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Sep 2013 · 1.5k
Sweet Pea
Michael W Noland Sep 2013
She took in the light
Of flashlights
As though a sun
Warming her
To perfection

Her feline smile
Unmoved for hours
Despite her heaving breaths
Unrelentingly fed
To the fading bulbs

Where she waited

For him
In the dim

Until the door opened

And he
Walked in
Lifting her
As he sat down

Laying her on his lap
In his chair

By the window

Where he
Brushed her
To sleep

Just once more

Once more
In the golden glow

He had seen before
My Sweet Pea had to be put down 20 minutes after I brushed her on Friday sept. 6th. She was my bud.
Sep 2013 · 2.0k
Michael W Noland Sep 2013
There I stood
In a long hallway
Stretching thinly
To a lit point

Lined with doors
Opening as they closed

Its prisms transposing
Euphoria as it shone

Lifting my chest
It dragged me breathless
Down its stretches

As I was reflected
In my own projections
Of sentients

Until innocence
Was all there is

And that is
Where thoughtless
Narrative lives

Where languidly it gives
Wordlessness meaning

And that is
Where fraughtless
Intentions can win

Acting replacing thinking

Incentive in Zen
Awaking and thinking again

Was is and gonna be
Everything I believe
Even while deceived
In sets of themes

Numeric categories
And the tragic stories
Of grander things

Things of grandeurous dreams
That I wring out in the sink
While winking
The well wishes away
In splashes
Of graying

My hate
Is displayed
In the mourning
Of Mondays

And with relatable monotony
And some mundane

Everything goes back to the same

Or at least
That's the philosophy
Sep 2013 · 1.4k
Michael W Noland Sep 2013
I saw ripples
Dimple into little dents

And they ruptured through
The door and into
My living room

Tiny sun filled slices
Sliced straight through

Tore my flesh
In molten sinew breath

My barrel pressed
To my head
And leveraged
With the depth

Of the situation

But patience
Patience wasn't my virtue

And I was blind
Blind but
Saw it through

Alive in death
The death before the

In the warmth
The warmth
Of the sunlit
Living room

Burning too
Sep 2013 · 606
No Regrets
Michael W Noland Sep 2013
I came
I saw
I felt it all

And stopped

I stepped to stars
Where I joined
In being apart

And I came to in a crowded room
Confused but lucid

But that world
That world I knew

I lost it

So I started
Building it new
In the bruising fruits
Of my labor

While I slept

I would
See you

[No Regrets]
Aug 2013 · 901
Soft fruit
Michael W Noland Aug 2013
He's bored easily

On christian singles mingling
Eating cheerios and giggling

Then cutting beef jerky
With a miniature guillotine

While asking silly questions

Courting dumb chicks
That cry to the sky and ****

It was kind of
His addiction

Kind of
A **** move
He's kinda
A *******

Oh but he's an artist ...
He's modest ..
He's celibate .

And they fall for it
Every time

And it is ridic-u-lous

How these *******
Try to break his ****
And they do

Cuz he wants em to

But once they get it
They're through

And blue

Soft fruit

Aug 2013 · 480
Michael W Noland Aug 2013
And I'd go

Where the rain pools
Pools in the center of the room

Where the light flickers
Left only to assume
The worst

I'd go there

Amongst the
Jagged glass
And Out

With the broken pieces
Strewn about

I'd go under the
Lurching light
Swinging over
And around

Back and forth
Up and down

I'd go now

Into its pulse of lurking
In the swerving dark

I would go
Just to go
To the window

Stand there

And look out
Aug 2013 · 644
Michael W Noland Aug 2013
Dastardly he dashed
To a damsel in distress
Unable to digest
The rippling
Through his chest

The resounding effects
Affecting his election
To shadow step
In the collection
Of her breaths

Tippy toeing
To the test
In his wonder
Toward her depth

As she deflects
His concepts
And attempts
To project
Some common sense
Into his denseness

To undress him
To her neglect
As limply she lets
Her guard down

Down that road
That road she knows so well

The O'wells she felt
So well to know

To know
He rides alone

And still

She fell for him
Fell before him
The only one
Who felt him

Befell him

And she put him
Before herself

As she swerved
Her life to his side
And subsided
Right beside him

Queen of the kingdom
Captured by his demons

She seen him seldom
But knew them well

Those hearts
She melts them

And loves them still

But he's alone and staring
From a window sill

Old and graying
Dreaming of fields
Aug 2013 · 1.8k
drunkin wifi hop
Michael W Noland Aug 2013
I looked upon the greats, and found nothing they didnt take from the pre-existing grates, that drained our goals into slates, degraded our souls into fakes, and mistook our traits as hate,  before we faded into an abatement for safetly, safely enslaving our notions as nations, from the oceans, they saved me ... made me ... who I am.

But nothing is sacred anymore
Only deplorable horror
To numb the chores
Of that other lord
That the imaginitive ignore
Pretending to abhore
The things they cant feel anymore
But what for

There might be more to a coin flip than explored.

Intent and decent Vs stoical form
Aug 2013 · 663
drunk spew
Michael W Noland Aug 2013
Their smiles found the way around a world of woe, waning in the glow of unknowns bestowed in the subtle zone of their atonement.
Aug 2013 · 1.1k
Michael W Noland Aug 2013
One by one they stagger in

And one by one
They are stabbed again

And there is not a single thing
That you or I can do for them

As they are they
And we are we

And we
We are Americans

All us worldly citizens

And we
We will do it all again


Bigger better
Smarter harder

Bigger bombs
Bigger bonds
Better arms
And better cons

Smarter teams
Smarter dreams
Harder fiends
With harder clings

To speculative seams

Sinking into the dreams

Free will
A cress

Made in the finesse of last laughs

Trapped in a maze
Amazed in lapsed..

The same as sympathy

Empathy fills me
But not you

Who the **** are you
Feel me feeling you

I am the impossible
Possibly hostile

Martyr to a better place
From carvers of the human face


Plucked and pruned
Fallen from space
****** imprudent
Shielded in hate

Grace is made this way

I can
I will
I am

And we can
All relate

From sculpted slates
We can blame the genetic traits

I stand
I ****
I am

Still me

But a who the **** are you
Is still a who the **** am I

And I am merely me
Marrying myself to the breeze

Flowing dis-compassionately

The woe only in I
Same goes for you

What’s mine is yours
And what’s yours
Is mine too

And you
You are
So ******* beautiful
To me

For me..

Waiting patiently
For us to meet

As this
This ******* dream

Is disintegrating

In graying hair
And brittled teeth

Right before me

Between my fingers
Secreting my completeness

The sheen that lingers
Of what may beat this

You are Less and less
Amiss and drifting through an abyss
Of timelessness
Or *******

Lighting the nothingness
With the something’s we have lit

Crumpling the summoning
Under running concepts

I flip it
Loop it
Re-repeat it
Speak it
And there it is

Until it's all there is

To be convinced
Of it ever being

It is what it is
It is what you make of it

But it
It is non-existent
Despite the coherence
Of the zing

It's still *******

However you paint it
Manipulative and complacent

I still sing

And once you get it
The pit still sits

Right where you left it
And you still aint ****

Merely being

We Just ride it
Until the end

Slowly declining in its decent
Commending the contempt
And spending our worth

To vent and purge
The splurging words
While observing the swerves
Of our naked nerves
In the sunlight

I writhe in light
Like in the warm shower insights
To my life
Lost when I dry

I'll be alright
When our eyes
Lock on the same night
On the same starry skies
Hypnotizing our lies
Into drive
As we drive
Off the same cliff

It's candle lit
To our testaments
To love and hate the love
In the wretched lessons
Lessened by the blessings
From the others projecting
Our chances of living
On our setting sons

Till the dawn of war drums
Strum with our fathers guns
On the gumption
Of the stun
As it fades away
As the faces deteriorate
From pictures framed of mind

Despite the rewinding
To the reeling back
Of everything that happened
In the snap back

Unto impact
It is the rubber band that snapped

That held it all together

Facts are still facts
Or perhaps
A map
To what happened
And trapped it
To one singular act
Of submission

The intuition
A mere vision
Made to action
Seeing is believing

The deceiving traction

Mashing the imagination
In its station for supremacy


A ration
Of the disbelief
Molding into my souly retreat
Where I shall lovingly
Accept defeat
And fall upon my knees
Unto your love for me

Seeing you reflecting
Your similar beliefs

Once unbeknownst in the grief

Simply beautiful

I see us disappearing in the seas
In pulling tides
And swirling cities

Where we complete
Upon meeting
As we sink
Aug 2013 · 867
Until next time
Michael W Noland Aug 2013
I shut off my power and my phone in an attempt to recalibrate, which is why I haven’t been posting lately. I go for a two hour walk everyday after work, talk to weird people, as well as make friends with stray animals before going home and playing my guitar until sundown. I light some candles and sit next to my open window and read until the Coast2Coast show comes on my crank radio and I listen until I fall asleep. The cold shower in the morning takes some serious *****, but after defeating the cold shower I have noticed my productivity at work sky rockets, as nothing that I will face through out my day will require the will power that is required in facing cold water submersion first thing in the morning. I have been writing the old school way with a silver Cross pen in a sketch book my mother had bought me for my 18th birthday, and boy have I forgotten what a pain it is to do edits with pen and paper.

I was growing bitter, self destructive, and unappreciative, and I figure I needed to hit rock bottom to appreciate the little things again. Thus far it is working, and I am only two weeks in. I am shooting for October 1st before I turn the power on. The phone may come sooner, as my boss is *******. I am attempting to build my body, mind and spirit as a result of my looming feelings of forlorn that have been pressing in on me in an almost shout that I have mostly ignored the past couple of years, but the time of putting my instincts aside has ended. My ear is to the ground and my eyes are to the sky and once I am full of what these fill me with, I will speak of what I have found.  Be well friends, and see you soon.
I realise this isnt a poem, but I like my poetry buddies even though I am a bit antisocial and I wanted to tell you guys that I am alive.
Jul 2013 · 862
Per-Fect Ma-gott
Michael W Noland Jul 2013
When William walked
They stayed in pace

And when William stopped
They backed away

Williams women knew their place

They prepped the food
They cleaned his place

They shined his shoes
And shaved his face

But oh Williams worth
Was a wayward lot

Dampened darkly
Away and aloft

Sparkly hamperings
In the trunk of his car

Scampered starkly
Alone in the dark

So far far and away
They exclaim

Oh Billy!

Ol'***** has his fame
Flames but to his back
As he walks away

Really just another *****
A wiley killer killen em
Wily nily willing or not

He's lovey dovey
Shovey punchy

Always feelin hot

When with his silly thoughts
He sees the holes in their knots
And gets off on their thoughts

For the love of the pop
The pop of the ma-gotts

Sopping mind rot
He gets it alot

And when he stops
He froths throbs
Weaves and bobs
Wheezes and sobs

Then sneezes and hes off

To either burn a stable
Or poison a troth

Severe a cable
Or just turn it all off

Offering lovelessness
Amidst pimps

For he is the way

The way of the worlds
Lawful in his lawlessness

He is the glint
Of the harbinger

The bringer of depth

The flint
Of the match maker

Closer to per-fect
Jul 2013 · 1.2k
The idiot and the wannabe
Michael W Noland Jul 2013
Trayton Marvin this
Trayon Martian that

All this talk but don't know Jack

little punk got pluncked
When he stood his ground

Lil heathen went out
With a ground pound

And what?
A mexicant have a Jew name?

Your stories are lame
And all the same

Television drones
Fat and tamed

Little tike knew enough
That when you buff up
And play rough

You can get plucked
For the littlest stuff

Like showing what your made of
Even when it's made up

Even when a fake ****

Even when snuggled up
In the tug of a green heart
Plugged from the rugged start

Just another stupid kid
All skittles and *******

Lying dead
Jul 2013 · 2.6k
Not the slightest
Michael W Noland Jul 2013
The wake of nevermore
To be forever and more

Through the doors of metamorphosis

With whorish twists
To twine the submissive slits
Into bracelets bracing for a face lit
In joyous glee

Cheek to cheek!

The sheen of sheep
Greased and ready to eat

Oh Gristlesworth
Smiling from a bag

Don't eat the tag
Jul 2013 · 979
Michael W Noland Jul 2013
Just what is it that I am discovering?
I feel like I'm blubbering
Idly hovering over something

Something so bright I am blinded
And if my hunch is right I'll sign it

While kissing in the sky

There's a place deep down
In the bottom of the sack
Where the weakened drown
And the warriors attack

Where the heart pounds
And glory turns to *****
Into gory sheets
Categorically pieced

Through out a dream state

In a feast of upheaval
Under the peaking sun
In a leash of retrieval
Over the space of one

All waking to wonder
In the slumber of none

My bitter bones tumbling
To the drums thump

My slithered poems humming
To the stumps

My withered homes crumbling
To the months

Turned years
Jul 2013 · 353
Michael W Noland Jul 2013
Get what you give as you got what you ganked.

Live with it not in distaste, but relate.
Jul 2013 · 983
Shine me on
Michael W Noland Jul 2013
A sheer myst
Of belligerents
And jobless degenerates
Perpetually in progress
Just kicking it
On the Internet

It's a little bit sick

I just cant shake it
This taste of *****
As I look upon it
Then it dawned on me
I'm also looking at me
In the reflection
Projecting what I see


The white noise of irrelevance
And filtering out the elements


With eloquence
And moving into and on with it

The back lit intelligence
Telling me how to live

The plugs are deep
And I take more than I can give

And together we feed
On gigs of distractions
The worlds tragedies
At our fractured seams

The web unto me

Unbeknownst to actual casualties
I seem to fiend for the wars
The deplorable horrors
Exploring the contours
Of the obscure
But not to be as it seems

Maybe just to blur the mundane away
Merely may have it be

The fewer the flames
The better the dream

Profane blasphemy
With ******* means

In ***** slavers
Raving in the papers
Of danker things

Printed on the label
In the stables of kings
Pacing the ring singing
From the knees happily

So please
Just disconnect me

Infect me with reality
Push my proprietary
Philosophies installed in me
Over the edge

Make the pledge to disconnect
But I won't

Form the wedge of discontent
But I don't

In this very post
I cast my vote
And hope

For what?
I don't know

Just always stronger than before
And longer in the troll

As the binary flows
Through what I think I know
Even though knowingly opposed
To its rope of coping

Moping from a beam

Seemingly unreal
Spangling from the

Tink ...

Straining to think
And heaving
To breathe

Smiling in defeat
I'll keep clicking
From the sheets

From when I wake
To when I sleep

It's a discatastrophy

And presenting
An electronic me

Unto me

Without grief
And seeping
Through the screen

I'd scream
But not one would hear me

Help me?
Help yourself ..

The interconnected me
Jul 2013 · 614
A passing guilt
Michael W Noland Jul 2013
It was a tumble of disbelief
A rumbling in my belly
A stumble into grief
Through jumbled telepathy

It was me
Looking right back

But only and exactly in the flash
Where irrational brashness
Was splashed upon shattered glass
As he slumped over the dashboard
Jul 2013 · 816
Monster Maker
Michael W Noland Jul 2013
No more magic wands
Or spell bound words
No more ghostly haunts
Or reptilian birds

No more monsters in the dark
Not in the pond nor lake
No more pirates in the park
Not at the bar nor plank

I hid them in my heart
To harden in the flame
Dearly they departed
To indentured fame

Maybe I will try my hardest
And make a change

Maybe I'll be dishonest
And do the same

Be a monster in the closet
And win the game
Jun 2013 · 1.1k
Michael W Noland Jun 2013
Iris rode a Pegasus
To see inside a star

Spiral winds of hastiness
Inside its dark parts

Examining the ecliptic ring

Spying the halo of the king
She is silently observing
Despite the heating

But Iris plans to sing

As the messenger between the kings
Escaping the PRISM of the dream

And screaming from its screens

A Voyager to ****** now
As it flees

To interstellar space

As the questions beg for answers
That answer way too late

Put two in the back
And one in the face

One up close
And two far away

Iris is the eye
Of a dying race

Looking for traces of its fate

Unflinching and unblinking
It awaits

The storms of a gods face
Jun 2013 · 683
Dream speak
Michael W Noland Jun 2013
A sunbeam painted her face
In a smile

It printed the mountains
And built a trail

It sculpted thousands
Of smiling faces
Going to and fro

As it shone
Through a single crack
In the very back
Of a crowded basement

Where I detonated
In my sleep


In insatiable
Dream speak
Jun 2013 · 454
Michael W Noland Jun 2013
So elusive in her fluid movement

Almost intrusive
These lucid

This ...pheromonal lingering

It pulls closed
Our dis ...tance

Unable to resist

I'm showing teeth
And losing sssteam

I am


Receding back
From knuckle bitten screams
Jun 2013 · 839
le prick
Michael W Noland Jun 2013
The words meaningless
Appeasing this feeling
Grieving from my lips
And with small sips
To just downing all of it
I submit
To the emptiness
I have writ

And if i ever again kiss
The faintness of her lips
I will clumsily trip
In the grip
Of the happiness
That slipped
Into the heart of this *****
Jun 2013 · 679
Oh Thomas
Michael W Noland Jun 2013
Thomas was an honest man
Upon us in dishonest lands

And he would stand
Atop his fondest stances

And speak his mind at every chance

But Thomas
Wasn't always an honest man

He follyed as an honored father
That with his bothered hands

killed his daughters man

But if anyone can do it

Thomas can
Jun 2013 · 1.7k
Michael W Noland Jun 2013
Timmy the tortoise shell
Lived a tortured hell
When he fell
And cracked his shell

As Timmy tortoise
Had a timid soul
That would spill
From the cracks
And stack in tow

But Timmy was a loner

Quick to ******
Closed the traps
Of deviants and attackers
With his snapper

Even happier
He'd turtle slap ya

But Tim's dapper days
Were done

He was a flapper in the ****
Of an overly populated pond

Technologicalcated and wrong

And it tinied t
Under its beams
Of ruining

Until he

Was gone
Jun 2013 · 488
Z3r0 to anywhere (10w)
Michael W Noland Jun 2013
Repetitious failures capped with a singular victory.

It makes me.
Jun 2013 · 739
Michael W Noland Jun 2013
Met her at the docking station
She was waiting for the Moon
I, the United Space station
Frozen in the swoon
Of passing spaceships
Tho determined to see it through
Our gazes patiently vacant

As we drifted our eyes
Over the earthly spikes
Of majestic might
Just to pass our sights
Over our nights
Of light-less sights
Glamoring us goodnight

Where fragility was born
As our ships docked
Feeling torn
The seals unlocked
And i mourned
As I walked with the flock
On board

Her face further than before
Looking for the door
As I was adorned
In crowds of explorers
Looking for more
Than the love born
In this vacuous swarm

I clamber for a window
To see her face
And i watched it glow
As it drifted farther away
And i will never know
Her graces amongst this place
As I just minded the flow

And detonated the station
For the poverty of a nation
But the expansion of the blast
Pulled her into its caste
And the hole surpassed
Our flight paths
As our cluttered wrecks amassed

But I was not alone
As she triggers her past
In the eye of the storm
Reestablishing eye contact
She holds to her form
In the secondary blast
And together we roamed

Into the beautiful black holes
Jun 2013 · 770
Cartoon Crown
Michael W Noland Jun 2013
See the riders
Rise to power
To idols

Watch the flower
Sprout the towers
The rivals

Search the homes
Of trustless hearts
Cracking stones
A world apart

Seek out the alone
To turn them narc
Replace their bones
With ******* marks

It is dark out here
But here is the torch
The path is near
But the sky is scorched

Lose it all
But take the most
Make the call
And act as host

Burn the blame
In viral hate
Do the same
And claim it fate

You came
You saw
You killed
The king

You face
The face
Of gods
Jun 2013 · 547
Halo over bones.
Michael W Noland Jun 2013
A ring around the sun
An omen for the dumb
A reminder of the sum
To the faintness of our hum

There is a city in the water
Where the color whirls
She is mocking what we taught her
The demur of a world

There is a fire in the sky
Just a passer by
And if you hide your eyes
You will be surprised

There is thunder in the dirt
Sliding lands on molten rock
And if you listen to it work
You can hear it talk
Jun 2013 · 386
Shameless plug
Michael W Noland Jun 2013
Join "The Writing Club" on facebook for yet another outlet of your beautiful words. We are down to maybe three regular posters and I dont want the group to die. :(

Or, add me and i will invite you to the group. My name is
"Michael W Noland" on Facebook.

The Writing Club
Jun 2013 · 1.5k
Michael W Noland Jun 2013

We all become believers
You will see

We all hit the gutters
And deceive
What we know
Into what we need

On the hope
To cope
With the NO
Of every plea

The gaping holes
While fruitlessly
Feathering dreams
Of ceasing
To be

Anywhere but there
Anywhere but here

Afraid and aware
Lying barren
On a hair

To everywhere
But where we want to be

Your everything
Believed in our belief
In our grieving
Of a meme

Obsolete and teething on a ***

Seething in seeing it
And undone
Unto nothing

Disconnected dots

Breathing out
And away
From meaning

Slightly clinging
To the things
To Matter

Scattered over
The tattered matters
In meteor
The other chapters

But not until after
Factoring in
The tractor beams
Of nothing

Just waiting

On the bottom
Of the gut
Crawling up
The throat lumps

And stuffing our luck

With all the succulent stuff
We are made of

Until eruptions
Of higher functions

Save us
From the ****

When enough
Is enough
And we just stop
Giving a ....

And let go

Blow after blow
Until we know
Who is in control

Of what is real
And what is
Made up

From atoms to the eave
Of our dreams
We must glean
What we need to

To get us through
These words
Of hurt
Out from lurking
In the work
Of our enemies

Forever tempting me
To blaspheme
In the wake

Of your passing

The endeavoring
Ever lasting
In careful mapping
Of the synapses
Into relief

Though brief

Locked in eternity
Oh the possibilities

My everything
And my humility

Locked in a single thought

In anxiety
Gone quietly

My hands before me


Always ready
Blanket me
In blank

Make me
Or break me

Take me

To forever
Jun 2013 · 383
Baby Bahstar
Michael W Noland Jun 2013
Birth me behind a curtain
Making certain
To block the light out

Shine me on
In a black out
Drown the sound out

Let me come to my own

Don't burn my eyes with your suns
Don't deafen me with your drums

Just let it come as it goes

As I for the one
Shall not go

Into your light
Your lies
Your fight
Your right

To live

Make me

Let me take
So I can give

Make you empty
Make you full again

Full circle I've gone
From goat to kid

As I again wish
To live

In your shade
Jun 2013 · 1.5k
The Path
Michael W Noland Jun 2013
It was a trackless railway
In the woods
A bit misunderstood
And secluded

It was Illusionious
In its imprints

Its indentations
Of footsteps
In sections
With the phantoms
Of past steps

The glints
Of stimuli
Widened my eyes
In My
From feeble


In rhymes
In rows
In times
And places

But this time
It's just different

As I

Signed the sky
In denial
Of the price

And paid nothing
Jun 2013 · 1.2k
Michael W Noland Jun 2013
I still feel her hand
Removing the ring
Of which I made a bullet
And put it on a string
Rip away if needed
My mere being
On the string
And trapped
In the ceiling
But that feeling
Like nothing
From my somethings
Slumping through
Creating the me
We never knew
Until all the way through
To the other side
Where I reside
In uncompromising lies
As not caring
But my blaring heart
Shines through
Under clouded stars
But to start loving
Just seems too far
To go back
Too much weight
On impact
And I'll collapse
And lapse
My days away
In a lackadaisical haze
Of happiness
Where I'm eventually
And made
To feel
But always
The opportunist
Tuning this
Ruined mess
Into the most
I can leash
Until this test
Of heart and mind
Is complete
And the noise
In the peace
Of her single image
Serenading me
In eternal sleep
Whispering lovelies
To my being free
Jun 2013 · 1.1k
Michael W Noland Jun 2013
Wake me up
Push me out
Take me in
Turn me round
Kick me out again
For another spin
Circle me
Round the town
Turn me on
Take me down
Another road
Shift in tone
Through another zone
Take me back
Home is where the heart is
Get it back
Always hardest
When attacked
Always harvest
The black
From binary asteroids
Baring maps
Staying stoic
Til it circles back
Sum me up
In deeds
Sell me out
To dreams
Just Be
Without me
For a minute
And let me breathe
May 2013 · 871
spewerd the grump
Michael W Noland May 2013
I don't care to see
The moral stances
From overly sensitive types
With their soft hands
And wisdom-less insight

I don't care to associate
With low impulse cut throats
Who only think of themselves
And shelve their selfish hope
With their greed

I don't do anything
That has me
Relying on a single thing
So i can flee
On the drop of a team
To my door

I'm always going to be
Leaning on the beam
Of a door
To whats in store for me

And I don't need to breathe
The ashes of fascists
To know they passed us
For the masses
To caste us
Into flames
As they walk away

And i don't want or need
Nor anybody
After grumbling it all through
As the truths
Will have me
Setting somebody free
In the violent liberties
Of my profanity

I'm nothing fancy
Just a little bit antsy
And an *******
Frantically feeding his dreams
From the ditches and drains
Of a technological stain
On the land

I pray every morning
With closed eyes
And clasped hands
Without a single god in the sky
But if i can convince
Myself of the lie
Just to get me by
I will be alright
And the guilt wont rewrite
Until tonight
Where i will write it out
Under a single light
From a dreary house

I'm all about
Letting the dogs out to play
And when I'm all out of thirst
I let out the slurs
Of a babbling idiot
Bantering with the fidget
Of ridiculousness
Under the fractal prisms
In which I'm imprisoned
I would shut my mouth
Change the channel
Or just close you out
May 2013 · 563
Developing Feelings
Michael W Noland May 2013
I see the light
I see her coming to
I can feel her smile upon mine
And I can feel her coming through
She can be the light
And she can light the room
The dark dark room
Where soon
So so soon
She will develop in the fluid
May 2013 · 504
Cannot be Blahthered
Michael W Noland May 2013
Stick a gun to my head
Cover me in gas

Bind my hands
And strike the match

We can share the last laugh

Nothings better
Than nothing to lose

Inscribe it across my tomb

I'm too numb to care
Too dumb to stare into your eyes

Your enemy is mine

And I'm just fine
With dining alone

Just fine with not shining at all

I build the bridge to burn it down
Down so far it erects again

Watch me swim as slow as i can
Inhale the water and rise to land

I'm not the man I think I am

Not the man you think I am

I am merely a middle man
A fish on land

Throw back what you catch
If you can

Soaking wet
With burning hands
May 2013 · 249
Your Number (10w)
Michael W Noland May 2013
Where will you be?
I'll likely be
In my ******.
May 2013 · 334
Little voice
Michael W Noland May 2013
Meet me in a dream, and sing to me as i sleep.
Wake me in the morning, to indented sheets.
Always keep the words, blurred and unpronounced.
Dangling in my head, tingling to come out.
I'm not the only one, that knows what you're about.
But I'm the only one who knows you now.
May 2013 · 1.4k
Heaven pills
Michael W Noland May 2013
All intellect is dissected
Through the tunnel visioned perspectives
Stretched thin
In a stream of feed
Producing the illusion of need
Projected from old men
Who grin
Below the suicidal idols
Of the rivals
And glutton in the maniacal sins
By brain dead Americans
Painted in the amens of the dense
Commending the hymns
Of spent casings
Atop the blood of babies
And maybe
One day
It can be better
Than the clever endeavours
To sever the head of the predators
Washing our hands of their sedatives
And delivering the skulls to the slavers
But we are pay dirt
Shoveled into trucks to work
For a leafless tree
Ready and wanting to believe
In anything
That doesn't see our deeds
As we
Are manufactured with the greed
Of sleeved wisemen
With five of a kind
In the fight for life
Putting our souls
Upon our rites
We bet
Despite the path of right
Infringing on the height
Of success
In excess
Of the tests message
We are the blessing
Of a warning
Within a forgotten story
Historically denoting its anointing
We are the disappointment
Of the warrior
Defeated in a court
Of corrupted consorts
Sorting out the blueprints
For a new fort
Distorting the borders
Of moral disorders
With orders to ****
The hoarders of will
We are the shrill screech
Of a dying world
And we are alive
But dead
Born to ****
Batteries of a shield
Building hell
To sell heaven pills
May 2013 · 572
I miss your days
Michael W Noland May 2013
Its hard to be serious
Around emo *******
Always so furious
To the point of delirium
Screaming and crying
Like nobodies hearing them
But they loud and clear
And i just don't ******* care
Above and beyond
That **** already aired
When i dared to be a man
Brushed my shoulders
And cleaned my hands
Broke up the boulders
And cleared my head
For the next test
And bled for the best mess
I could organize
And legitimized
What i could
But oh what i would give
To be there again
To feel misunderstood
And give a ****
Before this fish on land
Sprouted hands
And demanded
Control of everything
To feel at home
I miss feeling alone and unknowing
I miss being lost
I miss being found
I miss the pain
The moment
Most profound
I miss the sound
Of my heart pounding
When a future lover comes around
I love the nouns
The verbs
The words
Rolling out a lovers mouth
When the block
Was a world
And we hurt
Ourselves for love
Bled for love
Anything for love
For love
Is forgotten
Of begotten imagery
Fading into a city of blocks
Cities in flocks
Flocks in droves
Droves in a world
And worlds
Clumped into galaxies
And everyone
Just keeps getting
Further and further
And further away
Until out of view
May 2013 · 1.5k
Michael W Noland May 2013
Hobbling out of bed
Half dead
I'm led
To the bathroom
The shower a vacuum
Of my powerlessness
But first i ****
Then get in
**** out the contaminants
Of my ***** habits
And i scrub
I scrub off
The plastic love
The mean mug
And tug on my ****
Plant a vision til it pops
And drop
To the shower floor
Tilt my head back
And gurgle to the gods
For more
Scrub the grill
Lay a towel on the floor
Suit up for a war
Two sprays of cologne
And im out the door
Headphones on
Angels atoning
To the morning
As im floating
Through the fog
Descending in my grog
Along the path
Like a lab rat
For a slab of cheese
Through the swamps
And trees
Dead things
And leafs
And im seen
By nobody
As i ascend a hill
To the corporate power
Where ill cower
For nine hours
Before reporting home
Going to bed
And waking up
To do it all again
Its blue collar zen
And im bored
So fraking bored
With my chores
Id rather scribble sounds
Into forms
Verbal storms
Visual cores
To explore
The tortured
Terms in torrents
Of turbulent
Talks with dead gods
And im born
Into the horns
Ive sworn
To protect
In widows peaks
And deepened
I'm infected
With my perfection
In the muffled traces
Of noiselessness
Among the space-less
To my sentences
Taking out the crackles
And recording
Over the blemishes
The fragile moments
Of eloquence
In **** jokes
And threatening
The restructuring
Of molesting
Verbiage beat
Over the mic
Delusions enticed
In my writes
Of fights
In long sleepless nights
Of rhyming
With bad timing
And mumbling
Of slimy things
Bubbling in the cuts
Dubsteped to **** fits
Sunkissed in lacking curtains
Disturbing the certainty
Of sleep
And cheapening
My dreams
Rolling over
Planting my feet
Upon wood floors
Hobbling toward
The same thing
Washing away the sleep
And fleeing
My creativity
For the rest of the week

(in progress)
May 2013 · 561
Michael W Noland May 2013
I'm a hesitation away
From a proclamation of hate
Deflating the rates
At which i live
Embarrassed to state
The love Ive given
And the comforts Ive rid
For the life i'm living
I'm sick of it
Plain and simple
It is easier to **** you
Than love you
And i'm through
Shoving though the fools
And the nonsensical rules
Just to taste
The freedoms you abuse
And soon
Real ******* soon
You will see it too
Oiling the very tools
That are killing you
May 2013 · 450
Frantic posts
Michael W Noland May 2013
I'm not here
To make a friend
Not to **** your ****
Nor distort your zen
I'm not here
To show my stuff
Not flaunt my sack
Or call your bluffs
I'm not here
To teach you ****
Not to give a ****
Or give you tips
I'm just here
To save my work
Wipe my brow
In completed works
Spit it raw
Rework the quirks
This pallets precious
A poets smirk
The words they scowl
The verbiage lurks
The hordes they prowl
They have their perks
May 2013 · 718
Michael W Noland May 2013
Toothless smile
And blistered tongue
Poor mans bile
And rich mans thumb
Stolen styles and shotguns drums
Slumping one
Fights for life of spraying stumps
The ridges
Collect and run
Idols of the one
Twist the keep of creepers stun
The haze
Of lucid thought
In fish nets caught
Of trusted broth
Be the burn
And learn to talk
And battered
Speak with god
See the flame
Beyond the troff
Be the blame
And take the loss
All the same
A discount cost
Take them down
To meet the boss
Collect the rounds
And find the lost
Swipe my blade
Across the face
Blossomed bite
Of knighted states
Meet a devil
You ****** to live
Seal the anvil
Tucked in your ribs
Be the boom
That breaks the walls
Clear the room
Assume the faults
Breaking down
You count the kills
Mounting anger
Turned to thrills
Seeing stranger
Prescribe the pills
Always dangled
The carrot wields
Hanging awkward
Opposing wills
May 2013 · 339
Big Bang
Michael W Noland May 2013
You belong to the sun
And I belong to the dark
You can be the brain
And I will be the heart
We can be a bullet
And finish where we start
May 2013 · 914
To know her
Michael W Noland May 2013
Those **** me eyes
And partial smile
Have me dying inside
And getting wild
She could ****** me up
In the ****
She defiles
With that smirk
And i hurt
To bleed her
To break her
Make her ***
Need her
Take her
Share her none
She could be mine
And happy
If only once
Keep her
Tweak her
Fapping after blunts
Summers starting
summers ending
A summer of love
Share it
Fair it
For what its done
We are
We were
We will be only one
She ***** me
I **** her
We pass out drunk
She might
But i cant get enough
She shakes when shes happy
And likes it rough
She fights
She bites
We growl when we ***
Cut her
Bruise her
Breathe into her lungs
All the above
Tend to her
Caress her
Give her what she wants
Marry her
Praise her
Swear to her love
Keep her
Need her
Ill wake up
Had her never
Or even ever
But i feel the loss
Saw her
Paused unto her
Still shaking it off
Shes gone
She walks
She walks away
I'm here
Shes there
And will likely stay
For now
For ever
For whatever we make
Im there
Shes here
We know our place
May 2013 · 933
cab therapy
Michael W Noland May 2013
To cab drivers
I can confess
My sins
And my tests
Of the day
I play back
The scenes
And the cracks
On the heads
Of jacks
In the rants
Of bloodied fists
And kisses from
The black
And the cabbie
Will always react
And with respect
Appropriate giggles
And gasps
And i'm forgiven
In the back
Of a cab
Where i can
Get it off my chest
A post mission
Where we tally
The score
In a tip
To explore
While i get
Higher than before
On the plant of the lord
Until adequately floored
Reaching the destination
They open the door
And i'm free of the lorn
Through my cabbie
I'm born to freshness
A 40 percent tip
For my new found grip
And i'm off to trip
Into bed
May 2013 · 707
Michael W Noland May 2013
To think its even palpable
Is laughable
In papal
Of lurching
The versus
For versions
To the venial
Of vengeful animals
The tiny trees
Just with their being
A seething species
Finding peace
In the pieces
Of enemies
Scattered in the streets
I wish i could say
There was disbelief
But i got a subscription
To weekly casket wreaths
And im singin in the rain
Refraining from profane
Crackling in the rain
Of my reign over sane
Waning in the basements
Flooded with the muck of lakes
Drained sacredly
In the same ****
I go silent
Before violent
Squirting the words
On the wills of birds
Chirping the verbs
Of disturbing slurs
That i never heard
If asked
But im keeping you on blast
To unmask the crass
Endeavours of an ***
Fighting fire with fire
First and last to laugh
Burning blurbs on your maps
Every time your lapped
And lapsing in the trash
Itching the rash
Amassed in your lap
And slapped in the face
A disgrace to the pace
Of a space in the haste
Of wasted hate
Too late to change
Into shorts today
To show the ****
On your legs
As your girl
Cries when she begs
For me to *** in her face
But its okay
She knows her place
But do you
In the back of the line
In the grey and the blue
Whispering to you
To stay and acrue
In militant pedigrees
Of satirical phalacies
From your knees
You need me
The truth

Go ahead
Its on you

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