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 Jul 2018 Elizz
Logan L
Hot Coffee
 Jul 2018 Elizz
Logan L
Life is kinda like a cup of coffee
The first taste bitter, the flavor, unappealing
I ask others how they can stand the taste, they show me
They add sugar and cream, stirring new flavors and tastes into the bitter liquid
I start to understand, I take a drink
And burn my tongue

My taste buds are dead
My mouth on fire
I smile, my chapped lips cracking
“It's so good!” I say, they smile back
The cracks widen, blood flows from my lips
Down my chin and into the mug
The tatse of blood makes me sick

I take another drink, long and deep
The visous mixture flows down my gullet
I choke on the heat, and close my eyes
To savor the flavor

— The End —