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130 · Aug 2022
I Guess Maybe The Next One
Johnnyqu33r Aug 2022
I thought you'd love me by now
You'd trick me into wearing a ring
Fidget with my fingers while I
Studied the specs in your eyes
I know, I know, I know,
There could still be time but
I grow, I grow, I grow
In numbers and I'm used to this life
Where I occupy the bed alone
Blackout the reach of the sunrise
I don't even know if I believe anymore
That you're out there dreaming
Waiting for fate to guide us
To cross paths a few times
I guess if not in this life
I'll have you in the next one
If there is a next one
129 · Jan 2022
Nothing At All
Johnnyqu33r Jan 2022
These bones feel brittle tonight
Soaking in the soft blue light
With skin frigid and cracking
And I just cant seem to slither
Beneath the weight of the comforter
Throw me deep into the mortar
Grind me down to a soft powder
Sprinkle me into your glass pipe
Release me to the cosmos in plumes
As you crash and your eyes close
I'll float up to the grand orange orb
Caress its face with my soft edges
Feel myself fade away as it consumes
What little there was left to take away
Enveloped in the warmth of nothing
Everything started feeling so cold
Until I was burned up by that Bic
And fell into your black old lungs
And sprang into the embrace of the sun  
Where I was greeted by nothing at all
Johnnyqu33r Sep 2022
I come from a cracked porcelain doll
And her spouse was very damaged too
My creator painted on my bruises to
Signify a strong familiar resemblance
We all have murky blue ocean eyes
That sometimes look like a swamp
Like a snake curled in the grass
Protecting a single drop of dew
Like a dragon without any legs
Ferocious only vocally really
But on a few occasions I was bit
Sometimes I was completely overlooked
To sit and stew in my anguish for hours
But I can't really talk about that
Because I'm unable to remember it
But I come from a cracked porcelain doll
And her spouse was very damaged too
125 · Oct 2022
Comfortable Alone
Johnnyqu33r Oct 2022
Passing headlights on the thruway
Speeding and drifting far beyond me
While I chirped with a close friend
About my fear of confrontation and
My fear of being left so lonesome
Despite sweet promises with pinkies
That my comfort wouldn't escape
In the night like a fat raccoon
Fully satisfied from
Feasting on my trash
My emotions are so severe
Unless you know me you don't know
Even if you know me you don't know
Sometimes I don't even know
But I'm processing my losses
I'm letting all the ghosts go
To haunt another home
So that I may roam my own
To scream and wail
To punch the walls
To sleep for weeks
To rise much later
Comfortable alone
114 · Jul 2021
Johnnyqu33r Jul 2021
To have it all and
Pretend to be content
Behind walls
Self constructed

Sincerest smile
Removed and reused
Constantly recycled
Carefully Rehearsed

Chemical imbalance
Shadows shifting
Internal conflict
Collecting control
Repeat upon waking
111 · Jun 2021
Johnnyqu33r Jun 2021
Fine mist permeates
Decorated, adorned
Sweet caresses
Glistening, drenched
Pulse points pounding

Inhale deeply
Influx of images
Some imaginary
Most are memories
Muffled deep within
Beneath the subcutis

Dewy skin
Silver shift
Moonlit dancing
Forceful invitations
Disrobed temples
Soft moans
110 · Mar 2022
The Ick
Johnnyqu33r Mar 2022
A memory emerges
Like a toxic bubble
Making it's way up
Through the sludge
Emitting such a
Rancid smell
From where it came
From where it dwells
Twisted and lonesome
Waiting for night to fall
And then it crawls
From the black pit
Of discarded times
And it bites my hand
And the venom courses
Making it's way hastily
To my heart feeling heavy
And I want to end it all
I am embarrassed so badly
And I feel a heavy sadness
And if I could I truly would
Go back in time and erase it
But it happened
It occured
It's absurd
But before the venom reaches
And stops my pumping valves
I forgive myself
And the creature goes away
Taking it's poison along
Back down to it's dank hole
And I seal it's awful opening
And I refuse to go back
And I keep looking forward
105 · Sep 2022
Johnnyqu33r Sep 2022
Where do I go from here
The slate is clean
I've depleted myself
I'd like to move on now
Fixate on other desires
That need not involve
People other than myself
If it's not for me
I'll completely understand
But I saw a flicker of red
In eyes cast directly at me today
And I wondered if he wanted me
Am I something someone wants
Is there more beneath the bottom
How do I process these needs
How do I discard the rest of the hurt
Lingering like cologne on a throw pillow
I just down know
Whether I want to hold or burn it
103 · May 2021
Johnnyqu33r May 2021
Burnt orange eyes,
Craving those brooding,
Deep voice cooing,
Decadent and distorted.

Undeserved inquiry,
Lips pursed and thirsty,
Caution tape ignored,
To be your crime scene.

Mascara on your cheek,
Lipstick bleeding,
Bite marks impressed,
Of course with warning.

Burnt orange eyes,
Specs of red glimmer,
Might you be the saint,
And I the sinner.
99 · Feb 2022
Street Lamp
Johnnyqu33r Feb 2022
Back in my blackout era
I was more agreeable
Things weren't as egregious
Because nothing was in focus,
Now I'm a gaslighter
For finding illumination
And trying to offer you light?

I've stammered down
The starless streets
With hands outreached
And a heart on my sleeve

I've curled up on the tile floor
Behind a locked door
Loaded up with legal poison
Wishing I just wouldn't wake up

Back in my blackout era
I was filled with rage and sadness
Almost teetering on madness
Because I just couldn't heal
While I kept injuring myself
I am not gaslighting you by
Standing by as your street lamp
98 · Jul 2022
What Perfect Hosts
Johnnyqu33r Jul 2022
I'm drowning in plain sight
This monotony is heavy
It's resting on my chest
It doesn't care I'm sinking
What a ****** parasite
It'll die as soon as I do
The bubbles will be fun
To watch while I descend
To wake incredibly far away
A brand new galaxy
New bones and skin
And that ****** parasite
It's light-years behind me
With souls that don't move on
Content with the monotony
Dollar bills and pointless wars
In rectangle boxes they'll rest
To tread upon their old flesh
What perfect hosts
95 · Nov 2021
Johnnyqu33r Nov 2021
At times I wish I had the ability
To transform myself into a small
Round Alka seltzer tablet and
Drop myself into the raging sea
To dissolve and disperse into
A million small bubbles fizzing
To reach the top and dissipate
Seeing the sunrise pink and orange
Thousands of times before
Never seeing anything ever again
94 · Jun 2022
Johnnyqu33r Jun 2022
I think of the first time we met
You thought I would be smaller
And I felt like I absorbed the sea
Like a planet spinning in orbit
And my heart fractured a little
Because it leapt from your lips
And attached to my soft soul

It's lingered long since
Both our roads forked
Sitting on my spinal cord
Tapping on my shoulders

I always wanted to be loved
Held as though I was a feather
Glanced at like I had worth
I had it all in my palm but
For reasons it disappeared
Like your name in my phone
Your words are still with me

And they will chear me on
In this time of transformation
Soon I'll glance in the mirror
And I'll bear a **** eating grin

Because you won't recognize me
94 · May 2022
Johnnyqu33r May 2022
He's got the kind of eyes
You accidentally fall into
Like a ledge of gravel
You lose your footing
You slide quickly down
Into two honey pools
That at first are angry
But smooth instantly
Like fresh maple syrup
Sticky and gripping
Flirtatiously manipulative
Naturally captivating
Like a siren's song
And before too long
You've drowned
And he blinks
And he's won
93 · Aug 2022
Johnnyqu33r Aug 2022
Bury yourself in my heart shaped locket
We can sit at the bay window together
Watching the world implode around us
But while we wait we can explore
Place your hands up against my rose hips
Taste the peppermint wet on my lips
Could you lie me down in the lemongrass
Cinnamon and ginger exploding
I gift to you this bouquet of jasmine
The fire is right here can we boil
Could we steep on the loveseat
Could you be my wild chamomile
Exhaust me and send me to sleep
Where I could dream of a world
Where this didn't have to end
But I can smell the smoke now
We're only moments away from
Notes of pine and bitter char
You'll be safe in my heart shaped locket
92 · Jul 2022
Askew, Anew
Johnnyqu33r Jul 2022
I've killed my hyacinth
And then set it aflame
Wind discard these ashes
Take them to the south
To the fields of tobacco
And trees of ripe peaches
Take them to the sea
To the endless ebb and flow
And the passionate crashes
Take them to my dreams
To the pastel flower fields
Where I am whole again
And his blood to turn to flesh again
To look me deeply in the eyes
And show me he understands
That I was lost and carried away
By the hasty north wind
That will usher him sweetly home
And ever since I've been fighting
To be able to let love back in
My hyacinth is out there
He'll grow in my soft glow
And I will do the same
92 · Aug 2022
Johnnyqu33r Aug 2022
This may not be my world
But I will still enjoy it
Dilute the acid when I'm sour
Sing a song inside the shower
Dance when I don't know
What else there is to do

I feel my time has slipped by
I missed the vortex to my dreams
But not all is as it seems
There are still light beams
That slip through the clouds
Sharing the gold

This may not be my world
But I am still in it
I'll add sugar to my lemons
I'll heal all of my demons
And express gratitude when
I don't know what else to do
92 · Aug 2022
Johnnyqu33r Aug 2022
Ribbon come tether yourself again
Around my circumference
Lock your fingers together
Please don't let me leave
I've been uprooted times a few
My inner gold has gotten blue
91 · Aug 2022
Johnnyqu33r Aug 2022
No stars to guide me here
In this consecrated space
Where God watches me explore
And once I've finished
He immediately expects more
And who am I to say no
The shadows give me neck kisses
While whispering their obscenities
Teeth press down on tongue
I see you but my eyes are closed
I feel you but I'm totally alone
Other than his divinity meandering
I know what is thicker than both
The blood and the wombs water
Salivate at the thought of you
Pressed into the darkness with me
Amongst his omnipresent eyes
Also wishing you were here with me
89 · May 2022
Get Away
Johnnyqu33r May 2022
When I stop spinning I'd like to go away
For a long weekend
Or indefinitely to an old ocean town
Where I know nobody and nobody cares
That I'm recovering from the third degree
Bubbles blistering on my skin
From the acid rain my eyes released
Like a plague
Like a nightmare
Like a cry to get away to
Splash around in the sea
Gaze at strangers in a bar
Maybe one will buy me a soda water
And we can talk about nothing
And I'll crawl under his covers
And I'll imagine our future together
And I'll get in my car and leave
It all feels kind of pointless
It all feels kind of strange
To meander like a plastic bag
Rush hour on the highway
I'll come back home
And I won't feel different
But I'll smile and I'll lie
Because it's important
For the ones who love me
Johnnyqu33r Oct 2022
I'll always be outside
Lightly tapping at the glass
Etching my requests
To be where I gawk
In the soft warm glow
Of a comfortable home
I'll get there in my sleep
Vanilla cotton candy clouds
Swirl up into the sky
At the same moment I dive
Plunging into the ice water
Submerged in my cool core
Where I'm still outside
Lightly tapping at the glass
Looking into my living room
I don't know where I belong
84 · Aug 2022
Johnnyqu33r Aug 2022
How deep now has the venom gone
Who's veins have become blue black
Whispering lips and hollow fangs
Will anyone notice when they're bitten
I remember when I myself was venomous
Sure the potential still sits dormant
Watching the sunsets pass in grayscale  
I'm sure you'll always be a victim
Damsel causing their own distress
Concealing where the medicine goes
Stammering as the lights flicker
Entomb yourself in crystal elixirs
Like a ship built inside of a bottle
How deep now has the venom gone
Who will be the one to save you
From the waters you drown yourself in
84 · May 2022
Love Spell
Johnnyqu33r May 2022
Here I am dedicated to my rituals
Sending ripples to one day caress
You're facing the north drinking
The horizon and winds of change
Growing tired of your own rituals
A sparrow is born and growing
To disrupt your brooding gaze
Join me in the sky in time
I'll share with you my star shards
I'll root you in my soft earth
I'll introduce you to my rituals
I'll finally caress that face
Facing the south speaking
Affirmations of gratitude
Johnnyqu33r Mar 2022
I've always longed for the unobtainable
Breaking my own heart fully knowing
I would never really grow tall enough
Nor would the tree ever someday shrink
And the apple would glare down at me
To one day go black and fall at my feet

I go such lengths to trip and fall
For things that never even falter
No sweat beads or clammy hands
Meeting my eyes as I die inside

I just want that meant to be moment
Walking under stars barely even talking
Because we vibe just existing together
Experiencing simplicity blissfully
But the disconnect keeps us divided
Because my heart only truly wants

What it simply can not have
79 · Aug 2022
Johnnyqu33r Aug 2022
The numbers are once again dropping
As I crawl upward in notches on the wall
Perhaps my expectations are far too wild
To know yourself well and find healing
To not fall victim to the watering hole
To be present for longer incriments
To not force me into guilted situations
I have done nothing to ruin anything yet
My world has collapsed multiple times
As jagged bricks and other debris
While my hands held candelabras
To serve as guiding lights for the ones
I allowed to be the closest to me
How dark the world now must be for them
Since the icy chill wrestled my flame
Bringing forth a thick dark shadow
But the fire will soon return to me  
I'll be an endless light for more people
Who will feed and get full and leave
I think all that matters is the in-between
There is no true joy without knowing pain
79 · Aug 2021
I am Earth
Johnnyqu33r Aug 2021
Because the landslide brought me down
But it's okay for I'm made of Earth
Taurus is my sun sign but I moon bathe
In Aries which didn't make much sense
Until I realized how much I love candles
But I rise in Capricorn which is perfect
I find myself almost always grounded
But my Venus is in Cancer waters
And I wade in dark emotional pools
Where there's room for more than two
I traded champagne for soda water
Because my soul began to drown
But I'm decorated in crystal jewels
And my lair is filled with soft warm
Candles glowing and dry dead flowers
Stacks of books and spiritual statues
Keeping true to my astrological identity
Because the landside brought me down
And other than stars I am Earth
78 · Jul 2021
Johnnyqu33r Jul 2021
False prophet

Clutch your cross
Getting nailed
Deep breaths

Leather licked
78 · Mar 2022
Blue Moon
Johnnyqu33r Mar 2022
I just want to be wanted
Rarely ever received
Like the arcade prize
Everyone ogles at
But never takes home
Despite countless coins
And food court tantrums

Except for that sweet blue moon
When I want to just combust
Into a billion cells floating free
With you breathing on my neck
And your fingers on my skin
And we go so deep

Particles burst on black bedding
And I let you touch me as we sleep
The sun rises and the blue is gone
Good old silver shimmer beams
Where I touch myself as needed
With no hot breath infiltrating
Comfortably combusting alone
Johnnyqu33r Mar 2022
I don't think I was born to be satisfied
Whatever created me was vengeful
Inching so close to finally feeling whole
To crumble all at once into the ocean
And he watches me claw my way to shore
And he huffs and sends me a storm
But I survive the gusts as he wishes
Drenched and humbled finding a home
Finding a lap to finally rest my head
And a hand to tether me sweetly down
And I thought that I had found it all
But something inside of me is broken
I don't think I was born to be satisfied
I'm quickly coming to terms with this
And I know he will have the last laugh
And he'll push and pull me endlessly
So I will never really get comfortable
As I know he will yank the carpet
And I will sink down to the sea floor
And because he is the great creator
He will resurrect my bloated body
Squeeze the moisture from within me
And return me to the path of reaching
For things I never will truly grasp
75 · Jul 2021
Don't Leave
Johnnyqu33r Jul 2021
Completely chaotic
Freeway after sunset
Collection of stars
A procession of scars
Still glistening with
Menthol chapstick
From hours before
When he wasn't alone

Completely prepared
To descend hastily
Into the strobes
Air whooshing by
Howling as if to mock
To invite maliciously
To satiate the hunger
To fully eradicate

He spoke often softly
Of this phantom sickness
Blackening the day
Molesting the future
Ruining his plans to stay
Completely chaotic
Freeway after sunset
Into the strobes
TW: self harm
74 · Jul 2022
Smoke Signals
Johnnyqu33r Jul 2022
Oh, come gentle breeze
Lie upon us two lounging
On tall grass far away
With our hands touching
As we laugh over nothing
Exhaling plumes of fragrant
Grass to guide us inside
To our deepest minds
Your eyes on my eyes
My eyes on your eyes
Oh, come gentle breeze
Rustle the weeds and leaves
Lift a tuft of his wild hair
Exhale deep and keep it there
Keep us here in this field
A scene my mind created
With a man I don't know yet
But I know he is out there
I feel it deeply in my bones
I know he will be my home
Oh, come gentle breeze
Guide his sail to my sea
In that field I will be
Sending smoke signals
74 · Apr 2022
Johnnyqu33r Apr 2022
There's a black hole inside me
A duality between scarlet rage
And blue grey sadness spreading
Like fire but so incredibly cold

Like fire in that it swiftly destroys
The pictures hanging on the wall
Singeing the symmetrical sunflower
Barbequing my soft youthfulness

There's a black hole inside me
That at some point will eventually
End the world I've come to love
Preserving me perfectly in the ash
72 · Mar 2022
Johnnyqu33r Mar 2022
I often flash back too
To when there was love
Free flowing adoration
Abruptly interrupted
By a widow maker

An empty bottle
Can not produce
What you need
To be dizzied

I often get sad too
Thinking of the what ifs
And how it went away
But I'm not so cruel
As to torture you
72 · Aug 2021
Recent Travels
Johnnyqu33r Aug 2021
I'd be lying if I said I didn't at least wish
For things to be a little different
But I chose each of these paths branching
And sometimes I want to weep
Alone in the forest with the willows
But I sigh deeply and alone
In a mountain of soft pillows
So I suppose things could be worse

I know so many more sunrises are coming
And there's still time for transformation
But it's hard to rise and not want to sleep
And these molehills seem so steep

I'd be lying if I said I have been content
There's just no excitement anymore
I used to be vibrant neon sweet
Now I feel like a box of stale cornflakes
With an AARP discount on the back
A water damaged readers digest
Scrambling to try and find the cool me
In this sea of melancholy poetry
71 · Jul 2022
I'll Ever
Johnnyqu33r Jul 2022
Heaven knows you're not home
I don't think I'll ever not be here
You drifted out past the sun
I'll one day be tangled in the vines
Held captive in a ghostly garden
Singing the saddest songs I know

Send a gust to loosen the leaves
Make everything fall around me
I'll make it to the light one day
You'll be so bronzed by then
You'll be someone new by then
I don't think I'll ever not be me
71 · Aug 2022
Johnnyqu33r Aug 2022
Does it ever start to feel right
I can't remember when it felt right
This role has gone on for so long
I practice my smiles in the mirror
I rehearse repeating 'it's alright'
But I don't really think it's alright
It's all beginning to crumble away
I'm losing the right words to say
I'm just trying to get comfortable
While I wait for the world to burn
Send me to the sky as thick smoke
Don't ever bring me back here
It's hard to be hopeful
When there is no hope
70 · Mar 2022
Real estate
Johnnyqu33r Mar 2022
I fell into your eyes
Napped on your lashes
Drank from the water line
Built a home on your lids

I wish you could come with me
Lull about the home I built
Watch the stars shoot by
Rest your head on my chest

I waded in your iris'
Fed upon the vegetation
Specs of green immersed
Amongst the sapphire

I would invite you to live in mine
Dull grey blue fixated on you
Probably already inhabiting
A far grander and vibrant palace
69 · Jul 2021
Johnnyqu33r Jul 2021
Vivacious splashes of blue red
Tossed over the two dimensional
Glossy finish with words encircled
Knives slashing and guns ablaze
Hair haphazardly in her face
Kiss of death somehow escaped
With cries exiting like winter lace

My pen creates worlds described
Turns the ugly truth into a blushing bride
Combines my self hatred with my pride
Where my serotonin ignites and dies

Strokes to enhance realistic emotion
Highlights and deep heavy shading
Precision in twisting finger tips
Somehow creating the wet on lips
Directing the flow of movement
Birthing entire scapes from lines
Poetry in the flexing wrist
68 · Jun 2021
Venus is crying
Johnnyqu33r Jun 2021
Venture to our secret place
Even in storms severe
No one can keep me away
Under your galaxy shrine
Simmer in my longing

Incredible how long I've held onto
Something so awfully pointless

Certainly I will be released
Rid myself of this obsession
Your image to one day fade
Ice melting to evaporate
Noticing a weight lifting
Glimpses of finding freedom
67 · Jun 2021
Johnnyqu33r Jun 2021
Constellation Kaleidoscope
Blue and grey plaid flannel
Marlboro reds infiltrating
Front left pocket
Millions of miles
Eyes travel to your smile

Red embers sizzle
Smoke slowly escapes
Michaelangelo sculpted lips
My walking cathedral
Requested sanctuary
My prayers elevated

Constellation Kaleidoscope
Cells growing and dying
Shooting star wishes
To be held betwixt
Your middle and index
To be completely inside you
66 · Jul 2022
Johnnyqu33r Jul 2022
I make my sobriety look effortless
Like I don't want to dive back in
To the cool refreshing relief of
An extra ***** ***** martini
With those bleu cheese olives
Garnishing the destructive nectar
I still sometimes dream about
Or the amber bourbon neat
A whole bottle to put me to sleep
The strobing lights whispering
A slew of lips I may have kissed
Or shared a cigarette with
Or a box of Chardonnay
I so badly miss those quick moments
Of bliss right before the blackout

I make my sobriety look effortless
Because I don't want to be seen as
Someone struggling in the open
Salivating to find that numbness
Waking up to aggressive regret
And another upset stomach
65 · Feb 2022
Pastel Storm Clouds
Johnnyqu33r Feb 2022
He echoes
It's quite vivid
For short moments
But then it melts
It evaporates
Scared cloud
Sporadic tears
Soft words
Whipped cream
But salt instead
Of saccharine

How long have you been bitter?
These days drift and collide
With rough deep bellied roars
But some days just a squeak
A ghostly moan in the hallway
Car collision wreckage squeal

He echoes
It's monotonous
For long moments
Seemingly endless
Dismal dreaming
Escape routes
Vision boards
A map to nowhere
It's quite vivid
When I'm alone
65 · Mar 2022
Johnnyqu33r Mar 2022
I should be used to this by now
And I think that I might be
But sparkles of hope seep through
Some specs of green and ice blue
Swirl dimly on the wooden floor
Swept thoroughly this afternoon
And I gaze down almost longingly
Remembering when I shimmered too
Careless and free with my youth
But now resorted to rationing
Eating pills and smearing creams
Praying for strong elasticity
So that I may be stunning
When a flicker finds my gaze
Just a gentlemen passing by
Intrigued by my blue eyes
And the sparkles in his stomach
The same as the ones in mine
Johnnyqu33r Aug 2022
Good God there could be love
Centered in our combined tension
Maybe I was only startled
By the sparkle of the blue grey
Caught in the flood lights
Your voice melted nicely with
The sound of the 2am parking lot
I felt as though no time elapsed
Good God don't let me get attached
My heart is under construction
When the tide rushes in I know
That it also rushes out
Good God there could be love
But I've been known to be a fool
But I've grown used to being alone
But maybe I was only startled
But I know it also rushes out
64 · Feb 2022
Johnnyqu33r Feb 2022
Particles scattered once again
Humility found beneath debris
High pitched tones in each corner
Sinking quickly down into the sea
Brisk flashes fill the night
A haunted lullaby repeated
Wailing mothers and children
And sirens simply screaming
Chaos ensues and it envelopes
The soul like a gold cast
With prayers ascending
To be immediately ignored
Brought back to the dark ages
Soul torn from flesh
Dripping crimson pleading
Peace is an easy concept
When the only war you've ever known
Is the one that rages deep inside
From when home didn't feel like home
63 · Feb 2022
Johnnyqu33r Feb 2022
It gets a little exhausting existing
And I want a quick intermission
Ascend and get myself centered
Climb a pastel cloud to find rest
Contemplate how to be human
To be better despite the hurting
To become refreshed in learning
My routines are ruining everything
I want to melt myself to goo
Solidify in a new model mold
Transform my soul into gold
And be confident in taking steps
Exploring all of my many depths
Without stopping to settle
Becoming sediment on a river bed
Only yards away from the sea
63 · Jun 2022
Johnnyqu33r Jun 2022
I often wonder
If I even have an other half
Maybe I came here whole
To stroll the evening streets
With no hand to hold
But the edge of my sleeve

I have tried
To be someone in love
Put the butterflies in a jar
To be admired and one day
Polished on a wedding alter
But after time it falters
And I stroll alone again

I often wonder
If I will feel free or lonely
When I climb in age
As my sleeves fray
As I meander down
Beneath the street lights
Watching lovers lull about

I do that too
In my dreams
62 · Jul 2022
And Your Eyes
Johnnyqu33r Jul 2022
I don't ever assess
The damage dragging
Sparks behind me
I know if I stop
I might make a flood

It leaks just a little
The small puncture
In my heart chakra
Oozing out as tears
From very dry eyes

I can process all of this
By early next year
And I'll get myself together
Dressed for the weather
And your eyes
61 · Jan 2022
Johnnyqu33r Jan 2022
I realized as I was skimming
The tattered debris of my mind
That it had been quite some time
Since I had summoned you

I suppose I was relieved
I cast you back into the pond
I hope you settled at the bottom
I'll avoid the surface for a while

I dreamed of the apocalypse again
It's not as scary as one would think
I'm used to the bleak kiss of goodbye
I've almost always felt hollow
59 · Jul 2021
Johnnyqu33r Jul 2021
Oh and slipping...
Strands of hair,
Moon water,
Fall air

Dried roses,
Dead vines,
Alarms howling,
Over stayed,

Gray tones,
Mature bones,
Cracked lips,
Tired hips,

Six feet below,
Light years above,
Hollow cave,
Pure white dove,
Black veils,
Black blood
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