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57 · Jan 2022
Expressways & Pathways
You're so Wonderful
As you seem awed & smooth sailing
Honesty the Third Degree,
Could you change my Mold? My Facade?
My Trail of Crumbled Hearts?
******, Such & Such
Unrecognized, Unfamiliar Pathway
How I wish it was an expressway
Dragging me down
Before you take me home
Chapter One: Confessions Of Aggression
Hey, I gotta deal with trauma before it deals with me
I think about you often but not all the time
What are you like when emotions arise?
And how do you look like when you rise?

So yeah, I dream about you
But not every night
Gotta know your strength when you open a jar
You know the maps of the world seem so dual
So what if I'm waiting until you aren't so far

See, I wonder about you sometimes
But I wouldn't choose you over me
Think what you think
But I wouldn't change a thing

Yeah, I know.
Yet, I'm still here.
While you're so chill and cute in my mind.
Chapter Three: The Whistleblower
56 · Jan 2022
If Only
If only people knew
The days it took to be this way
You are so cool
It's a shame some will never know
The magical days
Where thoughts danced away
They will never witness the test of time
The pain waving the road of how mind and body collide
They will never feel
The night's sadness and sandcastles brushing against Hands turned sharp crystals into ocean waves
They will never hear about
The nights you looked at the sky with no moon insight
Only in your heart therefore your world
It's too bad that they don't know
They just don't know
How you are so cool
Every day you just keep adding years
To that spiritual clock
Chapter Two: Massage Beds and Therapy Sessions
Call me crazy. But I still wonder. Life has been a knife and you were that one light. Slowly killing, I didn't want to exist anymore. So, I knew it’s time to get to know me. I’m only human and I still wonder how I let you slip beneath my teeth. But time has passed. My hair grew grey and my heart grew blue. I still see sunshine on your face. That's what takes me back. But that’s okay. I learned a lot. Hopefully, a tale to tell one day. Knowing we will find whole lovers if it isn't us finding one another one day.
Chapter Three: The Whistleblower
54 · Jan 2022
Rose Colored Quarters
You aren’t ready
But when you are come and find me
My majestic maroon
By the bay
Throwing out stormi for new gold
My quicksilver
Sitting by the Cherry blossoms below
The sun ray's enlight tis season
Some kinda green sheen
Beats beating through my ears
I was just feeling senseless
Floating like engine oil
Painting groundless
Cooking up magic potions
Cause I’m so baseless
Can you be fearless, a little senseless
My wintergreen dream
Cause life can be so stubborn and sobering
So I’m maybe not a little tamales
A shiny shamrock
I am certain sure
You’ll be a satisfying solid sound
A cinnamon stain
Very compelling and convincing
A polished pine
Because you are so well grounded
Rose quarters are envious
So we have never met
But can we have a cup of coffee?
Chapter One: Confessions Of Aggression
53 · Jan 2022
Aging Stains
Just like the spots on my bedroom floor
And the coffee I drop
No matter how slowly I walk
I slip & spill
Why do you always make me feel
Is there something more I need?
So I keep tripping and splashing
because that is all I know
I plan to dive in to get to know you
Like I know every split end of my own
Then maybe just maybe
you’ll turn into crystal clear liquid gold
You are just water to me
But I wish you could purify me
Only you are coffee
And you ever only always stain
Chapter One: Confessions Of Aggression
He steps on my toes
You could say I have the whoa's
When kisses blow
I never met someone like you
You smell of good things
Some of my favorite things
Spill em into pieces
Show me something only phases can see
I'm too weak
My heart can't heal
I can't part ways
I just can't deal
Just ask me again
So I can finally say
All the things I could
Never say.
Chapter Two: Massage Beds and Therapy Sessions
52 · Jan 2022
What a child
He knows how to play
He speaks in silence
Holds his tongue
His eyes read worlds of wonder
He's feeling the pressure to
Become now a man
But don't forget my dear
Don't fear and learn to steer
Honor yourself
Feel those feelings
Don't push them away
Trust yourself
You were so authentic that day
I wish you well
And hope you stress
Some time to play
Chapter Two: Massage Beds and Therapy Sessions
51 · Jan 2022
The Book of Eli
He was a killer
He’d never call himself a manipulator
He once called her Aphrodite
Now he'd call her a stealer

He was a smooth dancer,
He did it for pay until it became less for play
He was a smooth talker
He always knew what to say
How to say it
He wrote them in poems
Hoping she'd read between them
But she chose to never see

He saw himself as selfless
But why did he portray and play
She was Coquette
He was a fool, so he'd lose
She saw herself in search of something pure
Gravity pulled her to another
Someone she could never forget

Now I can't wait to forget you
But still I have love for you
Wish you'd find love within you

He was a book of burned pages
While She was a firecracker
Setting fire to all pages that came her way.
Chapter One: Confessions Of Aggression
48 · Jan 2022
So Nice
Walls cover my heart
Walls shove me apart
Speak in honor
Just a girl who is letting go

So nice, so nice
You seem so nice
Once nice, once nice
They seem like lies
So, I guess I'm not that nice
Sit at tables of high opinions and high voices
I just want to runway
They all seem so nice
Not at all superior

I'm just my father's daughter
He showed me how to stand my ground
Well, I guess we aren't that nice
Chapter Two: Massage Beds and Therapy Sessions
48 · Jan 2022
The Cruel & the Resentful
It's only a matter of time before I throw you away
An old wrapper
A flavor I am over
So honest so real
Why do I lie?
And put on a mask?
Perspectives you see
Aggressive aggressive
I bathe in passivity
Heartless and careless
I build you up
But if you can't keep up
Boy, bye
Boring boring
If I’m not entertained
Well this is
It's not personal
It is what it is
We all have an expiration date
And honey, yours is up
Resentment is all I know
If you were excluded from your own blood
You would do the same
It's only a matter of time
Until they do it to you too.
Chapter Three: The Whistleblower
45 · Mar 6
Pleasing Soft Affair
I am resisting the intrigue
Nodding off to the idea of it
Apprehension in entertaining the idea
I am speculating it will not be like nails on a chalkboard
Still dreading to flirt with the theory
Concentration like a bullet to my head
A circus of misery minds.

Aiming with my silver sword, ready to combat
My defenses drop, not a soul present
Perhaps a withdrawal?
I find not a body and face but mine
Timid to smile
Could this be a pleasing soft affair?
I didn’t know much but that's what drew me in. I know my stares are a knife. But I won't apologize knowing that coulda been my only chance to really see. The mystery was enticing. The beauty of imperfections grow but time wasn’t on my side. I didn't know how as much as you didn't know. The more I found out about you the more I got hooked. There were many nights thinking about you. If only they were enough. But you wore enough if only you could see. I sent you love from time to time. But time got the best of me and so did my mind. So, I go through this life getting to know myself. Hoping you will find a whole lover if it can't be me.
Chapter Three: The Whistleblower
44 · Jan 2022
The Dreamer
Hey, I’m Arcadya. And I’m addicted to happiness & I don’t like to cry. Though, I have cried in the face of happiness more often than I try. I used to write love poems but now they are all about me. I’m also a runner & I can run so fast before you can blink an eye. And I’m sorry if I left you behind. Know that I have a lot to learn and there is a war within I needed to fight. I just got so inspired. My buttons were pushed & I just got so **** high.

Hi, I’m also called A. And I’m addicted to self-improvement, the search, & the high. I’d go to high stakes just to feel alive. And I refuse to drink drugs, cause I wanna do it on my own. Here is a little on my soul, it looks like the devil & sometimes I just wanna be so ******* bad. And trust me I don’t need to be saved. And I don’t **** around. I’m in love with the hunt itself. And it's true I have a lot to learn. And the lone wolf **** is hard to die. And God knows I need to learn to lean. But if you are still around, know that you really light my fire. So, if you are still with me. This means you can keep up. And man, I **** with that. I dreamed of a world who knew the real me other than the ones I count on my hand.  

So hi, I’m Danya & there is more to me than what meets the eye. And trust me I only get better with time. Don’t get it twisted, I’m a sweetie at heart. My momma taught me right. Yet, my daddy made me tough. So, I’m always at my prime. And I’m laying this all out on the line cause I said **** It, I’m gonna fly high-class with my art in one hand and my heart in the other. Cause I do it for love not validation. And you’ll be seeing me in the city flashing lights.
Chapter One: Confessions of Aggression
43 · Jan 2022
I've Been Better
How are you?
How you been?
But tell me
Please, why do you have to fill the space?
With your voice
Are you scared?
So, tell me now
Do you really care?
All these feelings boiling up to the surface
So, all I say is: I've been better.
Cause that's all I can say.
I'm trying to be authentic to myself
Sorry I'm not sorry it makes you feel uncomfortable
Hopefully, it's too much for you
So conversations end here
Or you say blah blah “everything will be alright.”
It's not that simple.
But now I know
If I don't want to speak
I'll simply say: I've been better.

And if you are smart enough
It ends there.
Chapter Two: Massage Beds and Therapy Sessions
43 · Jan 2022
Don't get invested...
Don't get invested
Stay on this journey
That has been tested
Chapter One: Confessions Of Aggression
40 · Jan 2022
Secrets in Between
Chapter One: Confessions Of Aggression
40 · Jan 2022
Smoked Eyes
That shotgun
For someday
It turned out to be today

I pulled the trigger

Not only for myself
For every woman wronged
Every future woman that'd cross paths

Those vicious eyes
Filled with cigarette smoke
Not a clear thought in mind

He'd warp you
Squeeze you tight
Lock you in a forever fog
Chapter One: Confessions Of Aggression
39 · Jan 2022
It's strange how children feel ghosts
when the hunters were actually all along
in the room just beside them.
Chapter Two: Massage Beds and Therapy Sessions
39 · Jan 2022
How much less can I endure?
My body the vehicle of despair
Puncturing my throat
To soothe my soul
The dim days
Swayed my name
Seduction my drug
Wishing for the daylight
Slowly disappearing
So much so I forgot my winters
Slowly but surely
One day at a time
Maybe one day my Summer will come.
Chapter Three: The Whistleblower
38 · Jan 2022
The Walk Home
One am
They take off
I’m turning away
The heavy withdrawal
Feeling down in the dumps
Like unfulfilled waste
The night eclipsed me
So, I wait in this dingy place
Tears scratch
Facile but still holding on
Heavy hearted & completely deserted
I'm a Blue downcast
On a somber cold night
Weeping & strolling home slow,
Teardrops gush & drench the alleyway,
Deaf & hot-headed,
Unalarmed of the time & place,
So delicate & vulnerable,
Unsafe & unstable,
Fanatically out in the open,
I’m so dim & run-down,
So, buried & exposed,
I'm waiting for a train,
But it doesn't come,
I'm waiting for someone,
But they are never coming.
Chapter One: Confessions Of Aggression
37 · Jan 2022
This Summer’s A Knife
I've lost touch
Five years of school
Chill in dust
Skills waiting
To see the light of day
Like the 2000s
I can't stop touching my hair
Empty days are a test
Feel the sweat
Down my back
This summer’s a knife
Slicing my life
Looking from the dark
When will it flow?
Am I too far gone?
In the wrong?
Sensing the golden flow
Making its way
So very slow
Praying for a saint
But a sinner at heart
Remembering that one gets lost in a maze
But one finds themselves in a labyrinth
Chapter Two: Massage Beds and Therapy Sessions
34 · Jan 2022
I have some memories
and I have some ideas of why.
But a part of me is scared to remember
There were other reasons why
Many more reasons why we were in and out of hospitals that many times.
But another part of me is relieved to not have those memories
Just to have a couple less reasons why.
Chapter Two: Massage Beds and Therapy Sessions
34 · Jan 2022
Bewitched Spin
She grew to adore
The soothing sound
Of her lonely thoughts
Out of nowhere
He runs
Just in time
Before doors closed
She was so unsure
But hoped he would
Their eyes linger
Their heads lean into each other
She feels eyes on them now
If only their lips could touch
So compelling
Not a thought but a feeling
If any doubt she knew now
He made the ride worth wild
This was the first time
Having faith that this won’t be
The last time
Chapter One: Confessions Of Aggression
34 · Jan 2022
The Clock and the Dagger
Lost in a Trance
I never want to Wake Up
Unlatch or Wear Me Out
Fascination all around
Unwrap me or Throw Me Away
I'm Dying to Bring to Light
What's on the tip of my tongue
Simulation Under wraps
Hush, Hush
Broadcast of the Night
Bare all Night
Confined in a Castle in the Air
Call it a Daydream or a Pie in the Sky
Just Store me
Release me on a Lonely Night
This is my Sacred Word
My Promissory Note
Chapter One: Confessions Of Aggression
32 · Jan 2022
Wicked & Cool
A smile is Contagious
Everything's Absolute
So, Unattainable & Clever
Appearing & Proving
Life's but a tale of unfortunate events
Times a tempo
Rigid & Staggering
Choose to Dance
See it as the One & Only Spark
Plead for it
Get on your knees
It is the only way
We take the Iron in the Fire
The Hourglass Slips Away
Slippery Sand Provokes
Fight or Flight
Love or Leave
Leave Better
Baby, It’s all Yours
Find out
Run, Walk, Crawl
Pull That ******* Trigger
We are Here not There
Yeh hear
Regions are just Illations
Love is Wicked & Cool
Go out, Don’t miss out
Thank the Gods of Time
It's giving Duty & Warrant
Baby, Lets Manifest the Best
Chapter One: Confessions Of Aggression
29 · Jan 2022
The Cancer
You are a movie I keep watching,
To feel again,
Gazing and gazing over and over again,
You are my favorite movie on repeat,
A plot that ends in a blink of an eye
An uneasy chill down my spine,
You are a ghost from my past,
A missing memory,  
An unsolved puzzle,
I'm forever dazed in a maze,
Forever a broken damaged record,
Blind in a labyrinth of passageways,
Rolling, blazing, and boiling down a flight of stairs,
You will never cure me,
For I am forever
Interrupted & corrupted.
Chapter One: Confessions Of Aggression
24 · Jan 2022
You Are Only Human
You forget as easily as forgetting an umbrella on a train
You were double-dealing
You were forced to discover
Nothing fades when the door is forced closed
You see the parts that would bore you
Because they would bore me too
So, you visualize & visualize sometimes  
Sagas that run off the page
The only way you can cross the line
Because you are human
And you desire what you cannot have
You realize what you have money cannot buy
But still, you wonder & wonder  
Because you are only human
Still, you have everyone convinced
You have told lies on top of lies that now  
Somehow seem true
Everyone is so convinced
But what if the joke is on you?
So, you keep your hands tied as long as you can
Hoping all of this will be worth the time
But God holds your truth tight
The only one who knows
What is authentic & pure.
Chapter One: Confessions Of Aggression
16 · Apr 23
Mother ocean,
Fin me against ruins,
Held close clam and bow.
16 · Apr 23
One moment she was there and the next she was gone,
I remember the harmful and the favorable,
Even though she caused wounds, she still did not deserve to be demised,
Dreams in her eyes killed by the men who stole her force,
Still, she is the one to be charged.
Loved ones sit at her funeral remembering the delicacy she once was,
Her last days were far from first rate,
But she could ray,
I stepped in her rope, the last she was traced,
One moment she was here and the next she was gone.

— The End —