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46n8 Mar 2023
Its been a year,

and what a year its been.

thinking back on it all, its a dream really.

The skies were clear, the clouds rolled bye slow,

aside from some squalls barely visible from shore,

the sea was calm.

Everything changed for me in the spring.

It was 4 months of the most painful growth I've ever known,

during the brief moments of reprieve Id lay in beds of clovers, the flowers and grass embracing me like old friends.

Then the summer came,
it was hot, and rainy, and the sweat burned my eyes,

The cicadas screamed into the evening as they felt the sun for the fist time all year.

I fell hard and let myself rest. The blood from my hands ran a deep red, a reminder I was only human and the proof I was still so alive.

Jolting awake in the quiet fall mornings felt like the end of a loud heavy metal song.
The sudden and sharp juxtoposition was an unexpected but welcomed moment of quiet.

those sunrises were, crisp and the clouds were nowhere to be found. as the temperatures dropped The world turned an odd cheap sepia hue, like one of those tacky old timey photos you get on a family vacation to tennessee.

Winter seemed to clear away the clutter of it all.

What was so seemingly right and seemingly wrong, crystallized over night, politely frozen in time for me to take careful note of.

The voices of people  I love swarmed my ears as the holidays rolled bye.

what a year its been,

my hair has grown so long,

my smile lines have grown deep,

I can hear the wind picking up outside,

my eyes are open wide,

facing forward, ready for the show,

as the storm rages on.
Revamped an old piece for a video im making :) hope u like
46n8 Feb 2023

I don’t think,

It’ll ever really,

Get any easier.


One day maybe,

It’ll just stop,

happening at all,

46n8 Jan 2023
I don’t know,
I just know I feel unimportant to you,
And every time,
That I finally start to believe I’m wrong,
You prove me right,
And still, despite my rightness,
Im such a fool.
46n8 Jan 2023
I’m just a symptom of your untreated ADHD,

You text me when you need a pick-me-up,

When you’ve hit another low,

When you decide not to take your adderal,

Those are the times I come to mind,

And the in the same breathe,

I’ve completely cleared from it,

The ups and downs give me vertigo,

Tummy twisters like I’d get as a kid,

And that same feeling of being adrift.
46n8 Dec 2022
My sandpaper tongue,
How it chews like dried up fat,

The crystalline grass,
How it crunches underfoot,

The paper thin skin,
How it tears like it was pleated,

The rambunctious quiet soul,
And the storm cloud in its wake.
46n8 Nov 2022
I don't accidentally stumble into memories of you anymore.

Each time I allow more than a fleeting thought is a calculated risk,

and when I do its because despite the high risk of being sad,

I know the only way to keep them in good shape, just like the 57' Chevy you always dreamed about,

is to pull them out every once in a while,
Knock the dust off,
Take them for a spin.

So every now and then I let myself go through old photos and poems,

It feels like going through your childhood toy box,

Slowly and gently sifting through each one,
Remembering the joy they brought you,
Way back then,

And once im satisfied,
I pick each one back up,
Safely stowed in the dusty old toy chest,
Close it on up,
Run my fingers accross the lid,
And I slide it back into my closet.
46n8 Nov 2022
Every now and then I let myself go through old photos and poems,

It feels like going through your childhood toy box,

Slowly and gently sifting through each dusty old friend,
Remembering the joy they brought you,
Way back when,

And once im satisfied,
I pick each one back up,
Safely stowed in the dusty old toy chest,
Close it up tight
Run my fingers accross the lid,
And  slide it back into my closet.
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