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Sep 2010 · 1.3k
Gratuitous Violence.
C Sep 2010
And with hot branding, I name the end, it is unknown Obadiah, it is uncompromising Demosthenes, it is ambuscaded Agamemnon,
it is crafty Cain, it is able to pull lightning down from clouds to electrify a world beset upon by forces of great magnitude, vibrations ricochet off of each other, quaking knee's knock as earthquakes rock tectonic plates.

In this final hour what was once to edify is now to petrify and once let free the fire is an esurient monster after being kept so long locked behind the now yawning earthen gates, witness even the most pluvial flourishing plain blister and boil, witness unyieldingly the flesh bubbling in flux as if from extreme cell proliferation, another soul abdicates its husk.

Mayhap this life will lead to another, as If there will be a choice project an air-less voice on the matter, will this If, insist on this If,
hold your breath in front of polyonymous Death, let without a moan a trembling icy finger trace lips of now great pallor and make the word-less decision known, no more cyclical reaping of our worn souls says humanity and beg on the now naked ruth for our sanity.
Sep 2010 · 1.6k
The Decadent Progeny.
C Sep 2010
Sugar nightmares haunt children
Nancy harlequins cane them

Oh, child of mine
your life you did,

Force fed familiarity with already branded emotions,
irregular realities and clouded surreal formalities,
so very many humans’ form dichotomies
out of our shared mute gray;
spinning constant self-important prose.
So very many humans share so much,
so little,
not often
doing little to soften
all of their emotional blows
trying hard to strike enigmatic pose.

Oh, child of mine
the heart of utilitarian method
has receded in incredulous fashion
followed by authoritarian apologies;
the majority is not icecream people
spreading simple good thought,
but generations fraught
with trivial conformist ideologies.
We are all hiding our seams
with creative masks
and self created tasks.

Oh, child of mine
your prescription reality is revealing itself as Atlantis,
sinking and shuddering into Quaaludes
with frightening psychotic interludes.
Emotions paint
stained lurid faces,
dancing with
ludes effecting movement,
nudes of swaying and repose.
You arose deeming so much rightfully yours
waltzing through seemingly already opened doors.

Holy curb their anti-Christ
Consider your aging soul

Oh, child of mine
Belief of awareness in action
understand the probability of dissatisfaction,
treating the moment as a bleak bridge to the next inaction.
Eventually ponderous thoughts form
resembling an orrery,
an incessantly philippic story
orchestrates your oleaginous personality.

Oh, child of mine
Youth flees and your mind
takes once again to the seas,
a vexing penumbra of perception.
Bathos permeates the fathoms of an obstreperous life
and if you still care,
lament that this meaningless congeries
of moments
inspires only delusion,
no disillusionment.
Eventually a lilting threnody
leading 'tween burning pews of proposed serenity
and the following bumping callithump
will firmly stamp you into black infinity.

Oh, child of mine
You've used the switch
too much
too often
coupled with lofty scoffing
giving the innocent up as offering
to the
mechanical engine
             of organic creation.
(Rough draft#27)
Aug 2010 · 672
C Aug 2010
The broken and the disheartened wander old roads with lost ideas,
searching for deep morals to half forgotten truths.

Chopping wood for a woman and her child,
for payment being fed outside without trust,
they may wish to be loved instead,
in this world where they were so ******.

We are not as prolific as a species as we would like to believe,
so much wouldn't even notice if we were to leave.

So much more untouched by human finger or toe,
we create beaten paths in our consistency,
spinning internally our emotions into solitary lunacy.

After a gifted sandwich is long since eaten,
only the leftover humanity remains,
in half caught-
half remembered strains.
Jul 2010 · 2.6k
For That There Are.
C Jul 2010
I wish to peer at Paris, under-dressed and ***** in all of its neoclassical splendor.

For that, there are things I would give up.

I wish to see a prehistoric forest, verdant, overgrown and jumbled.
Before evergreen mysteries I would be ever humbled.

For that, there are things I would give up.

I wish to see Rhodian gardens and from them, smell the flowering fig and taste succulent honey suckle.
I wish to glimpse zaftig temptresses dancing twenty thick amidst courtyards of ancient Persian palaces.

For that, there are things I would give up.

I wish to be blessed into an inenarrable life on an unalike mysterious planet.
I wish for an Atlas resembling and proportionate soul.

For that, there are things I would give up.

I've demanded an even temperament from my unruly emotions.
I've settled for continuous disbelief at the loquacious ignobleness of humanity.

For change, there are things I would give up.

I've sequestered my innocent dreams and bloomed monetary means.
I've avoided death narrowly, my fingers gripping, fear will always transfix, while barreling down 36'.
I've inhaled profits and installed transformation.

For change, there are things I would give up.

I've burned my midnight oil, taken offensive slander, and burned bridges with gratuitous candor.
I've witnessed coal falsify a beautiful gloaming sky.
I've had gasoline dreams filled and fuming with intensity, all drowning under an ocean of oil.
I've envisioned bleached beaches to hide stained soil.

These are moments I would give up.

There are things I've realized outside my reality, outside my internal soliloquy and physical tactility.
I've come to understand my words are nothing more than symbols on a closed door.
Jul 2010 · 638
The Hegemonic Short.
C Jul 2010
Rails mime safety of man,

                   and rules comfort you.

     Authority stiffens your belief,

out of this support comes power,

and now above us so many tower.
Jul 2010 · 1.0k
II: The Pagan Write.
C Jul 2010
There is no juice in your meat
No sweet to your thin
No beat in your heart
No wheel on your cart
Little love for your mind
And these missives I have signed
With relish and gusto
Religious ink writing - Irreligious rite inking
Pages full of pelliculous thinking
My pages, filled with the ridiculous
These are my letters to you
Filled with more letters
Held up to the light to cast shadows
And can be seen right through
Guessing thoughts of green giddy meadows,
Of guarded gaffling men,
Of tygers and lyrical zen
My hand had paused and drawn a blank
And you saw that too
When you held up my letters to the light
You read from the cover
Just by my tone
I knew of your other lover
And how I'm made to suffer
How I'm faced with a Hobson's choice
How you've covered up and drowned out my voice
With the moans of your new paramour
With the valiant slew of groans striking to the core
How you've used a hold on my heart
As your bully pulpit
To propound how I need to be fully sculpted
Not the man I am,
I persist,
and I abide,
Not for your amusement and no longer by your side
I feel as if my heart, the conductor, is ablaze with St. Elmo's fire
At my back, a church choir
My funeral,
the inhumation of our consociation.
A pit replete to swell,
on to hell.
Jul 2010 · 636
I: The Monstrous Short.
C Jul 2010
I will feed you falsehood, calling it callous desire - you seed me with false gods and blame me for a child I did not sire.

There are witches in your words, and they are burning down my holy places.

I look out across our boundless lake and sit upon a throne built from bones of the long since rotted carcass of my mistake.
Jul 2010 · 1.2k
A Stolen Ego.
C Jul 2010
I'm known for navel-gazing my way to elation,
and am living in a country caught within
the grips of frenzied matriculation.

My insidiously
malapert generation,
my incessantly
malcontent gene-nation.

This is a Garden of Eden,
Where is our guard of Eden?
carefully removing
all who are not heathen.

Plucking the clouded excess from an already crowded bed of hegemony, as a gardener would and so should.

It is a mirage, a far off oasis of Arcadia and
I say this all unconcernedly, a basis for this absurdity.

I have stolen my ego from god,
I will carry this yoke readily,
and I shall take up my axe doling out mechanically.
Jul 2010 · 602
Radio Station of Me.
C Jul 2010
Am I alive?

If you look at this life as whole;
even though you cannot, -BZZZkkkSSt-

Deaf ears and ignorant words flowing from the gleefully jabbering jaw.
A rowdy room with a fat white man pointing to a smiling childs doom.
Pontificating lifestyle changes to a ***** indulgence and swift isolation all with -Click-Click-Click-

The following is a message from you.

To wake up, I need a form in which to pour myself, no longer can I burst forth with such wild abandon of originality; I need the common moniker of dependency and consistency. We humans do not shed our metaphorical skins in cyclical existence, but don them slowly as an arthritic old man covers his aging body after a bath, covering up our old worn through thoughts.

Do you hear me?*

What goes in an outward direction of an existing gravity well and does not have enough force to exit said gravity well will reach peak velocity before finally losing momentum.

This world saddens me,
I wish to take a trip, away.
Jul 2010 · 1.7k
Day 11
C Jul 2010
Day eleven, I'm missing you
and I'm feeling like sinning,
maybe I should start from the clement beginning.

Day one, I see no more sun for I am alone
contemplating how I accrete age
and how many seeds I have sown.

Day two, palimpsest problems
weigh in heavy on my choices
and my mind has many voices.

Day three please don't look inside hollow me,
the pregnant wasteland of my heart
has been growing ruin from the very start.

Day four and out all my emotions pour,
I'm breathless from a sight of you
and my whole world returns anew.

Day five is crepuscular in nature, a perpetually playful night,
authored by your omnific fingers
and hidden behind the curtain, a sun just out of sight.

Day six, I've uncovered a skeleton making me love you even more
and I asseverate promises,
becoming blurred by family uproar.

Day seven is driven by a sensation of imbrication
and we know an end is coming,
lost in the easy salvation.

Day eight starts with our bodies huddled and our minds muddled,
you are a plagiary of my emotions
forgotten in loo of body illustration and soul cultivation.

Day nine is propelled by the intoxication of an end,
conclusion of what extent?
and filled with eristic thoughts of surrender to this utopian ascent.

Day ten and you're caught,
in my arms is where you ought to be,
and I keep hearing how just awakened you sought for me.
Jun 2010 · 1.6k
C Jun 2010
It is a forest for a new beginning,
stretching far with an edge the eye can just barely see.
Pearly whites and grinning,
in this forest one can truly be free.
It is an immaculate world bent on sinning,
it is the only place I can truly be me.
Jun 2010 · 559
C Jun 2010
The cold causes me to shiver,
creeping deathly wet it spreads as if an over flowing river.

I'm begging you please,
don't leave me in these dark empty seas.

I see no love left in me and there is no decision to make,
no drink to sate my thirst,
no self left to forsake.
Jun 2010 · 890
C Jun 2010
I rarely cry, and I cried in public today, many of you looked away.
The only sound I could make was a sigh, how many days were never lived?
Too many gone for a simple goodbye
the public was made to feel like a ****** to my tears,
but all I could think is "so much laughter was stolen".

It stuck with me like cold steeped megrims, or something deeper.
Think of those averting eyes, diabolic men’s whims and all those souls for the reaper.
I never heard the screams, or have seen those man created seams.
Huddled for heat and from the long day beat, can you really perceive?
I tried, and I cried today.
Thoughts like the ink permeate my soul and being too late, I grieve.

The numbers surround me, and do you really see?
For you its art, a thing of which you can choose to take part.
Responding to their urgent behest, would you have joined a protest?
If you hadn't, steeped deep in silent sin would you be able to live with yourself?
Think, could you have dug a pit for your kin?

I speak of these sorrows and dream thickly, of children burned and crying out sickly.
This is history, her story, our story, our horror, our creation in which men fight, finding death and glory.
I cried in public today and you may have looked, ashamed of my display.
(Not completely done polishing and the title may change, I decided to share ahead of time, hope you enjoy it.)
C May 2010
Dreams of working with little objects,
but my fingers are grotesquely fat,
bloated with self worth.
Such frustration,
as the small metal ambiguity falls,
between my clutches to clang helplessly on the whitewash table below.
                                            A growing discomfort that is oddly angled and
it’s hard to look away lest someone end up mangled.
Filled with the certainty of a dying man,
I race against the biological clock.
These clichés are sticking to me and
your black thoughts are wicking,
can't you see?
This task is meaningless,
teeming in seemingly endless trysts of error and visitation.

Your mask is bleeding from this,

streaming and adorned in nameless anger,

your own manifested creation.  

So I stare with unyielding disquiet at your unhindered disdain,
and make elastic confessions of comparable pain.
C Apr 2010
We are all oblivious in our own attentive way.
A babylon of fanaticisms call, in a dark song you must pay.
We are all content in our own entangled day.

A bravado of neologisms appall, in a stark verity you have kept.
I'm removed from society, in insouciant splendor, I wept.
A creation of serendipitous intent, in a dream impending you have crept.
C Apr 2010
Falling behind in my arbitrary designs, staring blankly at the passing signs.
Lines wind along the way, like an ongoing lie.
I'll get as far away from you as I can, that's my best plan.
Another cheap motel that I'll stay in will make no new impressions and I keep paying for my digressions.
There are certain memories of you where I dwell, they seem to muddle and swell.
Muddy footprints lead to my room as I come in from a thunderstorm, its in these dreary days I end up drunk and leering.
In a forest clearing I see you peering and naked, your body seems to call; the end is nearing.
Towns melt into the past, nothing new rears in the future, I wonder how long I'll last.
I find it hard to absolve my sins, my heart is held together with pins.
We have traveled to Spain and under starry night skies have lain, I know now I'll never rub away this stain.
This is pure concept, never been to Spain, and I'm perfectly happy, nor am I pining away on a cross country trip.
Apr 2010 · 879
Love, and Vacation Blues.
C Apr 2010
The city eats individuality like a baby bird the offered worm.
When you look at me as you do, it makes me squirm.
The hug softens my reality like a sung song tempers the heated mind.
When you look at me as you do, I know you are the one I've wanted to find.
All the noise eats away at my focus and faceless strangers blend in time.
When you look at me as you do, I show all of my love in rhyme.
Your traceless touches leave marks on my soul, burying the city's heavy toll.
C Apr 2010
Tired of prostitution, please give me money.
Your blackened eye on display for the masses to see, blanched wooden faces sweet as honey.
God bloviated, etching people like words, now procreation run rampant, filling the streets.
Tired of prostitution, my swarthy skin isn't the object of scorn, no color wars, just ravaging perceived meats.
Hot pink boots with long legs, cold pressed suit and an unused umbrella, zoo humans press in for comfort in numbers even when they themselves are the feared hunters.
Please give me money, you've exchanged selling of body to prostitution of pride.
Was it mental illness or drugs, lost hope, a long slippery *****, maybe ill fortune, lack of education, "I didn't have a chance", you didn't fight, who's on your side?
I stand in broad daylight and watch the magnanimous, blinders for lost brothers, sisters, friends, all cardboard screams "why have you abandoned us?".
An overweight black women sits on a bench, in a sea of voracious minds tempered by forced tunnel vision, holding a cardboard sign, I'm tired of prostitution she says, please give me money.
This poem is very much based off a real scene seen in Manhattan, sadly enough. It hit me hard and I did not feel even remotely okay with taking a photograph of this kind of human misery.
Apr 2010 · 749
A Mess of Haikus.
C Apr 2010
Untouched snow calls!
Cold world claimed by the bold.
My dog stares mournfully.

Please, are you my sun?
Questions from the Moon and I.
Sleepily "I miss you".

Little asteroids,
accumulate noiselessly,
in the dark of space.

Rough road rage ahead!
I'm suing the pants off you,
spinal injury.

Creepy older boy.
Why is it you stare at me?
Am I pretty to you?
C Mar 2010
I, in isolation find my own humanity.
Surrounded, you have given into vanity.
I, in mirth smile with soft silence.
Hounded, you’ve adopted gratuitous violence.
I, in perfect mimicry pontificate Love.
Grounded, you’re blooming flowers of a deep red undreamed of.
Mar 2010 · 790
They Shall Fill the Sky.
C Mar 2010
You come in the light and steal our young, while they are in their silent slumber.
I have seen you break their skin asunder, with glee displaying their insides for your greedy eyes to see.

You take in the name of hunger and leave us wanton, while they are in their silent slumber.
I have seen you in all of your malignancy, for it’s your stomach our children now encumber.

You leave in the night and let us protect what is left; all the while they are in their silent slumber.
I have seen you and others, our young only help to swell your number.

Said the duck to the human.
(Side Note: No I don't happen to be a bleeding heart vegetarian nor do I personally have a problem with your choice to eat or not to eat meat. This poem comes, very simply from my parents' recent slaughter of excess mallards, the removal of rather large eggs from nests and the generally cheerful nature the above was accomplished in.)
(P.S. Any maliciousness I have unintentionally imbued into the characters I've portrayed of my Mother and Father is redundantly, unintentional. They are perfectly lovely people, just about the loveliest I've ever met.)
C Mar 2010
My opalescent dreams hang just out of reach, milky, spoilt with waking.

Burlesque imaginings wishfully realized out of the breach, fantasies of my own making.

Voluminous clouds of confusion cover our weighty decisions with the familiar sheen of normality.

Maybe you’ve just woken now, part way through, awakening with surprise at the life half lived.
Mar 2010 · 675
No Resolution.
C Mar 2010
Do you want restitution for my crimes past committed?

Is your code of silence a loud cry for justice?
Fine, be free from my life and all of its many normalities.
You've pushed me away for all of your false realities.
There were no threads of life to unwind from the next.

Soon you were simply gone.
No loud cries, those were really only my quiet sighs.
No justice needed, the jury filed out barely heeded.
I'm left alone with no condemner.

There's nothing to atone for, you were the ***** *****.
I'll make a mess, I won't be quiet.
Is this just making it worse? Reveling in memories like a second skin.
No not yet, don't absolve this sin.
C Mar 2010
Ten feet under you’ll bury me in your memories and in the ground.
Black clothes cover smiles of dark deceit and you’ll laugh without a sound.
Church bells start to ring as you tear away the lies and all our ties.
The mask melts away while the worms make me pay.
Don’t pray for forgiveness and don’t miss the loss of your innocence.
Shiver at the new touch and its fulfilling rush.
But it won’t feel the same and you’ll have me to blame.
Mar 2010 · 573
Deluded Sun.
C Mar 2010
Warmth spreads from touch and tongue,
warm breath from hot lung.
We are laying in bed- waiting to paint our world red
and I am dwelling on every little thing you have said.
Wishes float in the air-
and your hands encompass everything I’ve sought,
here we live in a thought.
Bones form a full body with moving dynamics
and your mind fills with ad hominem tricks.
I’ll look through your skin; it’ll look back in shame of its sin.
Indulgence of the flesh, the meat of your faults melt when our hands mesh.  
A single frame doesn’t move, bordered by broken limbs and forgotten whims.
Your kiss smears on my cheek, softly we become weak.

Hold close your bit of me defined,
and I'll grip tightly to the only chipped piece left behind.
Mar 2010 · 947
Rhetoric of the Mind.
C Mar 2010
Boorish words fall out of my mind across a page so white.
Is this what great poets accomplish, a drivel of the mind, a sludge that distends from me to you?
No, this is emotion wonderland, a through the rabbit hole tumble to the topsy turvy world of Ben.
There is no great poet; only man, no contemporary English genius in hiding within I; only me.
A curvy frame belies an interest in the obvious.
You’re distracted by the pretty girl, and her enormous ******* hang in your vision.
Maybe there is nothing beyond her *******; a seemingly infinite reality is etched on her soft flesh.  
A reality of many options, luminous statues roped off to the touch.
The bent frames of a social enterprise, thousands of years of thought piled in a heap, reach for the stars!  
What happens to the old ideas?
Where do my metaphors go to die?
I hope it’s not my imagination, littered with already lost initiative, now running from my searching eye.
Mar 2010 · 455
The Game.
C Mar 2010
He slides under her skin
He plays with her heart
watching it slowly beat
watching her chest slowly rise and lower
Feeling her goose bumps rise against his searching fingers
this is his game
and she is but a player
with everything to lose
Mar 2010 · 595
The Wall.
C Mar 2010
The brick wall towers between us; crossing seems out of the question.
I know no way of touching your heart
Hollow I sit wondering why you built it,
was it to keep me out?

I used to make you laugh and hold your hand;
talk late into the night, our love knowing no bounds.

As the moon rose so did our voices;
now I hear nothing but my own thoughts grinding away.

My brain holds no answers yet I still search the day away hoping to find what I did wrong...

I don’t know myself anymore;
I feel like a stranger, finding his way in an unknown body.

Events of my past that should define me-
hold no more power over me; grief strikes more than just the soul.

When thinking becomes a chore,
chores become monotony;
days will melt into months,
just as your love melted away.

I feel those bricks will never come down no matter how hard I try.

I wonder if I ever truly loved you or if I just loved the thought of you.

Just as your wall shuts me out I will build my own wall.

I wonder if anyone will find my heart?
Reworked version.
C Mar 2010
Devious as a spider you’re always curious of the outsider.
In your own little world you’re not quite unfurled.
Inside your myriad of minds, it’s you I adore always wanting more.
What is underneath these skins you wear, what happens if I brush back your hair?
Should I take a chance, should I make an advance?
Secreted away in me is something you'll never see.
It is the little things that give me wings, sweet touching and desperate clutching.
But I'll lock it away, it’s there to stay.
You'll have to pay a heavy price if you want the key, if you want me to be free.
So for now I'll stay a silhouette, hopefully of something you won't forget.
It’s a string of vignettes; I don't want to be one of your regrets.
Mar 2010 · 632
Green Leaves.
C Mar 2010
Thick branches sway in the wind
as my vision seems to swim and starts to dim.

The feeling started out small,
like an apex before the fall.

Such a loss leaves a bitter taste
to see a life go to such waste.

I will sacrifice but for you
nothing will ever suffice.

I am not the source of all this remorse,
sinking to my knees under thick trees.

Peace will overtake me as I watch you walk away,
above us limbs sway.

Serenity is not hard to obtain
and from you it is not hard to abstain.

A tree fallen is not a loss to the forest so do not mourn,
in the rotten and decomposed new life is born.

— The End —