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Zoe Mize Feb 2013
A fallen child-
trembleing in the corner.
A broken dream-
batteling with truth.
A darkened angel-
staring over the battelfield of life.

Do you hear me now?
Is my singing loud enough?!
Can I fly away with you?
Is this how life was meant to be?
And can they come with me?

My dark angel-
feet thumping.
My dream-
breaking to the sound.
Our child-
breaking down!

Do you feel me now?
Are my hits hard enough?!
Can I run away with you?
Is this how life was meant to be?
And can they come with me?

My dreams-
they don't seem to be here.
They make me laugh
they make me cry.
Am I satisfied with what I got?

That darkened angel-
he hears my thoughts.
Does he know that I still love him?
Will he feel it when I fall?
is he satisfied with what he got?

And my child-
so young.
I sense you laugh in the sun.
The moments grow short now.
Soon enough, you'll be in that crowd...
Are you satisfied with what you are?

Do you hear me now?
Is my singing loud enough?!
Can I fly away with you?
Is this how life was meant to be?
And can they come with me?

A man- a god.
A child- a person.
A dream- a thing, so tangable.
And I- I am this thing that has been created from the past.
Zoe Mize Jan 2013
Bumm... bumm... bumm...
Feel the beat of the drum.
Oh, the drum.

A little soldier boy,
caught in his parents' war.

Momma Liberty
Papa Dignity
Uncle Sam...

Tell me why,
Borther John goes to a far away land.
He kills, he hunts.
He carries his knife and gun.
Children doing the job of a man.

If God's so great,
Why's Daddy late?
Why are his hand so red?
Can you tell me, Sam?

Bumm... bumm... bumm...
Feel the beat of the drum.
Oh, the drum.

Do you know?
Did you hear?
Johnny boy won't come back here.
He is gone;
no more.

Momma, Papa, this is your war. . .
Zoe Mize Jan 2013
I know I'm broken
I've been beaten down.
I feel myself coming around you
once more
no more;
one more time.

Feel this beat
Feel it now.
I know you don't like to bow down
feel now;
I hear the tune.

Once again
Up and down
feeling the lights pool around.
You see it
can be it no matter what they say.

Hit me again
you son of a-
childish tendency...

Move like this
sway like that.
Take a deep breath and take it fast.
don't question me.

Once again
Up and down
feeling the lights pool around.
You see it
can be it no matter what they say.

Set it down!
Set it down now!
Take a sigh in and take the sign down!
Feel my touch!
Hit me again!
I'll **** you in the end!

  in   the   end   . . .
Zoe Mize Jan 2013
For now I am fine
And for now I can breathe.

Right now I'm okay
And right now I'm free.

But in an hour I could go.
In an hour I could die.

In a day the world could end.
In a day I'll break down and cry.

For now we can laugh.
And for now we can speak.
But what happens when we break down to scream?
It's an in-the-moment piece..
Zoe Mize Jan 2013
heal me please.
I need to know you're there.
feel me.
You know me and I'm still unsure.
hear me.
You must know my prayers.

I know of you;
I think of you;
I hear of you,
but I don't know if you hear what I think.

say something!
do something!
speak something!

There must be a way to go.
Zoe Mize Jan 2013
I’m so scared sometimes.
My eyes want to close but they must stay open!
God in Heaven,
Help me!
Why must the world crumble around us all?!
Why must we stand aside as it happens?!
God in Heaven,
I feel the pulse of the planet hitting me with full force!
I know this routine.
I know this song and dance.
Good Lord,
I need to know!
Why do we suffer?
Why am I still hear…?
Zoe Mize Jan 2013
Until the darkness settles,
I will not be silent.
Until the days stop coming,
I will love.
Until my heart starts beating,
I will not run.
Until I sing my last song,
I will not give in.
Until I bleed my last,
I will fight.
Until my wings settle,
I will fly.
Until the end of everything,
I will strive.
On and on,
I will go.
I will forever be in my own heart;
My own body,
Until my last breathe.
A Revelutionary phase.
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