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Jun 2018 · 139
Hannah Marr Jun 2018
last night was a long
one and nearly painful with
how much rest you didn't
get. in bed at nine
but only half-asleep by
eleven. awake again at quarter
after two and staring at
the ceiling desperately until ten
minutes before your alarm to
pass out again. ten minutes
after you fall asleep you
are ****** awake, heart pounding,
chest heaving, groaning as you
kick off your blankets and
rise from your bed to
struggle through your morning routine.
then you realize you forgot
your breakfast while you are
already halfway out the door.
you decide to leave it
since you were almost late
anyway, which means you almost
have to drag yourself through
the rest of the day.

you want only to sleep.

that was last night, long
and painful as this morning.

Jun 2018 · 142
Hannah Marr Jun 2018
ah, i see i am spiteful
so frightful
and your pain is delightful
flinching at my every word
it sure is insightful

ah, i see my words are distressing
keep guessing
view them as a blessing!
if you treasure my every word
you'll find this less depressing

ah, i see you think me a *******
some dastard
but if you search my every word
you'll see you have been mastered

ah, i see it in your eyes
you wise?
and how are these lies?
hanging off my every word
now you are my prize

Jun 2018 · 123
Hannah Marr Jun 2018
pale eyes, pale eyes,
what do you see?
under those curling locks,
soul swamped in misery?

soft hands, soft hands,
what do you feel?
a spirit torched with sorrow
struggling to heal?

scarred lungs, scarred lungs,
what's in your breath?
misted blood and iron dust,
a knife marked with death?

brittle heart, brittle heart,
what is your desire?
to strive for one last chance
or to finally meet the pyre?

blue lips, blue lips,
what are your last words?
do you wish to be freed
to soar among the birds?

Jun 2018 · 114
Hannah Marr Jun 2018

                                        The air tastes of running
                                               kicked up dust and
                                                             ­           bleeding lungs.
                   You left your blond hair in a gas station bathroom.
                             You left more than that farther back.
                                                      ­                                      Freedom.
                  ­                  Oh, pariah, fugitive.
                                                       Your feet are never still.
                        Where are you going?
     Where are you running from?
                                      What are you becoming?

                                                      ­     h.f.m.
Jun 2018 · 124
Hannah Marr Jun 2018

                There's a wall between us.
I can only hear your voice when
                                                          I'­m pressed flush against it,
                                      every brick imprinted on my skin
                                                    like that one time
           in the school bathroom when
                                             you pinned me and stole my breath away.

                 Your voice is so faint,
                                  so hoarse and broken
       filled with pain.
                                  My heart
                                                    aches every time your voice cracks
                             or you
                                              start coughing until you can't

What have they done to you
                                      to hurt you like this?
                To take your voice and
                                                             ­         tear it from your throat and
                                                      fill it with so much
                                          dust and thorns.
—and yet.
                                                 And yet.
       Despite the wall.
                     Despite the pain.
                                    Despite it all,
    You still try to laugh and coax
                                                            ­            a laugh out of
                                                 me, and
                                                             ­               you tell story
                                                           ­     after story
                                                           ­               after story
              in an attempt to keep me calm.
                          Even at death's door,
                                              your only concern is for me.

            Can't you see
                                                             ­                    your death
                                is the surest thing to
                                                              ­         break

Jun 2018 · 634
Hannah Marr Jun 2018
happily, you decompose
releasing your woes
even as they drag away your laughter

euphorically, you dissolve
losing your resolve
to live, even as your fears leave you

elatedly, you decay
your skin turns ash-grey
and maggots dig into your flesh

passionately, you molder
your recently-cremated ashes smolder
the flame devoured you with all the ferocity of a lover

joyfully, you disintegrate
forget the cold burn of hate
and misplace the memory of love, too

blissfully, you rot
lose your affinity with thought
your mind a directionless searching

delightedly, you wither
there is no time to dither
no time, full sprint to oblivion

reverently, you splinter
welcome eternal winter
relegate warmth to your fleeing memories

earnestly, you break down
your will is to drown
all your issues are a rising sea

fervently, you fall apart
you thought you were so smart
with death comes release, no?

Jun 2018 · 938
Hannah Marr Jun 2018
this is
a poem
right? just
put words
on a
page in
an aesthetically
pleasing manner,
two words
to a
line to
simulate deliberate
communication to
a designated
audience who
may or
may not
even bother
reading through
to the
end. this
is poetry,
right? some
vague form
of connection
to strangers
i will
never meet
face to
face, an
illusory contact
simulating comfort
through a
blank screen,
apathetic in
and of
itself. this
makes me
a poet,
right? you
want to
bet on
how many
people will
actually read
this long,
rambling rant
in its
entirety? it
is so
easy to
mask emotion,
this rising
swell in
a hollow
chest, when
the chosen
medium is
mere words.

Jun 2018 · 210
Hannah Marr Jun 2018
is it the same
to not want to live forever and to want to die?

is it the same
to want to drive off the map and to run until your lungs bleed?

is it the same
to speak without substance and to write without voice?

Jun 2018 · 292
Hannah Marr Jun 2018
i met my lover by the old juniper tree
in the dead of night when none could see
a song in my heart and a ring in his hand
he slipped onto my finger that bright silver band

i met my lover by the old juniper tree
a week had passed by most merrily
a tear in his eye and blood on his skin
he confessed to committing a foul sin

i met my lover by the old juniper tree
he convinced me to come with him to flee
a bag in my grip and a fear in my heart
no time for goodbyes, we hastened to depart

i met my lover by the old juniper tree
i learned a desperate man was he
he had lies on his name, and that one ring
his faithlessness had tried from him to wring

i met my lover by the old juniper tree
he asked did i love him, since he loved me?
truth on my tongue and a blade in my fist
i cursed him for breaking our midnight tryst

i met my lover by the old juniper tree
he knelt at my feet to make his plea
sorrow on his lips and love in his eye
i watched my unfaithful lover die

Jun 2018 · 136
Hannah Marr Jun 2018
it is in the nature of grief to cause pain, to burn like a candle wick from the inside out. it's fore-bearer, loss, is a gnawing hole in one's heart. passion has always been give and take, but you feel it has taken more than it has ever given.

'all is fair in love and war' they say. but what of this misery is fair? 'it's better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all.' a seed of love had been planted, and took root, and the roots took the soil with them when that love was ripped away, leaving only a hole. such bereavement cannot be comforted with such cheap words.

love is a many splintered thing, the edges cutting even as the euphoria sets in. you planted flowers in your chest, so that it may become a garden to harbor if they so chose to reside in your heart, hopeful flower child that you are. alas, the writing was on the wall, and they only grew thorns. they torched the roses and reveled in the flames as your heart withered. ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

now is the winter of your discontent, just staying one day ahead of yesterday. the ocean of your salty tears is deep, and you are barely keeping your head above the water. time is meaningless here, in the seas of your despair. your barren soul is the land that time forgot.

now you know that crows are black everywhere, no matter the beauty of their feathers and the shining gifts they bring. your infatuated delusions were a far cry from reality, and you can only mourn your innocent naivety from when you believed in miracles.

you wash your hands, sloughing off garden-soil, flower-ash, and sea-salt stains. you pluck the glossy feather from behind your ear and watch it spiral to the ground. you remember. you remember. you remember. and the fiery memories swallow you whole.

Jun 2018 · 608
Hannah Marr Jun 2018
You thought that the kitchen lights were almost high-beams on a freeway. Colors were crisp (too crisp), vivid as if the world were a high definition television, one with everyone scurrying around on fast forward with the volume turned up, blaring louder than your ability to comprehend. Everything was too much, too fast, too loud.

Everything was, simply put, overwhelming.

There was a word for that, you thought. A word for that feeling of detached, surreal immediacy.

Dissociation? No.
Derealization? Maybe.

Whatever it was, it couldn't possibly hold this, the whole of what this was, how it felt, in this moment, in this moment, in this—

You realized you were spiraling.

You pulled out, sharply, sharp enough to cut yourself. You looked at the blood beading on your wrist like ruby spheres of light. It was beautiful, entrancing. You could watch it forever...

There is a knife in your hand.

There is always a knife in your hand, you think, even when there isn't, when your hands are empty.

It means you're always ready to hurt someone, even when you're not, when you are empty.

The world is normal again, after that.
Slowed down, quieter.

Kitchen lights are just kitchen lights, after all. How could they possibly make you think of driving? Driving fast, and furiously, reaching the speed limit and still flooring the pedal, seeing how far you could go before you ran out of gas or crashed gloriously in a blaze of light and sound and sparks and sirens—

You've forgotten where you're going with this.

You've been gone a while, you think, in that state.
You're pretty sure you're back again.

You just want to sleep.

Jun 2018 · 124
Hannah Marr Jun 2018
i want to tear the breath from lords
to feel their pulse flutter and fade beneath my fingers

i want to rip kings from their thrones
to feel their bodies shatter beneath my hands

i want to parade on the bones of sultans
to feel a country's strength crumble beneath my feet

i want to pluck the wings off angels
to feel their burning, holy tears on my skin

i want to drink the blood of gods
to feel that bittersweet nectar dripping from my lips

i want to devour the universe whole
to feel that pulsing, raw power in my veins

Jun 2018 · 131
Hannah Marr Jun 2018
Death, my friend,
why are you so late in coming?
Seventy years will be a bit much
to keep your girl waiting.

Death, my friend,
have you forgotten about me?
I have my papers in order,
I'm ready to go when you are.

Death, my friend,
how long will you leave me on my own?
I'm lonely, you know,
and I miss you a great deal.

Death, my friend,
how much time do I have left?
I want to see the sands in the hourglass
and watch the years, the days slipping away.

Death, my friend,
how long are you going to keep me waiting?
How I wish to return to your embrace,
but I suppose I'll have to be patient a bit longer.

Death, my friend,
are you truly not coming for me?
Are you leaving me to continue this life
to completion, for closure?

Death, my friend,
are you sure about this?
I want to be with you, but if,
as it seems, you insist, I will live on.

For now, then, my friend.

I will see you soon.

Jun 2018 · 543
Hannah Marr Jun 2018
I'm dying, my friends,
but it's okay.
I'm only dying slowly.

I don't have a diagnosed illness, like you'd think,
unless you can count 'life,'
but I think some would call that thought 'blasphemous.'

I can feel the approach of the end,
stalking me on soft feet. A mere breath,
coaxing me towards the deepest sleep.

I've made my bed, so no worries, I'll lie in it.
I've fluffed the down pillows and starched the sheets,
I won't have to be afraid of dreams this time around.

I have a sense it won't be old age that does me in,
but I mightn't die young, either,
not that it really matters.

I'll take my time in this world,
but once the sand's at the bottom of the glass,
I won't look back.

Do I flirt with death? Oh yes.
I've brushed hands with him a few times.
I don't think he minds that much.

I'm dying, my friends, but it's okay.

I'm only dying slowly.

Hannah Marr Jun 2018
It's interesting to learn to love yourself,
when you hadn't known before that you didn't.

To learn to love the sound of your voice
without knowing you thought it was grating.

To learn to love the color of your eyes
before realizing you thought their grey was dull.

To learn to love your skin, even,
as you come to understand you have always wanted to claw it off.

To learn to love your idiosyncracies
as you discover that they irritated you to no end.

To learn to love yourself in your entirity
even as you learn you had resigned yourself to being unlovable,

to yourself or anyone else.
(Especially anyone else)

It's interesting to learn to love yourself,
when you don't fully comprehend your own self-hate.

Jun 2018 · 140
Hannah Marr Jun 2018
So for the first time
I think I might be consciously aware
of my fear.

Not the feeling of fear, exactly,
but what it is (exactly) that I fear.
I think I know, in a vague sort of way
that I am afraid of endings.

I find myself avoiding my study notes for end of year finals,
not because I think I'll do badly,
(I am confident in A's and B's)
but because it signals a point of no return.

And I'm not afraid of all endings, I don't think.
Leastwise, I'm not afraid of dying.
(Death is the ultimate end, right?)

I just don't want this year to end.
I don't want to graduate,
but I don't want to drop out.
I want to stay in school and keep learning,
my future fast approaching and never arriving.

I know I'll fail to keep in touch with friends when summer starts,
so I'll have to start from scratch like I do every year,
and I hate it. I hate it so much, but it never changes.

I know I'll slip into a drowsy, half-awake state day after school end
and this terrifies me,
because I don't know if I'll come back after.
It'd be like being trapped in limbo.

I want to be successful.
I want to grow up, maybe start a family.
At some point I want to live my future,
but can I live in this moment for now?
Can't I move on when I'm ready?

Maybe my real fear is that I'll never be ready.

Jun 2018 · 327
Hannah Marr Jun 2018
i'm always just
a remnant
of what i used to be
hollow hands holding
grains of sand that
slither out between
these cold fingers

they say we're made up of
stars that burned bright
and burned out
'till their only
remnants were
echos of light

i've changed
and changed
and changed
many times
in the years of my life
whittled away
bit by bit
like a wood carving
'till i'm the perfected form
and the remaining
shavings on the floor

spring to summer
summer to fall
these roots turn cold
and these fruits
of my year's labor
fall to the ground
to feed the worms
and i am a brittle
stick-like thing
waiting for the sun
to dispel this dismal fog
that clouds the
remnants of this mind

eternally temporary
that's how it is, is it?
i won't be here
but these atoms of mine
cosmic space-specks
will remain
i will leave behind
my legacy
if not my

Jun 2018 · 165
Hannah Marr Jun 2018
"Hey, Aaron,
are you okay?"

                                                         ­                                              "I'm fine.
                                                           ­                                                Why?"

"I've been thinking,
and it occurred to me
that what most
suffering people
don't understand,
is that when they are asked
'Are you okay?'
that is someone trying to help."

                                                         ­                                         "What most
                                                            ­                        un-suffering people
                                                          ­                              don't understand,
                                                     ­                                                     Terry,
                                                        ­                                           is that most
                                                            ­                 suffering people cannot
                                                          ­                    convince themselves to
                                                              ­                                    ask for help
                                                            ­                        or let anyone know.
                                                           ­                    They only know to say
                                                             ­                                          'I'm fine.'
                                                          ­                                                          ...
   ­                                                                 ­                                          It is a
                                                                ­                 terribly private thing,
                                                                ­                                     suffering."

"Un-suffering people
can't understand, really.
What it is like, I mean.
What is needed,
what should be done.
I think that is the problem.
Or one problem.
They don't know how
to help,
or ask if they even can."

                                                          ­                            "That does present
                                                         ­                                              an issue."

"And the suffering
don't talk about it,
and so most un-suffering
don't even know."

                                                         ­                                           "You're not
                                                             ­                                            wrong."

"Aaron, I'm going
out on a limb,
and I'll come out and ask it."

                                                           ­                                                      "..."

"Is there a way I can help you?"

                                                          ­                                                         "...
                                                            ­                                 ...I don't know.
                                                           ­                            I don't know if it's
                                                            ­                                   even possible
                                                        ­                                 to help me now."

"There has to be a way.
Nothing is irredeemable,
not even the most
twisted of souls."

                                                        ­                                                  "I don't
                                                           ­                                  entirely agree."

"You wouldn't.
You are one who
believes he's irredeemable.
I can't believe that, Aaron.
Or what was the point
of saving your life?"

                                                         ­                            "There wasn't one."

"Are you saying that
I risked myself
for nothing?
My efforts
were pointless?
Is that what you're saying,

                                                ­                                          "Well, no, but—"

I refuse to believe
that you are beyond healing.
If I believed that...
Let's just say
it wouldn't be pretty
and I'd be nearly as miserable
as you are during your bad days."

                                                         ­                                                        "..."

"Do you understand me?"

                                                           ­                                                "...yes."

I'm not giving up on you,
no matter how much you
try and make me.
In return,
you better not give up on me."

                                                           ­                                             "I won't.
                                                          ­                                       I'll try not to
                                                              ­                          give up on myself
                                                          ­                                                  either.
       ­                                                                 ­          There's always hope,
                                                           ­                                                right?"

"There you go.
You're starting to get it."

                                                           ­                                             "Terry..."


­                                                                 ­                                     "Thanks."

No problem."

Jun 2018 · 95
Hannah Marr Jun 2018
society takes Icarus
and warns you not to fly too high.
cut your losses, accept your lot.
warns us all—
stick out your neck and you'll lose your head.

"sever yourself from empathy
and cauterize the wound.
you can't help anyway,
so why should you care?"
right, society?
that's what you mean?

"if you fall from the top of the ladder
you won't get off the ground again.
midway is safer,
and the landing is softer.
your ambition is misplaced."

because of society
should i be content with mediocrity?

(i think not)

Jun 2018 · 125
Hannah Marr Jun 2018
There was a little girl
six years ago
who braided her sisters' hair
with dandelions and lilies
and other pretty things.

She sang a little rhyme
as her fingers danced
and her little sisters, sitting
were wholly entranced.

There was a little girl
five years ago
who played piano with finesse
and took lessons with her sisters
so they could play together.

She sang a little rhyme
as her fingers danced
and her little sisters, sitting
were wholly entranced.

There was a little girl
four years ago
who stitched her sisters' teddies
with blue and yellow thread
when they tore during play.

She sang a little rhyme
as her fingers danced
and her little sisters, sitting
were wholly entranced.

There was a little girl
three years ago
who taught sisters how to turn
shadows into puppets
to keep fear of dark at bay.

She sang a little rhyme
as her fingers danced
and her little sisters, sitting
were wholly entranced.

There was a little girl
two years ago
who plucked guitar strings
as opposed to her sisters' piano
and her brother's violin.

She hummed a little rhyme
as her fingers danced
and she stayed behind
while her siblings advanced.

There was a little girl
one year ago
who looked at her dancing fingers
and wondered why they couldn't hold on
to the quick-slipping time.

Jun 2018 · 91
Hannah Marr Jun 2018
Blood of Cain,
but I wish I could claim
Abel as my forefather.
How could I trace
this dubious liniage
that far, you ask?
All the evidence
is in my genetics.
Though the blood on my hands
doesn't belong to anyone else.

Blood of Cain
or blood of Abel
it doesn't change the fact
that I'm of the line
that tasted the forbidden fruit.
It's idiotic, really
that it is portrayed as an apple,
since it was never classified as so in the text.
But that's beside the point,
I'm being pedantic
to avoid the bitter truth
that I'd rather not face.
I come from a family of sinners.
Maybe I'm doomed to the same fate.

Jun 2018 · 121
Hannah Marr Jun 2018

1. it's funny how you miss a place that you never really felt like you lived in. a decade in a snowy mountain town can pass on to the next on a valley-lake. neither is home. you don't know what the word means.

2. you thought it was the house and town of your childhood that you longed for, but on the long weekend you went to visit and realized you hadn't any roots there from the start. no places you want to see again, except for that lake that is a mirror of all lakes. no friends you missed, at least not from this sky-community of music and charm. you realize you miss friends you've never made. there is an untouchable sorrow in that.

3. so if this homesickness does not stem from places you know, are you wishing for a home not on this plane of existence? is there somewhere else that you long to be, that you cannot hope to return to while you walk on the surface of this world? but how can you leave when bound here?

4. this world has weight, gravity pulling at your bones. the ground threatens to swallow you up, and you wonder what it is like to be buried in the bowels of the earth. if there is a gate beneath the crust to your true home, the home of your spirit, would it be found there?

Jun 2018 · 149
Hannah Marr Jun 2018
I'm not broken,
I was built
this way. You
see these shattered
looking pieces? They
were never one
whole. They don't
fit together, they
contradict one another.
Call me a
fallen angel, but
I never fell.
I was this
twisted thing from
the start. Lonely
and draining and
intense and demanding
and there is
no fixing me
because I did
not break in
the first place.
My choices brought
me here, I
became this of
my own free
will. If there's
anything wrong with
me I only
have myself to
blame. I stacked
these faults like
the bricks they
are, building this
trash personality, stitched
together from fictional
scraps left over
from fantasy worlds
that I withdraw
into to escape
these inconsequential issues
that occupy my
weak-willed mind.
Don't pity me
or offer me
compassion because­ that
will only feed
this complex I've
been cultivating in
the da­rk hours
of the night.
I'm not broken,
I was built
this way. You

Hannah Marr Jun 2018
It is possible to be loved while in a thousand pieces.

Shattered glass pieced together in a mosaic
brought forth as a newer image, different from before.

You can't stand up or move away from the sink,
they rub the small of your back, bring you a glass of water.

Grey days stretched to grey nights to grey weeks,
only this faint grey light holding back the dark.

My dandelion-yellow heart, you are not so far gone
that your spectral graces remain unseen.

If you truly love a flower, you don't pluck it from the dirt
that it may wish to leave.

It is possible to be loved in a thousand pieces.

Hannah Marr Jun 2018
My poems are pretty nice, I know
These premeditated thoughts I type up
To show you a sliver of me
But you haven't met me in person

On the other side of this poem
The other side of the screen
I'm just another high school student
Plodding along with the rest

I have a few people
(like, one or two)
Who I talk to occasionally
So I can call them friends

I have a loving family
There are seven of us in the house, though
So it's a bit crowded
And crowds stress me out

I'm a bit of an introvert
So even though I hate to be lonely
I don't really mind being alone
Prefer it, actually, most of the time

In person I'm small
And a bit quiet 'till you know me
Won't talk till you show interest
Then talk your ear off in excitement

I do tend to ramble
This shows in my poetry sometimes
Mostly because I don't have chance to practice
Normal conversing behavior

I talk too fast, and too much about myself
I'm a bit annoying, to be honest
And I'm pretty absent-minded
Forgetting to eat or go to bed on occasion

In person I'm sarcastic
A bit sassy too
But I'm always scared I'll hurt someone
And at the slightest confrontation I clam up

I favor silence, and solitude
As (unhealthy) coping mechanisms
Because I hate bothering people
And will withdraw if I think I'm being irritating

In person I'm shy and solitary
In person I'm too needy and excitable
In person I'm a bit naive and lonesome
In person I'd rather die than hurt anyone

So you know my poetry—
A bit sad and fierce
With a few encouraging works thrown in—
But you haven't met me in person

Jun 2018 · 101
Hannah Marr Jun 2018
Break an empty bottle against the edge of the bar
This is your mind, jagged and—
A loud, desperate fight me written
(Almost carelessly)
Across your snarling lips in red

Break your ribs, these hollow bones
Mend them with glue and—
—hot nails
So maybe each breath you take will be as tenuous
(As burning)
As the grip you have on your own soul

Careful, your knees are buckling
Lock them against the weight bending
Your spine, straining
Your shoulders

Paint your collar bones with stars
In honor of a sun's bright
Core in your heaving chest

Paint rivers over your veins
In honor of the slow
Power pulsing just under your skin

Scrawl the thought that will never leave your tongue
On the walls of every gas station bathroom
On this endless road trip to—
The end of the world, to—
Nowhere and nothing.
Write it all, everywhere, so everyone will
Know, but
Not know you

Still your shaking hands
Clench them into fists
(You are not done here yet)

Furious soul
Painter and canvas

Truth or dare?
(You are not merely honest, you are the Truth)
Heads or tails?
(You are not merely bold, you are the Dare)
The coin, not heads or tails.

Clear liquid in a clear bottle
Lava down your throat, in your lungs
Behind your eyes, fireworks
Burning —the edges of your mind, broken glass
Brittle —an ancient map of thought, tearing and flaking

Find the end, meet the end
Truth or Dare, a coin
Broken bottles, broken bones

Tell me, sister
Have you ever wanted scarred knees and dirt under your nails?

Tell me, brother
Have you ever wanted to kiss the moon?

Jun 2018 · 144
Hannah Marr Jun 2018
why is caring

especially when i am so

i feel others' emotions
their hurt and fear and love
as if they were my own

so why can i not
bring myself to
any sort of

it is easier by far
to let everything
sort itself out
it doesn't need
any help from me

why don't i

how can such empathy
coexist with this utter

and i know
this should bother me
but hey
guess what?
i kinda don't care

Jun 2018 · 2.5k
Hannah Marr Jun 2018
do you know what


liminal comes from latin
meaning threshold

a place of entering or
of beginning

a fine line between the was
and will

a place of transition

and i suppose you could say
this is liminal

this poem

this life

this concept of eternal
that we seem to attribute
to our (sadly impermanent) art

this body of mine
is so very liminal

this voice that i roll around on my tongue
is liminal

this world itself,
a blink compared to infinity
can only be said to be
a threshhold
to somewhere else

Jun 2018 · 100
Hannah Marr Jun 2018
Wrapped in a towel
Clutching the sides of the sink
She gazes into the mirror

The shower has fogged the glass
But faint impressions still bleed through

Her face a
Honey-brown framed
Pale oval
Inlaid with
Two grey flecks
Under arched brows
With underlying shadows

Faint imprint of cheekbones
That hollow of the throat

All shadows
Obscured by condensation
Wreathed in man-made mist

The concept of a person
Rather than the person herself

Jun 2018 · 83
Hannah Marr Jun 2018
i must continue on                                                                          ­           
i must                                                                                         ­                 
                                               ­                                                   why is that?
                                                           ­                                    must i really?
it was a promise                                                          ­                                
i don't break promises                                                         ­                       
                                                                ­                                            right
             ­                                                                 ­             of course i don't
shut up                                                               ­                                           
                     ­                                                                 ­       because really,
                                                         ­                            i've only used them
                                                            ­                                      as excuses
                                                       ­                                     because of how
                                                                ­                                 afraid i am
shut up                                                              ­                                         
                       ­                                                                 ­               make me
please stop fighting
                                                        ­                                  what's it so you?
this is my head
it's mine too                                                              ­                                    
                                                                ­                                       and mine
just be quiet
for one night
okay                                                ­                                                      okay
      ­                                                                 ­                don't think i won't
                                                           ­                                  finish this later
shut                                                      ­                                                       

Jun 2018 · 100
Hannah Marr Jun 2018
(dedicated to the poet, critic, and anarchist, Sir Herbert Read)

inherently poetry is a unique form of satire
a pathway paved by individuals towards soft rebellion
a revolt intended to spur the populace towards original thought
similar to how a dandelion,
considered a ****,
grows through concrete anyway,
a slow, deliberate strength
that can only be possessed by life
and of course poetry is this life,
the measure of one's soul
laid bare to convict and encourage
humanity without its mask is the individual
who, while supported by others,
is independent in themselves
and can thrive off of their own art
while leading and following others through theirs

"The great modern heresy in poetry is to confuse the use we make of words in a poem with modalities of speech...For true poetry is never speech but always a song."

"Revolt, it will be said, implies violence; but this is an outmoded, an incompetent conception of revolt. The most effective form of revolt in this violent world we live in is non-violence."

"The farther a society progresses, the more clearly the individual becomes the antithesis of the group."

"The modern work of art, as I have said, is a symbol."

"That is why I believe that art is so much more significant than either economics or philosophy. It is the direct measure of man's spiritual vision."

"The worth of a civilization or a culture is not valued in the terms of its material wealth or military power, but by the quality and achievements of its representative individuals - its philosophers, its poets and its artists."

"Art is pattern informed by sensibility."

"I know of no better name than Anarchism."

"The point I am making is that in the more primitive forms of society the individual is merely a unit; in more developed forms of society he is an independent personality."

-quotes by Sir Herbert Edward Read
Jun 2018 · 91
Hannah Marr Jun 2018
i feel sick,
but not in a way that can be

easily understood

i don't necessarily feel nauseous
but i can taste bile
in the back of my mouth

i don't have a headache, per se
but my head feels so heavy, and light

it's dizzying


and sometimes i feel more alseep
than awake

and words lodge themselves
in my throat
as if to suffocate

and i cannot



string them

the life


i feel sick,
but i'm not
am i?

May 2018 · 136
Hannah Marr May 2018
**** all those who
got everything they needed in life
right from the womb,
born with a silver spoon in their mouth
and promised more in the future.

**** all those who
inherited that top one percent
as their coming-of-age,
the keys to the world dropped into an uncaring hand
and used as a simple plaything

**** all those who
have been blessed with enough
and more than enough,
but still insist on accumulating more and more and more
and ignoring those they believe are beneath them.

May 2018 · 140
Hannah Marr May 2018
Bless all those who
never had the bare minimum
since the day they were born,
fighting for every scrap of life
and still sharing the small surplus.

Bless all those who
were born into a minority
to be scorned and ridiculed,
only told it was because of color, gender, whatever
and that those were reasons to be spited.

Bless all those who
society had ******
just for existing,
those who's lives are a battleground
and who can still lend a helping hand.

Hannah Marr May 2018
I'm fine, really.
You may not believe me.
I write out my woes and they seem insurmountable,
but that's because sadness is so much easier to write.
So yes, I'm fine.
Ignore my depressing stanzas and tear-filled rhymes.
They don't mean as much as they look like they do.
I'm fine,
trust me.
There isn't as much pain here as there appears to be.
I have good grades and a loving family.
I'm fine,
it's just me.
I'm the only demon in my head,
this voice comes naturally.
I'm fine,
I admit it freely.
It has nothing to do with the shadows
when I say these poems come easily.

To those who may be concerned,
I'm fine. I am. Really.
It's just sometimes...
No, I'm being silly.
I'm fine.
I'm really just fine.

May 2018 · 92
Hannah Marr May 2018
Counting sheep
(cliche, i know, but sometimes it works. it bores you to tears first, but eventually you can drift off)

Write a mental list of things you are thankful for
(some nights this is harder than others, but it helps build pathways of positive thinking. at least, according to psychology)

Think of all the things that made you smile today
(there will be days that this doesn't work, but it might just earn you one more smile on the better days, and whatever sleep you get'll be more restful)

Turn off screens, and keep electronics out of your room
(you're probably thinking oh now she's just being bossy or yeah, i've heard enough about this from the scientists but it works most of the time. try it)

(people usually connect this to come religion or superstition but really it just relaxes your mind and body, slowing your heart rate and calming your thoughts)

I'll add to this as I think of more. Feel free to add to it in the comments or message me and I'll add it to my list.
May 2018 · 83
Hannah Marr May 2018
- one (1) human shell
- one (1) sad or disastrous childhood memory
- one or more (1+) fear(s) and/or anxiety(s)
- one or more (1+) instances of contact with illness in loved ones
- one (1) empathetic heart [note: must still be beating]
- one (1) list of reasons to hate [but loving anyway]
- two or more (2+) supporters [even if only friends]
- several (1-3+) seeds of creativity
- infinite (∞) reasons to write

1. Take the human shell, and open its mind. Place inside the sad memory, and mix with fear and ill loved ones. Let sit for 13-18 years.

2. Open the human's chest and place in the heart, pulsing steadily. Once the heart is embedded, engrave the list of reason to hate, but remember to saturate with uncaring attachment and devotion.

3. Connect this human to at least two others who will uphold them unconditionally, but don't make them perfect. Nobody is. Your human may not take heed of their support, but this is a necessary step.

4. Place the seeds of creativity in the well-cultivated, sorrowful mind and water liberally with reasons to write. Allow the ideas to ferment.

5. Release your completed poet into an ink rich environment and supply with plenty of paper, internet, and books. Remember to feed at least once a day and set a curfew if your poet tends to sleep less than three hours a night. Warning: these creatures are delicate, but immensely powerful. Handle with care and caution. They're your problem now.

May 2018 · 87
Hannah Marr May 2018
i've realized i'm not such a hollow thing
after all

in my gut, where i thought there was merely a hole
there is in fact a crow, with beating wings and piercing beak
that up to a point has remained asleep

in my chest, where i thought there was just an icy stone
there is in fact a clawing monster curled under my breastbone
that is no longer docile and rips into my lungs

in my hands, where i thought there was hardly numb tingling
there is in fact a inexplicably stuttering pulse
that has recently been so faint as to be imperceptible

in my head, where i thought there were only my own thoughts
there is in fact a choir of voices murmuring a lament
that even now rises as a tempest in my mind

Hannah Marr May 2018
Ink scrawled on a torn scrap of paper incensed with dire intent and the stink of fear,
to scented stationary with loopy handwriting and 'I's dotted with hearts.
There is no real comparison, is there?
But each is a letter to those the writer cares about,
informing them of
a milestone decision.
Each letter is a turning point
that cannot be taken back,
symbolism of an end
and a new beginning.
Whichever way you look at it,
each paper, lined with letters,
is a flirt, with endings or otherwise.
Really, how different is death to love?
Are they really so dissimilar?

May 2018 · 150
Hannah Marr May 2018
you are older than the stones beneath your calloused feet, but somehow you feel young, still childlike in your naivety despite the fact that the world has conspired to throw you to the rocks below. the waves crash over your broken form, but you are still gazing up at the diving birds.

give this beach a washed up body, these waves a soul to caress. give these fish some bones to nibble, these seagulls some remains to harass. broken and battered, bloated and blue, they'd find you on the stones with the surf soaking your skin. a gift to the sea and whatever deity of death that would come to claim the spirit left behind.

alas, if only oblivion were such an easy acquisition. you crawl from the seafoam, reborn anew in your silver-skinned glory. they are distraught by your survival, but they should've known that you will not die until your time. you cannot. there are still things you must do before you are granted your end.

May 2018 · 368
Hannah Marr May 2018
I'm getting the sense I need to write my own eulogy
because at this point it seems I'll be the last one standing.
Cancer, depression, corruption,
taking on the world's population one by one,
and yet I am miraculously sheltered.
To think I'd make it longer than everyone else,
it's almost laughable.
I can't even picture myself five years from now
and yet I get the sense I'll be the last one to go.
The world is ending my friends,
I think we can all agree.
It's all our fault, too,
this endless misery.

Release me from the confines of my empathy.
How I wish the hurt of others from times long past
did not cause me pain as surely as any ****** wound.

May 2018 · 725
Hannah Marr May 2018
I wish to travel to Avalon
that island wreathed in legend.
I wish to travel to Avalon
this yearning a stone in my chest.
I wish to travel to Avalon
with Arthur himself as my guide.
I wish to travel to Avalon
to have my wounds healed liked that great King's.
I wish to travel to Avalon
that birthplace of Excalibur.
I wish to travel to Avalon
so my soul might similarly be forged.
I wish to travel to Avalon
and task that place with my eternal rest.

May 2018 · 132
Hannah Marr May 2018
The world hasn't been very nice to you, has it?
(For shame, world, for shame.)
It's easy to see as you pour your soul onto the page
that you cannot claim happiness with complete honesty.
And yet...
still you seem to touch a part of me
reserved for my hope in hopeless cases
(namely, myself)
that allows me to believe
that if you,
who seems to have been going strong
for so long,
can continue on...
then why shouldn't I?
You write plainly about pain,
and openly about endings,
but yet...
there is still some element,
some undercurrent,
that speaks of peace in the end,
and a kernel of grace
that can be grasped even in the dark,
at the bottom of a well without the rope to save oneself.
That not only despite your hardships,
but even because of them you can
keep putting one foot in front of the other,
ignoring the broken glass that litters the tar-stained road
representing the adversity you have had to hurdle up to this point
that seems to be the crux of your art,
only serves to provide in me a means to fan a flame
that I thought to have almost gone out.
It saddens me that your pain
is the means to my renewed determination,
but I can't help being gratefully, desperately hopeful.
Because if you can keep living
with the weight on your shoulders
procured over the length of your life
shouldn't I
who has lived half as long
with half as much strife
still be able to struggle on
with my own modest poetry?

In summary,
your words have touched me deeply, Mister Jason James,
and you will never know the depths of my gratitude.
Hope is a hard-won commodity,
and you have succeeded in planting a sprig of it
in my hopeless poet's soul.

May 2018 · 178
Hannah Marr May 2018
foggy street-lamp lit streets
concrete dark with damp and dusk

adrenaline, my constant companion
that thrill of fear curled 'round my spine
snaking between me shoulderblades
white-knuckle clutched switchblade
hidden beneath a cloaking fold
ready to pounce and draw in red

think me a pretty petty foolish maiden?
i'd like to see you try to touch me
to quench your ravenous thirst
and feel my sting through skin
to quench my own lust

foggy street-lamp lit streets
the concrete dark with damp and dusk and
doomed men's blood

Hannah Marr May 2018
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May 2018 · 85
Hannah Marr May 2018
Grey days and ash on my tongue.
Is this what depression tastes like?
I thought it would be more sad,
but I guess that's the apathy talking.
Hey, I'm not about to self-diagnose.
It's probably nothing clinical, right?
What do I know?
I'm not a doctor, or psychologist, or psychiatrist.
It's probably perfectly normal to feel like
the colors of the world are muted and
everything tastes burnt and
nothing is fulfilling anymore and
there's only emptiness five years from now.
Because it can't be my mental health, right?
No history of mental illness in the family,
no environmental stress,
and those are the two main elements, yeah?
It's probably just teen angst,
wild hormones,
fluxing identity crises one after another.
To say this numbness,
this supreme lack of motivation,
is an illness that needs help is just
seeking attention, yearning for direction,
but hey, everything's just fine, right?
I'm fine.
Perfectly fine.
Just need to get out more.
What does it matter that everything is grey and all I can taste is ash?

Hannah Marr May 2018

                                                               ­                                         "Terry!
                                                                    ­                      Are you alright?
                                                        ­                      Did the truck hit you?"

"Yeah, m'fine.
Just... fell.
Got knocked on the head.
I'll be okay."

                                                         ­                                "You're bleeding.
                                                       ­                                       Here, sit still."

Do you hear it?"

                                                           ­                                     "Hear what?"

"The music..."

                                                      ­                       "Hold it together, Terry.
                                                          ­          An ambulance is on its way."


                                              ­                                                   "Yes, Terry?"

"Would you sing for me?"

                                                           ­                                                        "...
                                                                ­          You know I can't do that."

"Why ever not?
You used to...
all the time..."

                                                       ­                                      "Stay with me!
                                                             ­                           Don't fall asleep!"

"Was it the death?
In the forest?

Dear Uncle Jim, this garden ground
That now you smoke your pipe around
Has seen immortal actions done
And valiant battles lost and won.

Is that how it goes?"

                                                         ­             "It's a nursery rhyme, Terry.
                                                          ­                 I'm sure you got it right."

"What's it called?
I can't remember the rest."

                                                         ­                 "Historical Associations
                                                   ­                                                   I believe."

"Sing it for me?
I don't know the rest."

                                                         ­                                             "Oh, well,
                                                           ­                                            let's see...

                                                         ...and valiant battles lost and won.

                                                           Here we had best on tip-toe tread,
                                                                ­While I for safety march ahead,
                                                            For this is that enchanted ground
                                                   Where all who loiter slumber sound...

                                                      ­                                                       Sorry.
                                                          ­                                     I can't finish."

"Yeah, I get it.
Thanks, Aaron."

                                                        ­                                                         "..."

"You have a nice voice."

                                                        ­                     "The ambulance is here.
                                                          I­'ll come meet you in the hospital."


Historical Associations is by Robert Louis Stevenson
Hannah Marr May 2018
"Aaron, I have met
someone at the college.
Her name
is Naomi."

                                                        ­                                                       "Oh?
                                                            ­                            What is she like?"

"Her hair is white
like ash, the same
grey as her eyes,
she is only nineteen.
She is an undergrad in

                                                 ­                               "Astronomy? Really?"

And she is a poet, too."

                                                          ­                "How did you meet her?"

"I ran into her in the library
while I was researching
for an essay.
She was surrounded by books,
stacks and stacks of them,
her hair like
a white curtain
'round her face."

                                                         ­                                         "And next?"

"I walked past,
allowing her to remain focused
but she looked up at me
and pinned me with her gaze
and asked me my name."

                                                         ­                           "And you told her?"

Then she asked me
if I would be interested
in helping her find
the history of a certain
You won't believe which one."

                                                          ­                                            "Tell me."

He's a hero, but
his name is translated as destroyer,
and he carries a sickle-shaped sword.
The legend said he was placed in the sky
as a constellation after he died."

                                                     "What does this have to do with me?"

"The legend reminded me of you.
So much hardship,
so much blood,
but alive in the end."

                                                                  "Unlike most heroes of myth."

"My point exactly."

                                                             "I might be interested in meeting
                                                                              this 'Naomi' character."

"I'll set something up."

May 2018 · 95
Hannah Marr May 2018
this toxic paradox is
running with the wild crowd, just leave me
brutally binding myself and wishing to be
i am burning, burning can't you
struggling to live but dying in order to
bury me like roots, i'll sprout into a
cut me down and sacrifice me to the
listen to my words, acknowledge my
entomb me, avalanche, cover me in
help me, save me, have you the
father, spirit, son, the holy
forgive me my inevitable killing
this toxic paradox is

May 2018 · 94
Hannah Marr May 2018
tell me
what is your truth?
what is the truest thing about you,
boiled down, concentrated
into one sentence?

i am not here.

most of my thoughts
are in another place,
another world of my own creation
or from a story i once knew.

i stare off into space,
head in the clouds,
not really present.

there is a lingering sense
that i don't belong,
that i'm not meant to be here,
that i am supposed to be
somewhere else,
that i need to be
somewhere else.

my truth?
i am not here.
you are speaking with a shell.
a shadow, a husk,
a liminal form that doesn't matter very much.

i am not here.

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