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How can I tell you after so many years?
What words can I use that haven’t been used?
My love for you keeps growing strong.
Like a tree,
Each year a new ring begins.
Never backward
Always forward
Never bad
Always better
On, and on
Never stopping for there is no end in the circle of love.
Inside of Me
By Dorothy J Carbone 1980

I walk down the road to the cliff.
As I had so many years ago.
I know what I will see when I get there;
Water Colors
Spiraling Heights
Circle of Trees
For it remains the same,
Inside of Me.
The feelings still here,
Inside of Me.
For it has always been,
Inside of Me.
And not on the cliff by the sea,
Or in the love that used to be.
But deep within,
Inside of Me.
Looking Back
By Dorothy J Carbone 1972

I remember, somewhere in the back of my mind;
A face, a person, and feelings.
I remember the way we felt for each other,
His movements, his ways.
Right now it seems it happened just yesterday,
But it happened many years ago.
It was thought forgotten.
But, I remember.
My First
Poem ever written
by Dorothy J Carbone 1985

He was a hard man to know.
I never saw his feelings.
Hugs and kisses, not his style,
no angry words either.
What he felt was deep inside,
since the mothers leaving.
It would have hurt him so,
if tears were part of weeping.
He didn’t see the hurt he caused in trying to be strong.
Holding back he held me not.
I felt the blame for the mothers leaving.
How deep the hurt must have been
deeper then the deeper wishing well
no coins to toss into
wishes I had never been
better than this coldness left by the mothers leaving.
Don't get me wrong I love this man.
I shared the lost, felt his pain.
I only wish his feelings weren’t taken,
with my mothers leaving.
by Dorothy J Carbone 1985

I lost my father today.
Not in a word I forgot to say.
But truly lost him along the way.
Someone lost a father today.
A son, a boy, along his way.
Someone lost a father today.
A child, a smile, left briefly to stay.
Someone lost a father today.
A hug, a handshake, gone today.
Someone lost a father today.
He is here in my heart always to stay.
Dorothy J Carbone 09/29/1995

I watch the dying of the leaves, who would guess they are - with all those colors bright and bold.
I have been there at their birth, in late fall, as they push through the branch, clinging, staying small.
I have stayed and watched them, through the winter with its ice and snow, snuggled under covers, barely seen.
I have rejoiced as spring has come in waking buds, bees, and things that sing.
Opening up to anyone who will listen to their song
Blowing gently in new air like birds who fill up trees,
As the changing of the leaves.
All through summer I have enjoyed their shade as they feed the tree,
Always giving what it needs.
Running, crashing into fall, till we think we know it all.
Now maybe is my chance, only to be cut off from the tree at last,
I am she who has no love left for falling leaves.
Dorothy J Carbone 04/04/1995

My mind went with the wind today,
whirling like the leaves, taking flight.
Spinning higher as I go,
up over the hill and mountaintop.
for no obstacle got in my way.
All to avoid thoughts of you!
Higher and faster, till out of control.
it’s funny what the mind can do.
I could not breathe, for fear of you.
I stopped looking down, for far below was solid ground.
So afraid of what I saw, you walked away from me once more.
My mind went with the wind today.
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