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i’d step on your neck at the best of times but
i wish you the best of luck with the rest of your life
break a leg, hit your head, break every bone in your body
though i hope you make it out alive because i’d hate to feel sorry
i hope roses by your bedside would suffice for a goodbye
i hope we never have to speak for the rest of your long life
break a leg
George Krokos May 12
It’s usually better to be safe than sorry
is what you hear some people often say
because it eliminates a lot of the worry
that may come into their lives each day.
From 'The Quatrains' ongoing writings since the early 90's
Jeremy Betts May 1
Okay, okay, geeze
They're only follies
I'm sorry, have mercy,
I can surrender no further,
I plea on my knees
Doesn't matter how hard you squeeze
There's nothing left,
I have nothing left
I'm begging you please
When you leave,
Just deposit me by the other empties

Jeremy Betts Apr 21
I thought you'd be the one to make me whole again
Not take another piece and leave a hole again
Maybe we shouldn't have taken it further than friend
Maybe I forgot to tell you that I break, I do not bend
I kept from you that being with me comes with a price
But only because I thought not destroying a love for once would be nice
It was never going to be easy, mostly due to me
I thought I'd made every mistake, turns out I did just didn't learn from any

Jeremy Betts Apr 12
Searching wildly
Mind and heart
Panics arrival forever untimely
Becoming flailing limbs in the dark
Desperately feeling for a way toward a way to put it mildly
Never finding more than a question mark
Tripping on everything I should have already put behind me
Blindly trying to look over everything said from the start
Only finding it's the same as before the start mark
I'm sorry to report
All I can find,
All I really have
Is another sorry sorry
One more weightless apology

I am no longer yours to keep hidden,
They all know now,
Yet you refuse to acknowledge
That I am yours.
After the battles I fought for us,
To be together,
You vanished from the truth's gaze,
And sought refuge in falsehoods.
I apologize for investing so much in you,
For sacrificing everything
For your sake.
I regret clinging to the hope
Of our forever.
I'm sorry.
Danica Apr 10
In whispers soft, apologies are spun,  
Like magic spells beneath the sun,  
Yet hollow echoes fill the air,  
For they can't heal the wounds laid bare.  

You say "sorry" without feeling deep,  
Unaware of the scars you reap,  
No effort made for reconciliation's start,  
Leaving shattered pieces of a broken heart.  

How can you act as if nothing's amiss,  
Sending messages with a careless kiss?  
Can't you see the effort I've bestowed,  
While you turn the blame, letting falsehoods grow?  

Your words, a dagger, twist and turn,  
Making me believe it's my fault to learn.  
But if your heart lies elsewhere, let it be known,  
So I can find my place, no longer alone.  

If it's her you seek, then set me free,  
From this tangled web of deceit, let me flee.  
For I deserve truth, not shadows cast,  
Release me now, let go at last.
Just let go at last.
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