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Vicki Acquah Dec 2015
My heart speaks loudly on the tablets. Ink leaving traces of my thoughts; Mind-spills left on paper, addressing the survivors of the human race. Desperately I have searched and found many messages.      I will not come and leave without passing them on to the generations forward. What I do while passing through gives leverage to the vestige, of our investments. Though you've cheated death a thousand times you still have to die, one time!
Though we have been used and abused, we have toiled.. and have been allowed to exist only because of what we do. If it were not for our abilities we conclude, we would have perished like a **** unwanted and sprayed. The human will has endured. Even with your best plans and your most crucial diseases still you could not separate us from our souls. Tho you've cheated death a thousand times you still have to die one time.
We have baptized your ideas into our realty, religions and concepts, we have been foolishly obedient in this servitude.  We've had no problem following your rules, even though we were not your first mules. Many souls are wailing. We still triumphed over evil. The jokes on you, We know how to be good.
We know how to live righteously almost, and we do, when you let us. But your own straying gave away the hoax. I hear souls wailing, voices joining mine, as we cry in unison. You are the thieves in the den. Stealing everything we bring in. Tho you've cheated death a thousand times you still have to die one time.
Do not count the dead bodies on the bus ride home, that only causes nightmares. Wait until morn, if you make it back home, listen to the news of the body counts its easier that way. Get a good nights sleep and your mind set will come back to it's original state. No matter if we save your life, raise your children, fight side by side, one day your mindset will return you to feed upon it's own ignorance, like a dog who returns to it's *****. This too is a promise.
We are under no obligation to any man, my course on earth, direction, space, time, no problem. Though you've cheated death a thousand times, you still have one final death to die.
Vicki Acquah Dec 2015
Ignorance of self and God within yourself; Separates man from God
Those who benefit from your ignorance separates you from your earthly wealth.
Vicki Acquah Dec 2015
Back to Ju Ju
Tradition laments elegies of those who perpetuated the thoughts that held
me in the womb of darkness. I want to adjust my rearview mirror, and focus.
I would like to be free to think my innate thoughts-I can dine on your crumpets and *****; for none of your ingredients have agreed with me. I need be free to think my innate thoughts-and feel my true genius my GOD awaits me.
How long must I die a thousand deaths? In this Matrix of doom, yet you subscribe to every issue and never care about the depth of your soul.After all the damage and hatred has been spewed you cry.. and return to the *****. My eyes and ears are closed I will not give up ( High John the Conqueror) again.
Vicki Acquah Nov 2015
If I examined or I compared
Myself next to the greatest
person that ever was
That would place no feather
In my cap.
If I become greater still
Than Muhammad Ali,
Still that would be no proof,
nor treasure in my lap.
If I sailed the ocean;
Navigated without a map
Measured up to the greatest Captain
that ever sailed the sea.
I still would not feel fantabulous;
Like my worth on earth complete.
"To thine own self be true" is universal law
Unless I fill my own two shoes
And stand on my two feet.
The task is... fulfill my purpose now or
My purpose I defeat
To know my what-my who -my how.
Many before me were great,
On that I must agree, and from them
I’ve been inspired.
The righteous workings of my soul
Is my only test, being better than
Myself, will be my all-time best.
The Creator hears my plea:
“God make the best of me”
"let me be true to me"
The only person I need
Strive to be better than a me.!
Vicki Acquah Nov 2015
Here you come throwing pebbles.
I tap you on the shoulder,
Clap you with this lyrical boulder.
Wait til you get older, to be colder.
You come with a sea breeze,
Ah got the arctic chill.
The big freeze. Dropping
You to your knees.
I am taking back my seniority
My wisdom gets priority
Your dead theme, is in obscurity
Yappn' bout you got bling, rims
And bullchit things.
Like how long your money is.
And the 'n' word.
The 'b', word, the 'h', word,
Played out bragging and complaining
Shaming the art with your empty cart
Making noise “ain’t-saying nad-da”.
You're just a bother.
Trying to get paid
When you can't even get laid
Cause we see yo *** on the stage.
Void of rage.
Lil' poot **** hollering bout
" what "
I need to make a come up
Go find your guts,
Stop the noise lil' boys.
Take a stand lil man.
The gods have risen,
Time to pay attention.
Before you find
Yourself enslaved
In a privatized prison.
Leave the stuff
Found in the hood alone.
Like black n milds
And malt liquor.
It's bad enough
They are feeding
You food
Without nutrition
Prepn you for institutions
You go to jail for child support
Then cannot get a job,
When they let you out.
Now your record is shady.
So want to do away with the lady
And her baby...
viscous cycle;
Use the rest of your brain
Before it too is dead.
Lil boyz want to **** their
Own mama, ta run with a gang.
So u shoot mama in her sleep
Bang, bang, bang..
Now they have you for life
If they let you live.
No one to your rescue
Maybe the boy who
Cut his mama up
And baked her like a duck.
Maybe you and him
Can become fast
With a little luck.
So don't throw pebbles
Off bridges and run
That's why I am tapping
You on the shoulder and
Clapping you with this
Lyrical boulder son!
If you want to
Thrive/and survive,
You need to stay alive.
You need to learn to
Plant and grow
Before they put
You in that hole.
Everything you eat
Don't have to come
From Chinese store
Or the A-rabs in the hood.
You cannot stay alert
On the food
From burger king
It boils down to this
Your vitamins
You need to
Know your trees
And your seeds...
If nothing
Else please get
The knowledge
Of these.
Don't get stuck in the
Traps "you can see"
Let hedonism
Be a thing of the past
Get serious,
And get serious fast....
Vicki Acquah Nov 2015

Was on one cold and winters day
was born this dangerous lyricist
by the name of King *****.
The day he was born he ask for the mic.
Ha ha ha was all that he said: Like
“I am through laughing
let's move ahead “That sultry laugh gave us a fright.
He was gangster like his Mamma—
So I had work to do. “Talk sweet to the ladies I said to my son.
Give um that work and get the job done.
Trying to get him to talk nice at first was hard;
Then out of the blue he was spitting sweet bars ….

Kane ***** used to accuse folks of
yammin' his wings..he then realized
he had slammed them himself.
He was able to laughed now more than thrice.
And his Swag was sounding twice as nice.

He still talked tough and his manner was rough,
As it seemed the ladies had peeped him...
They ignored his roar,,, and heard his pain.
Soon got to know that he was a smart main.
He knows what he knows and that's how it goes.
He's down to earth and stays on his toes.
And if he don't know -He'll find someone that does.

.......with this Rhyme" BY RUDY RAY MOORE"..
I 'll close...



Vicki Acquah Nov 2015
Admittedly i am a coward because i run from this bully...
i won't stay and fight him..
He moves too fast, and hits me below the belt!
i will not stand up to him..
Because, i am afraid of him, her, (whatever)
They make me feel like i’ve been being ***** and robbed
by two bullies: Father—time, and Gravity..
Admittedly, i will not be brave enough to withstand the expensive
exercises and vitamins, That coupled with the pull gravity.
from the wealthy, causing peanut butter to become a delicacy..
And growing old a calamity. Making it impossible...”to grow old gracefully”
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