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Right here!
Floating above the metropolis
Green line
Threads of love

Masses flocking to the nest
Built from freedom by birds
At night people hear a whistling
Of the man in the colorful moon

This moment remains!
Because it's like that
This version of you
Welcome to the lagoon
Rocky, warm, water
This Version Of You
responsibility for all of ones actions
is an excellent start in understanding
no-one gets a free pass.
You did good my friend.
Hold my hand.
horizon’s fields of flowers.
Hear your mother calling.
Come my child let’s play again.
Only happiness and laughter.
Spirits dance the dance of peace.
Ultimate freedom’s music.
Singing the song of harmony.
Welcoming you,
out of darkness
into the arms of light.

Shell ✨🐚
In memory of Errol Jessurun.
Coming up to six of the clock
I have woken and taken stock
of myself,
nothing appears to be missing.

it's the middle of the week,
playing hide and seek
Friday in the wings.

is another charge on
life's credit card,

I have a healthy balance.
stuck here
it's how I like it but
that's the third time this month
first it was Terrence
then Theodore
now me.
my limbs
are meant
for living
all things
from roots
to the heavens
Across the years, 400 plus, my stories endlessly play out their parts.
I played not on painted stage, but I knew the human heart - 
I captured, with quill and scratch, the passions of laughter and tears.
I held up a mirror, in doublet and verse, to things unbound by years,
like the weight of grief, the lightness of love and the serpents of ambition.
The music of verse, the lilt and fall of words, hold a strange enchantment,
brief spells where fools, princes, witches and kings shared a selfsame planet.
Though my bones lay in hallowed ground, the stories I spun linger yet.
They've played out, in age after age, on a thousand, thousand stages.
It’s well done, If I say so myself, to live on, in millions of minds and bookshelves.
A song for this:
Just Like Romeo and Juliet by The Reflections
This is for the 'Lost Poetry from History Challenge'
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