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You make me feel like I'm just...
A test dummy
A punching bag
An excuse
The reason
The fault at fault
The wrong one
A mistake
Possibly your biggest mistake
The bet you now wouldn't take
The "if only I hadn't..."
Bad in hindsight
A wrong you had to right
The time that's never right
Time you'll never get back
Someone you need to get over,
Move on from
And leave in the past
The pain in your a§§
The last time
Never gonna happen again
Someone who benefited from you being in the wrong state of mind
Your weak moment
Your young and dumb years, if you will
...shall I go on?

Reimers Mar 7
When things improve, I stumble and fall,
Self-sabotage whispers, questioning it all.
A perpetual cycle, back and forth I go,
Please, release me from this remorseful woe.

My anxious heart given a chance to soar,
Freed from shackles, yet I was careless.
In my own undoing, I tarnished the key,
Locked away the possibility of you and me.

You embraced this fool who turned from the world,
Your soothing presence and your words, warmth swirled.
Echoes in my chest, what was once lost, unchained,
Emotions surge - a tide - each part regained.

I won't revert to the person of old,
No more shivering, no more words left untold.
The reflection in the mirror, standing strong,
I'll rectify missteps, admit I did you wrong.

This time! Just this time please! Let redemption be my rhyme!
Jeremy Betts Mar 2
I mean, it's kinda funny
The punishment for life is the death penalty, that's literally the only true guarantee
Alterations void the warranty and there's no return policy, which I guess if fine honestly
But you can only rotate the tires so many times before it no longer matters
A crash will become eminent and just like the windshield, your future also shatters
No one's looking for a clock with a erratic tick and a broken tock
A polished **** advertised with a tiny sign as a shiny rock
Occasionally found screaming at nothing as frustration fills the body and muddies the mind
A full breakdown, stuck behind a roadblock, this time one of your own design
Trained by history to take every word heard with a pinch of salt
Cold and bitter, but is it by default?
Is it truly all my fault?
...why was I in such a hurry to be an adult...?
I'm gonna go make a fort and sort this all out

Dutch Feb 4
What does it take to make you realize that bad person is there in our world, and it was never your fault that they broke you apart.
Don't blame yourself.
I blame myself
Jeremy Betts Jan 22
Even Doc Holliday had one friend
I don't even have one someone who'd pretend
Or one that's pretend
Maybe it's my fault, I am noticing a common thread
But what do I even matter, what does it even matter in the end?

James Rives Jan 20
poetry is bloodletting
for my aching hands,
brain, heart, soul, whatever.
in maroon, I see a *****,
disconnected features, details,
themes, emotion.
all useless without the right vessel.
the pages may get stained
but the Rorschach means nothing
without rhythm and image and heat
and light.
i deserved it
Jeremy Betts Jan 12
It's my fault
It's my fault for thinking someone willing to lie from day one could be the one
It's my fault
It's my fault for thinking that my love would be worth someone's full attention
It's my fault
It's my fault for brushing off caution like, "it's not a red flag, iiiiit's more of a crimson"
It's my fault
It's my fault for being a coward when this time, maybe for the first time, there is no reason
It's my fault
It's my fault...fuuck's always my fault, I'm done..find another sucker to pick on

Jeremy Betts Dec 2023
Me against myself against I, a perpetual tie, not alright
Never try this darkness, it's destined to conquer light
It's the fault of the people close to me that my everything's bottled up air tight
Try as I might
Still pushed aside, out of sight

Me against myself against I, but who is right?
Do what I gotta do and what I gotta do is wake from this nightmare of a plight
No time to address it, either die in the ring or forfeit the fight
Despise the spotlight
Despite what you might think, I embrace the night

Jamesb Dec 2023
Having caused much pain
And upset to one I love
I looked long and hard
At me to find the root
Of my failing,

I cut deep and discarded
My ego my pride
And a host of other bad
Habits that accrued
Across the years,

And deep within me
I found an eight year old
Little boy with arms
About his knees,
Head down,

His tear streaked face
Framing a mouth that
Screamed silently in pain,
Heartbreak and

So I looked within
That visceral version of me,
Cutting deeper than before,
And right at his heart
I found a budded rose,

At first glance
It was perfect,
But closer view showed
Dessication discolour
And paper thin petals,

But even as I watched
Your hand appeared,
Caressed the child
Then watered his
Withered heart,

And in an instant that bud Regained its lustre
And its carmine hue,
The petals spread to glorious flower,
The silent screaming paused

In wonder then delight,
I realise now there
Was no fault in me nor
My heart or view
I just needed watering

With love

From you
Sometimes  being loved is enough to heal even  the deepest wound
Jeremy Betts Dec 2023

By a fear that's not my own
It's not my fault my heart is stone
More than I can handle alone
I give in...
I'll never know if I've ever been forgiven
(record scratch to Queen sample)
Carry on, carry on
Nothing really matters... meeeee
(speed/tone pitched down and fade out)

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