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82 · Oct 2022
RandleFunk Oct 2022
Blinding stardust pours through your hair
Butterflies dance through warm lav’nder air
Spinning, cool grass tickles my feet
Furtive green pools of thine eyes meet
Soft cinnamon lips taste so sweet
Gamut soars, my heart skips a beat
78 · Oct 2022
RandleFunk Oct 2022
Lost in labyrinths
conjured catacombs
You deftly passed me
a silken rope
Took my hand, lead the path
Dragged me up that
lethal *****
You infuriate in countless ways
Enthrall me with your
Your gentle gaze firmly held
Behind your eyes
a mystery
74 · Mar 2022
RandleFunk Mar 2022
Encrusted in jewels of wonder
Shards of light entomb its slumber
A gilded box fortified
Horrors whisper from inside

Hoisted up, smugly regarded
Coveted instead of guarded
Contained furies writhe and rage
Never unlock this subtle cage

Aren’t you curious just to see?
These rules don’t apply to me
Foolish men with hearts of stone
Hell unleashed is what you own
71 · Jun 2021
RandleFunk Jun 2021
in seas
of possibilities past
Washed up
like ragged flotsam

Blinking awake
on the shores of the Now
beads of water
on my spectacles
shine like jewels
in the golden dawn light
The beach is haunted
with a lonely beauty

The ship was unsinkable
as the Titanic
Torn to pieces
in the early hours

The jungle line looms
ahead, coiling green
Unknowable, filled
with dangers unseen
70 · May 2020
The Gate
RandleFunk May 2020
Dream a dream of dulcet calm, past a rubicon unseen
drifting through an iron gate, motes of ash gleam

Stare into your mirror eyes, that alchemy amiss
iris an event horizon before a roaring abyss

That funereal passage enshrines a single lyric
“Arbeit Macht Frei”, that victory, somehow pyrrhic
Thoughts on VE day
67 · Dec 2020
Wax wings
RandleFunk Dec 2020
Icarus soars sunwards
Fly youthful hubris
A fool’s lament for
spent sands so ruthless

A shade past apogee
Still burning bright -
not yet succumbed
to gravity’s fight

Time’s shrewd eye
twinkles with glee
Streak o’er the horizon
still unable to see

Perilous predicament
for the prodigal son
Dawning too late
Impact in three two one
67 · Nov 2020
RandleFunk Nov 2020
Spearing morning gloom
over mist clung forest slopes
Rose light kisses your skin

Sparrows flit chittering
among arches of umber and gold
Heavens powdered sapphire

Break your cage
with a warm wildflower breeze
Begin your day anew
51 · Sep 2020
RandleFunk Sep 2020
The texture in the grain of a polished wooden table
The iridescent vision-defying blue of a flower petal
The pungent base and delicate zing of freshly ground cardamom
The sonorous melancholic resonance of a cello
The golden warmth of a late September sun in a crisp cloudless sky
The silken reflections of wet cobblestones in dancing blue light
The earthiness of dust in a timeworn attic
The rough warmth of a leather photo album cover
Your lop-sided half smile

— The End —