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  Jan 2015 Peartini
Ocean Blue
... My eyes,
To mirror your sighs,
I will give you my smile,
To dance with your smile,
I will give you my hands,
For you to paint the beauty
Of the fertile lands
In the hills of Tuscany.
I will give you my open arms
To surround your shoulders,
When you feel cold during the winters.
I will give you my soft kisses
To dry up your tears
On your pale cheeks
So I can chase your fears.
I will give you my memory,
For you to remember
Our forgotten kisses, if any.
I will tell you some of my secrets,
Even the ones from the Pool,
In case you show interest,
And there you would think I'm a fool.
And of course I will give you
My Ocean Blue,
For you to dive into.
But I will never give you
Anything that can hurt you.
You need to know
That I can only give all this
When you come back from the abyss
To which you've decided to depart,
Leaving me alone to dream of you,
With art.
  Jan 2015 Peartini
I want to feel
your soft lips pressed tightly
against my kiss
making their way across my cheek,
i want to feel,
you whisper in my ears
i want you
as our desires
admit defeat.

I want to feel
your fingers slowly make their way
down my neck,
and slide up my vest
i want to feel
your hot breath
dancing its way
across every inch
of my chest.

i want to feel
our bodies collide
as you make soft music
out of mine.
i want to feel you
draw pictures
out of the claw marks
along my spine.

I want to feel
your tongue
make its down my stomach
and between my thighs
i want to feel
your fingers slip

I want to feel
you slowly
take your tongue and
those hungry red lips
cradling, caressing,
tasting, savouring
between my
pleading hips,

I want to feel
my palms smashing
into our
as I beg you,
again and again
please baby,
just once

I want to feel
my legs shake,
as you create an
earth quake inside
of me
that'll leave me quivering
for days.

I want our pillows
embedded and engrained
scents, tastes
that put our wildest
fantasies and dreams
to shame.
Peartini Jan 2015
You rise, walk to the door
I wake, watch you, listen
You return, warm, loving
I hold, feel you, breathe you
You are omniscient, calm
I am the ecstatic vessel
You are my sensual ocean
I ask you to position
You accommodate with ease
I aim you to please
You close your eyes
I move down your thighs
You grow hard at the thought
I am excited, ready, hot
You in my mouth, my heart
I listen to your voice
You are my hypnotic
I am your submissive servant
You are my choice
Peartini Dec 2014
Don't look at me
Instead, pull me close, hold me
& listen to the song
My breathy moan, coming from my
Mouth Smoothe, deep, dark

It is the Spark, the clue
The water of life,
Slowly spilling out my body
Connecting to your ocean of strength
Peartini Dec 2014
How do I tell you my feelings for you scare me?
When do I tell you that I miss you in the morning...
The mid-day and most of all the night?
My soul hums your name in my ear all day.
Does yours sing the same for me?
Do you feel the butterflies rise in your chest, exit your lips and rest on your eyelids, as I do, when I merely think of you?
I am blinded by the emotions dancing in my eyes.
I am vulnerable to you and I am frightened.
If I tell you my feelings...
Will you still want me?
Will you be afraid as well?
Will you hold my hand through the fear?  
Will you caress my cheek and kiss me passionately, as you did in the beginning?
Will this be a long lasting love?
Will you have me and hold me till I one of us dies in the others arms?
I'm afraid...I'm scared to tell you of my fears... Tripley negative.
If I don't speak, fears will take over, emotions will take flight to rest on another set of eyelids.
I am afraid I will have to tell you that I am afraid you will leave me.
Peartini Dec 2014
In my deepest dreams I looked into your eyes. You held me close. Consumed my body for pleasure. You moved me.
Inspired me to winged words, nectar memories. Poet once, and now again. You moved me.
I have seen you in pure white
Sheets warm blanketed in
****** cashmere. Scented, you in me. Especially before dawn, when sin and sun kiss each cloud with guile. I was moved to feel that jolt of naive excitement.
Moved to flutter under you, into you, moaning you. Desire on my tongue, in my soul. My mind on nothing but your graceful strength that moved me.
Peartini Dec 2014
-In the darkest hours of the night,
When the cats meow and the bats bite,
When it tip toes towards the door,
And out to not be imprisoned anymore.
-It circles around the bed and around the pole, yes.
It restores urges, but depletes self-control.
-It assists many things, like money and fame.
Emptiness! All we share is a last name.
-A tool, an aid, a sacrifice,
Quiet hips that are concise.
Understandably, it can offend.
-It’s natural, but can condescend.
Who I share it with is my own business,
Whether poor in health, or rich in sickness.
It fuels my life, and my desire,
It’s fully-clothed in no attire.
Abused by many, and cherished by few,
An intimate pas de deux.
Heart of you, or me-
Don’t be offended by my sexuality.
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