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A hug from behind envelopes
Her with my
Warmth and
Love and affection
Just for her.
Hug 🤗🤗🫂🫂 Just For Her
I dedicated this to you
Our brightest star;
The blooming lotus flower
Our kindest soul;
The moon that watches over us
Butterflies scattered around the fields
Reassuring us that your soul is at peace

Even till the end meets
Your smile was everything

Thank you for all the memories
You've shared every second of
Never expected the grief would come so soon, losing someone sure is hard.
Keep your loved ones close and hug them tight everyone <3
Aahoc Oct 2023
Have you ever felt so alone that you feel the pins and needles on your skin?
Your arms start to tingle.
Have you ever considered that you are trying to jump out of your skin to hug yourself?
So often we quickly dismiss that sensation and try to move past it.
What though, if we just let play it out?
Don't run.
Don't push it away.
Embrace yourself and the lonely hug.
Elena Aug 2023
I need a hug
hug so tight
even though it may break my bones
I need a hug
someone to hug me
someone to never let me go
someone to make my cold body warm
someone who will make my soul smile
I just need a hug
the pain in my heart
is growing promptly
i've built up these walls
so no-one would see

  pain - i know you
you **** me deep inside
make me feel insubstantial
you are a stride......

  i cry myself to sleep
hugging my pillow tight
i wish you to hold me warm tonight
i need you to cheer me up
stop me to drink and be numb enough  not to feel anything
xavier thomas Feb 2023
It hurts to know I was the last image you saw before you found your soulmate
Edoardo Alaimo Apr 2023
Una nuvola arriva e copre,
Un ombra davanti al sole
Dalle tenebre
Diffonde la luce

Ha le forme di un tocco angelico
Forse un dio, premuroso,
O un suo messaggero,
Che abbaglia gli indifferenti

Ti avrò pensata una, due volte,
O forse cento o forse mille
Ogni volta era pura magia
Con le tue braccia a me avvolte

Ti avrò pensata urlando,
Piangendo e mentre ero felice.
Allo specchio mi son detto,
Rifarei tutto quel che andiam sognando
Thoughts on a plane,
while I was going to a research center
the clouds had just the right shape.

NEVER close your love in a box,
When you feel like it
Just give it all, expand, explode.

Dead lover Jan 2023
I wish you hug me one day,
If not everyday, at least one day.

I will not ask you for more,
I will not become a daily chore.

I will never ask you to say,
What you do not and thus can not say.

I have loved you for as far as I can remember,
It was just my confession that I made in December.

You trying to hurt me to make me move on,
Reminds me of the scene between Eowyn and Aragon.

What makes you think you can do, to  stop me from loving you?
I ask you not for your presence, just that you acknowledge my feelings for you.

Which you do not, even though it won't hurt to.
It will not cost a penny.
I am not asking you to love me too.

I cry myself to sleep, even though to you I say i am better,
You never acknowledged any feelings on calls or the letter.

You did not see me, you don't know i am in pain.
I know you do not want to see me ever again..

I deserve one hug, if not more.
You've never really hugged me before.

Give me some meaning, just closure I don't ask for a hope.
I know you don't like me, and for a future together, there's no scope.

But to you, oh my near and dear one!
I wish, I was more than just a no one.
I've no idea what's the point of hurting someone who has already grieved for so long?
That's not how my love, you can make me move on...

I loved you then, I love you more today,
In my own ****** up way.

You didn't have to reciprocate what you can't.
I will never ask you to. But what's so wrong about just saying a simple "Thank you"?

Ykw, I love you, and I will. For I have no switch to turn it back.... You've never been a bad person to me, I don't know how do you want me to see you as one... Don't give me reasons on why we shouldn't be together.. I've said everything that's there in my heart, I have nothing hidden anymore. I know you still care for me and I do too... That for me is more than enough... But I really hope one day I do get to hug you, and to get a selfie clicked with you... That's all..

And I hope I stop crying... My eyes hurt.. my face looks all puffy and has got a few scratches from the tears that actually Dry up your face.

Maybe one day you'd care to know about it...and I write it here with that hope. I love you
Willing to be Yours and only yours..
thepoeticwit Oct 2022
and in that long embrace
did I sense
depths of longing
abundant yearning
cries of desperation
enclosed in that tiny frame
cleaved unto my chest

my heart hears
and aches with her
breaks, and cries with her
longing for
her pains to resolve
for peace to set in at ease
for my warmth to grant
blessed reassurance

but alas
I am no saviour
barely a lover
just a friend
only shall I ever be
there by her side
in earnest prayer
in hope that
breakthrough arrives
and salvation draws near.
for Nina.
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