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Zywa May 17
Still to be set up:

the Merry Celebration --

of Counting Blessings.
Novel "Fury" (2001, Salman Rushdie), chapter 1

Collection "Low gear"
Malia Apr 21
i meander at the
depths of rock bottom stumbling
upon newfound grace and

the spiking stone all around
is dull to the eyes but makes
the ever-blue sky
come alive.

when i reach up to
touch it, i know that
i am too small to caress
those faint cotton candy

but in my dreams,
i greet the sunrise by
perching on the shoulders
of those who dare to rise
Lawrence Hall, HSG

                                      Tha­nk God That’s Over

St. Therese of Lisieux is said to have said
After an especially long liturgy
“Thank God that’s over!”
And who am I to argue with a saint?
Saint Therese of Lisieux and Gratitude
Bekah Halle Apr 1
She passes faster than we can grasp,
We try to capture her, firm in our clasp.
But she runs right through us,
Savouring, she becomes our mistress,
She rules indiscriminately,
Sometimes, not always, distressingly.

Oh, mistress Time, full of beauty,
Admired, best in present, free and fruity.
If we don't, we mourn,
And if only despaired, she will scorn.
But now, she comes alive,
Invigorated, we thrive.

Face to face, she tells tales,
Of the dreams; places we’ll sail.
Future fantasy, we indulge,
Temptress Time, let us divulge,
Our secrets,
Worn down, we slip; more regrets.
uv Mar 24
Looking back at another year,
Being thankful for things far and near.
The horizon has never been this bright,
The sea of love brimming with glorious light.

Looking back at another year,
Grateful for things small and dear.
Possibilities like soft molding sand,
Hope of adventures crossing sea and land.
Zywa Mar 7
Every day we are

celebrating without frills --

just being grateful.
Story "Het verhaal van Oosterhuis" ("Easthouse's story", 1946, Belcampo)

Collection "SoulSenseSun"
Nishu Mathur Mar 4
Grateful for the blue skies
For the warmth of a day 
For soft drops of rain

For lilac buds and trees 
Dancing leaves 
For ocean waves on sandy grains. 

Grateful for what is seen 
Touched, felt 
In whispers heard

The moment that soaks in 
The little joys of life 
Midst the spinning of the world.

Grateful for wine and water
Fruit of orchards
Seasons that shed

For hands that help 
Eyes that speak 
With words unsaid.

Grateful for those who love 
For the wind behind
Feathered wings

For angels that twinkle 
Through the stars 
And the light they bring.

Grateful for kindness 
Hugs in gentle embrace

Grateful for smiles 
That come my way 
That my fingers love to trace.

Grateful for rays of hope 
That fill a cup 
Then glimmer on the rip

Grateful for you 
And the quiet presences 
For the gift of life and Him.
Bekah Halle Jan 25
There’s much more going on in my life,
Than just in this moment.
There’s a bigger story at large,
The story involves love and atonement.

Not just a job, a husband or health restoration,
But eternity.
Lift your eyes,
Keep them fixed above and not on modernity.

Go deeper still,
Get in under your skin,
Go to the heart,
And let true life begin.

The mind is amazing,
But it can often get us fixed.
On things of this world,
So lift your eyes higher to the mystery betwixt.


In the vast expanse of existence, we humbly stand before you, Almighty Gad. Your divine presence echoes through the cosmos, shaping the universe with your boundless wisdom. As the sun rises and sets, so does our gratitude for the gift of life bestowed upon us.

In the tapestry of time, your love weaves through the threads of our journey, a constant source of solace and inspiration. Through trials and triumphs, we find refuge in your eternal embrace, knowing that your grace is an unwavering beacon guiding us through the storm.

Majestic Gad, the orchestrator of galaxies and the whisperer in the wind, we sing praises to your name. Your mercy rains down like gentle dew, refreshing the soil of our souls. In moments of darkness, your light illuminates our path, dispelling shadows and instilling hope.

In the symphony of creation, every note resonates with your divine melody. The mountains declare your grandeur, and the rivers sing of your endless flow of compassion. The intricacies of nature reflect the artistry of your hands, a masterpiece that testifies to your infinite majesty.

Oh Gad, our Rock and Redeemer, we offer our gratitude for the gift of salvation. As we navigate the complexities of life, may your word be a lamp unto our feet, guiding us towards righteousness and love. Let the echoes of our praises rise like incense, reaching the heavens in a harmonious symphony of devotion.

In unity, we gather to honor you, Almighty Gad, recognizing the sacred bond that unites us as your children. With hearts overflowing with
reverence, we surrender to your divine will, knowing that in your presence, we find everlasting peace.

In the stillness of our souls, we seek you, Almighty Gad, as a sanctuary in the midst of life's tumultuous seas. Your presence, like a gentle breeze, calms the storms within, and your love, an anchor, steadies our fragile vessels.

Through the vast expanse of time, your eternal wisdom unfolds like the pages of a sacred manuscript, revealing the intricate tapestry of our existence. In the chapters of joy and sorrow, we find solace in the narrative of your unending grace, a narrative that transcends the limits of mortal understanding.

Oh, Divine Gardener, tend to the gardens of our hearts. Cultivate the seeds of compassion and kindness, that they may bloom into flowers of love that fragrance the world around us. Water our spirits with the dew of understanding, that empathy may grow as a mighty oak, sheltering those in need.

As dawn paints the canvas of the sky, we acknowledge the beauty of creation, a masterpiece woven by your hands. The sun, a radiant symbol of your enduring light, dispels the shadows of doubt, and the moon, a gentle reminder of your constant presence, guides us through the night.

In the symphony of life, we are instruments of your divine harmony. May our actions resonate with the melody of justice, kindness, and humility. Let our words be notes of encouragement, lifting the spirits of those who traverse the winding paths of existence.

Almighty Gad, in times of adversity, be our fortress; in times of joy, be our celebration. Bind us together as a community of souls, interconnected by the threads of faith, love, and shared humanity. We stand before you, our hearts open, seeking the whispers of your guidance in the gentle breeze of existence. Amen!!!🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏

Kindly share to as many page & group, help people learn of their Creator. Create HIS awareness. & comment
grow the kingdom of the ALMIGHTY.

May the echoes of our shared prayers resonate in the sacred spaces of your heart.
Amen! 🙏
When I stood awe, looking the world and the wonders surrounding it.
Anais Vionet Jan 21
Why isn’t “*******” a complement?
I mean, when “Thank you” isn’t enough?

You get a great meal and fantastic service at a restaurant.
You leave a nice tip and as you leave, you add, a waving,
cheerful “*******!” Which says it all.

You have your car repaired, it cost ½ the estimate -
you’re thrilled - and as you view the bill, you grin
and say, “*******!” The mechanic smiles
proudly and says, “You’re welcome!”

You’re at work and your boss says that you’re getting a raise.
You say, “*******!” And you mean it.
He/she laughs and says, “Right back at ya!”

Isn’t getting ****** - at the right place, with the right
someone, one of life’s elysian pleasures? I mean honestly.
It should be up there with ‘God bless you.”

‘*******’ should be a standard courtesy expression,
there should be Hallmark ‘*******' cards,
with happy faces on them.
BLT Marriam Webster word of the day challenge: Elysian: blissful or delightful in an almost otherworldly way.
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