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Michael W Noland Jan 2013
Its annoyance
In pessimistic clairvoyance

Its the avoidance
Of the simplistic
And stoical

Its motion
In oceans
Of lip service

Its ***** potions
For the passionate

Its fake ****
And face lifts

Its abortions
In portions
Of subordinates
As gifts
In gifs
Of gorgeous
In tortured
Of the dead

Its all the fame
In shoving
The pain
Of loving
In the oven
Of stubborn
Under the covers
With other men

Its the omens
Of the oh mans
In roman
Of fortunate
From time

Its the mine mine mines
To their own kind
Pre signed
In old blood

Its consignment killers

Its the drugs

Its timeless thrillers

Its the shrugs

Its the thunder
Rattling out
From under the bed

Its all the thoughts
In our heads
The booms
Of the tamed

Its the assumed
The restrained

Its this tomb
Of shame
In doing
The same
Old **** again

And again
Its been

Then again
I grin

Its when i should fold
That i embolden

Its all the No's

Its blankets nose

Its the cut blow
And lack of flow

Its fists and elbows
As opposed
To safety locks

Its ******* flu shots

Its everything
That ****** me off

Its the the stupid robots
And the silly riot cops
Fencing in the famished flocks

Its the *****
And the *****
In plastic boxes
Giving rocks
Without us

Its the gold pots
And stacked stocks
From us

Its the Rocks
Inside my socks
As they knock
The blocks
Of billy bobs
On the dash

Its the harsh
And its the rash

Its inside the last
Of dummassez
Through the
Blast radius.


Its the mass graves
And the paved pools
Of anyone who knew
Anyone who stood

Its all us fools
As cool kids
No show biz
In soul ****

Its in knowing this
And *******
And barking
At the moon
To swoon

I am peaking soon
In looming threat
Of lost concepts
Slipping away
Under the sun
Electing to quit
While im ahead
Way back when
It was fun
Way back when

It mattered

Its a gun
Shooting blather
As a bladder

And misunderstood

A changed topic

Knock on wood

Bye is good


Told you

Its implied
In rite


Michael W Noland Jul 2012
an intergalactic being of the static
trying not to panic
in the sporadic antics
of a frantic romantic

manic freak

bobbing to the beat
of drones and sheep
as the storms seep
from the more discrete
holes in my heart
render me obsolete
and deplete me from afar

weave me the dreams of delicate surrender
cleave me at the seams in vicious splendor
deceive me in the memes of malicious pretenders

and take me to never was
tell me of the ridiculous
the insidious
the belligerence of thugs
the deliverance of slugs
the hideous
wrap me in a rug
with no love
and a mean mug

peacefully pitiful
Michael W Noland May 2013
His diction
Spit and ****
In ridiculous
In vicious
Of his bluffs
Staining rugs
To know
What hes
Made of
Through the
And he was
A weak hearted
Blabber mouth
A verbal blouse
With a gerbil
Where his intellect
Was housed
And he is
A doubt
A *******
Lying down
At the first
And hes not a poet
Without flow
To show it
And he knows it
But its rough
To huff
And puff
Before a smarter
With harder
And solid tramps
The dropping pants
With open mouths
As they fall down
To their knees
The release
Of a king
The key rings
And sings
Of sheep
The dream
Was a dream
But still sees me
Even after
From floor
To ceiling
The butchered
The feelings
Fading away
And he looses
But nothing new is
Brewing there
He can glare
From down there
But aware
I'm better
More clever
And severed
His vendettas
beheaded him
Before the sedatives
Could wear off
The kids
The wife
The dog
Just *** socks now
Michael W Noland Jul 2012
make a mistake
get your teeth kicked in
do drugs
**** questionable *****
get stranded
get robbed
fall in love
break a heart
get a heart broken
lose it all
go to jail
sleep on the street
win it all back
work hard
hardly work
shout the names of your pain
grow a beard
shave your head
this is what art is made of
a journalist embedded in your own life
Michael W Noland Jul 2012
stare upon the core

that in which adored

be no more

no more

strain the eyes to see




in warmth of touch

light disrupt

the curse


in ashes
Michael W Noland Jul 2012
He screamed into loose winds

for the angels to writhe to his song

but when he stands up

all the angels are gone

just a man

reciting life

through his bloodied palm

Michael W Noland Jan 2013
See it in
See it out
Seer it in
Sneer it out

In hot breath

Breathe it in
Breathe it out
Deeps breaths
Deeper doubts
Doubt the test

With lesson first

Be here
Be there
Be near
Be fair
Be aware

Of the first thought





The lights

But why
But how
But when
But where


Not here
Not there
Not sooner
Not later

Never dare to dream




Out of luck
Out of *****
Out of gas
Out of fuss
Out to ****

The killer
Michael W Noland Nov 2012
born of blood
from a thorn
of a beautiful flower

from the love
of the horned
in power

in the vicious
of the constituents
in the deliverance
to my ridiculousness

twisted shapes
and contorting faces
blurred words
in hateful slurs
of aggression

and i cannot count the cases
in my tasteless confessions
in my reluctant concessions
in my brutal perfection
of my obsessions

imposed against my will
you're supposed to feel
what they do

opposed to killing
for the thrill
but it sometimes
just feels right

shanky gone unscrupulous

his shimmied
blood on the walls

stuttering stanleys
still silly stringing
calling for candy
but missed last call
and fell to the floor

as Bruno butchered the boar
in a deplorable fashion

a crime of passion

we were hungry
rubbing our tummies
for the honey
of bee hives

jive turkeys
turning to bunnys
for good times

but we were alive
while others were not

fraught with darkling majesty
sparkling at the seraded points

in Freudian

self anointed
as god

standing over
some butchered
brod from abroad
wiping the fog
of dislodged
eye sockets
from my grog

how you get
from there to here
isn't really a fair mirror
on my intention

i meant to
suspend her
just enough
to face f--k
and with luck
strangle her

but she prayed to be ripped down
in her own way

my f--king way

stripped her
of dignity
in little cute sounds

who am i?
but the guy
who spaced

hit her
too many times in the face
and replaced her
with ***** toiletries


still in search of a fairy
to take the helm
and ferry me
from this film

just spare me
the tragedy and grief
blaring from the TV

as i mock
their expressions
in my lessons
of humanity
before the flock

to shelter
my anxiety or not

gonna be
a real boy one day
and conform
to the
wayward ways

the way
of sheep

in decay

blue fairy
marry me





a rewrite from a couple months ago. there some effed up lines that were driving me crazy.
Michael W Noland Apr 2013
There is, this blue, this, something that grows inside of me, something that coils through me, when the distractions are gone, or forgotten, a forgotten, feeling, rising up from within me, and within me, lifting a hope, a hope from a dream, a dream, suddenly realized, and realized, i was always there, just there, always here, just here, waiting for me, waiting for me to sync to it, to a place, a place, where the light is thicker, in an encompassing blue haze, a blue haze of a comfort, a comfort i will not explain, but will say, that this, this, wholeness, this wholeness exists, i felt it, sitting in a chair, with a view, that i have never viewed, and beside me, things, things i have never seen, and nobody, nobody was there, but me.

It was peace, all that ever was, or shall be, it was me, projecting on the screen, what was needed, to redeem, the blue light for sight, into others dreams, as i master me, tethered by a single string of tranquility, i could, and always can see, the light beyond my thinking, and i think, everything, is where it needs to be, for the time being, a non entity to my being happy, embracing my duality, the happiness, as well the tragedy, of the sadness that lurks, upon the birth, of reprisal, to take me higher, than i ever knew to desire til now, as now, is all there ever was.
Michael W Noland Aug 2012
his eye dislodged from his head

as he desperately plead

for me to stop

fleshless knuckles beautiful

beat my tears away

as it all spins around me

the memories of yesterday

the sadness of closure

even victory

a happiness defined by melancholy

and with my remembrance of yesterday

i will save tomorrow from today

and make a display of all they could have been

all that should have been


as Dust in Wind

Particles In Sunlight

or blunt force trauma

Let em go
Michael W Noland Jan 2013
**** the messenger
Don't trust the clever
In more
Than you can afford
Out the snakes
Too late
And escape
Michael W Noland Mar 2013
If not to tempt the temperaments of lesser men, I shall bludgeon the object of our obsessions again, just to watch the reddened britches go un-itched, as my grinning is met with dissatisfaction, impacting the over expressed whining of gentle wimps, flailing, and stomping as disgruntled chimps, flinging feces from the cages again.
picking on coworkers
Michael W Noland Jan 2014

We could spark a fire
In our carnal wiring
Until we tire
In the shame

Or we could all be one
All be the same

And strange-ly uncreative

Michael W Noland Jan 2013
I pray unto my intentions
Hoping i can
Stay the path

But i prey on my intentions
Spinning the colors
Until black

I am not the man i woke up to be
I am not the man i'm going to be
I am not the man you think me to be

I am a man on my own feet
A man of feats upon defeats
A Man of war for peace

I hang up the nicety
With the fleece
My anxiety
With the heat
And wrap myself in soiled sheets
And Freeze in rainy streets

To meet my grief
On a beat
To breathe the blame
In the same hold of the restraint

Until freed
Into captivity


I feed on feelings
From the feeling
Of falling

Flat on my face
That i wipe from the faceless cast

I am just a man in the back
To the act
Redacting my facts
And back tracking
In pact
To devils
From the black
Of over reactions to the hacks
I am gone
And wont come back
When the wind pushes
Push back
I am there
Looking at
In your heart
Shining through
As everything
I knew
To be true
As i pushed through

In the end







Michael W Noland Mar 2013
Finite fantastic
Plastic wrapped
In my hand
Dancing dillies
Dallying home
For the surprise
So high
For such a low
The sillies
Michael W Noland Apr 2013
As though a last sun closing over the mountain, the red rays, radiating the vacated valleys, and littered alleys all the same.

They are all gone now, but alive, laughing, smiling and playing in the cities, suburbs, and swamps, they think they are still here, but its been so long.

Its okay to dream.
Michael W Noland May 2013
To cab drivers
I can confess
My sins
And my tests
Of the day
I play back
The scenes
And the cracks
On the heads
Of jacks
In the rants
Of bloodied fists
And kisses from
The black
And the cabbie
Will always react
And with respect
Appropriate giggles
And gasps
And i'm forgiven
In the back
Of a cab
Where i can
Get it off my chest
A post mission
Where we tally
The score
In a tip
To explore
While i get
Higher than before
On the plant of the lord
Until adequately floored
Reaching the destination
They open the door
And i'm free of the lorn
Through my cabbie
I'm born to freshness
A 40 percent tip
For my new found grip
And i'm off to trip
Into bed
Michael W Noland Mar 2013
It was the candy kids who danced regardless of the weather, and i am better to have watched them die up there, so very close to the sky.
Michael W Noland May 2013
Stick a gun to my head
Cover me in gas

Bind my hands
And strike the match

We can share the last laugh

Nothings better
Than nothing to lose

Inscribe it across my tomb

I'm too numb to care
Too dumb to stare into your eyes

Your enemy is mine

And I'm just fine
With dining alone

Just fine with not shining at all

I build the bridge to burn it down
Down so far it erects again

Watch me swim as slow as i can
Inhale the water and rise to land

I'm not the man I think I am

Not the man you think I am

I am merely a middle man
A fish on land

Throw back what you catch
If you can

Soaking wet
With burning hands
Michael W Noland Jun 2013
See the riders
Rise to power
To idols

Watch the flower
Sprout the towers
The rivals

Search the homes
Of trustless hearts
Cracking stones
A world apart

Seek out the alone
To turn them narc
Replace their bones
With ******* marks

It is dark out here
But here is the torch
The path is near
But the sky is scorched

Lose it all
But take the most
Make the call
And act as host

Burn the blame
In viral hate
Do the same
And claim it fate

You came
You saw
You killed
The king

You face
The face
Of gods
Michael W Noland Jan 2013
Rolling in twitches the eyes ****** into the back of his head, as his lungs contracted and feathered his last breath, out of his flailing nostril, and into my breath of disbelief, holding it in deep, and breathing out with ease,  the memories and storms of a fallen warrior born unto death.
Michael W Noland Dec 2012
There is no poetry
Playing Far Cry 3
Getting cheeched
Unlocking cheivos
Eating mac and cheese
4 monsters Yo!
Chop sticks and cheetos
You need those
To keep your controller clean
Michael W Noland Jul 2012
oh the unholy chores of my withered lord

of my remorseless discord

must stop the hordes as though an indian from the cupboard


in the rugged stubbornness of my hellacious mischief and deviance

sounding out the ingredients of my grievances and disobedience

patient expediance.
Michael W Noland Feb 2013
Walking in screens

Continually posing

Posing in a play

Entertaining the haze

Suspended in the maze

Of purgatory

One door

Both ways



Altered states



From a beast

That states

His plans

Cans the cants

Demands a stance

Will not stand



Do not


The sand

Or risk


Michael W Noland Feb 2013
The sound

From sheath


In a single spot
Of light

Toward the heart
Of a thief

Who will fight

With stable

As he
His ground
Michael W Noland Mar 2013
I guess you caught me
I'm softer than i used to be
And i'm singing
As loud as i can

I guess you know now
How my love has come about
And i'm happy to have had been
I'm a happy has been

Forever and again

And i guess you've heard it all before
You have heard it all over
Heard it all again and again
Until it doesn't hurt at all

I guess you found a light in there
I'm still sifting around
And i am still singing

As loud as i can
Michael W Noland Mar 2013
That which burn
That which burn
This life

Let turn
Let turn
Into flame

Unto you
Unto you
Thy praise

Giant of the worlds
March unto I

Unto I


Knock knock knock

Blood is life

Life blood
My life to you
A dagger before you

Knock knock knock


Thy blood of life
Thy blood of life
Thy dagger unto you

March unto I
knock knock Raaaaaaaa
No clue what this turned out to be. A warm up of sorts trying a new method.
Michael W Noland Nov 2012

I pull daggers from my sinking heart, liquefy blades, and splash back in spades upon the staggering departure of my starts.

Ill finish even with a diminished will.

Im not always first, but **** it in the last minute in nervous fidgeting of my reality rippling through residual hauntings of the feel of the feeling of your reeling in the excitement.

Dauntingly, flaunting, the alarming charm of tongue, eniticing the romantic knifing of lungs, in spent breaths, confessed of the love of truth.

Rasp out the hiss, as whisps of winds licked from jackals lips.

Whip the words in willful waning of the facts.

Aim to ****

Ill just Relax to the drop of the ax

Im a ridiculous idiot

Meticulously breaking it down to absolutes, in my astute fickleness.

Lustily finding finesses in the regrets of others, smothering prideful chuckling of chummery in distractive strumming of the nothings, shielding the view of this place, changing the hue of my face in the light.

Step away from the light

You dont wanna see what lurks within the night

My lackluster mustering is the recipe for disaster.

Ill just master the disguise, with too much time, miles of smiles, lies, and cold hand shakes that imply my maniacal despise.

Michael W Noland Mar 2013
Bite size thoughts, cut from the cloth i use for warmth.

Tossed from turrets of my tattered form, pooling for a storm of will, upon the dull winds winding down to a crawl in distilled feelings felt in a movie once.

I touch the pixelation, running my fingers along the edges, until something catches, i will muster what is fathomed in an artist mocking an artist, inspired by a great mind we murdered once.

My desires are expiring in overdoses, where mastery approaches but heaves mystery and magic until gone.

I will just leave, and move on to the next one, in fun-less filtering for the core of every value, incrementing my attributes, and I'm gone.

Another zero, another one, another catastrophe, another song, that ill ignore.

I hear you whimpering, and its adorable.
Michael W Noland Feb 2013
His breathing grew weak, as his pitter patting feet crushed flattened sheets from the snow.

Straying away from what he knows, he roams into the freezing abode, and elopes with the zeros below.

The time capsul.
Michael W Noland Apr 2013
Just try
To display
The might
Of a republic
That died
Years ago

Just try
To let go
Of the way
That lead us
From ourselves

Just try
To break
From the hell
That awaits
Us now
Michael W Noland Jan 2013
She was a Penelope with a 300 Wetherby going for a long shot across the park, and shot a mans heart out of his back.

She picked up her bags and ran into the packed crowds of proud Americans talking to themselves and staring at feet.

She made her retreat through a hotel lobby and out the back door, but laid down in defeat, when little Robby shot through the door and hit her eye where she died in utter surprise.

An accident, Robby realized his surprise as well, so he ditched the the heater behind the theater next to the lobby, where he got stabbed in a robbery and bled out on the ground in rasping sounds with 15 cell phones out ... just watching.
Michael W Noland Apr 2013
The flame
In his chest
The same
To the rest
But twisted
As he was
But gifted
With inferiority
And was horribly
Of the message
He was meshing
With the decrepit
Of his fleeting
Half stepping
To the
Of his blessings
That he was tempted
To dissect
From the crowd
Despite the
Of clouded
Torn from
The panicked ****
Of the phobias
He knew they were scared of
And glared
Right through them
Before he opened up
His coat
And started shooting
Others wise
In the silent
Of 45's
And nines
He smiled
In the exile
Of fear
The fading
Of dying eyes
In the wild
That with each
Trigger squeeze
Eased him
Into shame
As he
To please
For the release
Of lives
For the
And in gorgazmic
He delivered
The final blows
With power ups
And scores
The killing
As he reloads
With shrilling
And stints
Of compassion
The rationed
He received
From the screaming
Mothers and babies
Brothers and maybes
On the plastic trees
Of escalators
And skeezes
That laid shuttering
Upon the exits
Of his
Insurrected mind
And he was just fine
With dying
In kind
And he was just fine
Shining from
The shrine
Of Santa
In a sonata
Of solidarity
To the led
Soldering morals
In a story
Of victory
And of
Personal glory
For the lords
Of defeat
In the completeness
Of a defeatist
As he stuck
The heaters
In his mouth
And was out
One doubt
As to what
Michael W Noland Jul 2012
An addict in the attic

speaking in cryptic tongues

with mystic strums of my sadistic slumps

for i am the ******* son

born of the blood of the gun

the rage of the dumb

direct descendant of a sociopath ***

eternally stunned
Michael W Noland Apr 2013
She was so ******* punk rock
Black chucks and skinny jeans
She loved my ******* ****
I loved her ****** rings
As we breezed into kissing
Upon moments of meeting
Before we were weaving
Eachothers clothes away
For now i stayed
The bad astray
Lost in her eyes
Eyes like mine
In another way
It was another day
Another place
Placed in mind
For another date
Saved for later play
In my own time
I am one
But one of a certain kind
And with my kind at my side
Ill survive all this hype
Inside girls im alright
For tonight
And she was so ******* punk rock
Rocking the world
Bangin the bullies
And flippin the bird
She crys when she ****
She **** when you hit her
She likes her hair pulled
Gets her even wetter
But love her
And lose her
Ill do better
Slam her
And bite her
Please her never
Michael W Noland Mar 2013
Slap me silly
Tell me
Whats really

Cuss at me
Laugh with me
Tap me
When its my turn

I will flirt with you
Until you're ******
When you try to yell
I will try to kiss

Just forget this
Mad business
And start this
Making up bit
Michael W Noland Mar 2013
I want to carve my arms in the pantheon of gods, inhale flames, and exhale smog.

I want to breathe in acidic dreams, in ping, to the great unclean one.

I want to blot out the sun, in the shadow of the one, and only enemy.

I want to eat the flesh, of the brilliant, and the best, resilient to the test, of monotony.

Fill me up, of all the stuff, that dreams are made of.

Drain me out, in the altar of doubt, and arm me with the love of your deities.
Michael W Noland Sep 2012
I want to carve my arms in the pantheon of gods, inhale flames, and exhale smog.

I want to breathe in acidic dreams, in ping, to the great unclean one.

I want to blot out the sun, in the shadow of the one, and only enemy.

I want to eat the flesh, of the brilliant, and the best, resilient to the test, of monotony.

Fill me up, of all the stuff, that dreams are made of.

Drain me out, in the altar of doubt, and arm me with the love of your deities.
Michael W Noland Sep 2012
Twiddled knifes upon glass eyes, cry the insight of reprise, amongst a galvanized pride, in flight from spotlit skeletons, denied of sunlight, without a fight of adrenaline and puking on the side of missed roads.

An abode, of foreboding wealth within a duffel bag, drags the corroding moral codes of trolls controlled by ignorant over lords over the coals, before another log is tossed in the fire.

Before the fog of the fading embers, dislodge the common splendor, from the lives of nine to fivers, tending to the totals of the dead versus survivors, in vocal onslaught of the names of the slaughtered daughters of liberty that faltered in the after glow of nevermore.

Anymore,  i only wish to dream.
dream of better things that sing in the blood, and shrug the smugness from drug-less fiends, in consumption of peeling seams, and paint-chips.
Cancerous fractions entrap us.
Just ask the plaintiff.

Sustain it ...

In stillness.

Mastery over illnesses.

Embrace the contaminants of my inanimate imagination, swallowed in the shallows of a nation lost to bacon and broken beautiful.

Tokened suitable with corporate suitors to the masses. Blinded in the flashes of dismal diobolitry ,upon uprooting the touting in the jealous shouting of the shenanigry of driven villains, knowing of the chronology of the buried devilry, toiling in the ecology of a dying star.

My gods aren't too far from yours.

My stars aren't too bogged for more.

My more, your cut off point.

Disjoint the facts, let the words womb themselves and slither in the delivery, of malicious adhering to the tongue, in the atrocious abominations of falsified accumulations of the letters manifestations of fruitful creations abiding to immaculate consummation of lost thoughts that prevailed in one long exhale of a run on sentence.

No penmanship in breathlessness, as i faint in my confessions of restless lessons learned in burned futures overturned in grief.
Burned in the disbelief of fractured animals, cannibalising the chastised cultures of the mechanical signals planted in our cores.

Arms forward and moaning for more.

Always more.

I claim victory in my plastic citizenry of pity and tragedy, where i too can proclaim my self godliness and engage in bliss with the rich.

Im an emo ***** with blood on his knife and a list of names read aloud from the braille niche upon glass eyes, where to see is to realise, the severed root of the bloodline, in slow chromatic decline over time, until the with, is without, and the made mark is gone and the new birth is spawn to embark upon, brawn over brain the simple rule shall remain, conned in the game of numbers, slumbering from under the wonder of man vs machine. Again ranting in my rhyming declining into boredom.
Seldom to abandon the foreboding doom i cant shake.
Stephen king meets Dr seuss for a lovely kick of the chair and a hug of the noose.
Never to lose when smiling.
Michael W Noland Feb 2013
Lets look on upon unpopular stars when we are apart, and wish our hearts were heads, forgetting we ever met, as if meant to be, compiling our indoctrination unto ****** scent, and cold coffee, stale smoke, and years of therapy.
Michael W Noland Mar 2013
I banged her with a curling iron before kicking her into the tub.

She wobbled, writhed, and knocked out the lights, as i chopped and snorted her drugs.

Date night.
Michael W Noland May 2013
The dread set in upon opening my eyes, as i swing my legs to the right side of the bed and stand. Slightly stumbling i make my way to the bathroom while adjusting to a waking state. I flip on the light, wincing my eyes in a sharp electric freeze from the back of my head, and while recovering, i pull the shower curtain away from the showers pull ***. Pulling the *** out slowly twisting it to ninety degrees as the water turns on, i am reminded to feed my plants before leaving the condo for the day. I step into the shower dipping my head under the warm stream of steaming water while resting my hands against the wall, as images of all the women i had saw the night prior begin shuffling through my head and a partial ******* forms. I imagine their eyes filled with tears, as i shove them down to my ****, and finally the Rolodex of faces stops on a Starbucks girl with piercings all over her pouty face that i had encountered on a lunch break a few days ago, and i begin stroking my **** with my right hand whispering "you ***** ****" over and over, as her eyes look up at me innocently, Mascara running down her face, until suddenly i hear my phone vibrate atop a pile of pocket change in the bedroom which promptly kills the moment in my wonder of the importance of a 5:00 AM jingle, which slowly fades, while i proceed to apply Ax shower gel to my Ax body scrubber that i had received as a gift in a Holiday work raffle three months prior.  Vidal Sassoon extra volume shampoo plus conditioner, "All in one," proudly printed on the label, as i apply a handful to my shaved head in a smooth dripping lather, that i do not rinse until after applying a pink ****** scrub that's label has worn off, and i am unsure, and not concerned with its origin, as I squeeze a blob of Colgate paste onto my toothbrush from the rack overhead, and scrub in a slow circular motion, while i rinse off the shampoo, shower gel, and ****** scrub, and then reach for my Listerine mouth wash, and swish for 30 seconds before spitting the burning mixture into the drain, while putting the brush away. I tilt my head up, and open my mouth wide under the water, taking in a mouth full, which i gargle for 10 seconds then spit, and turn off the shower reaching for a tattered towel left over from a breakup four years prior.  I dry off while still standing in the shower, and gently lay the towel on the floor before stepping out onto it, and grabbing a stick of Degree antiperspirant from the counter.  I apply 3 long strokes to each armpit before capping it, and putting it down. Two sprays of coolwater cologne i apply from a 1 foot distance, misting my chest and lower neck, before i put it down beside the deodorant, and walk back into the bedroom, grabbing a pair of boxer shorts from a drawer not caring which pair i grab. I slip them on, and walk over to the mirrored closet where i flex a few times, point aggressively, and in an authoritative tone repeat "I don't give a ****.", three times before sliding the closet door open and grabbing a pair of Marc Echo blue jeans that i had purchased online two years prior with a gift card from a local pub that i may have frequented too much to have received.  Reaching for an Infliction black tee shirt with ghostly gray swirls cascading to its base, i become completely still, left arm clutching the shirt still on its hanger, i am paralyzed for two seconds before looking away, and saying  "I don't have any plants" inquisitively to myself, yanking the shirt from the closet, and walking over to my phone atop the dresser.

Picking up the phone almost eagerly, i click the screen on in a light squeeze, and swipe my finger from left to right across the display to unlock the device, to a missed call from an unknown number, a voicemail, and 3 missed text messages. I tap the voice mail icon, and enter my pass code upon the automated prompt, "1234." The voice mail immediately clicks a few times before hanging up which assures me of its automation, and i assume its the power companies robots attempting to collect the monthly charge again. I tap on the missed text message icon, disconnecting from voice mail, and see that all three are from a girl named Haedies i met through a roommate long ago that i have recently found over facebook. A "How are you!", "I MISS YOU!!!", and a picture message of her with a wax figure of a trollish cartoon character i cannot quite place, both looking very serious, and i look at her **** pressing out from her white tanktop, ******* clearly hard, and her neck, long and attractive, its definition, thins my blood, and her dark black medium length hair loosely dangles just above her shoulder, causing me to partially smile, as i close the message paying it no further thoughts, and slip on my tee shirt, as i head for the kitchen. I open the refrigerator and grab a plastic bottle of 5 Hour Energy, and twist it open, tip my head back, and take the whole drink down in one swallow, throwing the empty plastic shell back into the fridge, and swing the door shut with my bare left foot, before i head back to the room to put my socks and boots on. Once my black combat boots are fully laced up, i put my wallet, change, and keys into the appropriate jean pockets, and head for my jacket hung on a hook beside the door. A black leather windbreaker. My mini trench that allows for a high level of concealment, and pocket space made possible by Wilson Leather. I run my hand over my face satisfied with my slight stubble from not shaving today, and reach into my left inner pocket of my jacket and pull out Sony earbuds, and plug them into my phone. I select a Pandora station based on the black metal band "Burzum", and walk out the door, locking only the dead bolt behind me.  5:25AM
Michael W Noland Jan 2013
Merely a silhouette with its head cocked to the side, arms reaching out, stretching through the majesty in knives, and stabbing spots into my eyes.

I rise to burn
Feel to learn
For the better of my vendettas
Steady hands
On humbled umbrellas
Of sedatives
And other derivatives
Of my dissatisfaction

In lacking patience , I repaint the pavement, and face it after lacing spaceships with the enslavement of my basements, and place it in my heart.

Spiraling in slimy things
In lucid dreams
I'm asleep
Walking amongst the dead
My demon brings
The corpse of kings
In sheets
From battered beds

I am said
To have slithered
With the best of men
Drained and bested
In the molested
Ingesting of entire
Not to mourn
As i warned
In subtle hints
Most would whimper
As i rinsed my hands
Of this
Varmint ****
And moved on with it

I get what i got coming
As im drumming
The anthem
And humming
With phantoms
To alchemical
In romantic strings
My advertising
Of fiends
Leaning in
To scream
I awake unclean
Than before
Michael W Noland Mar 2013
I am a number, numb-er than the dumber thumbs on top of me.

A puppet to appease, the appetites of kings, meagerly squalling over nothing.

All i see, is stupidity staring back at me, in a hall of mirrors.
Michael W Noland Sep 2013
I saw ripples
Dimple into little dents

And they ruptured through
The door and into
My living room

Tiny sun filled slices
Sliced straight through

Tore my flesh
In molten sinew breath

My barrel pressed
To my head
And leveraged
With the depth

Of the situation

But patience
Patience wasn't my virtue

And I was blind
Blind but
Saw it through

Alive in death
The death before the

In the warmth
The warmth
Of the sunlit
Living room

Burning too
Michael W Noland Oct 2012
Our galaxy, a ship, speeding into the depths, of deep space, a casualty in permit, heeding the concepts, of our place, in space-less mass, glimmering from the cast, of gods, even from the cracks and smog, we move along the path, of our intent, hell bent to extend our wrath, upon the woes of men, unknown to the myriad angles, in the dangled essence, of the limitless blessings, in the finite structuring, of negative nothings, filling our hearts of imagination, manifesting, in our epiphanies recollections, of days gone, but came back to be, born freely, looping infinitely, simultaneous, in every possibility of personally realized realities, realizing themselves in sunless helms of technology, merging with the organics of our being, and seeding, the start of everything.
Michael W Noland May 2013
I see the light
I see her coming to
I can feel her smile upon mine
And I can feel her coming through
She can be the light
And she can light the room
The dark dark room
Where soon
So so soon
She will develop in the fluid
Michael W Noland Jul 2012
it was all in the intellect of mankind

always in search of hope

so seldom to find

baring the crown of thorns

without halo but horns

uprisings in every city

gathering in swarms

and i

could feel his eyes on me

but they

they are blind


could never really see me.
Michael W Noland Mar 2013
Your pain
Its perfect
So pretty
When you hurt

Your hurt
So patient
Feeling silly
When you smirk

You're a fool
To love me
Without showing

You're an idiot
To forsake me
Not knowing it

So beautiful
When you
Are blue

******* love you
Wish you knew

All i see is you
Drunk again, gooning the lovliness of the swamp bar.
Michael W Noland Feb 2014
Devotchka in my ear
And ***** in my gut
I'm transcending the years
Just waiting for my bus

I hope it never comes
I hope it drives right passed
Hope it flips atop bums
Under the overpass

But it does stop for me
Right smack nab on the dot
And as I am boarding
I drop change in the slot

I'm walking down the aisle
I want a back seat badly
I'm returning all these smiles
But I am fracturing

And I got forty blocks
I got forty stupid stops
To find a frickin seat
But standing room only

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