path

To breathe deep and learn so much in that moment

To smile at a stranger and have the blinding light of gratitude shine into your eyes for their eyes

To look into the eyes of a child and see the world of Love within them

To see a troubled soul and hear a voice say;
“It’s okay, it’s only temporary !”

To be reminded that your own situation is just another step on your journey

To stand at the crossroads and see unlimited possibilities

To remember, no matter how dark life my get there is always a tiny light shining…
Go to it and see how bright it become.

To have all this happen in every moment of your journey…

You know, you ain’t done yet…you have so much more to do
And so it is.
147 · Feb 2018
And So It Is.
Curtis C Feb 2018
I am not as foolish as you think.
Yes, I know who and what you think I am.
But I look in the mirror everyday and I know me.
Not the me I want to see but the true me that's standing there.
But I know there is change and I accept it each day.
For I see My Beauty and I know My Love.
I am Love, Loved and Loving.
And so it is.
146 · May 2018
the crossroad
Curtis C May 2018
Don't be afraid when standing at the crossroads. Look down and see the footprints of those who was there before you. Yes, it maybe your first time there but relax, it not the last. Be excited and look in each direction and see all that's in front of you. See the choices you have. See the changes you can make. Rest, enjoy, know....
The crossroads is just a place to check it with you, to collect you. This journey we are on, can be traveled with many but no one can do it for us. We can learn from others or move out and learn on our own. The crossroads gives us the time, a place and space to make those choices.
So when you reach that place where the paths meet...stand and let the light shine down on you and know that many have been here before truly is nothing new but it is truly different for each one of use!
See the adventures ahead...
144 · Jul 2018
Great Day...
Curtis C Jul 2018
Great Day to all of You!
May the day bring Great joy to You.
May your adventures and experiences make you smile, laugh, love and see the Good that surrounds You and that's in You.
May you choose to move forward toward the highest.
May you show kindness and Gratitude.
May you just have a Good time and a Glorious day, Celebrate everything, enjoy all and have tons of fun.
Dance, sing...shake that *****!!!
Much Love to You and BIG SMILES!!!!
Get up, get out and DOIT!!!!!
143 · Feb 2018
Curtis C Feb 2018
Releasing feelings,
Focusing on sensations,
Reviewing points if reference
Moving things to different levels,
Some up, some done.
Earnings things as they are,
Not how I want them to be.
Going to that point of happiness within,
Hanging there.
Lonely but not alone.
Being Me with and in Love.
No limits,
It has been a day but,
I Am
Andso so it is.
143 · Jan 2018
here i stand
Curtis C Jan 2018
Here I stand, lonely but no alone. Accepting but letting go. I'll never stop Loving but I'm starting with Me.
I continue to Love..
140 · May 2018
Curtis C May 2018
I recognize, know and believe that I Am a Bright and Shining Light. When I was searching in the dark, I was the light I was looking for.  When clouds were hanging low and I needed to see, I was the light that cleared away the clouds and made it possible to see all that was there for me to see.  I was the light that shined on my path.  I was the light that woke me up and helped me to see more.  I am the light that shines on me and all that pass me. I am the light that lifts me up and keeps me going.  I am a light at all Celebrations! I am the light in the songs and dances. My house can never be dark…why?  
I take this time to share the light with you…because I want you to know:
YOU ARE THE SAME LIGHT, that shines in me because we are ONE!
Be Bright!
140 · Aug 2018
Curtis C Aug 2018
The Journey - On Going.
These paths - ever changing.
The direction - always forward.
The feeling - a Celebration of All, in All, with All!!.
How we do it - together, separate but never and with Love.
Where do we end - We never do, we just continue to Grow!  
Thank you...Life is so Grand and I Am so happy!
139 · Jul 2018
Curtis C Jul 2018
"So True:
Open up, accept and give.
Don't be suspicious, be Grateful.
No and Yes are complete sentences.
Don't let fear rule your Being.
Give and accept Love."
137 · Feb 2018
Being Me
Curtis C Feb 2018
What I post each day is a reminder of  Who I Am and Where I operate from.  We all need to be reminded of stuff like, everyday to make conscious choices, that we are all One, different but in Oneness, that we have unlimited Power, unconditional Love and that is the center of our Being. Seeing all the facts, all of them but reacting for that Powerful center that we have.  To remind myself of where I place my focus to create my Life.  I know I have to make  a conscious choice in each moment to use it wisely.  

I don't post things to convince myself but to remind Me.

I Am the Great that create the Greatness I call my Life and all that happens in IT.  That it is all for my highest Good...the lessons.  I am Grateful, Thankful and Blessed for all that I have.

Love You and have a Great Day!  It is a conscious choice to do so...
Frank Sinatra's "I did it my way" is cued up...let it play out. Do it from the center of Power, for the highest Good!
137 · Aug 2017
Curtis C Aug 2017
Monday, September 24, 2012

1. a systematic series of actions directed to some end: to devise a process for homogenizing milk.
2. a continuous action, operation, or series of changes taking place in a definite manner: the process of decay.

We are all in “The Process”: a journey, living life, doing your thing.  It is all The Process.  We are individual expression of God working through The Process, together in the Allness as the Oneness, creating from our own perspective. Creative Energy, Divine Intelligence, unlimited Power, unconditional Love…The Universe…God.  That’s us in a nut shell, the Allness.   We are at different points, different levels, no one is ahead, behind, good, bad or any other label we us.  When we judge, place a label, think we are better it’s from our own perspective and when we do this, we place that label, judgment, thought own our self because we are ONE and when I see you….I see me and when you see me…you see yourself.  Okay, got that out of the way…

This is from my perspective.  When in The Process we see different things and we react to them from our perspective but we shouldn’t label them because they are what they are:  lessons, light, guides showing us what to check and change in ourselves (above:…a series of changes taking place in a definite manner:).  There are times in The Process that you are at one point thinking you are ahead and a thought, a word, a feeling touch you and you off to another point or level and thinking; “how did I get behind?”  DON’T JUDGE in The Process.  Not yourself or anyone else because it’s all on you when you do.  Someone may look like they are on top of the world, they are doing really well…you think, “WOW!  They are doing it.  I want to be like them.  I want what they got” but you don’t know where they are in The Process.  Celebrate what you have…Celebrate Everything you have because you never know what light and/or awareness you are being given or where you might end up in The Process.  Also, there may be someone looking at you thinking the same thing about You.  In The Process, don’t want what others have to the point that’s all you focus on because you could miss all that Goodness, Joy, happiness and abundance that is yours trying to get what they got.  Remember that in The Process, You are the Great that create your Greatness.  You and the source are one and all there is to be given and receive comes from that One Source….YOU!    You are the co-creator of Your Life…open yourself up to this FACT and this fact is TRUTH!  You are One with the Universe!

We are all in THE PROCESS…    

…to be continue…and changed
Writing from the past (1)
136 · May 2018
I am not asking...
Curtis C May 2018
I am not asking you to think like me or even believe as I do.  As I’ve said before, I write and post what I need to hear and what I believe and I am Grateful when it helps someone else.
But I am asking if you can see and feel the good, experience the joy, know the truth that we are all One and to stand in the circle of Love.  Then from that point, from that place make the conscious choices on living your life and how you believe and how you work with and deal with the facts of your life.
[Consciousness is a dynamic field of awareness that has the ability to either narrowly focus or broadly expand., “the untethered soul”]
I hope we all broadly expand.
We are headed in the same direction, each on our own path.  As you look at the light, check out where it’s shining…accept and work with what you will find.
celebrate, enjoy, sing, dance and ride the ride...weeeeeeeeee!
Love you tons and joy you bring to me…
133 · Feb 2018
How I Feel in a moment.
Curtis C Feb 2018
Today was a day of understanding, clearing away stuff, talking heart to heart and taking deep breaths. To say I Love you and know you are Loved back. To stand in what you know and move forward. A celebration of sorts, giving and receiving light. Talking about the lessons learned. It was a moment within each present moment.
Today I was, as I Am. I do Love you so much. It was a day of great joy and warm feelings. Thank You for the talk and I look forward to many more.
Now to end my day on a high note...
And so it is.
132 · Feb 2018
Look of Love
Curtis C Feb 2018
"One Day My Soul Just Opened UP!"   I've always Known I was Love and Loved...I've always felted the Love that was coming to me...But last night, I truly saw what Love looks like and IT has many faces, many voices and IT is truly all ONE and IT is an Unlimited Power and Unconditional.  Thank you does not seem enough!  I Love you, does not seem enough!  But I Am so Thankful and my Love for you all is Unlimited...Unconditional. Not just the people sitting in the Theatre but the Love I felt coming for all directions...near and far.  My Soul Just Opened up...there were times I didn't know what was coming out of mouth.  All I could Think was Love, THIS is what Love looks like.  Today I surrender, not giving up but Opening up to Everything, letting go and opening up.  
I know that when you move forward, taking it one step at a time, you step, move into something Greater...Oh, Lord!  what I Am stepping into is Greater than my tiny mind can Imagine and I Am stepping and I Am ready...I Am One.  There are No goodbye.  I will see you later...oh, I will take you with my heart, in the Love that I share...for You Are My Life.  I Am and continue to be Grateful.  I am Sooooooooo Thankful and oh my, I Am Blessed. Abundant and prosperous!  I release my word into the Law of Yes, I know it is done. I Am Living It Now!  I Celebrate, I Love, I sing and My Soul Just Opens Up...I Love... I Am Love...I know Love...I know the Faces of Love!  Think You for shining Your Light on ME!
and so IT is.
CCJ (2013)
Curtis C Feb 2018
Today being the day we focus on Love, I thought about the Great Loves of my Life that have transition on. Several of them, I didn't know they were Great Loves but in time with all they shared with me, taught me, gave me...I felt that unconditional Love that they left me with. The lessons that took some time for me to learn but open my heart.  Guides, teachers, friends/family they all always will be.  In moments of silents today...I hear the voices, the laughter, felt the hugs, the kisses, saw the smiles and I realize that even though they are not here physically, they are truly here. They continue being a guiding light, a  teacher, a guide, always family/friends.
I remember today, when I was in elementary school, a friend was hit by a car and died.  I didn't understand and of course, I went to my Grandmother (Ms. Minerva) for answers.  She told me; "his work here was done.  He went on to bigger and better things but would always be there when I needed him."  Then she asked; " What is it that your remember about him?" It was his smile...whenever he saw me he gave me the Biggest Smile.  She than said; " every time you smile, he will be with help you. A smile will always be a light for you." I guess that's when my smiling so much friend, who's name I can't even remember, is always guiding me.  I see that little face with a big - o - smile.  
Then once during, what I call my dark days, I tried the suicide thing...after many pills and wine, I was ready to go but I heard Ms. Minerva say; "your work here is not done...remember to smile, that smile is your light!" Love...Unconditional, continuous, all powerful...coming our way...sit in silent every now and then and focus on the Love and you'll feel that Love for your Great Loves that have transition on, still guiding you, sharing things with you, Loving You...and smile for that smile, their smile is still that guiding light for you.  So, at least once a month, have a Valentine day for you, where you remember the Love, feel the Love and be guided by the Love, their Love.  It never stops and it will carry you forward.
Okay, I know to many this is cra-cra but it is who I am, right now in the present moment...I Am cra-cra Curtis C. and I Love You Unconditional, continuous, with all my Power.
I Am so Blessed...Thankful...Loved...and will continue to stand in Gratitude's Light!
And so it is.
131 · Jul 2018
The Dance
Curtis C Jul 2018
Life is a strange and Wonderful dance. We never know how each step will lead us to the next. But when we truly look in the mirror, while we dance, with open hearts and Love, all we'll truly see is Beauty, the creating of Greatness.
Keep dancing, smiling, creating and Being Human and let it lead us back to our true self...the Divine Being that we are!!!!
130 · Jun 2018
Curtis C Jun 2018
Confusion all around. Feeling lonely but not alone. Standing but moving forward. Tears but no sadness. Light but no shadow. The breeze but no wind. All within the beat of a heart and one deep breath. LIFE, living it. Creating it. Being it!
Good Morning and Good night.
With Love and it will a Good day.
129 · Feb 2018
Curtis C Feb 2018
Sitting, quite, listening...preparing myself. Knowing there is change, seeing the change, accepting the change, taking the action to make the change. Weekend over, lots of light, Love, info & lessons. One step back, two to the side then step out, step forward...Deep breath, what will be, will be but don't you stop growing.
I Am Grateful, Blessed and Thankful...I Am ready.
129 · Jun 2018
The Day....
Curtis C Jun 2018

Today I woke again for the dawn of this new day.  Knowing that whatever this day brings I am ready and will work with it.  Today I will be aware of and focus on the Beauty of this day. The beauty of the things that come my way. the beauty that I already hold.  I've never consider myself handsome or pretty but I've always know I was Beautiful.  I knew, felt and when I focus, I saw the Beauty within me. Now, I didn't always accept it, there were time I turned away from it. But one thing I have learned is...Your Beauty never, never grows within no matter what.  Ofcourse if you would be aware and clear away the stuff, it would grow brighter, faster, fuller but it grows non the less.  
Today, lets all be aware of Our with the things that comes our way for that place within, that Beautiful Place that is within us all.  Look at it, accept it, all parts of it.  We are all BEAUTIFUL!  We are all LOVE! No matter what happens, it is still within us...working for us.  ACCEPT IT and then Share It!  If and when you will be One helluva Day!  
Love, Big Smiles, hugs and kisses!
One step at a time, that's all, just one step at a time!

I don't know what tomorrow holds, but I completely trust the One who holds tomorrow!
129 · Jul 2017
A new day
Curtis C Jul 2017
To wake up in the morning
And know it is truly, a new day.
To feel the changes but know not where.
All the step you have taken has brought you to this point of change.
But what has changed?
You won’t know until you have faced the day.
Trust you and accept you, no expectations, and no regret
Take the step into the new.
Take the feeling and sensations without the fear to begin
…a new day.
It is a new day for you to create.
128 · Jun 2018
Tell me your story...
Curtis C Jun 2018
Tell me your story in your words and actions.
Not that stuff you be told you are or that you should act a certain way.
Tell me what "you" feels.
What "you" think.
How "you" see life.
Tell me "your" dreams and plans, not what others have plan for you!
What adventures do you want to go on?
What do you want to do?
You are a creator.
Your world is yours to create.
The choices are yours to make.
You can believe what you want to believe.
It is your life to create.
This journey is yours. Choose your path.
You are not behind. You are not ahead. You are right where you need to be.
Tell me your story in your words and actions.
The words that comes from your heart and Soul.
Tell me when you stand and I will stand by your side.
But let it be light.
Tell me your story...about your Celebrations, your songs, your dances,.
What makes you smile, laugh.
What brings you joy!
Tell me your story.
For if it is your story, from your soul...
I will listen...for a story of Love is Glorious to hear!!!
I am ready to hear...your story.
Tell me your story!!!!!!
127 · Apr 2018
Love is always here...
Curtis C Apr 2018
Good Morning!
I will always Love You! If I ever felt Love for You, on any level, it will always be within me. LOVE doesn't go away. It's redirected, used differently, become apart of your point of reference (your past). But that Love I have felt for You, has brought me to where I am today! If I stop that Love...I stop me. :-) I know many will disagree and that's okay, we all have our individual perspective on Love, life and all that jazz.
I said all this to say: I am still here and if you need and if I can help you without harm to me, I will.
For all the Love within me, past, present and future is how I create. It is my foundation. So, the Love that we share or shared or will share, will always be within me and yours for the asking because you were/are co-creator of IT!!!
Just wanted YOU to know this.
Have a Great Day!!!
127 · Jul 2017
The ride...
Curtis C Jul 2017
The rides we will take in this process of Life, will always began and end in the same place but it is our knowing, beliefs and reactions that determines the ups and down of each ride, those conscious choices.  Things always happens through us and not to us.
So, buckle up and get ready for a great ride today.  Have fun, enjoy and know that the choices you make will be good and if not...change them.  okay, get ready to throw your hands in the air and yell, weeeeeeeeeee!
Love Y'all!!!!!
126 · Aug 2018
What If....
Curtis C Aug 2018
funny, today I woke up with a lot of "what if's?"
"What if this, that or the other?"
Hadn't even got out of bed yet and my mind started...
Then suddenly I thought, " What if I just Be?"
Just, loving, happy or sad, open, etc.
Just Be whatever, wherever, however.
What if, I just Be in the moment and
let me work through the moment, in the moment, with the moment...
and just Be?
I can't change the past,
I do create my future but that can't be done if
I don't just Be in the moment, the present moment.
The past can't changed, at all.
The future can't be created, if I can't be present now!
So, today just Be wherever you are, whatever you want, feel what you need, work with what comes up and create.
It's all gonna work out with all the downs, ups and some time...
It's gonna be alright.
125 · Sep 2017
So Nice....
Curtis C Sep 2017
So nice, that every time I feel lack, lost, confusion, missing and all that other stuff, from across the miles and memories, I am reminded that I Am Loved!!!! That I do make a difference! That Blessing flow continuously to and from me.
That Light from across the miles and the mile guiding me on my way, reminding me that I'm never alone and the energy of Love is always coming and helping me keep things in perspective. And when it hits me...there are celebrations in my mind, heart, body and soul!!!!
124 · Aug 2017
Curtis C Aug 2017
What do you expect from me?
Ask the question, stop assuming.

What are you assuming I expect from you?
Ask the question, stop assuming.

When the question is asked and the answer given, healing begins.
No more hiding and pretending.
Then you can put real meaning to your relationship:
Everything is a relationship.
Remove the clouds, let the sun out!
Ask the question.
On of the 4 agreements:
Don't make assumptions
124 · Jan 2018
A Thought...
Curtis C Jan 2018
I woke this morning thinking...everyone is going through something. There is something in each of our Lives that we look at and have to take a deep breath. After taking that breath, remove the labels and judgements we have place on it...yes, I know it's hard but try. Experience it. Feel it. All the sensations but don't live in it. Yes, another hard one to do. But do, one step at a time, on moment at a time. Know with each breath you will grow, change, learn, share and keep Loving. You have the memories, these points of reference to create from.  Create something Great to honor, something Grand to remember, some Glorious to teach and grow some more. One thing I can say is, maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow but it will are be okay. As things flow in and out of our Life, with each gonna be okay!!!
Keep sing your song. Keep dancing your dance. Sharing, teaching, growing, changing. Move out of that comfort zone into the next comfort going to be okay and you will see that the Celebrations of Life continue. The journey never stops, it "is" all apart of the process.
You'll pass a mirror and see someone with a Big Smile...then you'll know, in your Being you will know; That in that moment when You see's gonna be okay!!!!
I Love You!!!!
and You Are AWESOME!!!!!!!
Curtis C May 2018
When Thank You just doesn't feel like enough.....
Today I kept thinking about all people in my Life who help me, stand by me, support me, Love me, let me be me and open up to all I have to give.  
Thank You just don't feel like enough.  
I Am so Blessed!  I Stand in Gratitude's Light...Bright Light!  
Whatever the change, the choice, the adventure...I Am Backed.  
Sometimes it's just a note that say..."Love You!"
Sometimes it's just a feeling!
Most time it is so much more...much, much more.
I Am so Abundant!  Soooo Thankful!  
What do you say when, "Thank You!" just doesn't feel like enough!
I Love You with No conditions....No Limits....We share such a Glorious Power...Love!
Tonight I say...Thank You! without the limits that I Love you with.  
Sending hugs, kisses and BIG SMILES!  I Celebrate You Now and forever!
Until I find something Bigger to say...Thank You with unconditional and unlimited...
LOVE!!!! In every present moment...I Love You and Thank You!
Good night and have a Great rest of the night!
123 · Jan 2018
Curtis C Jan 2018
I saw this quote:
Steve Maraboli
"Sometimes there are stormy moments in your life when your friends do more than just walk with you; they become angels that carry you and protect you with their wings."

a flood  of faces, feeling, memories came to mind and heart. I felt myself smile and laugh. Tears came up and my heart was full.  How many times over the years have I had those moments...stormy moments...yes, angels appeared and stayed.   those moments and You have brought me to where I am today and I stand in Gratitude's light because of it all, with it all and I am happy. You have told me it can be done and had faith in me, when I didn't see it in myself but You showed me the way...I Am Grateful.  Storm moments, just remind us what the light looks like, feels like, truly is.  Thank You!  
When I started in theatre, I heard alot: "find your light..." "feel it, can't you feel the light..."  "feel the heat of the light and stand in it..."  I've found it, not only in the theatre but in my Life!  I feel it, the heat of it and I will stand in it....Gratitude's Light...You all, in someway or another, have helped me find that light and always, with your presented in my Life, you are that Light!  Thank You!  
Home is truly where the heart is and when I think about you, am around you, here your voice over the phone....I Am Home!  No matter where I Am, with you in my heart, mind and soul...I Am Home!
...and the Celebrations continue...and so it is.
123 · Jan 2018
Curtis C Jan 2018
Today...Good...worked through it all...Good experiences...conscious choices...conscious thoughts...being creative...silent moments...listening...taking action...surrendering...letting go and opening up...possibilities and opportunities.. Grateful...Thankful...Blessed...a Good day just Being and Loving...whatever it is, its all reaction, responses, the meanings I place on it all is what counts...a lesson I continue to practice...Oh, and Celebrating Everything.
121 · May 2018
Curtis C May 2018
Today…I am focusing on Today!  For it is my experiences, reactions, and Loving that will determine tomorrow,  Its my Loving today, My forgiveness today, My joys today, My seeing the facts of my Life today and working with them all today.  My, not judging today.
“The past is a point of reference and the future hasn’t happen.  It is today…NOW that I must Live, Love, be Happy, etc… and tomorrow will fall where it may.”
Today I asked myself; “if this was your last day here, what do you want it to be like?” (That’s how I talk.)  So, I looked at what I have to do today…I want it to be joyous, Loving, sharing with others, helping others, laughing, celebrating, receiving and giving, blessings, telling others of the wonders in our life, eating, singing, dancing, surrendering, letting go of stuff, opening up to all the good, grateful, thankful and Blessed!
I stopped there and leave myself open to what the afternoon and night will bring.

Where we start today will determine where we end tomorrow…open up and let it be in a different place and moment…
121 · Dec 2017
Curtis C Dec 2017
Gratitude for the day, listening, sharing and staying in the present moment as I move to the next and enjoying the space in between each thought. Today, as in everyday, I celebrate Life and everything that comes with it. There is a Great Joy and happiness in Living and Loving Life and I Celebrate the this moment as I write this I share my Love with you, limitless, unconditional Love and accept you just as you are with no judgement, knowing you are the best you, you can be.
Hello...what's up?...Big Smiles!  Not sure what the day will bring or what I will create today but I will be ready for whatever. I will celebrate Life, find the joyous moments and share all the Love I can.  Placing things back into the flow, no matter how they are labeled but I know it all comes back, different, bigger and way better.  I can honestly say; " I don't know..." but its all gonna be alright.  One step at a's all gonna be alright!!!!
Love, hugs, kisses and Gratitude's light!  Have a Great rest of the Day!!!
120 · Aug 2017
use your words
Curtis C Aug 2017
Stopping letting your action speak for you.
Bone up and use your words.
Words gave more understanding & meaning when they are true.
The place where words and actions don't meet is a lie.
Use your words to express your meaning & feelings...not just your actions.

First of the 4 agreements
Be Impeccable with your word
Curtis C Jul 2017
No one should have to re-live their mistakes everyday or made to re-live them. You should take responsibility for your actions, all parties involved. Learn the lessons and forgive yourself and others involved in the situation. Mistakes are choices, when you know better, hopefully, you will chose better and grow and move forward. Reliving your mistakes or someone else's mistakes does no good because it can't be changed and you give it control over is what it is. You "can" heal from it. As I said, learn and grow from it. So, no blame, judgement, labeling, guilt but lots of learning, change, taking responsibility, growing, forgiving, experiencing the sensations, releasing and moving forward. And at some point, hopefully soon, you make it point of reference ( the past), not away of life. You Heal...
(Now, this is just my opinion. The things I do get pass things, along with my case, sometimes a lot of time. :-) It may not work for everyone but hopefully it will jump start something in you, that will work for you. But whatever you do remember; No one should have to re-live any mistakeof everyday.)
120 · Jun 2017
Love & Fear
Curtis C Jun 2017
I've come to realize; the children of fear never totally leave, just like the children of Love. Something comes up and there they are. Love and fear are the same stick, same yard...we choose which way we are going, which end of the stick we are going to stand on.  Learning and having the balance between the two. When we were children, we let fear's children help us, protect us, we thought we needed them...we choose to let them have that control. That's how it was shown to some of us and now we wonder what's going on.  The children of fear are not here to hurt us. it many situations they are still trying to protect us, even though we don't need that protect. we don't need to react that way. We can make different choices. The choice to play in Love's yard, to be focus and aware of the Love and light that is inside of you, that never, ever goes away.  Each day we choose. in each moment, in that moment to moment journey we have the choice to Love or be afraid.  I was told once, "no matter how dark it may seem, there is always light because you are there.  We are Love's light. It is in is us and we have to let that light out, we make that choice in each experience, which end of the stick do we stand? Who's yard are we going to get the help we need.  We much choose wisely and I am choosing Love's yard.  Coming from that Peaceful place, knowing that it will work out, if and when I work with it all.  Every experience is a lesson and something to teach.  We give and receive in every experience, every adventure, we choose to see and work with it, putting into and receiving from the flow. This is my reminder to me.  I'm choosing Love's yard. Yes, there are a few children of fear running around there playing but it's not their yard, they have no power there, I will face the ups and the downs, knowing that it's gonna be alright and so will I.  
WOW! I should climb down, release and move on.  There is still alot to see here...playing in Love's Yard with the children of Love!!!  Have a Great day and choose wisely!
120 · Aug 2017
You Are Enough
Curtis C Aug 2017
You are enough!

As you look at the big picture of your life,
Like a painter, you must do a section (moment) at a time.
Fix the mistakes. Maybe change direction.
You might find a better way to approach it.
Find the right light to work in.
Not listen to every opinion and just do the best you can do,
With what you have to work with,
Until "Your" picture comes through.
The final choice is always your.

Remember, in each moment You have everything you need
To move on to the next moment.

The last agreement of the 4 agreements
Always do Your Best
118 · May 2018
Unconditional and Unlimited
Curtis C May 2018
To have unconditional and unlimited Love for others, at times, can bring those sensations and feelings of hurt, but those sensations and feelings come with many other thoughts, a lot of them positive.
Some People don't really understand or believe you and won't talk to you about it...they assume...most time the negative.
Some think it means that they can treat you any kind of way and you should accepted it "and" stand around for more.
NO...because unconditional and unlimited Love starts within, for's that inside joy (job) you've heard about.  You won't misuse others and won't misuse yourself or let others misuse you.
You do accept people for who they are and you accept their choices but you also accept, that you can walk away and still Love them.
choices and consequences!!!!! they are yours and with this Love, it make things easier.  
Unconditional and unlimited Love is all Powerful. Awesome Power. Glorious Power. The Power to stand still, to be silent, to stand in ones faith and belief, to say I AM....and not be afraid of what follows.
With this Love You have Great Gratitude and with Great Gratitude you have this Love. All apart of the Journey, the process, that day to day thing, with each step.
I Am in the process, still working on it, getting stronger with each step...I do Love without limits, no conditions, because that is what's in me...getting  a lot better with the inside joy (job) and it's feeling good.
I Love you with no conditions and no limits and if you do feel those conditions and limits....ask yourself: "what did I do to put them there?"
Have a Great rest of the day and tons of LOVE!  a Great adventure or experience await...Get up. Get out and DOIT!!!!!
And so it is.
117 · Jul 2017
The work ahead...
Curtis C Jul 2017
We have to work harder on not projecting our feelings on to others. Assuming what you feel, everyone feels; even if they will be different. Perspective and Perception will be different, even when we think alike. We are all at different points on this journey, with different experiences. Headed to the same place...No One is ahead and No One is behind, we are just where we are. Don't walk away, hide or ignore. Talk, be honest, don't judge and label, we canfigure and do learn something for everyone and we can teach something to everyone...Don't miss out! It could change your Perspective/ Perception, I give you a heads up, open you up to more light. Today, use your Superpower and Love, enjoy, have fun, open up...
There so much more out there.
116 · May 2018
Curtis C May 2018
Today I move toward understanding
Not, " Hey, I understand, I got it..."
But, " Hey, I see. I accept it.
Understanding is a matter of perspective
We each understand in our own way
It does not always make us but we see some light.
We may stay or we may go but we're okay because...
We understand.
Hell Yes!!!
Oh Yes!!!
Let's talk, say what you need to say.
I will step back but not go away.
Your silence will send a whole other message.
Do what you want done unto You, for others.
Love does create the space for understanding.
Trust, believe and know.
Today, simply commit to being a little more awake, aware and connected.

Have a Great **** Day!!!!
It's Your to Create. :-)
Curtis C Jan 2018
What truly makes your Heart sing?
Are you missing the Good you have or just focusing on the stuff you want?
Do you know what it would really feel like to have what you want, all of it?
…have you missed it?
Would your Heart continue to sing if you did not get all that you want?
What do you Require to keep that song (Love) in your Heart if you do not get what you want?
These are a few questions I have been asking myself.
What do I Require?
Does it change what I want?
Just looking at what I have NOW!
Have a Wonderful Day!!!!
116 · Sep 2017
Welcome to...
Curtis C Sep 2017
Welcome to Crazy World!!! Where the rides go up and down at high speeds and spiral down out of control to end on a bed of feathers and takes off again in circles. It also features the Path Maze where every turn is a new adventure and you reach a crossroad that takes  you to Door Land, nothing but doors and you never know who or what will pop out or the Forests of Tears and the Land of Laughs, always a surprise and you never know which one you will end up in.
Crazy World has so much to see and enjoy or...not.
Like Build A Wall. See where the windows go or if there are windows at all and you have to find the light.
The Great thing about it all is You create It. No limits or conditions, all the choices are yours. Just remember to choose wisely and yell weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!
115 · Mar 2018
Your Day
Curtis C Mar 2018
So today move forward, share and give Love, a smile, a hug. Create Greatness. Adventures...have an adventure today, several!!!  Maybe just stop, take a breath and enjoy that moment. Sure, plan out your day but follow your heart. Experience your experiences, take all you need to grow and move forward and release the rest in the flow.
Today be open, grateful, blessed and Love!!!
Okay now, Go Play because it's your day and you got all you need to make it Great!!!!
Love You My Babies!!!!!!!
115 · Sep 2017
Curtis C Sep 2017
I am losing but yet I gain
I stand in the dark and see light
I'm feeling the fear but surrounded by Love
I step back but move forward
I am closed of but very open
I have tears with smiles
I am crazy and yet very sane
I am human and yet a Spiritual Being
Oh yes, hehehehehe, it's called Living the Life!
Have a Great day and know that it's all okay...Live the Life
And choose wisely.
114 · Jul 2017
A Day Of Wondering
Curtis C Jul 2017
Today is a day of wondering. A thought hit me; I thought the move from LA to New Orleans was a "major" change and then from New Orleans to was just a change, within "The Change". The Journey is "The Change". There are things, I admit, the scare me...(a sudden fright, an alarm, with little or no reason: a time or condition of alarm or worry.) Feeling it, experiencing it and letting it go...putting it back in the flow and moving forward.
So, today a day of wondering, surrendering, releasing and letting go, being focus and aware.  For me, that's is one of the ways to make it work...also adding tons of Love to it. Standing in Gratitude, right here, right now, in the present moment...scary and uncomfortable but very, very doable. This is one of my days to DOIT!  Smiling...
Y'all have a Glorious day! continue it one step at a time and sharing the good, love, joy, happiness, all that stuff with others.  BIG SMILES to everyone, hugs and kisses!
114 · Aug 2017
Curtis C Aug 2017
Feeling hurt, feeling sad, care to much.
Much remember, different perspective, different hearts:
Don't take it personally

Don't understand, the rules have change,
Don't take it personally.

You walk away, you come back, I'm not a yo-yo.
Don't take it personally.

You're gonna do what you're gonna do.
I don't take it personally.

The 2nd of the 4 agreements
Don't take it personally!!!!!
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