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I'm sitting on a disgusting all ***** chair on the cellar of an old chop-house.
The eternal boys from my time who failed at school and as consequence failed at life, play foosball.
The girl which I saw before entering the toilet with a scissor now comes out with a piece of hair in her hand.
Another girl stands in the corner, her back on the wall, beer in her hand, she doesn't stop looking at me.
Can't say If I know her. She approach me, she grabs a chair and sits right besides me. "You have no Idea what you are doing here"
"I can't say you are wrong" I reply. "1998. We wanted to take over the world". Now I knew. I looked at her and I recognized her eyes.
"You were right...". I said. She waited for the rest of my point. "...The Problem of the dreamers is that they never sleep together."
She knew what I was talking about but she choose to skip it. "Are you trying to get me to your bed after all this time?". I looked again back to her, my hand on my pocket.
"No. Take 20 cents and go have fun with the boys". I stand up and left. Her name was "Love". Never saw her again.
If you had to chose the end of something,
how would you people write it down?
If you had to die,
what would take your life away?
If You had to be forgotten,
how would you like to never be recalled?
If you had to lose someone...
I've never had a properly end written in a last glance of eyes.
I lost her like the eyes lose their shine.
I lost her like I imagine losing the hope. Unpredictable.
Like losing  that match of the matches, two seconds to the end when I was one hundred of points ahead.
She never told me goodbye. She never told me she would never come back.
And I was too lazy to wake up that morning.  
****... I wish I had wake up that morning.
I knew that drinking was wrong. The Dad told it. The Mum told it. The Doctor told it.
******* everyone I knew told it. And still I gave it a try. To try to fix things up for me.
To try to fake love better than everyone arround did.
I walked miles with ***** on my veins. No one saw me and I saw no one.
I ignored their sins as long as they left me alone.
I kept their dreams alive as long as they didn't try to sell me any.
******* *******. They Dont know what their missing. Jailed in their ******* little pointless lifes.
I sit on the steps of the entry of an old apartment. I take my video camera out. Pretend it's a pistol.
And I sho(o)t them all. Later I will put the clips up to some classic Nocturne and I'll hang myself again in ***** and morphine.
Try to forget what Dad told. What Mum Told. What the Doctor told. Once Again.

Just one more time and I guess I'm done.
Forgive me Love. Fogive me because Your forgiveness is the only one I care.
Forgive me because I didn't stay or Forgive me because I didn't say I wouldn't stay.
You may choose the worst of both sins and I may take the worse from your pain.
I will only faint when my heart gets too weak.
But I shall faint when gravity will be too strong for you to keep your tears.
Forgive me Love. Forgive me for I didn't mean to make you mine.

— The End —