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Brittany Smith Apr 2018
Loneliness can be hard I know,
But it’s nowhere near as bad,
As crying yourself to sleep at night,
Because the abuse makes you so sad,
Imagine rushing home from work,
To see the one you love,
Only to be greeted by,
More insults and more shoves,
I’ve learned we mistake love sometimes,
For fear of being alone,
And even if it’s the devil waiting,
At least someone’s at home,
The bravest thing I ever did,
Was finally run away,
I ignored his calls to get me back,
And soon began to pray,
I finally learned what real love meant,
When I read what God had said,
And though I may be lonely still,
At least I am not dead.
Brittany Smith Apr 2018
If he had truly loved you,
You wouldn’t be sitting here alone,
In a pool of doubt and sadness,
Hurting right down to the bone,
You would not be ever wondering,
About what was wrong with you,
For you never once deserved the pain,
Or the abuse he put you through,
If he had truly loved you,
He would have stayed true to every vow,
He would have held you when you hurt,
But your feelings were not allowed,
And I know you think he’s fine and all,
Since you’re in this much pain,
But you know he’s good at acting,
And making you feel insane,
Because I promise the ones who hurt the most,
Are the ones who pretend they're fine,
So your pain is not in vain, my dear,
One day your life will be divine.
Brittany Smith Apr 2018
Physical beauty might catch your eye,
But inner will catch your heart,
And if you can’t see past each other’s skin,
You’ll always be lost in the dark,
For I once met a woman with beautiful skin,
But she was the ugliest person I knew,
Since it wasn’t her physical beauty that hurt me,
Her inner self tore me in two,
And I found myself being fooled once more,
By a man with beautiful skin,
Since I learned it was only my body he saw,
And never my beauty within,
For it was the hardest lessons I ever learned,
But they taught me a lot about love,
Because the day all our bodies deteriorate,
It’ll expose what they were truly made of.
Brittany Smith Apr 2018
I know your heart is hurting,
But please try to understand,
That God does have a reason,
And He has you by the hand,
If you run back to what broke you,
Due to stigma, shame or doubt,
You'll sink lower into darkness,
And God wants to pull you out,
The best advice I ever heard,
Was when my grandpa said to me,
Only God ordains a marriage,
And that's what most people do not see,
See, a marriage made in Heaven,
Will protect you at all times,
And no man on earth can combine two souls,
It's only God who will decide,
So if you've prayed and waited,
And your spouse's heart won't change,
No man can judge you for divorce,
If God never ordained.
Brittany Smith Apr 2018
I know he fed you honey,
And acted proud to be with you,
But sometimes that’s an act,
Of something cowards do,
Because I know he called your pretty,
And so talented and smart,
But now he’s got you hating yourself,
Right down to an art,
For in public you were perfect,
And the best wife of them all,
Until the moment he came home,
And beat you down so small,
You’ve patiently waited for him to change,
To who he used to be,
But that is not the man he is,
He just had honey.
Brittany Smith Mar 2018
A flame out of control,
On a cold December night,
If love was given wings,
We once were soaring in flight,
Turbulence picked up quickly,
As I held on to your hand,
Afraid that we were falling,
But you promised not to land,
I began to rest my fears,
And trust that you were true,
Until the venom you spit at me,
Made my sky no longer blue,
I then began to fade,
Into the clouds so ever dark,
But I quickly crashed and broke my wing,
And worse I broke your heart,
You tried to stitch us back together,
But my heart bled through the thread,
And I fell too many times,
Not caring love was dead,
Until revenge grew in your lungs,
And you found you couldn’t breathe,
So in desperation,
You did the same to me,
The betrayal sank us quickly,
To the bottom of the ocean floor,
We were both beaten black and blue,
When we washed up to the shore,
Time began to heal our wounds,
But scars forever there,
And in one last attempt to keep us,
You decided not to care,
An 8 week 2 day fetus,
Never got to breathe this life,
Because once I tried to trust your words,
You again stabbed me with a knife,
My world is now forever changed,
And my heart forever broken,
But I’ll never forget the day we soared,
Or the day we fell to the ocean.
Brittany Smith Mar 2018
I’m glad that you were born,
With no flaws instilled in you,
Since it’s hard to feel real feelings,
That only real humans do,
It must feel great to be so perfect,
And never be in the wrong,
For when real humans admit to their mistakes,
Sometimes they don’t feel so strong,
But now tell me why you’re angry,
Are you not proud of what you’ve done,
Is the narcissist inside you,
Wanting to escape away and run,
Oh no he’s back and tightly gripping,
His tiny hands around your soul,
And once again I’m the one to blame,
And the one out of control.
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