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Ashwin Kumar May 2023
I had really hoped
To forget you, once and for all
However, it seems you are always hovering around
Like an annoying little mosquito
Ready to **** the blood
Of anyone and everyone in your vicinity
And looking for that perfect window of opportunity
To mock my shortcomings
Which apparently do not exist
For your precious little "best friend"
Who has a smug smile on his face
Ready to defend you at the drop of a hat
Of course, it will only be a matter of time
Before you tire of him as well
Because, people exist merely for your needs
Which are about as realistic
As Telugu action movies are
Therefore, it is a huge irony
That you were my first female friend
Of course, I am not sure you understand
What friendship truly means
Because, you promise one thing
And then proceed to do the exact opposite
May God help that unfortunate soul
Who truly cares for you
Because s/he will be in for a rollercoaster ride
Which will never end
Until your delusional fantasies are satisfied
By the time that eventually happens
S/he would be dead
Anyway, it was you
Who wanted to be friends with me in the first place
I, being a naive idiot
Readily accepted your offer of friendship
And was with you
Through thick and thin
However, you cut me off
When you needed me no longer
I apologised to you a number of times
Not because I did anything wrong
But because your inflated ego required a massage
Alas! To you, I was nothing more than a problem child
Whom you wanted to mould
According to your whims and fancies
I was never an independent human being
Who could make his own choices
And live his life on his own terms
Your own Brahmin sensibilities matter more to you
Than a friend who genuinely cared for you
Unlike "Mr Smug Face", whom I had mentioned earlier
You destroyed my self-confidence
And turned me into an insecure wreck
God knows how many more people exist
Whom you've treated as "use and throw"
Just keep one thing in mind, though
There will surely be a time
When the tables are turned
And it is you who will become a lonely wreck
Then there will be noone
Who is ready to rush to your aid
Because, you will be forgotten; once and for all
As you deserve to be
Poem dedicated to my first female friend, who cut me off because of a silly comment on Facebook.
Ashwin Kumar Nov 2022
You may think you are special
Because you are rolling in money
And have lots of boyfriends
But the reality is as different
As chalk is from cheese
A person is special
Due to his/her character
Or what s/he does
You have a personality that is so shallow
That it would put even the Kardashians to shame
And that is saying something
You do not know the first thing about friendship
And yet consider yourself an ideal friend
To one and all
While you proceed to ghost someone
Whom you've known for years and years
All because of a silly comment
On a photo of yours on social media
Someone may be your BFF one day
And turn into a mere acquaintance the next day
For you, people are like bubblegum wrappers
To be used and thrown at a moment's notice
Of course, as we all know
There's no point in breaking your head over people
Especially in a our rather fickle-minded society
But when you act all high and mighty
As though you're always right
And everyone else is wrong
It really gets my goat
Again, you may think you are special
Based on money, good looks or the number of boyfriends you have
But all these will get you nowhere in life
Because, there will be a time
When you are in desperate need of help
And you will find
That the only people who can be of use
Are the ones whom you've already chucked
A rant against one of my former friends from Graduation.
GaryFairy Oct 2021
On Facebook

for leaving a comment on a post about Orangutans. The article was about how they found that primates have an actual language. It's not like I said "duh". Another person said that they were probably talking **** about us. My comment said "**** them"!

Thanks Facebook for helping me realize that i'm not funny. And thanks for giving me a week to think about my actions(or what some lifeless ***** thinks is an action). A facebook ban is in the best interest of anyone who gets banned. Anyone who reported my comment as hate speech, has a lot more to face up to than me...and it's all saved on the master server.

A week of full on, beautiful reality.
if typing out a stupid thought is an action, we lose our rights...and many great writers would have never existed. I got your backs, even though you would stab mine.
Poetic T Oct 2019
A whisper within the tall reeds,
                          as hollow words

echo though those static.

Yet ever word has motion
             on those unmoved.

Yet words can collect upon the cracks.

Weaving untruths between each,
              caressed form.

And still though unmoved.
      I heard the lies that started

as a ripple in a pond.

But made there way through
  the reeds that stood tall.

And I just gazed as the wind told me,
          that no matter the ripples.

A breeze is still made,
      and will pass through,
           the reeds of static


I cried on the edge,
             that I neither had thrown
                                  a stone of lies within

or that I had breathed untruths
that were
                wavering between static reeds.
SomeOneElse Nov 2018
What did i do. What did i say
That made you want to stay away
I know you were just being kind
Trying to spare my fragile mind
You said that I did nothing wrong
Yet from my chats you are now gone
You said you would never ghost me
But now you will not talk to me
I think you thought if given time
I would forget and be just fine
I fear that I have lost my friend
I miss my muse and good dear friend
What did i say. What did i do
To lose your trust or offend you?
You inspired me to read and write
To not give up and see the light
So many poems I've shared with you
Hurts me to think our friendship’s through
The bad thing i had said or done
Wish it could all just be undone
I hope someday to hear from you
And for our friendship to renew
What did i do. What did i say
That made you want to walk away
Written for my friend qho decided she didnt want to be my friend anymore
SomeOneElse Oct 2018
Why am i always losing friends
When will this cycle ever end
Abandoned by most of my friends
Feeling undesired yet again
Written after being bandomed and diacarded by another friend
Oindrila Sarkar Oct 2016
Crossfire of words;
Goodbyes unsaid.
Conversations nullified;
Increasing distance.
A disappointing ending;  
Another promise broken.
Another bullet taken;
Another friend unfriended.
Yume Blade Sep 2015
Does someone  care  of you ?
if care means ask me if I'm ok
than yes , he does

Does someone  like  you ?
if like means smile at me
than yes , he does

Does someone  talk  to you ?
if talk means comment everything
than yes , he does

Does someone  listen  to you ?*
if listen means just hear my voice
than *yes
, he does
There is a someone ??
is this someone is you ?
I guess not.
Dolores L Day May 2014
I've known you for five years.
We were best friends for four.
You were older by fifteen years.
But even at thirteen I loved you more
than any man I've ever met.
And I still do.
And I know that with each still birth your heart broke off another piece.
And I am sorry.

But that doesn't mean that I don't think about you every day.
And wish that eventually you will come out and say
I love you.

Because I will never stop loving you too.
Even if you never told me your last name.
Oh broken man that has broken me.
I will never stop searching for you.

— The End —