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foul weather friends creep in with the clouds
misery keeps company on the inside looking out
    “i’d pull all the teeth from your open mouth
before i’d ever let you frown”
it's all gore from here on out
heavensent friends descend from the clouds
hiding fangs behind kind hands
you can hardly hide your smiles
    “i’d rather see the frown torn from your mouth,
than ever think i’d let you down”
friends from above, keeping me from looking up
i can’t ever be like them if i don’t learn to stomach blood
    “you could be happy, smiling with all your teeth -
but then why would you need me?”
It’s all the same
It all the same
I tell myself over and over
A different night, a different light
Yet I look in the mirror sober
But who’s to blame
Who’s to blame
Bea Rae Apr 19
With her upbringing

She could have been a villian

Instead she chose righteousness
Bea Rae Apr 15
I cannot bring myself

To say goodbye because that

Means losing you forever
Bea Rae Apr 15
Tell me, which is harder.
Waiting for something you know will never be in your cards,
or having to come with the terms that it will never happen.
Bea Rae Apr 12
Maybe closing yourself

Off from me will make it easier

When the inevitable comes
Bea Rae Apr 11
Somewhere maybe in

Another time your heart was

A piece of mine
Bea Rae Apr 8
From the moment I

Met him I knew he was worth

The heart ache
Bea Rae Apr 8
Have you asked yourself

If you are running towards your fears

Or away from them
Bea Rae Apr 6
I fell in love with

The darkness of your soul because

It felt like home
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