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CLStewart Sep 2015
I sleep in this bed and run all the places in my mind- it feels like a circus performance in here-

Gravel roads and white fences with adventures of knights and brooks and tiny dew drops on popcorn popsicles made by the gnomes of pickadilly pines-

Crop circles do exist but I've never seen one...

Caterpillars would be nice right now but I envision the green ooze secreting from the trampled lifeless form-

In retrospect it can or cannot  be what it is not?- to look back in thought; refer back-

Are we all gamblers waiting and watching then perceiving the next place we build out of sticks and bricks?

I go back to my slumber-  Pickadilly Pines
CLStewart Sep 2015
Just a few moments away-
In just a few moments I will embark on a journey to start over- In just a few short moments I will leave behind a residue of times forever caught- In just a few moments I will seek her lips on mine as a weather vane meets the rain...and the  gulls fly overhead bringing that familiar sea salt presence-
Just a few moments away-
Sep 2015 · 499
I saw it in a mirror ball
CLStewart Sep 2015
I saw it in a mirror ball

Where did you get that face? And how can I erase it from my data bank- Pious, shallow and naive- all put together to make a bouncy ball that I pick at & chew when I'm in a self-medicated daze.
I saw it all in a mirror ball

Crammed up in this space- legs getting stiff, unused- I am a shell of a pathetic liar, a man who’s groomed himself to be accepted, to be left alone- The wave length of my concentration has reverted into this so called malnutrition soul of ADHD, stereotypical in regards to daily     diagnosis by many- says a head nurse.

I type here and glance at the television and see mouth movements and hand gestures- the volume is on MUTE...and I see playing kittens.

I saw it all in a mirror ball
Sep 2015 · 258
tone 2
CLStewart Sep 2015
quite possibly, ok?  so much angst right here, I run, I speculate, and spit on the ground, -because mother nature is around me and sees me in frequencies yet corresponds with my nobody but me tendencies.
you FN squares
Sep 2015 · 261
CLStewart Sep 2015
There are many ways to change the course of American history without really doing anything and since violence and discrimination are all used up. I have a new one. Wait and see... It involves LOVE
Aug 2015 · 233
You wish I was coming
CLStewart Aug 2015
I  send out my love to all of you anywhere and everywhere- somewhere in the dark and in the daylight we can meet again.

Saw you once in the distance sitting on a swing your body making movements that I liked.

Your skirt bustling and your lips parted just right.

Bright red satiny crisp apples falling from the trees and cotton spiders shimmering through the air being splintered by the sunlight.

This is my home and I'm coming back to you
Aug 2015 · 662
Highway Darts
CLStewart Aug 2015
Fender Mo Shu?  Fender Mo Shu!
Scraps pelting me from above- this conversation could take 20 to 30 minutes. Do you have that kind of time available?
... and I just met Larry Cherry @ the local carnival stand. His old frame stands at half tilt and his feeble bones creak as he swings the 10lb hammer down to connect up to the chime prize. Ding! zip zap sounds resonate as his eyes wide shut contemplate his success, and then it was over.
CLStewart Aug 2015
As I look down I see the concrete rushing in and I trust it

As I see a housing market crumble and food lines fill...I see the concrete rushing in
The man @ the end of the street strangled his dog to avoid future vet bills and the local fruit market closed down due to food borne illness....I see the concrete rushing in
He says he wants to build us a wall to keep the filth out and
I say So be it!  
In the name of revolution can we convey the messages of free enterprise with our fenced in resources? -...and I just allowed the conjugated verbs.

I see the concrete rushing in and I trust it
Aug 2015 · 486
Memory Camera
CLStewart Aug 2015
Happiness is what makes me reach out and scream hello!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am a barbarian who eats library books. I am inside all of the books that I read. I do not consider the outcomes for if I were to do this I would become a figment of your imagination AND I CAN'T HAVE THAT.

Sadness is a disease that becomes infested with remorse and I will not ride that steed.

Being rid of things - moving a broken picture after you found it hidden away in a dusty cabinet and then forgetting - old laced doily, time ragged & brown stained from Grammy Pete's tested hands. One last wind of the pocket watch.

The Juniper tree lay treasure down over the old beaten blue car that I took many a day to think in. It was a good winter and I remember it well.
Aug 2015 · 489
I am no longer here
CLStewart Aug 2015
I have had to watch you walk on by as I bare witness to your *** stained ******* found under my mattress.  I smell your blonde hair and sometimes weep alone as I know you **** him hard along the roadside. It does me no kindness to aerosol the hallways but it helps me function as I break your black eyeliners and grind away @ mirrors that I otherwise would have smashed.
I am to you as dead as the night as air is to a lifeless corpse.
Aug 2015 · 636
myself included
CLStewart Aug 2015
... we are all pretty much disappointments running amok like dysentery in a underprivileged head start program...and with that I leave you in disgust.
CLStewart Aug 2015
America is a High School campus. In time it WILL find a way to grow-
Prestige and abomination  CREATION and destruction  Religion and Science-
Consumed with theory contained in a concept called SIN not allowing the Sun to shine!  and in a Cosmos BEing  SOUGHT AFTER

I drink a glass a aqua and think... America is a High School campus, a butter sweet taste-corn fed *** and a weekend soundtrack named  PC

Pop cultures now into MADNESS = about running the streets into awareness of civil disobedience- CORRUPTS from the inside out through the preachers in the disguise of FREEDOM.

America is a High School campus with long hallways nursing stations and dysfunctional movie pricing.  America is a High School campus with a deportation device fetish disorder. America is a High School campus controlled by LIES and TRUTH CONSPIRACY
Aug 2015 · 346
Residual melodies
CLStewart Aug 2015
I feel like a peanut! that's been recently shelled- all inside the peanut butter! and under this fn roof that's not ablaze- that's not with cinder –
all while my brain is becoming liquefied to which I am now going to be connected- to what degree can I continue to learn about things in a world that accepts me and then rejects me in bitter tongues..

Residual melodies
Jul 2015 · 213
CLStewart Jul 2015
If I am indeed mad then let my madness reign- if my madness dictates ur jollys... well then my good sir, u r indeed mad too
Jul 2015 · 409
CLStewart Jul 2015
I woke up as usual but this time gots to leave earlier
have to make breakfast and lunch, I'm gonna cook it myself - but at a friend's house.
I've been starving lately because my poverty is brought on by my living art form. People thinks it cool- others may think it bogus- while she says she loves it.
It defines me- my hunger for words and ink and food!
I need it to survive...
CLStewart Jul 2015
I'm not a perfect picture, I'm not always an inspiration  I don't have perfect pitch, but I'm close because I try.

as I'm ferociously attacking the windmills
Jul 2015 · 387
yea ahhhhh, me
CLStewart Jul 2015
the wind water and fish bites
swings cherry trees and stringy things
me @ a little past midnight

whispering weeping and waiting for you

canoe paddles,  Sunday strolls and a knife attack
I do enjoi candy corn stolen from the church vestibule
as the priest takes hold of my arm.

whispering weeping and waiting for you  

As he beats me and strangles my every life's pleasure
away from me and tells me that God only cares for people
who can obey

so I look in the distance for something to cling to and reasons to go on singing but what I do find is already gone
and the vegetables are spoiling there right in the sink rotting away just like my soul has and I have nothing left to drink,

well anyways... its fine-   well anyways- well any ways-   any ways....

whispering weeping and waiting for you
Jul 2015 · 521
CLStewart Jul 2015
I am hungry and I am not silent
I am thirsty with a cask full of headaches -  but I don't partake
I am mindful of the acetaminophen with codeine
because they take the pain away...

So I am no longer hungry
and the thirst continues with the glass 1/2 full
salt pepper and sugar mixed with baking soda add cupful of flour and raw egg. I can certainly add mayonnaise

MIX &EA;;   MIX &EA;;   MIX &EA;;  

and she tells me that she loves me
and she expels her lonely thoughts
and she runs in circles with clarity
as the clock continues to tick

as my hunger persists for hours and days upon days that last
I can no longer go through this
and all is becoming useless
as the type written lines are becoming shorter

my height has become my tolerance...
Jul 2015 · 233
CLStewart Jul 2015
lemon and limes, oranges with juju beans and everything in between. u me and a shark movie.
Jul 2015 · 376
for a minute
CLStewart Jul 2015
they will never believe you
it will be hard and a push for them to perceive you
and bunny's will come to your viewing

its a matter of fact and fiction
sales tactics and diction
a scepter in a kings hand with directness and prowl

and what about now?

hopping from building to bridge- window sills
living on bread, juice and liquor store discounts
candy apples @ a apple blossom fair... WITH
Ezra, MariAnn, Jackieboy @ hands length

say that again?

I got one for that rooftop and more for loose teeth
six pence worth of flattery for an old millstone worker whose jaws flap in anticipation of a non existent paycheck
hes tired of Malt-O-Meal
Jul 2015 · 221
Untitled- 6
CLStewart Jul 2015
Scrub that ****** soul
there are no guarantees
you can only die!

Scream @ times sleep @ times
be mellow don't be mellow
color within the lines

put yourself in front
your IQ is what? Paper or plastic?
Email me with your information
CLStewart Jul 2015
On the phone and in a row boat...

It was there for the taking and they took it. Love lust and warm em-brace.
Faces in the dark whispers joy intellect speaking miles upon miles- they were the ******.
To change a generation and build upon past memoirs notations poetry prose literature - swindling no one. In the deep they did swim

In the deep they did swim to find each other
In the deep they did swim breaking into paper huts and liquor bottles
In the deep they did swim


In the deep they did swim casting away the structures that were built for them- but not by them
In the deep they did swim live wires of truth  justice  perseverance  principles
In the deep they did swim

What of Whitman!  What of Geoffrey Chaucer!  
What of social demand!

In the deep they did swim with no thirst for consequence
In the deep they did swim for life's love eroticism passion of words
In the deep they did swim

...for the beat generation
Jul 2015 · 530
Wolves with no purpose
CLStewart Jul 2015
scapegoat extraordinaire dollar bill menace
mental patients ******* barrels white bells with tennis

candelabras peanut-butter bread milk intolerance
skateboards pickup trucks brick wall limits- rationing away---

canned vegetables and water sealed containers with dolphin parts
FOR US TO EAT while watching final Jeopardy.

Linked together by the hip double barreled shotguns with no voices
no choices - hear a faint whimper of resistance.

Take down that symbol of hate that history recorded erroneously
until skyscrapers fall once again but now from within and capitol buildings speak a new kind of education.

Your tears are false pride and mimic something you cannot possibly understand because you have been accosted.

You are radical- you are despair- you are mountains crumbling
you are children going hungry from lack thereof-

you are self-inflicted wounds licked by wolves
Jul 2015 · 603
I see fear
CLStewart Jul 2015
I see fear from the press on the television machine. We are controlled by the regime of mass media. Lies Lies Lies and more Lies! Perpetual motion in a cereal box dormant to many accustomed as we fall in line to our governments power play -Structured by corporate one liners and scripted spread sheets across dotted lines in a room being tallied on smart phones, blogs and scientific calculators- when is the commotion in proper logic to be received? -   Irrigation of the soul type-cast presented in a bow
Jul 2015 · 4.9k
so it shall be
CLStewart Jul 2015
maybe I should encourage violence within conformity and seek to end impressionism or maybe NOT!- create perversions within a song split-ting hairs of the long dead being found at a youthful age washed ashore no longer breeding nor bleeding ceased of breathing to be now an exact science- scaled back models of when it was brave to be bold but hidden from news cameras for leftover caveats - I wanna go else-where and find redemption to shout ******* - desktop plants dried out from foul air and aspirin bottles ******* clad in old skin next to a banana peel- no remorse no recourse no answers for in my brain
prescribed lies conjunct with irreversible truth complexity.
Jul 2015 · 372
Sister Antoinette.
CLStewart Jul 2015
Going beyond the outside force coerced by a she-light included was a forest devil. I'm not to say what is meant by the encryption s' carved out on ivory tusk but felt the notes as my digits lay pressure down to music. She called me mini maestro as I engaged moments in that small convent thus I did improve to be something of a magician.

for  Sister Antoinette.

she was the cutest of old small souls
Jul 2015 · 234
Untitled -5
CLStewart Jul 2015
U r amazing like the see through- a couple of mirrors lay shattered in the middle room while whole grain rice gets eaten - a midnight snack is consumed.  It’s the time when alarm clocks send blue chimes and ****** up the new sounds of the day. It has been seized tossed and contained.
Jul 2015 · 193
CLStewart Jul 2015
Cant be in and around her when I wanted to had to get inside her head and feel around. My MissC.  ...Messages being sent out through airwaves tapped on the compu screen. Like lady bugs in the first taste of desperation. She climbed through the mystical time piece and ate at my lungs. In the end she was to be near...always
Jun 2015 · 311
Windbreakers and kisses
CLStewart Jun 2015
My stance on infections can sometimes be a bit overzealous, well...
because I’m searching for that country live wire.

I want u @ 1030am on an early fall morning in some desolate forest

Windbreakers and kisses
Jun 2015 · 303
Came @ me in the skin
CLStewart Jun 2015
I crept in late that night and was mesmerized by you. I kissed your brain through your hips that always lead to ur lips and make it springtimes forward to winter for long whiles to maybes with salt skin and ocean reefs breath. I don't wanna go but I’ve been drawn back to some anatomical physical trend that I will live my rest (ofs) with. I don't need a bankroll any longer because in this moment u can fill that void with architecture of a minds daily picture. It’s a violation I so enjoi.
Jun 2015 · 239
A girl comes back
CLStewart Jun 2015
In case she saw through my backward tilt I made a double latched handle for extra security. It had two dead bolts. In her mind and in his were pathways still existent by voices bouncing off the wood paneled walls. In the dark recesses of yesterday it became evident that friendships can exist not just from talking robotic tablet keys but faint little pictures in the minds eye.
May 2015 · 313
olde book
CLStewart May 2015
Overzealous and underdressed I have no home to call my own, so where has my benevolence gone? Am I an antiquity, am I a forgotten lost treasure of a long ago age where beauty explodes feverishly in a raw
******* ****?  Silken sunken memoirs deep within the pastings of grimy faced lullaby’s etched away in a dust covered passion book called familiar.
Apr 2015 · 352
Said Grace to the liars
CLStewart Apr 2015
Marked for death before she even lived. Subsequently dragged before an audience of her peers she still refused to fornicate for religion. The bystanders looked on as she harnessed her fears and walked off the edge of her man made mountain. She looked over her shoulder as the fire and arrows slipped in deep, and she smiled.
Apr 2015 · 207
CLStewart Apr 2015
How can we learn to love if loves been redefined in real time?
Apr 2015 · 241
shite! was my lucky # 7_
CLStewart Apr 2015
time helps is what they say.
green is the reflection that the water makes
and you are in reflection and in the senses.
in the sense I can still smell you and in every word I repeat u keep coming up somewhere and somehow in everything.

I am alone here but maybe that was the problem u had with me.
I was physical, I was present but not available.
Marry me to the social objects I prefer and Marry me away to someone elses availability. Marry me to my own earthly pleasures.
Marry me to the ground I walk on, but don't enlist me to commitment that leads to containment... because it is finished.
Apr 2015 · 404
nuevo 2
CLStewart Apr 2015
"It's not an operation unless its going to be optional" said the elderly *** chap. Not thinking to rational today,
(thoughts in a head) "-for what is a compliment if its given in haste."
(responsive only to ones self)
"I'm not gonna be there always, only some of time and most of the time is gonna be now." (invoking nothing but in a thought)
So it was in-coherency to modern day currency. Perfect in flaw, dried in brown rice while being sentenced to a decorative cork topped glass jar.
Apr 2015 · 6.5k
dark dank daily routine
CLStewart Apr 2015
And a dilemma is?  Fixing the cafe while preparing your breakfast shake so elegantly. Hurriedly to turn on the news upon the squashed HD  as you settle down on the white roundy, the sound turned down just enough not to wake the neighbors. Where has this life taken me?
Dark dank daily routines...
Apr 2015 · 1.6k
Untitled -4
CLStewart Apr 2015
The sun is bursting apart frightful apparitions surrounding me
its coming as always but not to theaters because they are closing down.
Plastic and plaster making it stay fresh for awhile because it always has, why stop? It might be ok to not think about it for just a short time-forever. And thats ok with me, guy over there is distracted by some **** chica...hes hopped up on latina.

and we almost all like to chomp on M&Ms; and sink our nails deep down in. Those uppity ****** up little pieces from the peanut ones drive you mad but u still eat them. Cracked up like beheaded musical singing monkey skulls.
Apr 2015 · 305
expierence it now
CLStewart Apr 2015
If a cat makes its life as a hunter and not the hunted so can a human
become so fixated for the **** that they lust for a taste. Strip away @
anything and you can get something for nothing ...nothing but a taste of juicy hostility and a poisoned arrow. Sin away! Meow
Apr 2015 · 590
CLStewart Apr 2015
Off I go to the shroud of cover, in a deep far off avenue where body salts melt and white turns to black,

misread, misinterpreted and enjoyed by others @ my own expense.
sunshine, seashells and peppercorn bits
Apr 2015 · 257
so it goes on
CLStewart Apr 2015
been looking at this **** and hearing the spirals.
informing each other of human natures past denials
we have all the tapes and we made all the measures ...for completion
in the words of the few and the actions of many, there is no trifecta.
only deleting and rebuilding, constructing and destroying
making papers out of people...
Apr 2015 · 379
CLStewart Apr 2015
and on to the next one and then to the next one, and then another and maybe another, never quite enough, just as a mosquito suckles the ankles remarkably akin to my work related habits. Which meals do I detest the most? The lemon & orange cream sauce or a lightly scented skin sample from the feline named Jezebel?
Mar 2015 · 550
soap canary
CLStewart Mar 2015
Wishing her well and smitten while the tongue ties escalate into mirror ***** coating me in sugar salted teeth and candy licks. Lips bitten, skin scratched and names worn out resulting in a broken shell of her new tossed habit. Go ahead and rip it to shreds. Wake me when your gone.
Mar 2015 · 198
CLStewart Mar 2015
Its all tight in here, not to terribly bad ,not always comfortable
I can probably fit maybe,... 2 more in with some movement, sssshhhaaaa,
Ok that will be just about right,   yeaaaa a little moreover your way..little bit more, keep moving, keep moving, yea yea yea just a little more space for me is all I  really need. Yeaaaaaaaa that's fine. Ok Ok Ok, lo siento, one more inch will do.  Thank You.
Mar 2015 · 384
a gap
CLStewart Mar 2015
Transplanting is sometimes devious
Removal of what was supposed to work
Powers being re-situated hurriedly
None of us really understanding why...
Mar 2015 · 400
the bad open-close
CLStewart Mar 2015
Envision this!, and what would a vision be for me that a vision perhaps would be for 4 you? "A taste of the bubbly" said the doormat maestro speaking in his open gibberish of the day. Perplexed maybe oversexed with an umbrella spread wide assorted like plum infused birthday cake and darkened sparrows dipping down to gain their tid bit thirsts.
  A beaten sheep calls out but hears nothing but echos ...
Mar 2015 · 273
To hard is the moment
CLStewart Mar 2015
yea, it can be a beat up world, though its full of deep ends plight
shallow words two fold scant clad in cup cake platters, but it don't matter as long as the maze commander gets his due, of course who will see it through, you? Obnoxious peasant girls tap on your window feeling you from the inside out star gazing into your eyes glistening as they fade from ocean blue to gray...listening. I want this so much and to adore you is rapture as my heart is torrid in the burning of your lips... In your grips.  To hard is the moment when I found that the nemesis was in the tree bark that held hand carved letters that said...nothing. I am inspired by the corpse of photosynthesis. I am in need of the next level of ingenuity that you created for me, beside me, around me... You stood within me. What good is music when the love I had for it in the feeling I get from it only was to be enhanced when your hand found the inside of mine. People are naturally drawn to white doves because it speaks to them softly, but why do I prefer blackbirds then? ...Tiny rain drops fell here. Why do I get the impression you're still not listening... to me. Why do I keep on trying to give you all that is possible... from me. Will you not listen to me, is it so impossible for you to want to be with me... just me?
Mar 2015 · 839
CLStewart Mar 2015
"**** all the rest, she's definitely the best" the circus tool shouted towards the sky.
"Shes coming here in the morning haha !" , this was quite the sight u can't deny.
"Can't you all see where the anatomy is gonna shrivel and get back big again"
His progress as a stage performer stymied to and fro because of the flawed antonym.
"Serotonin, serotonin,and more spastic serotonin! its living in my veins"
oh my ******* God ****** your settling into the insane.
So it can be viewed as laughable the words of wisdom distraught, but with all the same constructs intermittent not taught.
This fool of the moment stood upright and felt his aim was true, however it may be looked upon it was just a mood swing that made the pink turn hue.
Mar 2015 · 249
in the end...
CLStewart Mar 2015
Please don't cage me up, Ive got a million things to say
You and I felt the same when we broke it down that day
Let's keep it real and sometimes fragile your lips would tremble the words   I probably paid no attention because to me you were frugal and absurd.
Wanna share this bowl of cherries with me babes, No,Ive got no time for u
Have these reports, chores and school work to finish, gdamn where were you.
It's really getting cold in here baby can you feel the chill in the air
Not really sweets she said to me as her exotic curves grazed the chair
Where were you when I needed you when I cried out for you in fright
I'm not to sure what mean honey you know I was with you last night
You know to come to think of it, it is getting cold in here                   especially when you prefer other naked bodies shivering wet with fear
It's like this coil of rope that I have so I can more thoroughly reflect
but now I understand more fully it was put here for my neck
You don't ******* need me and you sure as hell don't care, whether I live or die tomorrow as long as you brush your hair.
So I live these last moments for you and the dreams I had for us and the self pity and gluttony can now be over and you can finish the trust.
Mar 2015 · 212
CLStewart Mar 2015
in a cool nights air she took on the comfort of her bed and rested her weary head and gasped for air convincingly because she yearned for the smoothness of the sheets to suit her evening ritual...of sleep
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