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Nov 2017 · 834
Depend on HIM
Deep Ponderer Nov 2017
Sometimes we deserve hurt.
We depend
On someone who is bound
To change,
Rather than depending on
The One
Who is forever the same.
Depend on God, the only one who never changes.
Nov 2017 · 394
Deep Ponderer Nov 2017
The coward uses flattery
To gain attention,
The brave embraces the truth
In every situation.
Deep Ponderer Oct 2017
Obliviate me of my past memory
The only Ghost that haunts me.
It comes around the end of fall
With an iron scythe
and frozen shackles
Run chills down my bones.
A dark shadow stands tall,
blinds the path I hope to follow
Leaves me empty and shallow
With no hope for tomorrow.
Happy Halloween.
Oct 2017 · 188
Mirror image
Deep Ponderer Oct 2017
The universe
wasn't vindictive.
It was just
your mirror image,
your words
Back at you.
Stop whispering lies that you are not good enough, and that you deserve nothing but bad omens. Those words will keep hurting you, so stop hurting yourself. The mistakes you've made are in the past and does not define your future.
Oct 2017 · 297
Judge me
Deep Ponderer Oct 2017
I take my beliefs seriously
I Ain't no religious fanatic.
But if you want to judge me
Judge me!
I don't mind
I'm no longer blind.
My faith in Christ is a relationship.
Oct 2017 · 193
Gypsy soul
Deep Ponderer Oct 2017
He is a gypsy soul
With his trail on the road.
Bathe in nature's bliss
He desires a tropical Island's kiss.
Passionate for adventure,
Take him high or low,
There his wild heart will go.
Gypsy soul
Oct 2017 · 181
Knock down my walls
Deep Ponderer Oct 2017
It's not enough,
To live without love.
Love was on pause,
I didn't want people
to see my flaws.
I needed my space
Not another face.
But it stopped.
I'm behind brick walls
Thicker and tall
Harder to break.
With a sign
"Please go away".

But you knocked anyways
And you said
*"Beloved, I"m here to stay"
1John 4:8
God is love

He is love that is willing to stay.
Oct 2017 · 162
This fall
Deep Ponderer Oct 2017
My past sheds off
This fall
Wrinkling away
In the shades
Yellow orange brown
Dying on
the winter ground.
Clothing, grooming
My frozen soul
To spring out fresh love
In the summer rain.
Leaving the past behind this fall
Oct 2017 · 158
Steer your wheel
Deep Ponderer Oct 2017
Don't let emotions
take the wheel
But steer it
In the direction
You need to be.
Don't let emotions control you. Learn to take control.
Oct 2017 · 185
Ungrateful kind
Deep Ponderer Oct 2017
I have a God
But I keep saying
I don't have enough
I'm way too fat
I am unloved

The only one
That shed his blood
For my sins
the only one
Who sacrificed His life
So I may have a place
In Heaven
Isn't that love?

But I still belong
To the ungrateful kind
A lazy swine
Who only whines
Nothing is ever enough.
We are the generation of the ungrateful. Nothing is ever enough.We make our problems God size, when will we realise God is more than enough!
Oct 2017 · 174
In between
Deep Ponderer Oct 2017
Be kind
But stay witty,
For there are always
Prowlers in between.
Love man, trust God, for man is flawed and will leave you hurt. So stay alert.
Oct 2017 · 294
Peace in lonely
Deep Ponderer Oct 2017
The greatest achievement
A man can achieve
Is peace
In the midst
Of lonely.
I'm sure most of us when alone feel like no one cares or loves, feel unwanted and thoughts run wild. But sometimes we have to learn the skill of accepting lonely as beauty. When u finally find peace in lonely there is nothing you can't achieve. No more place for suicidal tendencies.
Oct 2017 · 184
Intangible hollow
Deep Ponderer Oct 2017
I tried to fill this empty
With all the worldly delicacies
A momentary satiety,
Although I was well aware
This hollowness is dynamic
The intangible kind
Invisible to the naked eye.
Yet how shallow
was my perception.

Only unconditional love
So intangible
Dynamic yet splendid,
Can fill this empty hollow
And grace thus follows.
Only the love Of Jesus can fill the empty void within, and He saves us through grace.
Oct 2017 · 317
False company
Deep Ponderer Oct 2017
In my merry days
I desire company
For if they appear
only in my dark days
I know they pity me
They feel I'm in need
For alone I fail to breathe
But how false that is,
For then I know
They are the ones
that come and go
Not the ones that stay.
I need them
in all my days.
I want to thank those people who are with me in my dark as well as happy days. But for those who were there only in my dark days. I'm sorry to say, but I dislike pity.
Oct 2017 · 250
Deep Ponderer Oct 2017
I ran right into the trap!!

With arms wide open
I sought refuge in words.

I found myself in a dungeon,
Dark with the stench of blood
Not even love could break the
spells of deception.
One door seemed to scream "run",
The only conception
A rational message from the mind.

For my heart whispered "stay"
it's gentle voice lured me
Another trap, yet like a fool
I submitted.

I floundered in the dirt
With no solution
Even when  I prayed.

I should have walk away
When  chance
was calling my name
Have you ever been decieved? Well I was. it was like a trap, I tried to find a solution, I tried love, to turn it into something good, but in the end, the only way was to run and not look back.
Oct 2017 · 338
Man's best friend
Deep Ponderer Oct 2017
So dogs are man's best friends
More loyal than any men
So when a man calls a woman
A *****!
*Does he refer to her as a best friend?
Isn't a ***** a dog?
I fail to respect men who call women ***** or vise versa. I wish words were use more wisely. I know to some it's a trend, but to others it's an offence. Useless you literally mean best friend, which I still do no recommend.
Oct 2017 · 199
Sheep into wool
Deep Ponderer Oct 2017
The wolf killed the sheep in me
My innocence left to bleed
Now a slave to knitting needles
A helpless yarn of wool.
The world and it's cruelty turn freedom into slavery
Oct 2017 · 252
Bold explosion
Deep Ponderer Oct 2017
You asked me to be bold
From the shadows I emerged.
My boldness exploded love!
It could not be contained,
too much for you to handle.
I crawled back into the shadows,
Awaiting a fair moment to explode.
I was bold for the wrong reason. Now my boldness is withheld for the right reasons. And I trust the Lord will direct my ways.
Oct 2017 · 244
The past still follows
Deep Ponderer Oct 2017
I thought I  left the past behind,
But instead I squeezed it all
in my backpack
And carry it wherever I go.
The past still haunts me, and follows me wherever I go
Oct 2017 · 196
Deep Ponderer Oct 2017
Live for each moment,
There may never be a next time.
Don't let your sorrow drown you, but shake it off, live like there is no tomorrow
Sep 2017 · 320
Resist evil
Deep Ponderer Sep 2017
For evil is deceiving
So resist without fleeting.
Do not accommodate it
Nor bargain with it,
Lest your soul be devoured.
We need to fight what is evil in us, before it controls us.
Sep 2017 · 167
Self help
Deep Ponderer Sep 2017
A little introspection is vital
Now and then
To correct what needs to be corrected
To accept what needs to be accepted.
we need to understand ourselves better... So study every detail about yourselves. Self help is much needed.
Sep 2017 · 218
In my broken heart
Deep Ponderer Sep 2017
I sought the Lord
And found Him in the oddest place,
I found Him in my broken heart.
He will not abandon you.. Seek Him, and He will be found.
Sep 2017 · 232
Grey mirror
Deep Ponderer Sep 2017
Grey  a depressing shade
Covered with dark fog
A mist thicker than a cloud
I'm a mirror
Wipe off the grey
Even just a little
Like no other
I will reflect your true colours.
We all have a bad past, but don't let it fog your vision.... Wipe it off and reflect your true colours
Sep 2017 · 204
Be wanted
Deep Ponderer Sep 2017
Don't settle for less
You are worth a million
Be a woman of dignity.
Follow your dreams
Don't follow a man's charm.
Let him fall for your personality.
Be wanted don't just want.
Let your beauty be adorn
With love that you deserve.
To all the ladies :*
Sep 2017 · 171
Luxurious love.
Deep Ponderer Sep 2017
The tags and labels
Drew you to a soul
Having luxury
was definitely your goal
You caught a glimpse of
The fresh scars,
The tags and labels
Were just masks.
Slowly you faded,
Your disregard was a flaw.
But when your priceless accessories
Were misplaced
In a second you wailed
You recalled each detail
The cost, the glitz
That gave you the glam.
But can they love you more
Than that inexpensive soul
You can't afford to hold?
Let us understand that a soul is worth more than designer clothes and costly accessories, For man is made in the image of our Creator, hence more valuable than any other.
Sep 2017 · 133
Tears of unknown origin
Deep Ponderer Sep 2017
You are crying
Tears keep flowing
Everything else is growing
Your family your friends
You're not a burden
But you cry and cry
Your work is flying
Taking its toll
Even being applaud
You are blessed
With ever need ever desire.
But you're crying
You even asked yourself
"Why are you crying?"
you can't understand
You feel frustrated
You want to bang your head
Against the wall
Because you cry
Yet you don't know why?
Sep 2017 · 179
Life- its own time.
Deep Ponderer Sep 2017
life -a fairy tale
Happily ever after
I, the author of every page.
Here comes the Queen. Hail!!
When the kingdom was in chaos
The reign of terror began,
Easy to blame
My subjects my slaves,
A narcissist prevailed.

Humbling myself ,an enormous leap
A pauper's shoes indeed.
Looking through the eyes of others
I had a peep,
The life of struggle, an eye opener.
Failure and reckless decision
Were no longer frightening.
Life- a surprise,* What's next,
A road to a storm or a silver lining?
Both an adventure, worth every dime.
*A journey in its own time.
I always plan ahead, if things doesn't go my way according to my time, well let's just say a monster unravels. But lately I tried listening and being patient, putting others need before mine. Somehow my life is a better journey, things happened in its own time.
Sep 2017 · 309
Stick and stones
Deep Ponderer Sep 2017
It takes the one you love
To shatter your heart
Sticks and stones
To break your bones

A friend to tear you apart.
It also took two sticks to cross
And the stone to roll

To redeem your soul.
Thank you Jesus for dying on the cross and rising again. You saved our souls.
Sep 2017 · 217
Unforseen nature
Deep Ponderer Sep 2017
You don't follow the crowd
You're a bit too modest
But you live out loud.
Your nature cannot be predicted
You are made of various elements
Each of different colours,
A psychedelic piece of Art.
A marvelous creation
Spreading positive vibrations
With a heart filled desire
To praise your Creator.
Your wittism and
labyrinthine essence
Bring out a whimsical humour
now and then.
You too are uncertain
of your unforeseeable character,
Like a kaleidoscope,
Rotate with grace and flow
Your colours conflate
*A beautiful pattern unfolds.
To uniqueness. Let out your hidden colours.
Sep 2017 · 224
Deep Ponderer Sep 2017
When I closed my eyes
There is a grow in sight
Of blossoming petals
Uniting in their own stems.
I wish we could live in a world with no divorce so that children could grow in the right path along side their parents.
A united family :)
Sep 2017 · 306
Deep Ponderer Sep 2017
She spends time leisurely
Time for her is a bliss
But what a misery
For those who wait
Most days they leave her
without a say
she would always be late.
That doesn't wipe off
the gambol effect.
With all her beauty,
glitter and glamour
She takes down
the road with respect.
A time optimist,
not the high handed kind,
But she has a fetching soul
with a heart to cure.
She shakes off life's agony
with a heated dance.
She not only lives a halcyon life
But she's a champion
in her own time.
tipsoptimist (Swedish- time optimist).
I just described a friend.
Sep 2017 · 220
Reach out
Deep Ponderer Sep 2017
We wake, we live,we laugh,we cry
We become blind to those who die inside.
Telling themselves lies
"You are the unworthy kind"
Fighting an unending battle
All alone and the fear rattles

Society can't save their live
Tagged​ them names,
they feel ashamed.
They breathe in the dark
For the sun acts like a spotlight
Revealing their unspoken misery.
Brainwashed, with a thought
of being more than dead,
they are misfits.

So you and I let's unite
Set aside our selfish hype.
Don't just pin the green ribbon to your shirt
But keep in mind, they are not different
There is no such thing as "their kind"
Depression is a phase most of us will encounter.
Like any other problem there is an answer.
Let's communicate-love,joy,hope,peace,
Reach out,
We need each other
Unite join the fight.
I was a victim of depression, saved by grace and by the love and care of Friends and family.
For those struggling with depression, know this- you are not alone.
Sep 2017 · 310
Closer look
Deep Ponderer Sep 2017
Take a closer look
There is more than meets the eye
fire burns inside
A flaming love inside
Sep 2017 · 237
Deep Ponderer Sep 2017
She was asked to trust him
And so she did,
Even if her love for him,
God forbid.

Soon his love for her derailed,
He left without a trail.

From then on
she trusted no men
But drew away her trust
to the only One

That buoyant her heart
from being sunk
The God who gave away h
His only son,

To save the tainted ones.
Psalm 118:8
It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man.
Do not put your trust in princes, in mortal men, in whom there is no salvation.
Sep 2017 · 349
Detour #haiku
Deep Ponderer Sep 2017
Ohh why a strange pout?
I deroute for a detour
To find hope not love
My first haiku.
Sep 2017 · 1.3k
Deep Ponderer Sep 2017
Weaknesses and imperfections
Are part of your reflection.
They are vivid to your eyes
As you gaze into the mirror
That mostly tells you lies,
You keep telling yourself
"Someday someone will love me for my flaws"

Is that really what you're looking for?

You are already loved in spite of your errors,
Right from your mother's womb,
You were bestowed with a purpose,
You have the potential to turn
Imperfections into excellence.

It takes the humble and the meek
The scarred and the bruised
Not the perfect to lead.
Don't wait for someone to accept your flaws
But let your flaws push you
To where you want to go
Far beyond the edge of your comfort zone.
We are all flawed but we are all capable of reaching the silver lining beyond the dark cloud
1Cor 1:27
....And God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty.
Aug 2017 · 248
Embossed to my skin
Deep Ponderer Aug 2017
Oh but why
I want to cry
For you said

"I am the love of your life
I embossed myself to your skin
With a dash of rosy hue.
I create a scar and leave a mark
So you won't stray afar
I know you want me to slide away
From your greasy dermis
Yet the grease acts like a glue
And I stick with you
Through the thick and the thin
I will stay
Even when the seasons change"

                 *With love

                                         *The acne on your face
Hehe just can't seem to get rid of them so wrote a poem instead.
Aug 2017 · 367
Miss Tiny
Deep Ponderer Aug 2017
You there miss Tiny
have you heard your voice
Like a thunder so mighty.?

When you sing
You put a swing to our feet
A new melody to jive.
You're a reincarnated nightingale
With fresh songs to inhale.
The worn out souls come to live
With a new rhythm to their heart beat.
And a purpose to breathe.
You make pleasing sounds
Even to the most high King,
You praise His name
And announce His grace and fame.
Ohh miss tiny
*What a voice so mighty!!
Dedicated to my tiny friend with a wonderful singing voice.
She's short but definitely mighty with a beautiful soul.
Aug 2017 · 1.6k
Plus size
Deep Ponderer Aug 2017
Yes I'm a plus size
Because of this I was bias
I judged myself from the outside.
But when I look at the inside
my heart is a plus size too!
I have room to groom
To love to care
To open up to the broken hearted,
I have stories to share
And this is my story
To be use for God's glory.
You are all beautiful and created for a purpose.
Aug 2017 · 1.1k
My Purple treasure chest
Deep Ponderer Aug 2017
When I talk about my treasure chest
People think I keep silver and gold,
Diamonds and rubies
and all things groovy.
Instead you find broken pencils,
Glittery utensils,
an eraser shaped like an egg.
a tiny doll with wollen legs.
Letters from my mom n Friends.
Drawings from my little sister.
Even a love note from my so called "mister".
Things from the past, things from the present,
things to be remembered.
My memories great and old,
Some funny, some cold.
All hidden in this purple box.
The things I considered gold.
Small things given with love matter more than diamond and gold.
Aug 2017 · 357
Deep Ponderer Aug 2017
Some don't get to wake up to a new day.
Some have never tasted a piece of cake.
So live because everyday is a Miracle.
Feeling blessed.
Aug 2017 · 311
Chivalry is dead?
Deep Ponderer Aug 2017
"Chivalry is dead"*
Well said!
A stranger on the pavement
Shoved his hand between my legs.
It was a public place, was walking with a friend and it happened so fast I didn't even see his face.
Aug 2017 · 341
Slaves to our device
Deep Ponderer Aug 2017
Everyday people pass by,
They no longer notice each other,
Not even a hello or a good bye.
No need to meet, just listen to the beep,
A text will tell how much they care.
Does that really sound fair?

They no longer awe at nature's wonders.
They affixed themselves to their device.
Every second, minute and hour,
They locked their eyes to their machine,
Chained like  slaves
Doing what it says,
Directing their daily routine.
Ohh what have this world become?
Loving our device.
Using human as toys.
*Worshipping it day and night
Ohh what a terrible sight!
Just pondering, but sad to say our smart phone has become our partner in life.
Aug 2017 · 762
An empty vessel
Deep Ponderer Aug 2017
I argued a lot, I was always annoyed.
So you thought I was paranoid.
But I wasn't wrong
Neither was I strong
When you stopped.......!
You stopped beating for me.

You too weren't wrong,
When you said I had a void.
I was an empty vessel,
Without water, without love,
Just futile noise swirling around
Making horrid sounds.

Now I thanked you.
You finally left my body and my mind.
I am made new with a love so divine,
No longer empty, no longer thirsty,
*I am overflowing, forever filling.
John 4:13,14
Jesus answered and said to her,
"Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks of the water I give him shall never thirst,
But the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life.
Aug 2017 · 342
Be spontaneous
Deep Ponderer Aug 2017
I hate it when people tell me
"be spontaneous".
Yes I am timid and shy.
Yes I take time to reply.
Please don't ask me why.
But I truly believe
*Still waters run deep.
I think too much and sometimes I don't know how to make a conversation.
Sorry I'm just not the spontaneous kind.
Aug 2017 · 619
Found in you
Deep Ponderer Aug 2017
I shut myself down
I no longer want to frown.
So I leave my life under your control.
I have a renewed Spirit in my soul.
My journey has just begun
I'm sailing towards the sun.
I'll fight the fears
I'm not alone...
Lord you wiped my tears.
My fate has set a course,
Your Love is my resource.
This time I will survive.
I'm no longer fragile
My strength is *found in You
Psalm 119:28
My soul melteth for heaviness, strengthen me according unto thy word.
Aug 2017 · 436
Will people leave?
Deep Ponderer Aug 2017
Well people leave....!!!

I was in grief....
I couldn't achieve
All the expectations,
Too much to handle
I couldn't tackle.

I wanted to leave!!!

I wanted them to accept my flaw,
Even if my words cut them like a saw.
I didn't want to be corrected.
I just wanted my pain to be deflected.
I was a ******* pessimist,
I looked at things through a dark mist.
I didn't want to change.
Yes people left!!
But they were not to blame.

As I grew I realised,
CHANGE isn't a crime.
It's not about pleasing others.
It's about bringing out the brighter colours.
If I was kind, selfless, gentle and wise
Would people leave??
There would have been no goodbyes.

You've heard of the phrase
"Don't change stay the same"
Honestly, that is just insane.
As we go through the phases of life
We will encounter CHANGE.
I miss some of my friends. I wish I could turn back time. I'm really sorry for how I was. Now I'm open to CHANGE, thanks to my Saviour.
Aug 2017 · 546
Deep Ponderer Aug 2017
Words  are not just words
Words can build an empire,
Words can take you higher.
Words can instill a fatal plot.
Words can leave a soul to rot.
So be on your guard with words.

Words are meant to inspire.
Words are meant to set you free
To encourage you to take another leap,
To create with pleasant imagery.
Or turn memories into untold tale
To try again even if you had fail.

If your words will hurl retaliation
Don't, stop, think, stay silent.
They can be someone's reason
for self annihilation.
Let your words make you bold
Let your words save a soul,
Or let them put a smile
on someone's face.
*May your words be filled with grace.
May your words save a soul.
Aug 2017 · 250
Deep Ponderer Aug 2017
Sometimes I still feel stuck
Like a boat anchored to a rock
And never sailing forward.
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