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Alina Nov 2019
We cry into our pillows
Cry at our reflections in the mirrors
We cry ourselves to sleep
Wanting to look like the models cause they’re every girl's hero
Wipe your tears
They say to be beautiful you need to withstand the pain
But we are already in pain
When we look at others and compare ourselves to them we feel ashamed
The feeling doesn't go away
But still, we put that smile on our face and compliment others just the same
Society has changed and expected us to do the same
To be beautiful we’re supposed to have a size zero waist and shave our legs
Not wanting to eat, and hoping our waist will magically shrink
Our parents tell us, “Everybody's beautiful and unique in their own way”
Which is just another way of saying everybody's the same
So we fit in and follow trends
And lie every time we say we’re alright
But we are never satisfied
How can we let it go this far
Never a chance to relax and breathe
So we concede
To something we don't want to be a reality
And we feel worthless                                                        ­                        
Stuck in the same cycle and routine
Smile all day and say that you’re okay
All the expectations
All the fake hugs
The fake friends
The fake love
But we drown it out and live our own fantasy
Thinking about all the possibilities of being free
Free from all the hate
Free of the envy and jealousy we feel each and every day
To just be happy with who you are
To look forward to tomorrow with a real smile
A new day
A clean slate
A new life with a bright future
A future where we feel like we’ll live through today in one piece
Where we won’t break.
Alina Oct 2019
I'm okay
Okay I’ll be
Waiting for a miracle
Waiting for glee
Don't keep me waiting
I'm not very patient

Time goes by
I sit and sigh
Waiting for change
Days go by and everything’s the same

I’m still okay
I’m still me
I’m still waiting to feel happy inside
Still waiting for when I can say
I’m better than okay,
But I’ll wait
I’ll cry
I’ll sit and sigh while watching the world pass by

Every day should be a new beginning
But not for me
It’s still the same
It’s still just night and day

The grass is green and the sky is blue
Nothing is different
Nothing is new
I’m still me and you’re still you

What ever happened to happy endings
But I feel like I haven't reached the beginning
Alina Oct 2019
There's a place I heard about
A place I’ll stay
Leave behind my worries
I’ll be far away
Leave behind my problems
I’ll be far away
Leave behind my life
My hopes & dreams
Leave behind my loved ones and my family
Say goodbye to my friends
Say goodbye to my home
I’ll be gone
To a place I heard of
A place I’ll stay
Not to a place I’ve known
Not to a place I’ve seen
I must go now
My worries and problems are creeping up on me
No more regrets
No more doubts
I’ll be free
I’ll say
“ I’ll be back “
A long time from now
A long time from today
But I’ll be back and I’ll be okay.
Alina Oct 2019
My Fantasy

I can’t explain
The thoughts in my brain
A dream that will never come true
Too many questions
Not enough answers
But when I’m with you I can’t complain
You’re my fantasy
My dreams
My life
You’re my everything
In your arms
I drift away
From a world I'd like to leave one day
You’re my anchor
My plane
My plan B when everything that matters fades away
Will you be my fantasy
I know it's a long shot from reality
I’ll wish
I’ll pray
That I can be with you
We’ll fly away
No more tears
No more fears
You numb the pain
Be my fantasy
Doesn't have to be a reality
But we’ll be safe
And we’ll be saved
Alina Oct 2019
Listen to the way of the wind
Listen to the laughter in the streets
Listen to thump of your heart
It’s all alive
The whirl of the wind is alive
The laughter of the kids is alive
And you are alive
You have a voice
And I’m here to listen

— The End —