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Man 23m
Perform playact, strut your stuff -
Always a fun time,
If you know how to bluff.
Make love all night, night turns to day -
Love under the sun,
Love in the shade.
Give it free or restricted,
If it's only kept to yourself
What's the difference?
You are the friend I cherish the most
When it comes to unconditional love
Undoubtedly, are you the best
As long as I live
Will I be on your side
Together, can we turn the tide!

You are the friend I cherish the most
And someone I would love to arrest
For the crime of "being too nice" !!
A sweet smile on your beautiful face
Does wonders to my mental health
Always, will I be ready to assist
Should you need anything
To me, does your friendship mean everything!!

You are the friend I cherish the most
When it comes to trust
Seriously, are you absolutely unbeatable
Also, are you extremely capable
As far as work is concerned
So much, have you achieved
Yet, are you humble to a fault
Even can the hardest of hearts melt
After coming in contact
With a human being as compassionate
As you are
Really, are you such a dear!!

You are the friend I cherish the most
Without you, will I be lost
So precious, is your advice
Indeed, are you exceptionally wise
As well as a model of patience
Always, do you give people second chances
Because, are you kind as Helga Hufflepuff
Irritating you is very very tough!!

You are the friend I cherish the most
Thanks to you, have I started thinking less about my past
And liking myself more
If I ever get stuck in a mire
It is you, whose help would I seek, above all
In the stock market, you are the bull
Because, are you so positive
You make me believe
That I can finally conquer my demons
From you, have I learned many a lesson!!

You are the friend I cherish the most
With you on my side
I believe I can pass any test
Because, always will you come to my aid
In fact, are you not merely a friend
But also an unofficial sister
So happy am I, to be your brother
And to you, may the Lord always be kind
Take care and continue being the awesome human being you are!!
Poem dedicated to Shruti, a very close family friend of mine.
i don’t know
how to explain it
something about you
makes me
believe in
magic again
and i’m not
talking about
a fairytale
or cheap tricks
from a magician

but there’s something
that was once cold
that begins to melt
and drip away
and it’s so nice
to break the ice
so things can
finally begin

i count my
good fortune
by the number
of my grins
following my moods
can be tricky
and there is no guide
or map
to help make
any sense
of it

i just really
those times
when i don’t
feel like ****

so i guess
what i’m trying
to say
thank you
for sharing some
laughs with me
and making my
weird, lizard brain
feel slightly more
like a human
or at least
like there’s
another lizard brain
who can be lizardly
with me
The ocean seems so peaceful, the night is so calm
How the moon is ever so charming
Shining on me once again, and once again I long to be friends
you taught me how to whale watch, you taught me how to heal

I stare right at the moonlight, hopeful for a shooting star
It seems you're getting farther, and I'm left with all the scars
We stay closely right on the shore
Yet loving memories turn to a bore

Swaying and swaying, our row boat is sinking
Waiting and waiting, do I stay still or do I swim
I hear the whales calling me, I float towards their sounds
They sing melodies of the past, their themes are so profound

You wait on the shore, dripping wet, I'm stuck between you and nostalgia
Of whale calls repeating what once was, and you proclaiming what will be
Their voices sound like Honey, yours like a bee

I know you're right, I know its wrong, but I want to live in the past tense
before our relationship became tense
lovers to friends, siblings to strangers
We went from content to danger

I wave goodbye, cowardice, I cry knowing that this is all a dream
That you wished me the best, that I stayed in the stream
That you want us close, and I grow even farther
I wish you were closer, and that I was smarter

I stay, whale watching as you fade away
Wondering when it will be the day
We meet again and iron this out
To before things went south

I hope to find you on that same shore
with the same smile
with the same heart
A poem I was struggling to write since 4th may, the situation was indecisive until now, things have been pretty unstable as of late. I don't know how to feel of it.
NaNi 5d
Its been Over a decade
one would think we’re inevitable
Friends who never became lovers
Bond so strong we’re untouchable
The thoughts crossed my mind plenty
Are we possible ?
We are so farm from love
Yet we are unstoppable
When we’re together , the world stops
Picture perfect no crops
Could we be?
Or is a friendship like ours only once in a lifetime
Friendship until the last lifeline?
Distance has & will always be our what if?
And if we ever did work
you’d have to come find me
Cause we’re a long distance from love
So until then we’d never know

Heather 7d
I find myself reading my own words endlessly
Teleporting myself to the times I loved them
The poems might be penned by different women  
They are undoubtedly me;
Yet shaded by the personalities I took on under love’s spell
And I wonder how my intensity has scalded
For each one leads a life seemingly more fulfilling
And I continue to simmer
AE May 24
Harvesting all the blooms
the cherry red dahlias and sunlit marigolds and buds with hues of ambient mornings thinking of how it feels to touch the sunrise and upholster the wind to this couch
where a turbulent heart rate tends to rest

wondering if in all the laughter and friendship and years and years
of things to talk about, to hold onto
to catch distances in my hands
and rest them on my palms
with all the wonderful things you will do

I work in my garden growing mornings
ones I pray will bring upon a rain
that will shower on the places
where you happen to be
that will sink into your grounds
and give you everything you need
To flourish
Poetic Eagle May 23
"Did letting you go hurt?"

I said l had to **** every part of me
that loved you

Bury all memories, laughter and hope
Just not to remember

Regardless everyday I'm fighting your ghost
If l dare  open my heart to feel again
Either running or crawling
It will find its way back to you

So letting him go, took every part of me too
And yes I'm ok
Blades in your mouth but you're not chainsaw man
Any opportunity to be an opp
You take it by hand
Forever you swear we tight
Like a Shaolin clan
Yet I see a katana eveytime
You say “You understand”

We grew side by side
Call each other family members
Uncle and aunty
So why anytime I trip
Over my family tree
You were there waiting
To catch and bury me

In Homeroom debating cartoons
To lying about taking shrooms
With the water girls to see
If they part vacuum
Thought our college days be
A different world
You saw it like who “the best man”
Now our friendships otherworld
Maybe in the next life, we can
give it A whirl
Until then where’s the knife
We have a lot to unfurl

Continuing to grow making room for
A family
Adding decimals to make their life more
It always seemed medicinal until the economy went critical
Now it's every man for themselves
Even if there’s enough on the shelves
You see me and mine as wanting
Yours to fail
At least that’s what it looks like
When I scroll on my cell
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