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Jay May 2020
every sense
of the word,
will never know
how it feels
to not be beautiful.
Jay Apr 2020
I wonder what you'd think of me now
I'm not that child anymore
I don't help the underdog,
I don't go out of my way
I'm just here
And you're there
And you don't care anymore
You probably never really did
But you cared enough to tell me
The same as my father
It's funny how
One black hole spits you out
Only to venture into your black hole
And this one?
This one will be the death of me
And so will his.
But his is otherworldly,
A different kind
Because he can't even bring himself
To even look at me again,
Falls asleep with her
In his arms,
Like I never even existed,
Like I'm nothing.
Jay Apr 2020
Stop it, nose
Inhaling every grain of his scent

Stop it, eyes
From looking everywhere but at him

Stop it, mouth
From fumbling over every word

Stop it, lips
From biting each other

Stop it, lungs
From forming heavy and shallow breaths

Stop it, hands
From shaking at his deminer

Stop it, mind
From racing at the thought of him

Stop it, daydreams
You will never have him

Stop it, heart
He will never want you
Jay Apr 2020
She screamed his name,

But he wiped his lips

of my existence.

I could have cried,

I should have.

"Please, don't give up on me"

I wanted to beg.

She's everything you wanted,

But I'm everything

you'll never have.
Being gay *****.
Jay Apr 2020
He's a cat.
A black cat, to be exact.

And he has the hair for it,
The attitude too.

So elusive and persuasive.
But he doesn't really care.

He's nice to everyone
but me.

I feed him with food
And all the attention in the world

Give me it back.
Give me your time.

I want to touch him,
but we've never even pressed
skin together

I want to taste him.

He isn't even attractive.
He's just..him.

But I want to know if
His breath tastes bad
and if his lips are soft

I want to know how soft
He is.

A black cat that rubs your leg,
But bites you with every pet.
Jay Apr 2020
It's easy to love a straight guy
You have no expectation,
Though you want them.
A lack of ******
Keeps you in the clear.

But I want him.
And I'm everything he doesn't want.

The way he's soft,
His ugly hair
And poor sense of style.
And his awkward demeanor,
Walking on his toes

The way he speaks softly
With a grand taste,
Like Mt. Dew.

I want him,
But I'm an off-brand of Diet Mt. Dew.
Jay Apr 2020
Taste it,
The reminder of me
A piece I was savoring slowly,
Engulfed by you
And your gentle voice,
Your gentle behavior,
Your gentle kindness

Taste the remainder,
And lick your lips
The way I would have
If it was you

Even though it wasn't you
But I wish it was
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