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Ashlynn Sep 2018
Keys never open doors
Hallways never break
Glass always brings blood
Dripping is what I hear
Water never picks sides
Justice is always served
Revenge is lying
Truth is a dream
Nightmares are for children
Elders always die
Living is irrelevant
Relevance is key
Locks will always be there
Because keys never open doors
Ashlynn Aug 2018
A story in my head
But poetry on paper
A long string of words
Guiding into lines
A plot thickened
Into something deep
Characters shapened
Into inanimate objects

And the ****** unfurls
Into this
Ashlynn Aug 2018
As I meet lightning eye to eye
And the wind calls my name
I know that I belong
Destiny has gifted me her self

The clouds roll in
The light dims
The temperature drops
The wind picks up

A storm has arisen
The dust rising
The water falling

There is always a story to be told when it rains

For life is like a stone
It is big
And it is solid and can be
Very hard at times, all times
It can be forged and shaped into
Something of our creation
Something useful
Ashlynn Jul 2018
As the quiet of night
Erupts into sound
And light
And a cool breeze comes in

The roar of wheels on road
The trill of birdsong
The cacophony of toad
As they host a daily party for Sun

The color blue with many a shade
Always the favorite
As the choir and band of morning played
And the stars begin to flee

As lights flicker on aplenty in every home
And animals stir
The sun yawns and begins to roam
Across the sky always her journey
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