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One slips away
followed by another,
no longer alone
but obviously lonely.

Tears slipping down...
her cheeks are wet
her eyes are red
her heart so full.

Lightening and thunder
in the predawn,
she sits in the darkness
as the rain falls outside.

She cannot count how many
have slipped away
as she wipes her cheeks dry
by the sleeve of her lovers shirt.

Her tears no longer lonely
as she smiles;
remembering the love and friendship
they'd always share.


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
Loneliness burrows in your heart
and it hurts more than most realize...
It gives you such heartache,
you can't begin to even explain...
Loneliness has it's own power-
when it gets you, it practically consumes you...
You feel like it controls
your heart, mind, and soul...
Loneliness can make you believe
someone is true in what they are telling you,
when it's usually only part of the truth or just a lie...
It makes you feel empty inside,
you can't sleep, and don't want to eat...
Sometimes you walk around as if in a fog;
feeling dazed and quite alone...
Loneliness lies heavy in your whole body;
solitude becomes your best friend...


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
Feeling quite lost, a lonely angel sits
with a confused heart, buried deep in her thoughts;
loving and wanting this man so much,
yet realizing it isn't right...

As the hustle and rush
of the day's end is done,
along comes in another depressing
seemingly endless night...

Will her dreams of ever-lasting love
ever come true?
She knows what she wants with him-
her chest feels so tight...

She's tired of trying to pretend
or deny her longings aren't there;
Not knowing what to feel anymore-
She stands for a moment, then takes flight...


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
I long for one to hold and cradle me,
oh so close,
til we are almost as one...
I long for nights that I feel
so complete, so whole...
I long for a time when I can look back
on my life and think 'wow, this is finally it!"
I long for someone to be just mine;
one who I can love, trust, and count on...
I long to have someone;
who is the one, who I can 'see' at my side...
I long to know I have my best friend,
my soulmate, and my destiny right beside me...
I long to give my heart and soul-
filled with so much love, to one...
I long to have my dreams become
a part of my reality...
I long to give my heart a place to call home,
a place where it truly belongs...
I long to find the love, peace,
and happiness I dream of...


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
I'm lost in a moment,
without your love...
It must be with the angels,
waiting, in Heaven above...
If I could be held in your arms,
it would all be alright...
Until then, once again,
I'll be dreaming of you tonight...
Your expressions of love, from your heart
to mine, are a special endearment...
I'm lost in your love,
without a moment...


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
Love is love!
No matter how much
you receive or give,
it does hurt sometimes,
but always hang onto it!
One day~
it'll be the feelin' of


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
Hands are meant to be
So hold mine!
Lips are meant to be
So kiss mine!
Arms are meant to be
hugged in...
So hug me!
Words are meant to be
So talk to me!
Dreams are meant to be
So dream with me!
Hearts are meant to be
given away...
So give me yours!
You and I are meant to be
So take me, as yours!


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
I can't change my heart
from loving you...
My love for you began with the start
of the life I created in you...

I'll take the blame
of who you are now...
I feel so much shame
cause I know it's wrong...

I don't want it this way
between you and I...
Hopefully one day
we can both make a change...

This is not how
I want our life to be...
Let's do this now
and make us a better relationship...

I love you just as much
as I do my others...
Why do we say hurtful things and such
I'll never know...

Let's just put an end
to our troubles...
Be my friend
as well as my daughter...


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
How can I be missing you,
like I am,
when we've yet to meet...
I feel like I already
know you...
When I close my eyes-
I see you...
When I'm thinking of you-
I see your smile...
When I'm daydreaming-
I see your face...
How can this be?
I've met you
in my dreams...
I think that must count
for something...
I've given you a nice place
within my heart...
I'll let you in...
I'm already yours-
in my dreams...
I'm missing you so!


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
It's wonderful knowing
someone is there-
someone to talk to-
someone who always
knows just what to do.
It's always been wonderful
knowing there's you!

It's wonderful having
someone who gives
something worth while
to each day she lives.
Someone who's thoughtfulness
always shows through.
It's always been
having you!

I love you Mama!
(Mother's Day poem)


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
Anythin' I want...
Everythin' I've ever wanted...
Anythin' I dream...
Everythin' I've ever dreamed...
Brings my heart; to you!

Anythin' I desire...
Everythin' I've ever desired...
Anythin' I fantasize...
Everythin' I've ever fantasized...
Brings my heart; to you!

your hugs, your kisses-
your touch, your caress-

Ahh Baby, just like that...
You've had me fallin' from the start!

your hugs, your kisses-
your touch, your caress-

Every day I'm fallin'
a lil' more-

your hugs, your kisses-
your touch, your caress-

Every want...
I've ever wanted!
Every dream...
I've ever dreamed!
Every desire...
I've ever desired!
Every fantasy...
I've ever fantasized!

your hugs, your kisses-
your touch, your caress-

Anythin' and Everythin'...
Brings my heart; to you!
Cause of the day...
I was Yours~

your hugs, your kisses-
your touch, your caress-

You're My
Anythin' and Everythin',
but yet...
You're My Someone
I shouldn't have!
each hug, each kiss-
each touch, each caress-
then I want and dream
of more!
each hug, each kiss-
each touch, each caress-
then I desire and fantasize
of more...
with You!

Cause of...
your hugs, your kisses-
your touch, your caress-

You're my
Anythin' and Everythin'!
"My" Mr. Someone Special who's
hugs, kisses-
touch, caress-
I want! I dream!
I desire! I fantasize!

Mmm, Baby, yea...


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
You've always been in my heart
Where you've stayed since the beginning
You're like a little sister to me
Like the twinkling stars are to the beautiful sky
Like the driftwood is to tiptoe across
Like the romantic couples are to sandy beach strolls
Like the glowing campfires are to cooling nights
Like the soft music is from crashing waves
Like the white seashells are to listening ears
Like the gigantic ships are to the rolling sea
Like the wiggling fish are to the squawking seagulls
Like hungry people are to their picnic lunches
Like the playful families are to the never-ending coast
Like all eyes are to the breath-taking view
Like the smiling faces are to the digital cameras
Like the crying children are to their tearful goodbyes
You're like a little sister to me
We've always been, one way or another, the best of friends,
And we'll forever be, until the end

  Copyright 2014; Sabrina Denise Healey,  
I've been dreamin' of you
since I was a young woman...
But I couldn't ever place your face
to this man- as of yet...

In my dreams, I'm walkin'
alone on the beach
in the early morning hours...
I see this man strollin' along-
All of a sudden; he starts runnin'-
I soon realize he is comin'
towards me-
Approachin' me, he was
smilin', as if he was in love...
Then takin' me into his arms,
he held me- like he'd never let go!

We ended up spendin' the whole day
together, just him and I;
gettin' to know one another
and explorin' the beach...
As the sun was settin'
he built an open fire-
and we made unbelievable heavenly love;
so full of passion and desire...
He was everythin'
I could dream of or want
in my soulmate...

As dreams come and go-
they all must end...
I'd wake up feelin' loved and confused,
but rememberin' the best time
of my life,
yet never knowin' who this man was...

I always thought this man
had to be my husband-
But it wasn't and
as life happens,
so does heartache!

My dream with my mysterious love
always continued-
time after time,
through out the years...
Always the same man,
the same beach;
and we'd begin by gettin' to know
one another even more-
and always endin'
just the same!

Many mornings after-
I'd lay there feelin' guilty;
longin' for these dreams to be real...
Always wonderin' 'who is this man?'
But still not comin' up
with an answer,
never recognizin' his face...

Over the last couple of years,
I've been havin' this dream
once again, but frequently...
As I'd wake up-
I've been rememberin' more features
to my dream love-
but yet to knowin' who he's been...

And now gettin' to know you-
I've been feelin', as if,
we've already known each other,
like we're soulmates!

Over the last several days
as I've dreamed of this man-
I'm beginnin' to realize somethin'-
I've been seein' you all along...
I have no doubt that
I've dreamed you into my life!
I've been seein' you
numerous times over the years,
and up until recently
only in my dreams-
but as I look at pictures of you
I know it's been you-
I feel your presence with me...
I know I must seem crazy,
but I believe, I've been dreamin'
of you most of my life...
My Love; My Dream


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
My heart is achin'
Wantin' your touch~
My heart is breakin'
It hurts so much~


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
I'm wanting your heart to be mine
and be a part of you,
I see us having something special and true...
I'm wanting to be your girl-
your only and last one,
I'm ready for my single days
to be over and done...
I'm waning what we have
to only become stronger,
I need this love with you
to finally be the one that lasts longer...
I'm hoping one day to be
your best friend,
and what we share between us
to continue through the end...
I don't want what I'm feeling
for you to ever stop,
my heart has been doing
this double flip-flop...
I know falling in love
isn't a crime,
but it just doesn't happen like this
all the time...
I'm now realizing
without an ounce of doubt,
this may be the feeling
of what falling in love is all about...
I want to climb
on top of the highest hill,
and shout out to everyone
'the day he kissed me- time stood still'...
I await for the moment we're ready to say
those three magical words we're both longing to hear,
so hold me in your arms
and when I'm ready, I'll whisper them in your ear...
I'm giving my heart to you and you alone-
taking that one last chance,
and hoping you'll be
my last dance...


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
A new friend;
til the end~
A man to love,
sent from above~

Aching for you to be mine,
Us toasting a glass of wine~
Longing for your heart,
I never want us apart~

Leaning into your arms,
I feel no harm~
Holding your hand,
Believe me, Baby, I try to understand~

Looking into your eyes,
You make me feel so alive~
feeling your heart beat,
Your kisses; my treat~

Remembering your smile,
For; its been a while~
You're in my dreams,
You know we make a good team~

I know you do love me and care,
but I lay in my bed alone, with a bear~
I love you so,
I never wanna let you go~


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
I'm waitin' for
my one day...
if I don't allow myself to ever fall again,
I might miss my one day-

My one day
might be the One Day
that'll last a lifetime!

Who knows when I'll meet
my one day~
Any man I meet might just be
my one day,
my forever love!

Since I haven't meet him yet....
it still awaits me!
Are YOU....
My One Day?


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
My promise to you;
when I say, 'yes, I do'
I mean 'I do' to only you!
I not only give you
my heart and my hand-
as yours, for always,
I also give you my promise
to be for you and you alone...
You are the love of my life,
the one I had always been
incomplete without,
you are My Soulmate~


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
I've been hopin' to
build a strong foundation;
combined with friendship
and eventually fall in love,
with My Someone Special...
So in time,
when many years
have come and gone;
him and I
would always know
we'd still have one another...

I've been hopin' to
have my breath taken away-
at just the thought,
of My Someone Special...
So in time,
when many years
have come and gone;
him and I
would always know
we'd still be in love...

I've been hopin' to
be swept off my feet
and have my heart captured,
by My Someone Special...
So in time,
when many years
have come and gone;
him and I
would always know
we'd still have that certain romance...

You and I...
I believe, we've been lucky with us!!!
Someone must have
"you and I"
written in the stars...
Right away, we started 'us'
with the beginnin' of a,
strong foundation,
that I've been hopin' to build one day...

And over the next few weeks
of getting to know one another more...
we decided we were ready
to finally meet;
hopin' to see if we could
be that 'something more'
everyone longs to have...

I was taken back-
by your gentleman-like manners
and respect for me.
The rest has been happenin'...
all on its own!

You've already met
and exceeded my hopes...
You've been sweepin' me off my feet
and are still capturin' my heart;
all in so little of time-
over these last few weeks...

Now I'm wonderin'...
if you've even realized this
as of yet...
And if this is what
you've been hopin' for, too!
Are you, Baby, meant to be
My Someone Special?


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
Who is My Soulmate?
How does one know when they've
found their

A Soulmate is...
the other half
who makes you whole-
the other side
to your soul-
the other piece
who makes you complete-
the other part
to your life you'll want to repeat-
the other half
who is your best friend-
the other piece
of you, til the end-
the other part
til the ends of time-
the other side
who will always be mine-
the other half
to this special bond-
the other side
where I truly belong-
the other part
created for me to always love-
the other piece
God sent for me from above-
the other half
who fulfills your heart-
the other piece
you'll never part-
the other side
we'll be together by fate-
the other part
I'm gonna wait-

My Soulmate,
In this moment
of time,
day after day-
it's so hard to find
the right one...
I know we'll be together
one day!
Til then;
I'll wait for you...
With all my love;
Your Soulmate~


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
leanin' in to kiss you
feelin' your heart beatin'
squeezin' your thigh
movin' in closer
runnin' my hand along your chest

reachin' for me
pullin' me near
playin' in my hair
caressin' my cheek
nibblin' at my neck

cravin' one another
searchin' to be close
achin' for that moment
joinin' the other in oneness
movin' together
takin' us both higher
achievin' that incredible passion

I awake...
I yawn....
I stretch.....
I moan......

"oh ****! yet another sweet dream of love makin' with you~"


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
My heart plays a love tune.
Is he The One for me?
I walk around the lake with the moon
And wonder are 'we' meant to be?

Is he My Mr. Right?
Am I The One for him?
My heart feels this tug, so tight-
Will he treat me like a gem?

I gaze up into the night sky,
And wish upon a falling star.
Just if we could fly,
We'd go through the night so far.

I'm tired of feeling so lost!
Do I allow my heart to fall?
Do I pay the cost?
Will my emptiness ever stall?


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
My wishes for you;
on the day you say "I do"-

to have all your dreams come true...
to see forever through...
to always have your love feel brand new...
a lasting bond stronger than glue...
a morning full of sunshine and a sky so blue...
a loving marriage; complete with happiness and friendship, too...

These are my wishes for you;
for today and each tomorrow,
beginning on the day
you say "I do"-

COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
I wish you weren't
taken by her-
Deep within me, you've created
this ing stir-
I ask myself all the time,
Why did I fall-in-love with you?
I told my heart, 'NO, NOT YET',
but it didn't take my clue-
It didn't even care
to listen to me!
And now, I'm here wishing
for what, yet, can't be!
I want to be the only
in your heart-
Why can't I be the one,
you never have to part?


COPYRIGHT: Sabrina Denise Healey,
Even though
it's hurting me so-
I know I'll
Never Let You Go!

To let you go,
to set you free-
would mean you weren't
made for me!

I know what I feel
here inside of me is true-
thinking of you never becoming mine
makes me blue!

Before meeting you I felt so empty
here in my chest-
Now I've got you tucked away
here behind this breast!

I know I don't need to myself
too much longer-
but each day my love for you
just becomes stronger!

I've given you all of my love
that's within my heart-
I want you as mine
so when can you start?

Sometimes I wonder to myself
if this love is just crazy-
but I know it is real because
I hold this lone 'love petal' from a daisy!

Deep within my heart I know I've never
felt so complete this way-
Do you give in to what we're feeling
or do you give up and just Stay?


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
planting a seed
and watching it blossom
into a beautiful rose-
takes time, nuturing,
and patience...
so does friendship
and possible love.
i can wait~


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
No-One Really~

No-one really gets me-
No-one really gives...
No-one really cares-
No-one really understands...

Music is Me!
Music is who I am!
Music is what I am!
Music is a major part of...

Take away my music-
You take away a part of ME!
You lose the "Sabrina"
You all know...
Who I am!
You take away my music-
You also take away a piece of...

Music motivates Me!
Music happy's Me!
Music is a big part of My World!
Music and ...

Take away my music-
You crush a big part of My World,
You crush a major part
of who/what I am!
I'm just...


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
I don't remember building
a friendship so easily...
Not Til You!
I don't remember being
so comfortable expressing myself...
Not Til You!
I don't remember feeling
like the other is really listening...
Not Til You!
I don't remember feeling
such a peace with a quiet moment...
Not Til You!
I don't remember wanting
to be the other half of a whole so soon...
Not Til You!
I don't remember having
such a bonding connection...
Not Til You!
I don't remember being
treated as if 'I'm Special' by another...
Not Til You!
I don't remember feeling
like I truly belong with one...
Not Til You!


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
Once upon yesterday's dream,
there was this lonely woman
hopin' to live the life of a
Fairy-tale Princess...
She had even met this
young friendly handsome man!
On the evening they had first talked,
he had told her somethin'
that made her smile
and give her hope for her tomorrows;
him and his wife have been
livin' in separate castles!
She closed her eyes
and thought for a few moments...
could he, just might he be,
her own Prince Charming?
They talked into the night
and got to know one another
over the next couple of weeks
and had finally met!
But, shortly thereafter,
he moved back into his castle
he shares with his wife!
Prince Charming and her
continued to be friends!
Eventually, their friendship
wasn't JUST that!
Over the next few months-
these two...
this Fairy-tale Princess and
Prince Charming
were beginning to fall-in-love!
Even though,
they both knew they shouldn't allow
their hearts to take over-
knowing it would be wrong!
It just felt so right
to be in each others' arms!
As their friendship
and newly felt love grew...
so did his wifes' suspicions-
In the end...
this Fairy-tale Princess
loses her Prince Charming-
and she gets her heart broken again...
Once Upon Yesterday's Dream!


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
Baby, if you wanted the moon,
stars, and the sun-
if I held possession of them,
then they'd be yours...
Since I don't have
the right to give them to you,
instead I'll offer you an exchange...
Don't worry, I'll be fair-
I'm putting my hand,
heart, and soul-
up for your taking...
Before you respond,
I have one condition;
if you accept my offering-
then they're yours-
until one day,
beyond forever is through...


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
I'm going to hold onto
this heart of mine-
one more day...
Keeping it safe and
tucked away just for
one more day...
Guarding it, til I'm sure-
I just can't give it away so soon-
one more day...
I'm almost ready-
I hope you can wait-
one more day...
We'll be together-
It'll be worth the wait-
one more day...


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
Your beautiful smile;
I see it upon your face
whether its directed to me
or because of me-
then I get...
that pull and that tug-
tighter on my heart.
You're reeling me in
And I'm falling One Step More!

When we're talking about nothing,
yet; everything is being said-
your thoughtfulness and caring
just pours out with every word-
then I get...
that pull and that tug-
tighter on my heart.
You're reeling me in
And I'm falling One Step More!

Come on, , you know
you're already walking on broken eggshells
and running on blind fate-
then I get...
that pull and that tug-
tighter on my heart.
You're reeling me in
And I'm falling One Step More!

One Step more to
taking your hand forever,
capturing your heart as mine,
I'm falling deeper in love
just One Step More-
then I get...
that pull and that tug-
tightened on my heart.
You've reeled me in
And I've completely
fallen in love with you
One Step More!


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
I wish you were holding me
in your arms tonight...
Slipping in-between the sheets,
after we turn out the light...
You'll draw me in closely
and hold me oh so tight...
Snuggling up alongside you,
this feels so magical and right...
You and I together-
oh what a beautiful sight...
Just as I thought;
neither one of us putting up a fight...
Can I kiss you on your neck-
and show you where I'd like to claim a bite...
You'd tell me, "oh no, not there-
but here you just might"...
Such heavenly love making;
I never want an ending to this night...

COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
Our love will be a new love
full of our every want,
including passion and romance
for just him and me!
Our love will also be like an
old-fashioned love,
that I've always known
was meant to be!

When I get to meet
my someone special,
I've been dreaming
and hoping to find;
I know he'll love me as completely-
not only with his heart,
but also with his
soul and mind!


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
Heart Broken-
does it need fixen?
Dreams Shattered-
can they be mended?
Hand Empty-
can it be taken?
Eyes wide open-
but do I see?
wants; alive-
desires; to be caught-
rainbow halfway across-
eyes, ears, nose, heart, toes, lips-
am I whole?
I think I lost a part of me-
but where?
with an angel?
clouds full of rain
and thunder-
sunshine trying to break through-
stars unseen-
moon always there,
but not always seen.
Am I a rainbow, part of
the clouds, sunshine, stars,
or moon?
Or just none?
am I awake?
or is it all a dream?
don't shake me-
Cause if I'm dreaming
I may not want to be awake-
but then again,
maybe I do!
touch me tenderly, whisper
my name, kiss my temple,
carress my cheek-
fore if I'm meant to wake
I will-
but if not, let me love
you, if only in my dreams-
are you beside me?
asleep, too?
dreaming of me?
or just in my imagination,
full of my every wish-
do I dare to try to
call out your name?
do i even know it yet?
eyes; shine
breathing; calm
heart; beating-
I see your face.
but your image is foggy-
will it clear?
or become lost in space?
hours have past me by,
eyes still open,
thoughts too heavy-
heart full of dreams-
waiting for me?
Join me!?
I'll meet you inside, my love;
if only in my dreams!


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
Rockin' myself to sleep
Cryin' ever so softly
Fightin' with our blankets
Tryin' to find your warmth
Thinkin' of you only
Needin' you deeply
Lovin' you forever & always
Achin' for you to kiss & hold me
hatin' how I torture myself
Worryin' about you not bein' here
Havin' cramps inside
Takin' a deep breath to calm myself
Screamin' in my mind
Knowin' I can't be near you
Breakin' up inside
Crashin' down so hard
Wakin' up; my arms still empty
Feelin' so tired & alone
Drivin' myself crazy
Waitin' for you to be back home

Copyright; Sabrina Denise Healey,
I need you, I want you, I love you
Now & forever
Can't live without you
Never wanna be alone again
Havin' you, as mine, to love
Is like a precious gift
You're all I think of
Day & night
I wanna be yours
Today, tomorrow, forever
But at times, it feels as if
You're slowly slippin' away
You're not helpin' to avoid it
Everytime it breaks my heart
And yet, you say, there's nothin'
I can do about it
Often I'm in dreamland
and I can see our life together
I wanna grow old with you
Can't bear the thought of
Not bein' with you
Baby, I need you... (Need you)
Baby, I want you... (Want you)
Baby, I love you... (Love you)
But at times, it feels as if
You're slowly slippin' away
You're not helpin' to avoid it
Everytime it breaks my heart
And yet, you say, there's nothin'
I can do about it
You've made me feel whole
Once again
We have such a strong connection;
You & I
I believe two people can
'Fall in love, at first sight'
Because that's what I've done with you
my heart was empty
'Til I met you
I had been missin'
The other half of me
And now... I feel complete
But at times, it feels as if
You're slowly slippin' away
You're not helpin' to avoid it
Everytime it breaks my heart
And yet, you say, there's nothin'
(Nothin', nothin')
I can do about it
So Baby, I'm gonna need you
(Need you)
Baby, I'm gonna want you
(Want you)
Baby, I'm gonna love you
(Love you)
Now & forever, now & forever
Now & forever, now & forever
(Now & forever)

Copyright;  Sabrina Denise Healey,
My heart longs to be home!
This life here...
isn't the life meant for me-
I came here for unselfish reasons,
but now it's about time...
I go home-
to do what I need, for me, what I want...
Now it's about me!
Now it's my turn!
I wanna go back home,
to where I belong-
The West Coast is it-
for me!
That's my home!
That's it for me...
That is what my heart is missing...
It's insisting I find my way back...
I wanna be where I grew up...
I wanna run and play in the sand,
alongside the ocean...
collecting shells by the sea...
Back to the West Coast
is where I wanna be!
I just wanna go...
Back to the life-
I wanna live!
I'm going home!!


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
I want someone who:
-accepts the good with the bad
through all times...
-shares many dreams, ideas,
and interests as mine...
-takes me into consideration when
I'm not even there...
-thinks of me and our children
with the action he takes...
-knows when I need a hug
or to be left alone with my thoughts...
-brings a smile to my face
as I think of him...
-wants all the love I have
inside my heart...
-wants to keep our love alive
and the companionship strong...
-knows how to melt my heart
with just a look...
-makes me catch my breathe
with a single caress...
-knows I am his and in return
he is mine...
-can feel my love even
as we're apart...
-has the same desire to see forever
and always through...
-wants to take that last walk
of life by my side...

You, and you alone-
I want as this someone!


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
Sometimes I wonder
if there's
Someone Just For Me!
Sometimes I wonder
if I've already
met him.
Or if our paths
in our lives
just haven't crossed yet-
I'm searchin' for him,
I hope he's searchin', too!
Sometimes I feel
like just givin' up
on this long search!
How do I know
if he's searchin'
for me?
I've thought, too many times-
that I've, at last, found him!
I long to hold my
Someone Just For Me!
I want to be loved by
Someone Just For Me!
And give all my love to
Someone Just For Me!
I know who
I want as my
Someone Just For me-
but this Someone
is with another.
Why, oh why,
can't you be...
Someone Just For Me?


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
I've been waiting for
someone like you,
to come into my life...
Someone who cares about me
just as much,
as I do him...
Someone who can look at me,
and see me, for who I am-
from the inside out...
Someone to make me feel,
like this is what love,
is all about...
Someone who can make me
feel the way,
I dream of feeling...
Someone who captures
my heart,
without having to steal it...
Someone that I can see
into his heart;
by looking into his eyes...
Someone who can make me
feel the fire,
without it being lit...
I've been waiting for
someone like you,
to come into my life...


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
Step by step-
I'm falling...
You're falling...
Step by step-
We're too many miles apart...
Still can't stop these feelings...
Step by step-
I'm wanting you...
You're wanting me...
Step by step-
I'm longing to be yours...
You're longing to be mine...
Step by step-
Can't wait until we unite...
One day I know we will...
Just taking it step by step!


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
chasin' one another
in the sand...
we're barefoot...
splashin' as we run...
oh no, you've caught me...
(or did I let you?)
once again,
you take me in your arms...
we collapse in the sand,
along the oceanside...
we're listenin' to the waves
and the seagulls cry...
darkness is embracin'
the night...
you and I,
starin' into the star-filled sky;
we're givin' each one a new name...
before too long;
you take me
by the hand,
pullin' me intimately
alongside you...
kissin' me with such
a passion...
"ohh mmm"
savorin' these moments...
as we're longin' to become
as one...


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
I had recently been
hurt by this man-
One- I never should have
been seeing in the first place...
One- I never should have
allowed myself to fall for...
One- I never should have
given the power to hurt me...
That Was Before You!
I had told myself
I wasn't going to allow
anyone else
to cross my barrier...
I wasn't going to open up
to another...
I wasn't giving anyone else
access to my heart...
That Was Before You!
I had been trying to
build this protective shield
around my heart-
to keep every man away...
I wasn't ever going to
subject myself into
falling again...
I wasn't wanting to
meet anyone new...
That Was Before You!


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
I want to be...
the only one,
to hold your hand!
I want to be...
the only one,
to kiss your lips!
I want to be...
the only one,
to be your bestest
of all best friends!
I want to be...
the only one,
you share all of life's
highs, lows, let-downs,
and joys- to each new day with!
I want to be...
the only one,
in (and out) of your dreams!
I want to be...
the only one,
you think of with a big smile
on your handsome face,
as you're remembering
the 'oh-so-incredible'
times we've shared!
I want to be...
the only one,
that'll be your last love!
I want to be...
the only one,
you passionately kiss
good morning and pull into
your waiting arms at night!
I want to be...
the only one,
to be your next and
last lover!
I want to be...
the only one,
you take journey's with
to places we've never been!
I want to be...
the only one,
you can't ever get out
of your heart!
I want to be...
the only one,
who is your only one!


Copyright; Sabrina Denise Healey,
Think of me
as I'm thinking of you...
Think of me
as I'm loving you...
Think of me
as I'm holding you...
Think of me
as I'm missing you...
Think of me
as I'm wanting you...
Think of me
as I'm dreaming of you...
Think of me
as I'm needing you...


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
You tell me 'This' is what
I'd get...
You ask me, if 'This' is somethin'
I'd have...
I reply, 'This' is just what
I want...
I ask you; do I have any chance,
for 'This', as mine...

'This'... has found its way deep
into my heart-
'This'... is everythin', I think of
day and night-
'This'... is what my hopes and dreams
are built of-
"This'... is what I've been after
for several months-
'This'... is what I've been searchin'
for all my life-

'This'... I long to have by
my side-
'This'... is just the feelin'
I've been cravin'-
'This'... I ache to come home to
each day-
'This'... I desire to pull into my
waitin' arms each night-
'This'... fills me with the dreams,
I want to come true-

'This'... makes me smile!
'This'... was made for me!
'This'... is my love!
'This'... is You!
'This'... gives me hope for all my tomorrows!


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
I've fallen so deeply in love;
that I almost feel afraid-
Sometimes I ask myself
if this is real...
Is this the forever
I've been seeking?

When he kisses me-
I feel all tingly...
When he takes me into his arms-
I'm lost...

There's no way I'm ever gonna let go...
I'm home!

My hopes and dreams
of falling so deeply in love were answered
the moment I met you...


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
I hear my heart
singing out loud-
I feel my heart
swaying to the beat-
My heart knows
the tune it hears-
My heart knows
the movement to this dance-
This lonely song
has gone on too long-
Not taking a chance
to break and crumble-
I wanna sing
to my love song-
I wanna sway
to my love dance-


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
Of all the places
I've been...
And all the faces
I've seen...
I didn't stop or slow down!
Because I couldn't...
Til You- I found!
I've been broken...
and torn apart!
But, because of you...
I have a whole heart!


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
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