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Md Iqbal Hossen Feb 2018
I have seen you in the blooms Sheuli,
I have seen you with the flowers of Bokul
I have seen you to sit with aurora
Beside casealpinia pulcherrima with Shafali’s sari’s lace.
I have seen you beside the lake and marsh
In the songs of peasantry and their golden paddies.
I have seen you in the buds of tree
Twinkling in the milky-way with the moon and the stars.
You are seen beside the water lily and with
Floating clouds in the sky.
You are seen with the host of catkins
Presenting yourself with immortal praise.
I have seen you in the last drop of rain
Flapping my arms and eyes with breeze.
You have seen in the buds of flowers
Mixing with Hasna Hena creates a heavenly smell.
You are seen with the daughter of firefly
Adoring this earth unconsciously with your beauty.
There are some Bengali flowers such sheuli, bokul, shafali, and hasna hena etc. It is autumn that glorifies differently in Bengali nature.
Md Iqbal Hossen Feb 2018
I walk in the morning dew,
Fresh cold mist kisses on my feet.
I trembled after a while,
Fog surrounds me with her smoke
I see, a white chador is wraping up me
And invititing me to lay in her lap.

I surrender myself in her arms
She spreads her chest,
******* my head,  she deceives me.
I could realize her tricks
Her flamboyant affection convinces me
I am getting freeze with her touch.

She holds me firmly
And pulls back to the dark.
But I know, she cannot do it for long.
The spring is too close to revive Persephone.
Demeter is waiting for her.
She prepares the earth where I will gaze.
Chador= One kind of cloth that Bengali people use in winter.
Md Iqbal Hossen Jan 2018
Time is a winged bird
I can't see but wait
Aurora drops into cloud
Yeaos handless the Pandora.

Alexandria light house hides in dark
Light doesn't ignite.
Nitghtingale crashes her voice
Phoenix ***** her wings.

Dadealous is in conundrum
Hamlet cries in dilemma.
Queen Seba smiles on that event
Helen composes her drama.

The world is in Faustus hands
Monarchy is all around
Loathsome activities are in serum
Hector will never raise his sound.

Dark grasps, we live in it
The celestial lights still exist
Though these are dimed
Oneday, surely, the sun will rise.
There are ssome Mythical Characters.
Md Iqbal Hossen Jan 2018
I wish I could see you in this moonlight night
Beside the lake and evergreen tea garden.
I would hold your hand to tell my unexpressed story.
I wish, I could see you with a blue saree
Like these fresh leaves as my blue angel
As I dreamt and captured in my heart.
I could fly with you in the Boccus chariot
And masmarise with the immortal tone of nightingale.
Urge to take a fly from this worldly pain.
Md Iqbal Hossen Jan 2018
You have gone far away
So silently breeze blows
And touches the horizon aimlessly.
You have gone far away from my hut
So, I don’t claim for anything anymore logically or illogically
Everything has stopped like a noiseless sea.
You have gone far away from my canvas
So, I impeded my drawings
Just perambulate in a corner of yard.
You have gone far away from my music
So, Bengals do not sing anymore.
You have gone far away from my garden
So, butterfly doesn’t fly with colourful wings
Flowers become dry and lymphatic.
Where at once was brimmed with ecstasy
Now it is a barren land.
You have gone far away
Who will hold my hand and bring me
In the yard of glory?
You have gone far away
I am crying all alone in the agony.
Md Iqbal Hossen Jan 2018
A moonlight night inlays with stars
Fireflies roam around me.
Kiss-curls of ocean rinse my feet
Nightingale sings in the deep
Forest covers the light of moon
Darkness is everywhere.

The time is too short to see
The charm of beauty is ever faded.
Nature lures me to catch her elegance.
While I go, it goes far beyond me
Formidable desire cries in vain.

— The End —