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nivek 23h
responsibility for all of ones actions
is an excellent start in understanding
no-one gets a free pass.
nivek 23h
some say we escaped the jungle
came down from the trees;
to return with a chainsaw and
an insane thirst for making money.
nivek 23h
life's road at times is strewn with banana skins
and you have to wonder just who the litterer is;
an escaped monkey with a dire sense of humour?
  23h nivek
And it's always okay to let go of things, people and feelings , if they try to overpower you .

Eventually in the end ,the end will always be peaceful and like the way you always wanted.
The peace is within but without having anything.
nivek 1d
vanity falls away
a free creature
nivek 1d
the neighbours cat stalks birds in my garden
the fledglings are so innocent
-they have no idea a tiger wishes to eat them.
nivek 1d
the washing machine has its own songs
along with the fridge freezer
I allow these songsters to sing in my space
because they do me a service.
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