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Jul 2021 · 231
B E Cults Jul 2021
you don't want
to see what being
in my orbit affords you.

Paris is still on fire.
Jul 2021 · 38
B E Cults Jul 2021
all of it glows if you
know how to notice it.

stall tactics.

the magic is actually
in the tragedy;
embers still
in the
Jul 2021 · 44
B E Cults Jul 2021
flies buzzing around
their dying brethren
in the trap by the garbage.
my cigarette is turning
to atmosphere;
"its polluted already",
I say to nobody halfheartedly.
it's all heavy
and pretty ******* useless
for anything other
than becoming food for the
pen and the page.

"this path supposed to
be the scenic route",
nobody replies
in Marlene Dietrich's voice.

there isnt ever a point
besides the conversation
Jul 2021 · 126
brutalist 7
B E Cults Jul 2021
the word verbosity,
the words for ****'s sake.

those are some words
that come to mind
when I think
about your attempt at trying.

you either **** or **** later.
ivory towers turn
to chalk in the rain.

I'm exhausted with the stakes,
as well,
so don't take any
offence from this.
Jul 2021 · 116
brutalist 6
B E Cults Jul 2021
it's all good.
this is fine.
the woods are whispering
my name.

my real name.

I love you.
Jul 2021 · 105
brutalist 5
B E Cults Jul 2021
got a juke
for a mushroom cloud;
just one though.

unsung loud enough
to be untold too.
caught sunstroke in the
I'm the venom going
on my forehead.

the war died awhile ago,
but I still wouldn't
go and kick
hornet's nest.
Jul 2021 · 105
brutalist 4
B E Cults Jul 2021
mud for the crown,
gun for the mouth
of a lesser me.

that's vespers on the wind.
do you hear them?
I'm weathering the night,
all of them.
all of this is bent light.
I'm hollering down the hall
for a little bit of insight.
but why though?

zygote to high hopes.
it's hopeless.

it isnt though.
Jul 2021 · 143
brutalist 3
B E Cults Jul 2021
well, I guess coffee
is in ruins.
future excavations
will suggest
some previously unknown
ancient civilization,
but not how it met
it's end.

and yet, here we are.
whose to blame for that ****?

deflect all you want.
I guarantee I can even do that
better than
Jul 2021 · 191
brutalist 2
B E Cults Jul 2021
**** of the earth,
but its still turning
so I don't
see your

I'm long past annoyed
at the shape of the void
I fit into in your
mental map
of all this

gestures at everything
[everything keeps growing]
Jul 2021 · 1.4k
brutalist 1
B E Cults Jul 2021
we are all digging graves
under some distant hazy

the sun never really truly sets.

so what is left to
interject with when
anyone says something
about suffering
having no
B E Cults Jul 2021
it's the "what" in the meantime
between here and sleep
that fogs up the lens.
Jul 2021 · 64
B E Cults Jul 2021
that pulse,
in and out,
breath picked apart
like a rabbit on hissing
like fig leaves in the

I see why
Jul 2021 · 110
B E Cults Jul 2021
"after" is
cracked alabaster
if your master plan
starts and stops
on the sidewalk
in front of the

experiential data.


I mean,
we had the food
and let it rot,
so why ask
in the first place?

happy belated.
by the way.
Jul 2021 · 144
B E Cults Jul 2021
step after step
after step;
ive no clue who's
shadow I'm stepping in

crying over dogs lost
to traffic,
crying over kids
turned to rubble
turned to retribution
turned to ratings in Damascus,
in Palestine,
in Nagasaki,

I'm hanging from a bridge
in Juarez,
still crying.

it never stops.
make it stop.


I can't cry any longer.

I will though.
Jul 2021 · 56
B E Cults Jul 2021
flowers reaching for azure,
sun gilding everything;
it's all so ******* gorgeous
and yet,
no matter how much splendor
I manage to choke down
I still think about
killing myself every single
******* day.
Jul 2021 · 63
or me(deflection)
B E Cults Jul 2021
grinding my teeth
while the world is ablaze;
I'm asleep, I promise.

like my father grinds his.

he is not really my father.
not really asleep, either.

where does that leave us?
Jul 2021 · 53
B E Cults Jul 2021
hare Rama, hare Krishna.

I'm rabbits running through
a field of barley swaying in
a breeze that reeks of a
on fire.

think dreams,
and not breathing.

I'm stars; screaming my name,
your name, our many names,
all night, every night.

delete me, please
Jul 2021 · 84
B E Cults Jul 2021
cross on every door,
paint still dripping.
I swear that I needed you.

I swear I never did.

floating between stuffing
notes into Corona bottles,
not throwing them,
and writing "stay the **** away"
in ground bone and spit
on the walls of hostels
ive only ever read about.

I shed skin like t-shirts.

I swear that I don't.
Jul 2021 · 73
B E Cults Jul 2021
ive been shaking
off a shadow for
most my life;
Ceyx washing up,
screaming the loudest.

Alcyone wailing about anything.
Jul 2021 · 51
B E Cults Jul 2021
Aesop Rock and Freddie Gibbs.
Jul 2021 · 54
B E Cults Jul 2021
sun through boring blinds,
I'm blind to it.

mind if I sit and not think
of the next 50 years?
ive been trying to disappear
for years.
Jul 2021 · 42
B E Cults Jul 2021
screaming at myself
in the mirror
while the angles of
neighbouring houses
speak to me
in whispered voices.

that's plural because
I don't know.

it's night against night
out here.

tigers prowling.

most fold while folding;
cafe bustelo in the mornings.

it's all good.
Jul 2021 · 180
B E Cults Jul 2021
I may have one hand
on the wall now,
but I am dipping slices
of granny smith apples
into wildflower honey
at the end of all this.
waiting on you.

by all means,
take your time.
Jul 2021 · 66
B E Cults Jul 2021
somewhere in between is
something sacrosanct;
Shangri la.
I'll be the last ghost to fade away.
just take it all a way's away from me;
my days are numbered.
trust me when I tell you
I take the comfort like pain medication.
I'm not saying we face death,
but claiming we were the patron-saints
of anything other than taking vacation
days for vacations never taken
is pretty ******* ridiculous.

just saying.

half of that at least.
sanctity was but a raft on a beach
before the tide came.
my mind state is in the wind
pretty much always.

late to all parties,
call it fashion.
balled fists,
call it stalwart or passion.
it all ends the same.
it's all dirt.
that is it's name, right?

Jul 2021 · 63
B E Cults Jul 2021
all of this is an abatoir,
all of it,
and all I want to see is
phospenes or the black
of the big sleep.

I'll match the scars
you feel alright about
showing me.

in my head, that is.

in my heart...
well, ive been known to leave
without leaving,
so I would advise trying
the "not knowing me" thing
and seeing how it shakes out.
Jul 2021 · 147
B E Cults Jul 2021
today, my drive to do anything
is as dead as disco.

earlier, while drinking my coffee,
I heard disco ive never heard

so I dont know.
tomorrow is a new day.
Jul 2021 · 47
B E Cults Jul 2021
you rush to start,
mad dash to the end of it.

it's your heart.
why are you rushing in?

siegecraft in the key
of lonely in your empty

symphonies rise from the traffic
outside your bedroom
and living windows;
all encompassed.

same side of the building.
enough isnt ever enough.
Jul 2021 · 110
B E Cults Jul 2021
where's the bellows at?
where's the bellows at?

I second the heads spinning,
slipping, still as the pond by
your parent's house
is in winter.
center of the spiral;
my fire is full, thanks.

was that the question?
Jul 2021 · 69
B E Cults Jul 2021
artistry is vacuous.
acquiescence come after ****,
gotta love it though.
everyone is a judge with
not a care in their heads other
insurrection's growth.

oh ****
no bliss breathing between here
  and seasons forgotten about.

cattle corralled,
antlers on the raw wood, looming.

Iast on the lists, remember?
Ive never felt ok.
rarer with the hellish day,
agog at the god-head
coming apart like a
house on fire, where's the bellows at?

Jul 2021 · 38
B E Cults Jul 2021
those thoughts of yours sure are lofty, huh?
I wouldn't use that word other than
in that instance.

rough draft,
a bit contrived,

I chant hymns in the mirror too.
I exhalt vitriol to the heights of vitriol
and slit my own throat
under full moons
so more full moons will shine
over my *******.

I am the space between the syllables
begging to be an outro.
Jul 2021 · 56
B E Cults Jul 2021
circling the drain
the worst of it
is the taste of the
rain coming out of
the black cloud above me

tastes like days I'll never
be able to get back
or forget about

Jul 2021 · 49
B E Cults Jul 2021
they told me if I didnt
like it here I could leave.

I'm still waiting
on the plane ticket.

feigned interest
in the same/different
dispensation of grace
from a safe distance
just to save the visage
of what I couldn't
articulate to you
on a good day.

it's the same rain everywhere.

it's been a really good day.
feigned ignorance.
Jul 2021 · 56
B E Cults Jul 2021
Samsara on it's head.
my kind of victory
is a wine glass
on it's side
rolling through
cheap cabernet
and then off the table.

Freddie Freeloader
filling the room
with an air that feels like
a hundred frightened rabbits.

wine glass shatters,
no rabbits running;
the cabernet
and my feet
tap tap tapping
the floor.
Jul 2021 · 67
B E Cults Jul 2021
if you ever want to talk
about Baudelaire
or greenhouses
then I'm your man.

I've clenched my fist enough
in this life.

so have you.
Jul 2021 · 63
bent corners
B E Cults Jul 2021
even sorrow solemnly
follows the solace seeking
I'm last on every list,

is that enough?
is that the rough of it?

whispers disappear into
the sound of the shower.
Jul 2021 · 45
B E Cults Jul 2021
"council house and violent"
is the the greatest line
ive ever felt shudder up
my hollow spine.

might mix the midland
with wilting.
silk screen a t-shirt or two,
features are diffused;
streetlights through rush-hour windshields.

but hollow spines though.
Jul 2021 · 55
same same
B E Cults Jul 2021
the blood stretching from
my open chest to
and back again.

I fractal out under the
afternoon moon.
Jul 2021 · 39
B E Cults Jul 2021
born dead,
I leave it at lore on
a doorstep;
force left me in the street.

I need this;
homage paid
to the whole
"ostrich with it's head
in the sand" motif.

I hope grief remembers my name.
B E Cults Jul 2021
let's talk it out.
its chalk outlines looking
like milk in the rain, remember?

I'm here.
my flesh searing on
a grill more alabaster
than aluminum.

I'm used to "done" as a theme.
keep that to yourself.
Jul 2021 · 63
ticka ticka
B E Cults Jul 2021
"though the most simple creatures"
in black gloss Ironlak
on the back wall of the gas station
I was told to stay away from.

I didn't do it,
I promise.

my promises are matches struck
by a nervous mom.

you get it.
Jul 2021 · 63
alpha(out there)
B E Cults Jul 2021
lost friends,
lost teeth,
always another cigarette;
bees on bouncing lavender.

isn't that beauty enough?
Jul 2021 · 39
B E Cults Jul 2021
I had an infinitely more horrible
time than I care to remember.

so I'm writing about it,
cheers Mr. Vonnegut,
so it goes.

so I go slowly slipping
through scenes of me
being a ******* *******
or prose I wrote
after a few-too-many.

act old so I can embody
the loss of life more

I'm a ******* *******.
Jul 2021 · 64
B E Cults Jul 2021
why do you think
I tried burning that particular
house down,
out of all the houses
on our street?

loaded questions.
I love you.
I'm sorry.
the "I" of now hates himself
for all of it.

every question is loaded;
fun house mirrors.
Jul 2021 · 132
B E Cults Jul 2021
birds are a theme of mine;
I pick up feathers off the street.

they finally settle on my altar
in a 87 cent vase
only big enough for a dandelion
or two.
or feathers.

hawk, turkey vulture,
raven, bluejay, mockingbird,

however they lost them,
they play bouquet for love now.

like me,
Jul 2021 · 43
B E Cults Jul 2021
crowns for beasts,
mouths for feasts.
clouds are the breeze
and the breeze is you
dancing in my dreams;
a ballerina in a music box.

snarling kings
lead the man in me
to seek apotheosis.

don't you know this
by now?

I am a child.
Jul 2021 · 46
B E Cults Jul 2021
in love's first winter
I lost my ******* mind twice;
ground is still bleeding.

thinking over years,
I slowly fall forever.
we were happy there.

we were never that.
leverage fact somewhere else.
we were never that.

probably so.
Jul 2021 · 49
B E Cults Jul 2021
last two cigarettes,
a lot more beer,
I didn't buy more of the former
because the corner store
is too ******* high;
I'm at a bodega and I remember everything.

half right.
half light;
I laugh in reverse sometimes.
Jul 2021 · 45
B E Cults Jul 2021
you said,
"we're just carbon, man".
carbon smiled at that.

carbon says we are just dust motes
dancing in saturday sun rays shining
through ugly beige blinds.

carbon belly laughs.
carbon hasn't done that
in a very long time.

carbon has been here
a very long time.
carbon smiled at that too.
Jul 2021 · 58
B E Cults Jul 2021
disrobing disbelief
as if it were a lover
just as drunk as I am
got me nothing
but more disbelief.

so now I sleep alone,
with fantasy.

"tell me a story,
any story,
about anything",
I whisper
to tobacco stained wallpaper
my vulnerability
breeds like
rats behind.
Jul 2021 · 43
B E Cults Jul 2021
doubt is a cage.

dont you refrain
from anything
in this whole world
if nobody gets hurt
when you do it.
or if youre the only one
that can get hurt;
do it.

or don't and say you
did it anyway.

either way,
they'll doubt you even did it.

doubt is a cage.
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