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Zoë Westbrooke Sep 2010
I don't want to talk to you.

You may think I care.
Think I want to hear your problems.

Think again.


You should try it.
You should.

Where is the mystery?
You share everything.

Now, I need not discover who you are.
You've told me.

Like a good book just started,
You showed me the last page.

And ruined it,
Ruined yourself.

I turn away.
Because you hold no spark for me.

And you never will.


Because I don't share,
You chase me to the ends of the earth.

Because you want to know.

Zoë Westbrooke Jun 2010
I'm sorry.
I don't want to go to the beach
This afternoon.

You see,

Sun and I are not on good terms.

He's burned me in the past.
And while
It breaks my heart,
I've moved on.

His name is Moon.

He get's me.

He's softer,
Not harsh like Sun.
He's solemn,
Not obnoxious like Sun.

So we can go to the beach,
I guess...
But can we go
Zoë Westbrooke Jun 2010
Bleary eyes, blink.
Foggy mind, reels.

Getting vertical,
Push curtians aside.

Clouds like ghosts
Any futile hope of a foreign

No on will walk in the
No one will marvel at the

But one...

Tousled hair, shake.
Bare feet, steal.

In the dull light of the
Zoë Westbrooke Jun 2010
Corners turned.
Chapters closed.
Keys to locks no longer

Missing links.
Minds connected.
Tapping over ports and

Windy cities approaching.
Rainy cities receding.
Swapping sleet for snow.

Heart. | Breaks, mourns, weeps.
Hands. | Tangle hair, clench papers, cover face.

Far, long, apart.

Don't forget.

Zoë Westbrooke Jun 2010
I have but one fear,
The witty, striped, Cheshire cat.
His many teeth frighten .

He becomes still air.
I want to weep all night long.
Go away foul cat.

His smile still lingers.
As does his laughing, fading.
Why must you taunt me?

The taunting won't end.
I tear my ears out, oh oww.
I'm turning it off.
Thank you to my love, Michael McGrath.
Zoë Westbrooke May 2010
there are 2 different kinds of lovers.
the first;
they love until their hearts bleed out.
the second;
they let the other person put in the effort and time and enjoy it.

the first usually fall for the second.

it would be amazing for two firsts, or two seconds to find each other.

never, it seems is this the case.

there are those who come right out and say they like you...... firsts.
there are those who hide behind moving vans and run from you in crowded rooms...... seconds
there are those afraid of breaking hearts......firsts
there are those afraid of getting theirs broken......seconds.
there are those who find no reason to stay......firsts
there are those who find no reason to leave......seconds

the world is divided between firsts and seconds.

why must the firsts fall for the seconds?

who ever truly taught us how to love?
Zoë Westbrooke Feb 2010
Sending me letters saying you care.
Leaving me messages saying that you love me.
Checking up on me saying; "You're worried.".

Don't care about the words you write
To make yourself feel less guilty.
Don't care about the fake pain in your voice you use
To make me feel guilty.
Don't want to pack my bags
For that needless guilt trip.

It won't work.
Won't come back.
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