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May 2015 · 725
The CUPSI Group Piece
Levi Kips May 2015
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you artists like no other,
who lay their hearts down on the line day and night in every line they write.These artists are the next generation rappers and the new generation poets, they can't be defined by a genre, but you can call them the spoken word artists.

Let me start off with, I’m just a black man
coming up from the dark side, so I’m having a hard time
staying on track, man.
But man, this track I’m on was paved for me
and to stray would be an act of heresy.
Heretics present and act when
a sheep who strays is a black one,
so every time a black son rises to the occasion,
they act like there’s an eclipse with a black sun.
And our sons can’t be young because they have sons of their own,
so busy trying to strap up and act up they can’t wrap up their manhood.
Trying to act grown,
and they can’t grow up to be fathers because they never had fathers of their own.
How you have four fathers whose forefathers fathered four, and didn’t even know.
Black men have lost their backbone,
but that’s okay, cause I’m the black stone
in this bedrock that is our culture, and I’m here to bring ya’ll back home
like the fathers you never had back home.

It's not real, I don't care how you feel.
They are real people, but you know what I hope? This is a movie with no sequel.
You started this trend where you whip people into submission.
You make grown men beg and fall into fetal positions.
Yes, this was over 50 years in the past, but the effects are long lasting.
And the worst part is the youth doesn't care; all they want to do is smoke grass and remenisce in a past that they won’t have if they keep on the one way track to destruction.
Yes, we are a new generation, but all you want to do is stick your head in the lyrics that have no values.
Martin Luther King had a dream to lead his people into a bright new future, but you have a dream to dive in to the unknowns that will cause you diseases and leave you dead without a purpose. You say you’re sweet and you’re quick on your feet, but you won't be when you pass out on the street from a bullet in the head, or even the AIDs that you got from laying between the sheets in the bed with that broad you didn't even know. Because you thought you was dope.

I done used a pack of 24 pencils, a couple pens, 10 erasers, I ain't got no utensils, that's what happens with that word – it'll hit you, going so fast, the opposition comes up and they blow a whistle, They call me Mainy and I promised not to say nothing, but these wanna be rappers, they gotta say something, but those words that you spit better than you saying nothing, cuz I got these bars on my tongue jumping like they double dutching... You wanna battle me? fine. But you know what's behind me? You got a gang and some killers, man I got a Army. You got a couple thugs, a sawed off shotgun, 12 SMGs, a ****** rifle and a rocket launcher..beat so dope I mess around  till the time go off, army so strong, you coming off?  Then your heads gone.

And I'll assist with the ammo in the truck, let’s do a 2pac and hit ‘em
up and drive away when the cameras come. America’s most wanted times 4 my man Jermaine, Monsell, Rachelle, and the truly yours. Our lyrics are mythical but not stereotypical because we're vicious like werewolves
and cold zombies; you can say that this is the world’s lyrical mythical

Go get your money up, cheese, lettuce and get some bacon , while you’re at it go get some bread, I'll be hungry later, gotta do the math for this quick cash, I'm rappin’ so bad, it sound like I belong on a soundtrack. God got me counting money like I won the lotto, smoking so much color purple you can call me Hoppo. The verses that you be spittin’ is so inferior, ****** that she wrote every time I pick up a pen again, and before I stand up here and make proof of liars, I let my rapping do the talking, ready, aim and all I spit is fire.
this year the cupsi finals was hosted in my exact town and for me it was just a walk across the bridge. and the cupsi people asked can some of the local performers open us up. so there was a solo piece for podium, and then there was the group piece, this is that group piece.
May 2015 · 513
Euthanize dooncoff belibers
Levi Kips May 2015
The only patience we had for belibers was spent in a quick game of operation and listening to the music their god produced, who may I mention is the age of *******. Let me be clear Justin Beiber the death of your belibers was no accident actually it was a genocide. Our purpose was to take out your dooncoff belibers and believe us it worked since your here to see them go 6 feet under beneath us. Don't get jealous cause you're next, yes this is a eulogy but low key this is a meeting on taking you out. First we take out the army now we moving onto the commander slash general. we're going to assassinate you, my bad that implies you're famous, we're going to euthanize you put you down like a dog but its not going to be a one and done shot, naw, ima have more arms on stand by like a centipede using the 2nd admendment to the fullest extent of the law , my bullets will be hitting on you so much that you will think they was flirting with you just like start of your euthanized dooncoff belibers club.
the theme was. 1 five dollar word, then 2nd word a made up word, and 3rd word is a phrase you wish would die. now make a ulogy for that word and use the other 2 words to while doing it.
May 2015 · 293
I Miss
Levi Kips May 2015
I miss, your sweet summer kiss, its so delicious makes me melt in a Alaskan blizzard. I miss, your luscious hair, it can grow to certain lengths that even Rapunzel would stare. I miss, your perfect eyes, yes your chamber doors to your soul, I'm truly the only one to see them unfold, tame lion in disguise. At the same time you peaked into mine, even though I tried to hide. That's another thing I miss, your detectiveness. I can go on and on about your perfect qualities at the end I'm trying to say I miss you. What is Kent Clark without his Louise Lane, what is Peter Parker without Mary Jane, what is the moon without the sun, really what is me without you? I can miss a lot in this life, I'll even lose my sight, if only it meant talking to you all night. So if you were to ask me one thing in this life I would miss the most, I'll say the answer is You.
this is about the best friend ex
May 2015 · 454
Break up
Levi Kips May 2015
i tried everything, took every precaution i could take, but not matter
what i tried the results all stayed the same. we were never in love i
was just dreaming, while i was stressing over every little thing she
said, she was laughing. right then and there i should of known
something was wrong, but because of my love struck eyes couldn't see
pass her disguise, the only sign my eyes saw was she was the one.  and
ooh how much i regret to see how i was so wrong. she tampered with my
feeling for 2 years plus some weeks. who knew 2 weeks after our
anniversary i would be reminiscing our break up and not celebrating
our hook up. sometimes she had me thinking we're together then other
times we're not. it seems like we were only together when she wanted
to be together. never about what i want. at the end I'm always the
hurt one. why do we got to be like this why can't we resolve our
problems and be together again. but the possibility of us being
together again is in the intersection of impossible and never again. I
don't know where i went wrong, maybe i needed to tell her how much i
loved her more often, maybe i should of went all out for her birthday,
or maybe we were never meant to be. maybe we were so opposite that we just aren't meant to be. if this is the end our tale between you and
me, well I'm glad to have loved you once then to not have a chance at
love before.
the title and the poem says it all
May 2015 · 501
The Perfect Girl
Levi Kips May 2015
the perfect girl lives in the state of big penn,
the perfect girl i met 2 years after 2010.
the perfect girl is a soccer star
the perfect girl has a great sence of humor and knows how to break hearts
the perfect girl is kinda slippery
cause at times she gets away from me
the perfect girl is my angel without wings
said from god almighty himself
the perfect girl is kinda hard to understand
outta all the people she could of chose she chose this mortal man
the perfect girl see something in me that i can't see, nor understand
but i'm glad that i can fit into her world and i'm able to fit into her plans
see the perfect girl can not be described by this small poem
if i wrote a hundred page essay about her it won't even scratch the surface
but the perfect girl will always have my heart and i hope i have hers.
this is the absolute last poem i wrote for her, still not proud of it but we live and learn
May 2015 · 345
Levi Kips May 2015
O is for optimism cause its always a mystery if we're together or not
L is for love i have for you and always will
Y is for you cause you are perfect for me
V is for your vickenous ways that keeps me in a gaze
I is for your intellegenence cause its so hard to fool you
A is for your attitude which you can't deny you have
but these are all the reasons why OLYVIA is the one i want and the one i need
this is the second one i sent
May 2015 · 384
Dear 570
Levi Kips May 2015
you're the only one that i want,you're the only one i crave. we've
been through so many up's and downs, that our relationship should be
the model to every roller coaster ride. everytime i tell you i love
you, i really mean it, like i'll go horse trying to explain how much i
love you. i need you like schools need teachers, i need you like
churches need preachers, i need you like 804 needs his 570, i need you
like my life depends on it. if i can only get 3 words out of you in a
hour long conversation i will be happy with that. any opportunity i
can get to communicate you i will go to the highest mountain to fulfil
it, cause you mean everything to me and this year makes it official.
i was almost not going to post it but i got to show that long loves sting to this is 1 of 2 poems i wrote for her
May 2015 · 490
One Love part 1
Levi Kips May 2015
In this world full of bad i think i found some good in a form of a
female. She's pretty brown dark skin, and isn't afraid to fight for
her own. A independent girl that got her own. Nothing comes close just
to see her smile, not even a ******* operator ****** moan. She's
good girl but because of these wanna be thugs they got her thinking
she's wild, a voodoo child, that's worth less then a dime. But because
of they are ripped is the only reason she can tolerate that lip. I'm
trying to show her a nice guy can make **** love look like cute
love,Diminished small but still good, compared to that super power
love the we nice guys own. Even though that's a big challenge I'm up
for it, I'll fight through a hundred men on drugs just to get a hug
from her. and that's the truth and theirs no R in it. And if she's
reading this i hope i don't creep her out. Because its too early to
have these affections for a person i just started talking to a week
ago. But she got to understand all i ever do is wait, like a good girl
is going to some day fall on my plate. I'll take that risk and
probably fall flat on my face but I'll rather have results then to
have regret stuck on my face. But this day i was close because she's
fell a few feet out not so deep in the woods. Now I'm on a journey
trying to find this green leaf in this autumn woods and I'm getting
close, is she going to say yes or is she going to say no. That is her
decision and hers alone, I'll have my answer on the part two of this
there was supposed to be a part 2 but i already wrote a poem about never getting a answer and a girl leading me on. if not i'll do it in the future.
May 2015 · 345
The Silence Kills
Levi Kips May 2015
The moment you leave me alone
is the moment it all goes downhill
i suffer when everyone sleeps
its my dreams thats always rapeing me, emotionally
and they do it every night like a drug addict and their ******
giving me false premonitions of a brighter day
like that friend that always say it'll be ok
while my nightmares are the one's who real with me
telling me you'll be nothing in life and you know what I'm starting to believe
why do i always hope for the best when I'm always getting the worst
the happy thread that i clinch and tread is about to tare
so watch and stare who really gives a care
the silence is my best friend, the silence is my worst enemy
the silence is lifting me, and the silence is killing me
and at the day the silence is still here with me.
just angry
May 2015 · 498
The Silence
Levi Kips May 2015
The silence, is apart of me
The silence, approves me
The silence, is extremely deadly
So stay away from me, when I'm holding a machete
The silence it kills
The silence makes me feel
The silence is neither here nor there but the silence is everywhere
Theirs no escaping the silence
Really their's no escaping myself
No matter what anybody say the silence is always within myself.
post break up sh*t, words by Slam Richmond

— The End —