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 Feb 2013 MKB
John Updike
She must have been kicked unseen or brushed by a car.
Too young to know much, she was beginning to learn
To use the newspapers spread on the kitchen floor
And to win, wetting there, the words, "Good dog! Good dog!"

We thought her shy malaise was a shot reaction.
The autopsy disclosed a rupture in her liver.
As we teased her with play, blood was filling her skin
And her heart was learning to lie down forever.

Monday morning, as the children were noisily fed
And sent to school, she crawled beneath the youngest's bed.
We found her twisted and limp but still alive.
In the car to the vet's, on my lap, she tried

To bite my hand and died. I stroked her warm fur
And my wife called in a voice imperious with tears.
Though surrounded by love that would have upheld her,
Nevertheless she sank and, stiffening, disappeared.

Back home, we found that in the night her frame,
Drawing near to dissolution, had endured the shame
Of diarrhoea and had dragged across the floor
To a newspaper carelessly left there.  Good dog.
 Feb 2013 MKB
Anne M
 Feb 2013 MKB
Anne M
She never knew him
when his shirt buttons popped
on a summer evening.

He never saw her
flailing arms become fluid
in the water.

They didn’t know each other
long enough
to have inside jokes
or lasting memories.  

She didn’t memorize
his voice or face,
but she's been told
she has his eyes.

He never saw her tantrums
turn to teenage angst
and she never knew him
when his hair was
dark and full.

They never finished
each other’s sentences
or played catch-up on the phone.

He never saw her graduate
from high school
or kindergarten.

She never learned his best-loved book.
He never taught her to whistle,
but she knows his favorite tune.

He’s the reason
she sees a challenge
in every stoplight.

All she has of his
are a charity baseball cap and
a love of John Wayne.

She's in awe of a memory.
Her faded hero.
The fable in her photograph.

He might not recognize her now.
She only ever knew him then.
 Feb 2013 MKB
Allie Johnson
i pour myself another flask
tilt my head to the heavens and choke it down
as if to say 'that one's for you mom'
the gulps of jack honey that kiss my stomach
become a bitter reminder of the things that i relinquish in sobriety
they ask me about my coping skills and lately
i nit pick, mock, and overanalyze
see, i am much more bitter than the poison i swallow
yet it will never occur to anyone that i have a void in my heart the size of kansas
i take another swig, feel the whiskey warm my cheek, and
close my eyes to imagine my mother's hands cupping my face
as if to subtlety remind me that i'll be alright
but that never corresponds to the way that i've felt since that night
i stand in front of the mirror bearing a shocking resemblance of her
my eyes tilt down a little and my lips are thin, just as hers were
 Feb 2013 MKB
Yehuda Amichai
After you left me
I let a dog smell at
My chest and my belly. It will fill its nose
And set out to find you.

I hope it will tear the
Testicles of your lover and bite off his *****
Or at least
Will bring me your stockings between his teeth.
 Feb 2013 MKB
Roger Turner - Poet
There is music almost everywhere
You can hear it in the breeze
Blowing gently through the dusty fields
Working slowly through the trees

Music is most everyplace
Just listen and you'll find
Music in the meadow grass
Music of every kind

The crickets make their squeaky noise
The birds they quack and coo
I hear music, if I'm listening
And I bet that you do too

There is music in a lover's voice
A gentle lilt in what they say
There is music in their breath as well
Listen closely as they lay

Don't close your ears to all that's there
You will miss the orchestra
You have two ears to listen with
Open up, hear nature roar.
 Feb 2013 MKB
Funny how we woke up in the morning
and pretended that tomorrow never happened—
strutted naked in mirrors celebrating our youth,
laughing, knowing suns and moons couldn’t do the same.

We borrowed our arms from the fridge
and peddled bicycles with bad breath—
trading war stories ‘cause we knew
if we came back alive
life would still be the death of us.
 Feb 2013 MKB
graveyard boy
 Feb 2013 MKB
graveyard boy, you are all skin and bones
i cut myself on your cheeks until i am red and raw
and your heart bursts out of your chest by the marble stones

bones boy, the night seeps from inside you as the sun goes down
i count your ribs up one by one and stretch myself over your skin
cover me from this haunting that rises from your gray eyes

blood boy, you are red and screaming under flesh
i can see your spidery veins inside of your wrists
warm and speeding when your hands touch my throat

ghost boy, tie me up with ropes and lower me to the ground
let me be hollow with you and fill the spaces with silence
the moon will be gone once we have made it far enough
 Feb 2013 MKB
Kiefer D McRay
Watch me rise beyond death.
Right past your eyes and hypocritical breath.
With which you prophetically announce,
and so pathetically denounce.
Me in every way possible.
You're a flea, demeaning common day people.
Words completely self-centered and feeble.

May your dreams fester and rot.
Your soul diminish to a dot
Spiritless demon be sickened.
With a liar's oath you'll be stricken.
Sight clouded with the lives of those shot.

Beyond my hate
Or a wish of your hellish fate.
Knowledge that you too, should be saved.
Show an ellipse of a faithful rave.
An open ear, to my following words to be paved.
Maybe a chance will be presented.
A chance to deny hell, lamented.
Make an honest word or fall.
Slip a tear or become a thrall.
An eclipse of the evils to be repented.

Through all of the sin.
And superfluous din.
Of the life we in.
You'll find a truth beholden.
And the chance unbroken.

It's never too late to turn round on your heel
and feel a feeling too real to be left under ground.
Below the surface of your expression.
Answers to an ageless question.
Should I love my above brethren?
 Feb 2013 MKB
Jenny Neuman
My Father
 Feb 2013 MKB
Jenny Neuman
My father tucked me in
               and kissed me every night
My father stood up to my closet
               to banish any fright
My father’s voice boomed with pride
               As he sang me lullabies
My father made my coin disappear
              Right before my eyes
My father told me I was perfect
              And beautiful in every way
My father taught me how to throw a ball
              And read to me every day
My father kissed me that night he left
             And said to keep my smile large
My father tilted his helmet back
             And left dressed in camouflage
My father told me he’d be back
             To kiss me again in time
My father is an honest man
            But that will always be a lie
For the night that ended his
          Was the night that changed my life
All of the grief and misery
           Could not erase the fact I know
It might be unfair to think
But my father’s killer
            Is another daughter’s hero
With a lopsided gait
I decide and..
I wait.

By the river.

Stood upon the rusted piers
Looking out across the flowing years
My youth drifts in with fears of death.

A soft breath of an Autumn breeze
Whispers slightly.

Like an unbound ship I rose and fell
The well of life is never deep
Only deep enough to keep some dreams.

The seagull.

Screams and wakes me to a change of tide
If only I could ride under its wings.
Would things be different..would I have seen?
The well within another dream.

It is the surely as night follows day
Time will take us..all away.
And what appears and disappears or whatever fears we fear
The end is always near.

And a body.

That skin which feels so cold to touch
How much I loved the heat.
Beaten down and toasted brown
Never thinking I would meet this day
When all is taken...all forsaken.. I stand and watch the shift of light
Shifting slightly to my right to get a better view.
The years I knew
The years that were
All there standing in a line...marking time.
Taking mine and me
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