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Ottawa, Ontario Canada   
Mohan Sardarshahari
56/M/India    All poems are my inner voice and are protected under copyright laws.
21/F    Logophile :)
Asa Levens
24/F/Classified    "Every story will glorify the hunter, until the Lion learns to write."
Tiffany Mcwatters
33/F/West Jefferson   
Ariana Solo
18/F/Aquarelle Vanilla Sky    "Half of my soul will always be like the dark side of the moon" © Dark Side of the Moon Ariana Solo
Veritia Venandi
F    A parenthesis in eternity,trying to extend the realms of existence every passing moment through the language of words...! Peace be with you all! :)
13/F/New Zealand    Asexual/biromantic. a nerd.
22/F    I write poems as a means of an emotional and creative outlet. I hope you enjoy reading them.
F/:)    no one reads this
Kenneth Knowlin Jr
M/Savannah, Ga    A mind is a terrible thing to waste; and so are the words that remain hidden in that mind.
35/M/Pakistan    The best is yet to come... Poetry | Prose | Quotes | © all rights reserved
33/F/head in the ☁️s    🌙°•.I write so that I can finally breathe again.•°🌙|🌻reborn ▪︎ past & present creations|✍brushing up the old quill ▪︎ as I grow older, my mind, ...
18/F/I'm here, and CA    My poetry is my eulogy.
17/Gender Fluid/Up Your Ass    Living my best fucking life
Emmanuel Davies
21/M/Lagos, Nigeria    Be Realistic... Be Me...
Nidhi Jaiswal
18/F/india    Hey thanks for visiting my page.I'm Nidhi,from Bihar!Passionate about write poems,Thoughts and articles at age of 13 years old.Writing is second my best friend forever.All ...
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