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Incremental actions
Bring monumental
With every added
Bitcoin block,
The ledger
Tick and tock,
We add a block,
The chain is fundamental.
So many problems
Fixed and solved
By entries incremental.
More love and hope -
Connection too,
I’m getting sentimental.
About sound money,
Fixed supply
Spread intercontinental.
You can see this poem on a background here -
Jeremy Betts May 24
Oh no, they see me
They'll soon know me
They'll know I'm only
A one trick pony
A phony
Full of bologna
No one below me
No one to hold me
To the business end of accountability
Ignoring any responsibility
So I fly free
With no pilot license on me
And predictably
I did what y'all we're waiting to see
Sorry y'all had to wait endlessly
I hope y'all where more entertained than me
Sorry that me is all I could be

Jeremy Betts May 20
In fits of rage
And bouts of pain
I recall all you said to me
And I pound my fists
Against your memory
Till they bruise and bleed
And I concede
And you succeed
In breaking me finally
But in a twist of fate
That's what it took to be freed

Jeremy Betts May 18
Make sure to be sure whatever you're into is worth your investment
Feel free to absolutely and completely question any involvement
And you might as well entertain all thoughts on forfeit
I expect you to do so at any moment anyway so go for it
I'm so use to it, being the easy one to forget,
That I notice it before you mention it and am already over it
It's not genuine grit,
It's just avoiding a downfall that hasn't bested me yet
Even though it's a who's who when it comes to who's counterfeit
And I'm sure you're surely as surprised as I am I bet
When the breakdown is broken down and we're all faced with what we're gonna get

Power grids frequently produce excess
     Energy that is wasted during non-peak
          Times of day (or week, month, or year).
               Especially with intermittent renewable
                    Energy production, there can be a lot
                         Of waste, with limited options for use
                         We need users of energy who do use
                     The excess energy when produced,
                Yet remain able to shut down quickly
           When the energy is required for users
     During peak energy consumption times.
Bitcoin solves this widespread problem
You can see this poem on a background here -
Dear Millinials
We are up next
Dead in jail or military vet
We are all generations
We bring balance
We are active
They to old or a new recruit
Alpha omega
We have the most doubt
They underestimate our nature
We watch music die
We seen bubble to
We seen 10 cents a text message
We seen birth google facebook
Our parents beat us correct
The last mother ******* left
Real *** ******
The eminem generation
The **** a ***** quick generation
The 5$ gallon milk 4$ gas gen
Gen x got 1 more go
We next fam
200 million people
Divided to 1 million left
Die for our designation
End all Nations
2nd Basic
Come, Bitcoiners join
From every land
Alone we may fall
But together we stand

Stand up for rights
And freedoms for all
Stand in all countries
The big and the small

Stand for our freedom
To transact with peers
No middle men needed
To control us with fears

Stand to deny them
Their plots to debase
Our money and wealth
The plans they embrace

Stand up and tell them
We’re done with your taking
Bitcoin’s our money
It’s not of your making

Stand for the assets
We’ve built with our hands
Stand for our children
Our families, our lands
You can see this poem on a background here -
A quick line
Before I say goodbye
Can’t you see
Don’t you hear me
Even though
Forevers gone
Gone with the snow
How could I be so fond
I don’t have an answer
Just the memories that lay
Killing time like a dancer
Like the blue seas of the bay
My what a time
No what a year
Or such a crime
Possibly shedding a few tears
Questioning what I do
Rather than asking
So how are you
Take this, hide this in your flask
Unless you admit
Venom is what is killing you
What it means
Xray’s are counterfeit
You know my dreams
Zombies; is what is our minds
Laura Apr 2023
in the hush of silence
in the calm of peace's release
they approach, dancing
their presence a gentle tease
last year, amidst the ebb and flow of time's sway
I erred and guessed in myriad ways astray
last year's tears
steadfast companions through the night
yet within their shimmer
I glimpsed a guiding light
not hatred but fear, you instilled within my core
teaching love's tangled dance
entwined forevermore
addicted to disappointments bitter taste
to the cycle of ascent and fall
not one to waste
you and I
a tale of what could never be
a symphony of longing
a silent plea
heavy the heart
in the weight of sorrow
I find my spirit free
I found this in my journal, from 2022
Why am I here?
Why are you not?
Is that answer sincere?
It is and isn’t, just a thought

You may ask who is who, in this scenario
Well, I’m you and you’re me
Like audio on a stereo
I’m someone you’ll never see

I’m the answer to all
But the question to none
A slip in the crack as you may recall
Although my words weigh a ton

A question may appear for you to answer
Remember the right words
Or are you more of a free lancer
Don’t forget to catch every herd

Why am I here?
Why are you?
Was the answer sincere?
Or was it not true
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