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Triston Albert Apr 2015
Are we not all equal?
Are we not truly free?
Are our decisions truly ours?
Or are they preset for us?
I couldn't tell you,
But I can remind you
You are who you are.
Accept it if you must
Deny if you can
And keep in mind that
The only way we can be free,
Is to free ourselves from the
Only prison that truly matters
Our minds.
Triston Albert Apr 2015
I remember the world as it was
I remember trees that filled the forests,
The Tall towering buildings we built,
And I remember how peaceful earth was.

I remember everything,
The birds that chirped with melody,
The sound of a new born crying,
And the gentle roar of each felidea.

My favorite things were the most deadly.
They cut down trees for more space,
They polluted the air simply for travel,
They constantly fought without cause.

But what destroyed them were themselves,
They thought it was just,
They thought it was civil,
They thought it was a must,
But that was before...

Before the flash.
Before the heat.
Before we all became ash.
And before the deadly rads.
Triston Albert Apr 2015
Don't look behind you,
Why? Because It's waiting for you too.
And while you may think nothings there
It wants you to think that, it wants you to not care.

No one can stop it
If you must you may throw a fit,
But it won't help you from it's lingering stare.
It just wants you silent, it wants you unaware.

Please do not forget it is there,
Because it will come for you one day
And when it does, it shall stay,
To watch you die, then to decay.

Try to avoid it, and you will see
That it is inevitable for all eternity.
But running from it will just cause a stew
And just remember, don't look behind you..
Triston Albert Apr 2015
Life has knocked me down more than once
And it feels like it does so every few months
The years pass
And I still feel like I'm on my ***.

I wanted help, I wanted someone to tell
But that just put me through hell.
When I thought it was all better
My soul released its longing tether

A man I once knew, to teach me better
Left my life and my side forever.
I didn't know what I was to do.
You can't tell me it wouldn't have wounded you.

When I tried reaching out no one was there
All I could do was sit, and stare.
My mess of a life was too much to bare
If only you were to have seen me there.

When something emerged from the dust.
A future in which most would lust.
I now see the beautiful woman the mess made
I admire her and this time I won't let her fade.
Triston Albert Apr 2015
I put her and her alone high above all,
So only she may feel my love.
We may have our fights,
But We never fall, for we are each others light.

With the light I see her face,
My beating heart picks up its pace.
For the love I feel when she's around
I shall always keep the girl I thankfully found.
Triston Albert Apr 2015
What happened to the games?
What happend to the giggles?
At what point do we grow up?
And when do we become corrupt?

The answer is simple, life is a cup
We play and laugh until one day we thrist.
As we get older, we keep drinking
Until we see the bottom, and our minds burst.

What lies on the bottom, scares us
We become filled a with a greater lust.
The craving for knowledge eats us alive
Until our inner child escapes it's hive

So why rush your age?
Keep your imagination in a cage
And keep your cup filled
Or one day your inner child will be killed
Triston Albert Apr 2015
What happened to the games?
What happend to the giggles?
At what point do we grow up?
And when do we become corrupt?

The answer is simple, life is a cup
We play and laugh until one day we thrist.
As we get older, we keep drinking
Until we see the bottom, and our minds burst.

What lies on the bottom, scares us
We become filled a with a greater lust.
The craving for knowledge eats us alive
Until our inner child escapes it's hive

So why rush your age?
Keep your imagination in a cage
And keep your cup filled
Or one day your inner child will be killed
Triston Albert Apr 2015
It's where we sow the seed of love
And where the members are always thought of.
If you second guess this fact,
Your opinions will always be back.

And if you have no-one to keep you warm
Freight not for I'm sure you adorn
the home in which you love so much
From which you're never far from its touch
Triston Albert Apr 2015
When the sun falls to earth I'll be there.
When the night no longer comes for us.
When the seas dry up everywhere.
And as earth becomes a planeless brisk.
I'll be there...

Worry not for I'm here forever.
So allow me to indulge you while we sit.
A kiss upon a lover so clever.
In hopes that you'll be here forever well lit.
Triston Albert Apr 2015
The hole is black,
it is an empty abyss that no one else can see.
It comes from within, and is cold because of the love it lacks.
This deep unfilled hole lies within me.

It eats away at me until I cry,
And I ask myself, What if I die?
Would they stop the staring?
Would they stop caring?

I realize I'm different,
I realize I'm weird,
But today is the present
and tomorrows nothing to be feared.
Triston Albert Apr 2015
I wish I could say it.
I wish you'd understand
I didn't want this life
But if you knew I'd be banned

You say you love me
But if you only knew
I can't believe you couldn't see
The hate that went from you to me.

You weren't aware of what you've done
But that doesn't make it alright.
If I told you would you still call me son?
Or would I be exiled from your sight?

Know that I love you with all your flaws
And that I cannot be fixed.
So take a moment to state your cause,
Because you're words are like painful kicks
It hurts so please read this and know what's wrong
Triston Albert Apr 2015
I hear it outside my window calling out,
It wants in, But I pretend I'm not about.
If it came in we'd all be gone
So I choose not to become it's pawn.

It bangs on my windows and my doors.
I hear about it's unspeakable horrors,
So I look to see that it's become an arena
And so I'm not letting in the one called Katrina.
Triston Albert Apr 2015
Some say the word has a powerful message
Some say it is used inappropriatly,
But I wish those people could see the truth.
It doesn't matter what they say love is love.

If the love is true then it cannot be changed
So why is society trying to?
Those who've loved know it is unchanged,
And those who haven't, haven't got a clue

Whether or not you've chosen to see
The facts are there so please sympathize with me.
These people who are told they're wrong,
Will be the ones who stay strong

And although a book says it's wrong,
It also says we all need to get along.
So show love instead of hate,
And maybe, just maybe equality will come on a sooner date.
I fully support LGBT
Triston Albert Apr 2015
She is a bit irritating some of the time
But afterwards she's always so kind
I love her more than she'll ever know,
And I'll do everything to keep her from being low.

When she crys I'm always be there
And when she smiles I can't help but stare.
Just know I'll love my Kay
Until my very last day
Triston Albert Apr 2015
As we look at the stars from where we lie
I'll turn and gaze upon your glossy eyes
and in this moment I know my sweet Eli
That this night couldn't be more alive.

I'll hold you close until the Sun arrives
And while you may feel we are apart,
I'll always be with you until this dies
But it shant die because it will not be ****.
And I shall not lie,
You are my sweet Eli.
I wrote this for someone special to me
Triston Albert Apr 2015
Everyone has made mistakes
But these mistakes don't forsake
They define you, and choices
So please choose to rejoice.

Our lives are our own,
We've all put ourselves at risk
Yet we all must be brisk
With who we are now
And keep respect in thou

Problems help reform
Minds previously torn
So don't break a sweat,
We all have regret
Triston Albert Apr 2015
The train car was cold
Yet the flames of hell grew closer
The dark cart was crowded I've been told

When the camp grew nigh,
the flames grew high.
The touch of God left their side,
as they lined up ready for genocide.

They screamed and cried, but no one came
I knew I would've felt the same
When the oven got too hot to stand,
they disappeared into the ash then into the vent.
(Its about the Holocaust)
Triston Albert Apr 2015
He patiently awaits beside us
As he slowly drags us down.
Yet our time is precious to him,
Because we've overpopulated his town.

He knows no other way,
But he wants us all to pay.
For the loss of paradise he caused
But make make no mistake he cannot be paused.

He will come for you as he does us all
And when he does we shall stand tall.
Do not be tricked by the Angel who fell,
Or give in to any lie he may tell.
Triston Albert Apr 2015
She feels alone,
She feels so scared,
She lets out a crying moan
If only someone would've cared.

She could still be saved,
Yet no one cared to help.
This dying girl needed the love she craved,
or the girl would no longer whelp.

She had no mother, nor a father
And so no one decided to bother
The girl that cried out into the night
Could no longer put up a fight.

She was found in the alley
Behind the dumpster where she lies
The cops did nothing but cover her and sigh.
And they all later forgot about the girl we once called Sally.
Triston Albert Apr 2015
The needle of love punctured her heart again,
it came and left like rust on a tin can.
And like the rust the love faded
But if only she would've waited.

Her love could've been found,
but she couldn't patiently wait for loves sound.
Now she lies on the floor
crying from loneliness forever more.
Triston Albert Apr 2015
Finally after what feels like forever
I've been release from my aching tether
That kept me prisoner for many years
But such a tether came with many tears.

I learned who truly loves me
And my heart was set free.
They showed me mercy and civility
That helped me gain futility.

Even though they might not understand
But because of them I arrived on the sand
On the shore of my hope,
I now have no fear and no reason to mope.
Triston Albert Apr 2015
I grew up underneath the shadow of a big oak tree,
Who showed love only towards me.
I loved him, more than you could ever know
He protected me from all dangers no matter how high nor how low.

But as life goes, things get old,
and the tree I once knew to be so bold
became crippled and withered away.
Now no one can bother,
The tree that I once called father.
Triston Albert Apr 2015
What is time?
Time is but a lock without a key,
But if there is no key, then how can we access it?
The awnser is simply in you.
Do not get me wrong time is important
But time is capable of making one blue.

— The End —