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1.0k · Nov 2014
Touch (10W)
Please touch me not 
without touching
my heart and soul
1.0k · Feb 2015
City of Complexity
Culminating capacity
Daunting density
Varying velocity
Variable veracity
Surging sagacity
Divulging diversity
Tenable tenacity
Laudable audacity
Nurturing nicety
Progressive propensity
Unified university
Simple implicitly
Ample simplicity
Undulating atrocity
Unassailable animosity
Scaring scarcity
Pausing paucity
Causing curiosity
Generating generosity
Magnificent mega-city
Multitude of multiplicity  
Wow! City of complexity
981 · Feb 2015
Parable of love
I was the queen in quest of your dreaming teens  
You were in race to trace my grace of beaming beauty
Your shower of love was to catch my fragrant flower
Life was like amusing laser show for a major glow

A fresh breeze of life I felt in your lifelong lease of love
Your fast love at first sight was forthright, I saw it so
Your love was on a broadband channel, I surmised,
On high frequency at matching wave length you promised

Love was in fairy air you craved, cared n’ carried thru’
I molded to your mauls, for I rejoiced your choice  
I was mild and yielding as you stepped up wielding
Rendered and surrendered to your shabby game of love
You left the fruit of your lust in my lap in a decade’s gap.

Embroiled in undue deal, you now embraced
Unhealthy wealth than wealthy health
Lavish lust, peevish love and selfish life
Lo, love is to collate not to collide n’ collapse
I feel sad when our lad says my dad is bad

My love was one popped up from heart
Your love pepped up from crazy corner
The kid is keen to pick up your kiss
Welcome to hold me to your fold, don’t miss

All I need is your towering love
Not your quivering ivory tower.
All I wish you is not to rewind
Your tampered tape on kin akin
971 · Feb 2015
Are you?
Propounding Pounds
Dealing in Dollars
Eulogizing Euros
Dwelling in Dinars
Rolling in Rupees
Enlisting Yens
Whose exchange value is nil
In honey combed heaven
Or horrendous hell
What so ever, whom so ever
Be it an empowered emperor
Or any contemptuous contemporary
Only valid currency in heaven  
Is pure Conduct and Character
948 · Jan 2015
We are different but strong
Like fingers making a fist
920 · Mar 2015
Private and Confidential
Whisper .....
Private and Confidential
Both on oath
To wrestle and sweat
on the plank of blinking light
in the pirated privacy
to a gasping breath
in the light of darkness
one loses to the other
and win each other
Lest winning alone
is more shameful
than the game itself
Dim light more delight!
The end of the game!!
904 · Jan 2015
I see your enchanting beauty
Closing my eyes
Hear your melodious tunes
Plugging my ears
Praise your love and compassion
Shutting my mouth
Smell your divine fragrance
Snubbing my nose
Sense your magnanimity
Reach and merge in you
All I need is your blessing
To qualify myself
Oh my Lord! I Owe You.
880 · Feb 2015
Physics of Philosophy
Let me place an indent,
Of my intent to the Supreme,
And plead Him to bless,
Latest version of life’s software.

My hardware turned soft,
Due to wear and tear,
And software hardened,
Long after ageing years,
I long to log in an indent,
For I belong to you for long,
Oh my dear kind life maker,
Take me with you along.

My memory space is too short,
To live long and prolong,
Please upgrade my motherboard,
From megabyte into gigabyte,
With a backup chip to guard me,
From bothering risk of data loss,
Oh lord! It is time to revamp,
My life’s biometric system.

Empower me to recall,
The memory of my past life.
Let me learn from the lessons,
Of my past to avoid future strife.
And use my yester skills,
For the rest best of life.
Let there be no sinning and sinners,
Wind up the office of hell as well.

Develop and telecast bio-software,
With multiple options to live or leave,
Sign up, sign in and sign out,
Cut, copy, paste and delete,
Log in, log out and log off,
And more such touch skin tabs to press.

May you install ante virus software?
To bind body and soul at will.
For soul is the sole software of physics
Of thy creation and recreation.
880 · Dec 2014
Your future is in your hands
Let it not slip into others'
879 · Oct 2014
A plant begins to sprout
From a dead tree
So too,
I am sure, I was dead 
Before my birth
Death is not one to fear 
It is not new to me
I know, any day
I would be summoned 
For assignment of new life
By the super soul that be
I can't carry the title
or rubble of the past, 
bitter or better,
For I should cope up
With aliens and allies next.
879 · Feb 2015
Heart pumps
Eyes see
Ears hear
Tongue tastes
Mouth speaks
Skin senses
Their presence goes unnoticed
Their absence is mourned
So is the fate of a few
875 · Mar 2015
Arithmetics of love
We are existing
You & I are but
The numerator
And denominator
Or vice versa
As per whims and fancies

Let us break
That diabolic dividing line
And multiply our lullable love
To reduce worldly woes
And add life to the yearning years
By the joy and jubilation
Embedded in our hearts
Accompany the good always,
Free thyself from alluring delusion,
Tide over the turbulence of mind,
And seek liberation of Soul.
Believe in boundless bliss beyond ……9

Whither bound kin so keen,
When wealth is withered out?
Whither paled out lust and lucre,    
When youth is lost in transit?
Akin to drained out pond on land.
Believe in boundless bliss beyond ….10

Behold the fugitive wheel of world,
Of lustrous wealth and wishes to seek.
Bereft you are to be, as time swipes off,  
All ephemeral illusions in its course.  
Believe in boundless bliss beyond ….11

Dawn n’ dusk make day n’ night,
Spring and winter take their turn,
Time plays the game of ebb n’ tide,
Yet, ignoramus hugs the storm of desires.
Believe in boundless bliss beyond ….12

None can save the rotten humdrum of life,
Save the sane and wise who guide n’ ferry,
Like a rescue boat in stormy ocean,
Of life revolving in birth and death.
Believe in boundless bliss beyond ….13

Be it an ascetic of ochre robes,
Or one in tucked from tie to toe,
Always strives only to fill his belly,
Thoughtless to the truth behind.
Believe in boundless bliss beyond ….14

Upper age freezing the warmth of life,
Unheeding head heading bald n’ grey,
Sickly face ******* toothless smiles,
Yet the soul clings to the pangs of life.
Believe in boundless bliss beyond ….15

Enslaved by the ire n’ desire,
Even in uneven evening of life,
Posthumous, none to carry or care,
Yet, one is passionate to the core.
Believe in boundless bliss beyond ….16
Sriman Aadi Shankaracharya of 8th century, a renowned sage and saint of Indian sub-continent is an avid exponent of Hindu divine philosophy that encompasses the tenets of all religions and beliefs world over. He postulated the realm of divine bliss over the dominant thought of materialism in his poem in Sanskrit viz., Bhaja Govindam. An earnest effort has been made in bringing out its sum and substance in modern poetic verse easy to read and appreciate the philosophy generally accepted by all communities at large.
852 · Dec 2014
Are you?
Propounding Pounds
Dealing in Dollars
Eulogizing Euros
Dwelling in Dinars
Rolling in Rupees
Enlisting Yens
Whose exchange value is nil
In honey combed heaven
Or horrendous hell
What so ever, whom so ever
Be it an empowered emperor
Or any contemptuous contemporary
Only valid currency in heaven  
Is pure Conduct and Character
850 · Feb 2015
Weekend Errands
Not to greet the dawn of the day
At care free weekends
Leisure infused lethargy
For him it was up 7 at 10 AM
He was at sixes n’ sevens

Quipped from cuddle of bed
At the warning warrant
Of piled up weekend errands
He sipped tea n’ clicked on screen
To play music of unseen scene
As he surveyed household
To bring home into his fold  
Cutlery rattled prattled
Vessels cranked in sink
Threatening to stink
If not surfed to shine
Used clothes hanging banging
Summoned washing wearing
Carpet in sequence flared up
To mop it up long along
Bathing tub demanded its bath
Well before he had his bath
As he peeped out a while
For refreshing breeze
Waving blades of grass
Accosted to trim their size
Sinking hope of a post lunch nap
Grouse of grocery then unveiled
And kid’s unrest for the day-out outwit
Took a long drive for the joy ride
Week end outing weakened though
Alas!  Weary weekend seemed longer than week
839 · Jan 2015
Before ...
As you grew
my focus was
on your beauty
and love
As I grew
your focus was
on my duty
and devotion

After .....
As you grew
my focus is
on your growing
beauty of love
As I grew
your focus is
on the strength
of my love
837 · Nov 2014
So What?
So what I am not wealthy,
I am hale and healthy
So what I am not clever,
I am not a dunce
So what I am not handsome,
I am smart
So what I am not daring,
I am not timid
So what I do not own a house,
I feel at home with nature
So what you do not love me,
I love you as human being
So what I am not popular,
I am not unpopular
So what I am not prominent
I render selfless service
So what I am not in limelight,
I hold my delight
I am content with what I possess
I am the average man of aggregate life
835 · Nov 2014
Hearts are crushed
To pulp 
To extract love
By poets
831 · Feb 2015
Mind Blowing
Caught in the maze
Of amazing veins
****** cells excel
Tunnelling thru’
Vessels and vestibules  
Mind oscillates vacillates
In chaotic amplitude
Like a pendant in pendulum
Of wishes and vices
Divine and devilish
Wise and unwise
Pride and prejudice
Dual mind is in duel
Behind the temple
Brain at home in skull
Will and wit seated well in skill
Rein, rule or roam and ruin
Embroidered and embroiled
Embodied and emboldened
Meditate, mediate,
Cogitate, agitate
Churn and spurn
Nurture the soul within
Explore the radiant light    
At the end of the tunnel
Mind, the deity on duty
As mysterious as its Maker,
The Brain behind the brain
825 · Feb 2015
I have a lovely home
   As big as the friendly earth
I have a source of light
   As big as the flaming sun
I have fount of inspiration
   As big as the dim light moon
I have spacious space to fly
  As big as the high sky
I have enchanting sight at night
  As big as gala galaxy to relax    
I have a cordial host
   As big as lasting nature
I have a sporting spa
   As big as wavy ocean
I have a caring life
  As big as my soft soul
I have the bewitching love
  As big as my cool life
Earth is my only furnished home
Heaven is my solo soul resort
I am content with what I have
818 · Nov 2014
Mind Blowing
Caught in the maze
Of amazing veins
****** cells excel
Tunneling thru’
Vessels and vestibules  
Mind oscillates vacillates
In chaotic amplitude
Like a pendant in pendulum
Of wishes and vices
Divine and devilish
Wise and unwise
Pride and prejudice
Dual mind is in duel
Behind the temple
Brain at home in skull
Will and wit seated well in skill
Rein, rule or roam and ruin
Embroidered and embroiled
Embodied and emboldened
Meditate, mediate,
Cogitate, agitate
Churn and spurn
Nurture the soul within
Explore the radiant light    
At the end of the tunnel
Mind, the deity on duty
As mysterious as its Maker,
The Brain behind the brain
812 · Nov 2014
Chemistry of Psychology
One is per se acidic
Other one is per force alkaline
Their life is neutralized
One is corrosive
Other is effervescent
Together is balanced
One is hydrogen
Other is oxygen
They quench their thirst
In 2:1 proportion  
One is proactive
Other is reactive
Both are co-active
One is productive
Other is seductive
Couple is reproductive
They build nucleus family
With atomic character
Explode or implode
Implore and explore
New order of life’s disorder
The duo’s duel disposition
Sports harmonious melody
803 · Dec 2014
My dreams
are. shattered
like a fallen mirror
under the gravity of law
the images have
multiplied manifold
which I preserve 
as kaleidoscope
of my love for you
till you and I
cross over minority
800 · Nov 2014
Need (10w)
I need you
for the balance 
of my life
795 · Feb 2015
Salute the Absolute
Kudos to the Promoter –
The oblivious n’ obliging  
That planned and precipitated
This Perpetual Peninsular Planet
Kudos to the Governor
Who lit nuclear fire in far fulcrum
For a clear day light delight
Creamy kind to the mankind
Kudos the Sole Soul Administrator
Who gifted circular air corridor
And nosed it down into lungs
To beat to the heart’s content
Kudos the Chief Organizer
Who sponsored organic life around
Induced conducive premises
To belong and live long along
Kudos to the Ace Architect
Who opened up infinite cosmos
To host finite entities to thrive
Cycle and recycle thru infinity
Kudos to the Ubiquitous
Who master minded gene n’ genre
To organize sensory organs
And make chosen living
792 · Feb 2015
On a deadly day
Air-locked lungs
Severed air-links
By tyranny of time

Yester beauty lost in pesters
In the travail travel of life
Deeds, deals are doomed
Solo soul slipped out sad
Of static veins, bones and blood
Body is now nobody to anybody

Unlocked fast food counter;
The paradise of parasites
The stray dogs’ dish delight
The flying hawk’s eye-catch
Wholesome diet for the day

Stinking corpse threatened
Endangered epidemics
World worried and buried
The Esquire in a square
Of engraved box in a grave

Soul in hunt of sprouting seeds
Of vibrant hygienic genes
For long sustained body’s succor
Of its own make – sane or sin,
Of heaven’s choicest justice
784 · Feb 2015
Cause and Effect
Food you take
   is the blood it makes
Flour you mix
   is the bread its bakes
Stone you stud
   is the jewel it glows
Seed you sow
   is the tree it grows
Love you show
   is the life it leads
784 · Feb 2015
Deep love
I love you
to the depth
of your body & soul
774 · Oct 2014
Weekend Errands
Not to greet the dawn of the day
At care free weekends
Leisure infused lethargy
For him it was up 7 at 10 AM
He was at sixes n’ sevens

Quipped from cuddle of bed
At the warning warrant
Of piled up weekend errands
He sipped tea n’ clicked on screen
To play music of unseen scene
As he surveyed household
To bring home into his fold  
Cutlery rattled prattled
Vessels cranked in sink
Threatening to stink
If not surfed to shine
Used clothes hanging banging
Summoned washing wearing
Carpet in sequence flared up
To mop it up long along
Bathing tub demanded its bath
Well before he had his bath
As he peeped out a while
For refreshing breeze
Waving blades of grass
Accosted to trim their size
Sinking hope of a post lunch nap
Grouse of grocery then unveiled
And kid’s unrest for the day-out outwit
Took a long drive for the joy ride
Week end outing for joy weakened though
Alas!  Weary weekend seemed longer than week
772 · Jan 2015
Destiny vs. density
Lips zipped, silent chants eloped my soul  
Into midnight divine dreams
Took me into His light of heavenly delight
With Him along I was so proud n’ privileged
One to one in close touch, so curious was I to know
As to why He imposed unwanted death in life
He smelled a rat and smiled at me funny guy
Flew me across mysterious Milky Way
Along lifeless stars glittering in His light
Cracked a divine truth that once upon a time  
Some planets were blessed of berth of only births
Of endless life as wished
Density of piled up life for ages
Grew by leaps n’ bounds
Life inundated the planets
In course of time, of course
Planets lost their ground n’ gravity
Air evacuated, Oceans evaporated
Life screeched alarming in vain paralysed
Unable to hold n’ uphold weight n’ volume
Planets failed to host and expunged life for ever
Behold my son, He said so kind,
Planetary cemetery here n there so dry
Holding testimony to catastrophic journey
Forcing cycle of birth n’ death to put in motion
To bestow everlasting breath to life
On planet earth one at its best
So saying angel tabbed me to wake up
I am a bit puzzled whether to construe:
Dream a theme or theme a dream
764 · Mar 2015
Dream damsel
Simmering youth
On adultery flame
Of passionate dreams
Under the ******
Of thirsty hunger, hankering
To anchor the pranks
Of pubertal parking

Slipped into slumber sullen
At the trick of biometric-clock
The intrinsic instinct awake amidst,
Awoke his inner self off the shelf
In pursuit of pelf of passion
In a stress-free realm of dreams

Infatuation surfed n’ spun its web
Obsessive, his highness sought
Unfair affair with her fairness
In his dreamy creamy fare  
That planted a futile kiss
With a figurative hiss
On her fertile cheek n’ chin
Raw was war at love he saw
Alas, the best of his lovely lass
Perhaps never to figure out
From his naughty mesh
Of wish of vanishing dreams
That often franchise and fantasize
762 · Feb 2015
Mind and Muscle
Muscle up your mind
To keep up to a task  
Mind your muscle
To keep out of tussle
748 · Sep 2014
Love Proposal
I am for you, you are my world
Your beauty quenches my thirst for love
And pinches my hunger to hang around you
You are my sunlight holding hosting delight
And mansion of moonshine not to mention
You are the wine, so divine to me
You are my addict, I adopt
I am enslaved to your grace of flowery face
You are my heart beat, my sole breath
You are my ambience, opulence
Your looks locked me up for life
Configured your figure in my brain
Wow! You won my heart, I owe you
I own you and your woes if so,
I vow, I bow to your bewitching beauty
Repose faith in me; I propose, don’t oppose
Throw your smile in token of consent, I rejoice.
747 · Feb 2015
Your horoscope reads very well
But your life does not.
744 · Nov 2014
Distance (10W)
The distance between 
heaven & earth 
is that of 
heart & soul
737 · Dec 2014
Vide World Wide Web at hand,
Working fast at finger tips,
Tab on table-top or lap-top,
Access thru windows tip-top.

Wise and wild web-sites host,
Millions of web-masters hoist.  
Click mouse on cursor left or right,
Flood of information flows straight.

Once called cob-web of clumsy corner,
Assumed cozy-web of closed circuit,
World netted by the web of electrons,
Caught by wonders of wizard web.
All pervasive, populous and popular,
Globalized and glorious in daily life
Visible to none in bytes of zero and one
Countless websites encounter the day

Spins in speed and spurs out smart
Dabble or wobble; it helps you to win
Operate thru internet and intranet
It co-operates with the systems in net

Browse; it arouses what you wish
Surf; it brings to surface on screen
Press ‘Enter’ key to control and command
It churns out cheese you choose.

Work from home or humming air craft,
Mail in or mail out to bail out the day,
Respond or correspond; it carries brisk,
Transponder is miles above free from risk

Subject any subject to Google search,
Sure, objects bound abound and surround,  
Web in and out not to be caught in wild web,
Key-Board is key to board your success.

Microsoft hits on monitor like macro shaft,
Prevail and avail link and avoid day’s void,  
Let us harness aerobics of electrons,
And witness acrobatics of electronics.
737 · Nov 2014
I have a lovely home
   As big as the friendly earth
I have a source of light
   As big as the glowing sun
I have fount of inspiration
   As big as the cool light moon
I have spacious space to fly
  As big as the highway sky
I have enchanting sight at night
  As big as gala galaxy to relax    
I have a cordial host
   As big as lasting nature
I have a sporting spa
   As big as wavy ocean
I have a caring life
  As big as my soft soul
I have the bewitching love
  As big as my cool life
Earth is my only furnished home
Heaven is my solo soul resort
I am content with what I have
along with others
736 · Jan 2015
Awesome (10W)
With you life is awesome
Without you it is awful
733 · Feb 2015
Throw your smiles, my dear,
Viewers take a crazy catch
Blush, it is all they wish
Cheer up, to cheer the peering eyes

Pep up your pleasing lips,
Veering eyes carry the sips
Laugh louder, you are allowed
Cry all out, they enjoy no doubt
Sob, nothing to feel sorry

Reflex your face, keep ready to face
Wink your eye, it sprinkles lust
Frown, you are the crown
Voice your tongue, it caters

Let the pearls in your cup of lips radiate
  fragrant flowers of joy and jubilation
May your breath resonate cool
  in the ears of the audience for years!

Sweeten your words, toast the taste
Sing, for an all-round swing
Synchronize your body language
With the symphony of the scene

You are the debonair in debut,
Heralding heroine of this film.
The quick buck of this movie,
Much depends on your quirk
Lens is ready to sense your synergy
Bless you my budding artist, go ahead!
730 · Jan 2015
Don't lose heart
You have enough love to win
And many other hearts to be won
Divert the flow of your love
Make your life worth living for many
Than craving for one
730 · Feb 2015
Beauty often
tabled its love
Crazy enjoyed
taste of toast in toto
Cutleries stinking
in sink of sins.
724 · Mar 2015
Essence of Absence
Super Dad had
Has His fad
To be formless
To keep us in form
To be homeless
To stay with us
To be selfless
To keep us harmless
To be ceaseless
To besiege relentless
To be of no origin
To originate  
To be fathomless
To keep us afloat
To be unreachable
To reach us all at once
To be infinity
To carry us thru’ infinity
Essence of His absence
Is to sense His presence.
724 · Jan 2015
Resourceful (10W)
To love is my resource
Loving you is my recourse
723 · Nov 2014
Give and take
With empty hands
In closed doors
With open minds
Heart to heart
Ecstasy unravels
709 · Jan 2015
The negative boss
He questions, he is not questionable,
He answers, he is not answerable,
His questions are not answerable,
His answers are not questionable,
He questions when there is no answer,
He answers when there is no question,
He questions and answers,
And answers and questions,
Till none questions or answers him.

He dominates, he is indomitable,
He corrects, he is incorrigible,
He takes respect, gives no respect,
He is dependent, not dependable,
Your success is his success,
His success is his own,
His failure is your failure,
He has all access, not accessible  

He quotes to unquote,
Your unquote he quotes,
He is quite open; you keep quiet,
Your optimism is his pessimism,
Your pessimism is his optimism,
He comes up on others shoulders.

He loves his paradise of power,
He is the boss of his domain,
His realm of religion is bossism,
His sadism is unique and universal,
Arrogance is his lasting cup of tea,
His blood group is A-, Always negative,
He is the incredible boss in your life.
708 · Dec 2014
Far Between
He is on ventilator
I am at the window
He is in hospital
Close to the grave
I am in hostel
Close to the college
I am opening book
He is closing bible
He is breathing out
I am breathing in
His ventilator is shut
My window is opened
He is eighty
I am eighteen
He is diseased
I am besieged
He lost ground
I am gaining ground
He is my grandfather
Who led a grand life
I am his grandson
Left to lead a branded life
704 · Dec 2014
More valuable
My time is more valuable
than your diamond wrist watch
700 · Feb 2015
You may judge my love
But never fudge your love
700 · Feb 2015
Love Proposal
I am for you, you are my world
Your beauty quenches my thirst for love
And pinches my hunger to hang around you
You are my sunlight holding hosting delight
And mansion of moonshine not to mention
You are the wine, so divine to me
You are my addict, I adopt
I am enslaved to your grace of flowery face
You are my heart beat, my sole breath
You are my ambience, opulence
Your looks locked me up for life
Configured your figure in my brain
Wow! You won my heart, I owe you
I own you and your woes if so,
I vow, I bow to your bewitching beauty
Repose faith in me; I propose, don’t oppose
Throw your smile in token of consent, I rejoice.
691 · Feb 2015
Born Beauty
Eyes are nice,
Of ice cube brilliance
Radiating beauty
Lip-smacking smiles
Of chubby cheers
Tucked tiny tongue in cheek
Amidst sparkling pearls of teeth
Nosed up symmetry
Of organic organized figure
From bud to blossom
Clear as chrysanthemum
Viewers’ sunshine
Honey sweet to behold
Each gyration, a narration
Step in step to steer forward
Thy birth is enriching
And a rich tribute to love
Oh, the splendid bonny baby!
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