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Feb 2015 · 636
Treasure Island
Zoe Irvine Feb 2015
You were my rock
Already laden with gulls and mermaids
And I was a wandering ship
My headwind weaving into your nooks and smoothing grooves along your chipped and chiselled face

We were a force that couldn't be reckoned with
The quiet breeze of a butterfly's wings
Catching and cooling
As the tide lapped and rose
Falling sharply away when it tasted the shoreline

The storm that gathered held distant
But its rhythm persisted in your lands
Small truths you'd held in place with busy times
Began to fracture
Splintering and splitting
There was no place that was not moved by thunder

The rope that bound us began to fray
Drawn taut and heavy, untended and laden with salt water

Tearing at the snags and sharpened juts
It eventually snapped
And I sailed onwards
While my anchor lay rusting
In the crannies of your lonely bed
Dec 2012 · 956
Seen to be believed
Zoe Irvine Dec 2012
Art. Rooms. Community. Eyes closed, I walk through it's entrance way, trailing my hand along the smooth wood of the wall; the hallway feels like a return to earth.

Light filters in through eyelashes and I step out of a close space into the heart of the centre - a domed, organic gallery, glowing peace; staircase to heaven spiralling out of it's core; up to studios and therapy rooms, a rainbow of colour encompassed by their interiors; soft space held by life.

The gardens sway in soft sunshine; herbs and flowers that lean towards the kitchen; a small cluster of tables basking in the scents of earthy, homely food; our chef at the helm, friend and confidante to all.

A circle of the smooth outer wall brings us to rooms alight with creativity; soft sweeps of brushes in silk and the dampened buzz of ink on skin; the gentle embrace of care and understanding, time within time. A room, full of messages, enriched with thanks and awareness and focus, for all of the experience that has helped us to feel our way to this place. We are a team, though we have not yet met.

In my head, there is a centre and it serves as the foundations for a community of those who feel. The idea grows and multiplies and I try to keep up and I hope that it is a dream that will support me with its curving, caring walls. I hope and I hope and I hope to be able to meet it, to be enough for it, to have the energy it needs to be brought to life. I hope and I dream and I trust. I let it keep me from despair, when all has gone black and full of nothing. I don't know how to get there but I am drawing the map every day.

With love and thanks for giving us this space.
Dec 2012 · 706
Zoe Irvine Dec 2012
I yearn for a life of loose clothes and footsteps
Easy smiles and arms, draped like scarves about shoulders
A life of contact and salt-washed skin
Arguments heated by the sun and rinsed off with the dishwater of an evening meal

Glorious nothing, it calls to me as if it were already mine
To toy with and pretend not to pretend that it is real and I am in it
To believe in the haze of those times that could be happening somewhere
To someone that could be me, somehow

Glorious nothing
I could make it my all, given the right conditions
Carve out contentment in the sandy rivers that water-fall
From the cliffs of my foot-bridge
Dropping over great cavernous edges of toe to rejoin familiar regions

Make a life around it there instead of here

But I don’t believe it needs me much
Not more than my family might
Or I believe I earned something else in the unknowing
And now my debt is stacked and not against the door of a beach hut
Nov 2012 · 903
fool proof
Zoe Irvine Nov 2012
In the muddle and the mess that is my mind
I could do with some perspective
Someone else's perception
of this one-sided, two way conversation
that's been going on for hours
I can not be objective
about the very personal subject of

My life is clearly complicated
I am my self and all the rest of me
and we are a confused and cross-wired bunch

The answers lie inside
I try to dig them out
but when it comes right down to it
I lose the nerve
the will
the reason and I retreat
run back
to on-the-surface sanity
so as far as you can see, I'm happy
look at me!
I smile in all your snaps and photographs
and sometimes the twinkle is sincere
but what we have here
is a well-practised masking of emotion
Make me look more like the me I
imagine myself to be
so that, by the time I get there,
I can provide the fools with proof
that I was never afraid
never ashamed
never appalled or unsure or unsettled
never shattered
or shocked
never wrong, all right;
every night was my party -
and every place was my home.
Nov 2012 · 811
not bad thanks
Zoe Irvine Nov 2012
You know
today I am okay
with being me
It is a fleeting thing
I can't lay dreams on it
or decide to life my life a certain way
but I can play my music a little less loud
and walk more softly
and be a little less scared of hearing what
my voice is struggling to say
I can entertain your company
without losing a little more of myself in your stories

It won't stay like this
I'll forget it in time, maybe minutes or days
and there will be no sense to be seen
my scattered personality will be scuffed
and rummaging for answers

it is so easy to forget

until the next time I arrive at fine
there will be highs and lows
and slow, slow walks home in the dark
past speedy days of phones and furious typing
trying to wipe the list clean and failing
sleeping fitfully as clients' orders flit through my dreams
switching off lights but not minds

not mine

but today
I feel fine
I am rested
relaxed and restored
reconciled to another quick week which feels rug-pulled from under my feet
while the world calls me lucky
without knowing my values

but no use in complaining
today I'm okay
and I'm grateful for that:
I know what it feels like to not be.
Nov 2012 · 1.0k
do the work
Zoe Irvine Nov 2012
Sometimes it is too easy to see
no further than my own doubts and questions
What they have spent whole lifetimes working to achieve
appears in front of me as knowledge and finesse
and the process, the hard and twisting growth of it all,
that  had to break through rocks and fear
to get to where it now seems to be,
is lost in envy and insecurity,
is another reason to be less than anyone else,
less than possibility.
Nov 2012 · 571
Zoe Irvine Nov 2012
when all I have done, I have had done to me
and all I have seen I have shown
when all that is chained is unburdened and free
and all that is cut down is grown

when all of my silence is balanced by noise
and all that I've heard I have spoken
when all that is shaky is graceful and poised
and all that is complete is broken

when all that is foldered is strewn and un-filed
and all that is chaos is calm
when all that is distanced has been reconciled
and all that is burning, a balm

when what has come in has been duly returned
and what was dispensed is received
there will be no more straining, no lessons to learn
there will be nothing left but to leave
Nov 2012 · 644
Some day
Zoe Irvine Nov 2012
I heard you speak tonight
You bared your soul in a private space
And you saw me in you

Do you know?

I couldn't find the words to say that I understood you
That you had described my life, my wanderings in this world
So accurately
I almost didn't recognise myself in you

You looked so scared
So strong
So valiant in your battle
So confused by your own mind
And you broke me down

I had felt so alone in my conviction
That everyone else thought these things and won
I hadn't imagined that anyone else
Felt the way I did?

I thought I was surrounded by aloneness
Until I heard you
You made me see that it had just been me
But I was never on my own

You hovered at the end
Then left
I'd wanted to say what seeing you meant to me
But I couldn't clear my mind enough
To let you know how much you'd helped me:

In your hour of need
You gave me the strength you were searching for

I hope I can tell you to your face some day
That you changed my life tonight
In that way that only chance meetings can


Thankyou, my unnameable knight
You do not know your own strength

But I do
Nov 2012 · 744
r unning o ut o f t ime
Zoe Irvine Nov 2012
m aking ends meet
e nding
d reams
i n pools
o f money and
c urtaining off
r eal
i n-depth
t ruths about
y ourself

i nsert
s adness

t aking
h old of
e cstasy and

m artyring it
a way, bartering it and bashing it
d own into
n othing, letting its
e nergy
s eep,
s lowly trickle to a
Nov 2012 · 847
Zoe Irvine Nov 2012
this is the search
to my found
the balance
the hang
to my swing

in a trance
looking out
Wanting answers
some meaningless
in - count her

It will not be free

It is already owe her

undone with
in due course

Everything is
should be?

Know more

open it in
words won

last time
you'd hold me it wouldn't be
when you look:
(the mirror)

The shawl curls lazy
on the floor
and the shine creep
sin -
eyes drawn
to light


turn all
the handles
and peer
into dusky rooms
full of

things we say
when we need someone
are you he(re
how long for)?
are you (go.)ne for an

the fear
falling fast
****, it's freezing in here

you have no name
no excuse yet
to leave
or stay
no depart date

in mind
or in mine
which is better?
fused with

full of

**** - there's some
at the door
I think but
what if
Nov 2012 · 602
I would not
Zoe Irvine Nov 2012
If I could snap my fingers for you
Take your troubles down
A peg or two

Unencumber you from life’s demands
And set you free
In a moment

I would not

Don’t get me wrong
It hurts to walk away
To wake each day aware that you’re in pain
And feel your years encroach on time
You won’t get back

But if I took away the gift you have
Given to you by years
Of indecision and opportunity

You would not know
The joy of freedom
It would feel empty
You have to earn it

It is not taken
It can’t be bought or sold
Your rights to it are eternal
If you believe it to be true

It’s up to you
To grasp the thread of hope
That waits in you and leads through pain to joy

It’s your decision
Only your footsteps matter
No-one else can get you there

And it sounds horrific
But imagine the alternative,
That there is another who could carry you:

What if they left or died or disappeared
What if your only chance at life
Lived somewhere else?

Your chances lie inside you
They never die so long
As you are living

They are your one true breath
Your fight will be their name
Your prize their liberation

If I could snap my fingers and release you
I would not
But I will hold you close
When times are light and heavy
And life is at your side

For those who know what freedom feels like
Pay the right price
Every time
Zoe Irvine Nov 2012
When the house is a hole and the kitchen's a state
and work's like a chore and the tv's a bore
and the family’s complaining and the friends are all draining
and the hot is too hot
and the cold is too cold
and the young are too young
and the old is too bold
and nothing fits anything, anywhere, any old time
anyway - it's not them. It's me.

It's you.
We must stop.

Stop fixing, start healing
heal, feel, start feeling.
What’s in the middle of wrong, wanting out?
What’s on the edge of all right, wanting in?
Let it in, let it out
heal, feel, fail: BREATHE.

Be at peace, *** at bees
go camping, go carting
spirit sailing.
free-loading, load-bearing
bare skinning: spare tyreing

Spree soaring.
Fly high-ing.

It's not them.

This will not be your last moment
to be in the mud, **** up to your ears,
eyes glowing and goggling at the stars,
as the water flows fast through your brain.
It will come again,
the avalanche, the ever launch,
into the pit.

Learn to love mud.
Learn to love **** and the crap and the water and rain
and the clouds and the sun
and the streaks of light that colour
your eyes a prism. Learn to let go of the prison,
the plot,
the *** of gold that man made, and dive
into the rainbow, drown
in life, in death,
in dust and moonlight.

Einstein said, if you can't say it simply, you don't
know it well enough.
Well, I can't say it simply: I want my life to be free.
And everyone knows shackles
are the devil's fee for ignorance,
for the simplicity that we want free to be.
So make it difficult, you ******,
make it hard and wild and brave
and bright and boring: if that's what it takes
to unchain my clammy hand from your clasp,
make it really ******* stale.

Make it meaningless and marvellous
and miniscule and most of all,
make it do what it doesn't say on the tin.
Make everyone look
like they know nothing, only
to find that what they’re really full of is
priceless, like diamonds, and then make them
mine. Make them mine,
all mine,
digging deep
into their essence until they’re empty.

Make me mine.
You ******.
You make me mine.

I’ve got the tools, you've got the map, I've packed the picnic lunch.

Bring it.
Nov 2012 · 1.2k
It's a fucking sin
Zoe Irvine Nov 2012
Looking at pain
From the inside out
Stepping off steep
Into an unknown, falling
Loose and tightly wound
At once
In one
Spinning straight-line lies
Wanting them to be true
From here to there exists
No mess between
No life
No humanity
No mess
Only simple
Straight-line lives
Like the heartbeats of our politicians

Got no room for deviation into mountains
Down to earth
Got no time for beats and bravery
Floating on in mediocracy
No, democracy
My mistake
Found a word and made it look
Like cool
Made it sound like hope
Made it work like ****
To cover up the sins of what was truth

Not pure or real
But what was on
Got hammering down
Got seeping in
Got on with getting on
Dig pocks in Devon and call it progress
Take chunks of the mama and look surprised
As she spits us all out from her centre
You, me and everyone who had no idea

Who sat behind their 5 mile screen and said
**** happens
When it was about the starvation

And said
More’s the pity
When it was about monstrosity

And said
Gotta be thankful
When it was about the tanks and the bombs and the guns
In some other guys garden

And screamed
What the **** is going on here
With tears and snot and terror all over their tan-stained brows
When the phone broke
And the plane was late
And the dog shat
And the restaurant ran out of hors de ******* oeuvres.

It’s a ******* sin, that’s what it is
To call yourself a restaurant and not have what’s on the ******* menu.

A ******* sin.

The world’s gone to ******* ruin.

Buy me Barrack Obama and let’s call it evens.
Nov 2012 · 757
Zoe Irvine Nov 2012
Why would anyone read what I have to say?
What do I have to say?



Write now.
Write long and hard
Think less about the effects
Talk less, walk more
Think more while you walk
Write more than you might
Talk only once it's written
And in the end
You may have penned
A book.

Look, it's not so much more difficult than that
And yes, there could then follow the drawn out process
Of approaching and preparing
Of reproaches and the potential for disparaging comments
No-one will understand you
Or your highly sensitive self.
It will all feel so much like too much
Until you're suddenly quite sure
Authordom is not for you
And you'll turn to leave
By the door which you hesitated to come in by

Shy and disbelieving
Except in your failings and faults
It's a shame you hadn't realised sooner, you think,
That your future as a checkout assistant
Was much more in-line with your ability
And in actual fact you could be
Much more happy
With a simple life -
Why! You'll be a wife!
And have kids and do dishes
And there'll be no more wishes
For fulfilling dreams and desires
At last, you will sigh with relief,
The future's set out
You can hang up your hat
Without too many hang-ups.

You're smiling inside at the thought
Of the life you'll lead almost entirely
In a cottage by the sea
Apron on, looking out of the window
At chickens and hills and the sky;
You'll be happiest baking a cake
Kids roaming free
Dogs by the fire
Husband a farmer (or maybe an artist?)
You'll start making a plan of your kitchen

Mid-turn from the door
The miracle you wanted will occur
And you'll find yourself
3 months down the line
Feeling fine and confident
Hardback in hand
Almost unable to understand
What you were so worried about
Not a doubt in your mind any more
Sure you're sure!
What could be any clearer?
It's obvious all will be well
Can't you tell?

Then they'll ask you the question you'd love to avoid
'Any plans for another?'
And your stomach will leap through your mouth
Land on their paper-backed table
Leave you unable to breathe
Let alone speak
Weakly you'll smile
While eyes search your face for an answer
How to place yourself back at the start
Of this endless adventure
With linguistic art

It will always begin again
Every success is impending return
To an uncertain situ
That will sit you back down
With a full head of nothing
And a full empty page
Of promises wishing to be filled
With the words that you feel
You've been told to say
That won’t go away
Nov 2012 · 462
Zoe Irvine Nov 2012
What would love do?

Love would find a way to tell him
Find the time to see her
Love would give you just enough
But not so much it hurts

Love would deal in forgiveness
Breed understanding and empathy

Love would send you to bed on time
And wake you up with a smile
Saying "Welcome!
You have been granted a bright new day
And in it you can do whatever you choose!"

Love would guide you towards happiness
And hold your head through pain
Calm your fears
And free your worries from your shoulders

Love would see past poisonous words
To the child behind the bitterness

It would welcome every moment
And every man and woman in it
It would embrace everyone, separate no-one
It would not differentiate

That's what Love would do

But I am human
And I still say the things I shouldn't
And I still want for what I wouldn't want
And I learn and I grow and I know now
How to apologise and that.....

That is also what Love would do

I love you

I love your love
Zoe Irvine Nov 2012
This city hasn’t changed
I’ve got a new hat
But that’s not what’s different

The streets are all the same
They had me smiling yesterday
In their showery sunshine

You’re gone
I’m walking alone and I don’t know how long for

There are friends to meet
And I’ll smile again
Our laughter and love will be sincere
But you won’t be here
And I don’t know anyone else
Who knows me like you do?

This tea’s too hot to drink
I’ve left my comfort curled up at home
Life feels duller and less do-able

It will pass
Like the woman with her beautiful roses

I’ll dye my hair and move on in a moment
But this moment has sent me again
To tears
To memories
Of millions of happy times
With you

My wonderful friend
Nov 2012 · 708
Zoe Irvine Nov 2012
It’s time to right.
I’ve been walking the streets of doubt for so long
Now that clear is here
It’s bringing more fear than my feet can rest for

Shame is its name
I called it a while ago
But it’s carried on responding ever since
Every day
It never went away
When I thought it had gone
It’s been here so long I’d forgotten it existed
And now, after all that I resisted
It arrives
Unlocks the heavy-chained heart
And I am doused in some odd relief

Disbelief, once again
As clarity dawns
In the guise of a conversation about someone else
Seen through the eyes of a caring man
With healing intentions
Mostly unhindered by his own baggage
And more able, as a result
To reveal a little truth to me
About myself

I’d like to marry him
Not him, you understand
But someone so very like him
I’d like the man I marry
To be the kind of mind
That I feel unforgotten about with...

The shame game.
It’s been playing me.
It’s been running me.
Time to take the reins back in hand.
Nov 2012 · 869
The Beatles knew it all
Zoe Irvine Nov 2012
I am here, I fear
More scared than sorted
More dandelion than burdock

Scattered silly
Metaphorically muddled
Mine's a messy mind
Attempting to arrange
A lifetime's files
In an hour

Each and every hour
Of every minute
I'm remanded in memory
A willing prisoner
Of the past

My hands are cuffed in air
There is no key
But me
And what is left
Has lost all recognisable arrangement

I'm pulled down deep
But holding on to stones
They keep me grounded

Letting go will all but **** me
All but do me in
Everything but that

Letting go for Life
Shake it off
Your clothes are all wet
But you're not made of sugar

Your tears will not melt you

Your heart will not break

Let it be
Nov 2012 · 627
Zoe Irvine Nov 2012
The silence I doubt is mine
The noise I have created
Casts a long shadow into quieter days
Where brightness might have found its place
Had the sound I basked in
Breathed out
Brimmed with
Not displaced the stillness of pooling thought
Sent it rippling
Bouncing neon light into dark dusky spaces
Blinding subtlety and safety
Nov 2012 · 462
Some day
Zoe Irvine Nov 2012
I heard you speak tonight
You bared your soul
In a private space
And you saw me in you

Do you know?

I couldn't find the words to say
That I understood you
That you had described my life
My wanderings in this world
So accurately
I almost didn't recognise myself in you

You looked so scared
So strong
So beautiful in your battle
So confused by your own mind
And you broke me down

I had felt so alone in my conviction
That everyone else thought these things
And won
I hadn't imagined that anyone else
Felt the way I did?

I thought I was surrounded by aloneness
Until I heard you
You made me see that it had just been me
But I was never on my own

You hovered at the end
Then left
I'd wanted to say what seeing you meant to me
But I couldn't clear my mind enough
To let you know how much you'd helped me

In your hour of need
You gave me the strength you were searching for

I hope I can tell you to your face
Some day
That you changed my life tonight
In that way
That only chance meetings can


Thankyou, my unnameable knight
You do not know your own strength

But I do
Nov 2012 · 462
Seeing Kaila
Zoe Irvine Nov 2012
Hello person whose smile I have recreated in my mind’s eye a myriad of times
Hello gentle voice whose gaze I have grown under and gathered untold strength from
You, who are more than friend, more than equal to family
You, whose calm and kindred energy repletes me
With thanks I sit in your beloved company
And drink in of our friendship’s nearest repaired distance
You sit across from me at last
And all is well again
Nov 2012 · 619
Reading (between the lines)
Zoe Irvine Nov 2012
You cannot frighten me
(A demon that had dimmed)
I am not scared of you
(Awakens every time I encounter you)
In spite of your spite
(Reminds me that a rest)
Your venom, your vitriol
(Is not as good as a change)

You are not the monster
(I am undone in your company)
We make you out to be
(Everything I want to be)
Screaming, thrashing
(Lies patiently at my side)
Lashing out
(As my past unfurls ahead of me)

Re-hashing conversations
(‘I’d gone?’ I whisper, pleadingly)
Re-presenting words in new ways
(‘Not yet’, you stretch, luxuriously)
Our days are difficult with you
(‘There’s more here to be done.’)
But what are they compared to yours?
(I sigh. It’s not a huge surprise)

Fighting everyone to be right
(I’m twenty-nine, not twenty know-it-all)
Your actions drown out everyone
(There’s still a lot to learn, un-do)
Even your words are lost
(And always will be...)
In the wake of your fury
(Do you see?)

You’re fooling no-one but your own
(You cannot frighten me)
And not for long
(No-one scares me more than myself)
Nov 2012 · 365
Only words
Zoe Irvine Nov 2012
I should have told you that I love you when you told me
I should have held you closer, trusted us and given myself freely
It's what you were looking for

I let you go when I should have let you know
That you are everything to me
My heart and soul are wrapped up in you

Your touch burnt my skin, reached deeper than anyone before you
And now my tears burn my face, dripping hot onto the place
Where my heart once was

I hold it in my hand now
A lead weight
Aching from the absence of you

You are here but you are gone

I am everything and nothing without you

I am all there is and you are all I think about
And now the tears scorch my lips
Where you never were

And you go on

I hear you everywhere
I see you everywhere and nowhere
And now I'm not sure I even see you

All I see is my pain, dancing on hot coals
Filled with light and passion
And dancing without my memory

Will I ever get the chance again?
When you ask me what I want from you, will I tell you
That I have all I need when I'm in your arms
Your company
Your life?

Will you ever ask again?
How could I have let you go?
How do I put light back in my eyes and let you see your reflection in them?

How could you do this?

Don't leave me
The world is too hot and too cold without you and the wrong people sing my name
And my heart is breaking

I love you and I'm so sorry

I should have told you
Nov 2012 · 765
No I, no Me, no Mine
Zoe Irvine Nov 2012
No I
No Me
No Mine?
No problem

It all makes so much sense
In a meditation hall

No Music
No Mouth
No Mindlessness

Life’s a breeze
At the end of your nose

Then you leave
And life eases you in gently
It’s good to be at home


No Lie
No Meat
No Alcohol

No Drugs
No Stealing
Morality is the new rock’n’roll

Equanimity will wake you up
And help you sleep
Ignorance is no more answer

The knowing tugs at you
Won’t let you be
There are things to do
That can’t be un-done

And things to be
That cannot be done
That can only be done by being

It won’t go away

Every time you look
In the opposite direction
The mirror gets bigger

Until eventually
You always see it
Even when your eyes are shut

I endeavour to shut my eyes more
But only so that I can see
Nov 2012 · 704
Man, I love bedtime
Zoe Irvine Nov 2012
A mis-shaped face gapes open at the mouth
Wakes slowly with one eye shut
And re-arranges its pace to form a unified

Drool dangles
Drips lip to chin
Slurps back in where it belongs
Slides along a tongue and is swallowed

Nose niggles
Bewitches the brain with imagined insects
Landing, lounging
Creeping up cavernous
Nostril nooks

Dream steps
Falling face-down onto metaphorical foreheads
While lying flat-backed
On the bed

Dozing drowsily
Not quite awake nor asleep
Quite aware
Neither here
Almost there

All most easy
Nov 2012 · 1.7k
Zoe Irvine Nov 2012
Get it, India head
This is no bed of roses
Poses in prime positions
Are sublime repetitions
Of what has gone

Karma comes knocking
Falling flat on your face
Bindis race
First fast then erased
From your forehead
Forever more

Rickshaws run a mockery
Round rubbled ruins
Of modern mishapes
Monarchy's mistakes, perhaps
Perfect pictures of

What everyone tells you
Pre plane departure
Setting one belief in front of another
One foot behind
Is what it does
To your stomach
Shaking heads full of
Heavy sighs

Cares to be taken
Clothes to be carried in case
For climactic changes
Of course
What to withstand
When to be undeterred

When to stand your ground
Back down, barter
Busk your way through town
What to battle over
Where to bathe and how
When to show the colour
Of your mother's money

How to save a dollar
Raise a rupee
Meditate on more that
You could Be
Do the deed
Be caught in times of need
Phone home and find
No-one waiting for your call

All of this and more
You carry on your back
A rucksack full of love and
Missed kisses
But - the greatest part of this is
What no-one tells you -
What it does
To your heart

What you find
When your mind adjusts
And your eyes unwind
And great gusts of understanding blow you free
When you hand over the key
To your list of demands
And give in
To the easy unplanned

Imploring looks
Hook your sympathy
Bait you easily at first
The worst
Are always
The kids
Thing is, how could you deny them?

Soon enough
Is enough
“Look mister, I ain't no fool
And I ain't a millionaire either -
Leave her alone and go home.”
Thing is, how could you feed them all?

You triumph on trains
Blaspheme the buses
The driver's on drugs
Or a suicide trip
You skip rice-based breakfasts
For weeks
Seek out cereals then don't

Chinking chai glasses
Chomping on chocolate
A lot
More than most
Coasting roads
Filled with cows
On a scooter scuffed with sand
And stuffed to bursting point

Dogs with holes in
Infecting imaginations
Over masala dosa
Noses signalling distaste
This taste?
Hmm, tamarind - trees?
Try over there
Between the neem and the new banana circle...

Too many memories to mention
There's always one question
When you return to the beginning
Grinning, they ask
How was it?
But how can you say
It was everything
You've never seen

Get it?
Get it India
But be warned...
You may never
Get her
Zoe Irvine Nov 2012
I'm grieving your loss
I'm mourning your choice
I'm hurting for you in my arms
But not in my heart

My heart has found spring
And is waiting for me
To catch up

I know me too well
Your comfort distracts me
I seek it to see me
Less clearly

Your hands pull me in
To embrace
And invisible tears soak my cheeks

If I love you was never an option
Then how is goodbye?

Feeling clever and calm
I breathe in

And until you next greet me
I'll know
What I know

I love you

And then.......

An arrival distracts me
Dances in my mind
118 118
Gets my number

Got my attention
Into a spin
Along with my legs

Let's get along
Get to know
Get out of this place
And into our space

Channelling energy
Into unmentionables
Choosing to focus on not-you

Attached to detachment
Amassing beliefs
Between birthdays

I believe
In that
Which I know not

The latest learning
To linger on my lips
In my head

As the music rises
I slip out of the room
And into a quiet

I have high hopes
For you
And I

I am high
With hope
And believing

I love you
Nov 2012 · 519
Every opportunity
Zoe Irvine Nov 2012
If you're thinking
That I
Have an inkling
Of an idea

I have not

I have got
An eye for detail
I can only hope
My sense of purpose
Will prevail
But to what end?

I can only pretend
To make out
That it's no mystery

All the while unravelling
The lessons of my history
By minute minute

Second looks lost
The first glance meaning
Seemingly simple interactions
Became clearer
Without the emotional distractions
Of the moment

And now I see
The Universe sent me
Every opportunity
To be attached
Sans liberty
And I chose

Later regrets
Serve no purpose
Other than to stifle happiness
Keep a foot in the past
Force a furrow
Into an otherwise

So, to bed
My steady stream
Of doubts
Of what could be
But by morning
Let the moment
Make itself known
And more
Than a missed
Nov 2012 · 490
Emotional suicide
Zoe Irvine Nov 2012
Pulse racing
Stomach clenched
I lay my head on the table
My forehead cools

I am not angry with you
I am angry with me
I make steps towards a physical exit
And am dragged backwards

By a physical act
Entered into unwittingly
If willingly
I keep my self chained to my body

In the act of ignorance
Progression, even slight
Is fumbled over
I have not learnt enough to move on

To stay still
To sit with the signs
And listen:
My honesty comes too late

In fearing your loss
I lost myself
And to find me again
You have to go.
Zoe Irvine Nov 2012
In a nation full of mirrored meanings
Losing the plot to the points made by editors
With the front to cover-up
The dots and dents
That differentiate one doe-eyed one-day wonder
From another

Not too difficult
To discern from where our demons are derived

The motivation behind our mothers' mockery
All too often a fearful fantasy
That this will be a permanent reality
A lonely destiny of separation
In sanity

Choosing challenge as our champion
Causes less respect than one might expect to receive
From those persons whose pretence it is
To adore independence

In fact they abhor the idea
That they might not
Have got a clue
What's best for you

It's all so clear to them that the fix is a daily change
Lies in a variety of lipsticks
And the new best-dressed latest range
Of thigh-thwarting
Sin-free super-fad foods
That nourish your neuroses
Whilst simultaneously stifling your spirit

While your mind is on your midriff
You're not wondering if the government have gained their votes
Through the generous use of their
Accumulative groins

And you are much less likely to ponder the particulars
Of the power plants you pass
If every article you read
Is ready to remind you
Of the importance you should place
Upon the proportions of
Your ***
Nov 2012 · 543
Zoe Irvine Nov 2012
Struggle struggle
Push push
Elbows out
Fresh air meets raw skin and pulls away

Hands creep out and crawl around
The edges of this cocoon
Wanting, testing
Hoping to break free from this protective prison

But the shell is so hard and I am so soft
And there is only me here
And the thought of eating my way out
Makes me feel full

So I write the pieces of my room down
Removing them
Fragments at a time
From my fortress
Like bricks

They weigh more than imagined
But are manageable
One at a time
I try not to let whole walls topple
Stretched somewhat thin
Back against one side
Legs against the other
Arms up high
To protect my head
Keep the roof from falling in

Depending on my position
Sometimes the sun punctures my gloom
Brightly dousing me in dancing-spirit
Drying out areas of damp
So that I can dust a little deeper

Mostly though there’s a surrounding light
That seems to be getting whiter
Comes from a place inside the egg that I occupy

The rain gets in
Through the cracks that I’ve created
And when it stings
I know that I can cover up these progresses I’ve made
Try to pretend they were never there
So that I won’t feel their growing pain


I can explore the exposed emotions
Try to fix the fears they have set free
Constantly changing my devotions
Nurture the parts of me that need attention
Carefully attend to my wounds while giving voice
And stage
To the more confident areas of my expertise

Sometimes I’m in agony
Screaming not so silently
Ripping at the places that are roaring
To be listened to

My skin
Inflamed and broken
Bears you witness
If you know how to note the evidence

And you can only know
What I am prepared to show
My anger
Exploding through my pores
Nov 2012 · 455
B-right on
Zoe Irvine Nov 2012
If I could be anywhere now
I'd be right here
With my lessons learnt
And my fingers burnt

I'd choose this place

It's a stepping stone
From me to me
The future rising uncertainly
But so bright!

So light and lovely
And full
Of everything
And more

More than I know
A composition of countless
In competition with no-one
But myself

Better than ever
Better than never!
Given forever
I'd choose less
I think

Less with more
Nov 2012 · 573
The Question
Zoe Irvine Nov 2012
The answer does not lie in his arms
It is not in her smile
It does not walk in their shoes

The answer is not at the bottom of a cup of coffee
Poured hot and milky over sleep-filled eyes
Lounging under the blue skies of someone else's greener grass

It is not a question of love or hate
Or a proposition of sorts with short-term definitions
Made to muddy puddles of friendly flirtations

The answer is more than money, less than time
Enough of a good thing to know the difference
When morning's indifference arrives

It is not in the arch of a sleeping stranger
Or dangerous liaisons with lessons learnt a long time ago
In lots of little lines in and around your eyes and nose

It is not about the pout on a pretty face or the taste of testing limits
Taking trousers down with tongues to triumph your tricks
And lick damp finger tips

It was never for the fun of it
Fearing fire, or worse, the cool uncompromising curse
Of casual or curt correspondence that comes down the disconnected chain

It is not in the first drag of the day
The way forward becoming as blocked as your bronchial passages
Black and blue in patches of promise and poverty

It is not for your benefit
Not what you want it to be
It will not bend to your flight of fancy

No - the answer is all it has ever been in the past
A simple preparation:
Knowing which question to ask.
Nov 2012 · 1.2k
The youngest of men
Zoe Irvine Nov 2012
You were born open, I believe,
Eyes and heart and arms and soul;
Shouting and blazing a fiery path
Of beats and drums and rhythms.

Your energy knows no limitations,
Dancing with devilishly hoofed desire;
Savouring each moment of the day -
You make it work for you.

If and would and should are redundant,
When and how and now are yours;
Give and take, have, hold, make:
Present presence, gifts to gaze at in wonder.

A joker, of unbridled passion:
Intense, good-humoured, a heart heavy with joy -
And full of light -
The youngest of men.
Nov 2012 · 1.4k
With Love
Zoe Irvine Nov 2012
At approximately the first stroke of sunshine,
on the first day of this year,
I asked for Love.
I cried for it.
Silently prayed and wished and screamed
and sighed for it.

Beneath the glow of a golden golf-ball,
I sat and sniffed
and hoped the wish-granters were listening,
could catch a whiff of my wants
through the throng of a thousand million minds
making meaningful resolutions.

Were they?

they were listening.

Love came calling,
crowding and mauling,
pounding at the doors of my heart
until the bell broke.

The warning signal in tatters,
it clattered in
bags in hand and
bursting with energy,
brimful of bridge-building advice.

It dumped its belongings
in my chest
and went out on the town,
leaving me down on my knees,
clearing up the mess it had made
of a once-orderly woman.

It shone and danced,
spoke of joy and sorrow,
promised better tomorrows and,
like a fool,
I confused better
with ease.

There were days
when the world seemed manufactured for magnificence;
when wants were none,
hands were held,
affections yelled
and smiles seemed never-ending.
Suspending belief, I saw,
with Relief,
that Love was


If we are to flirt with Heaven....
what of Hell?

It was not as I expected it to be.
The visions,
in a head of romance,
see fires and demons
and dances with death, but
it’s the dance of Life
that’s desperate and mortifying if,
defying Reason and Opportunity,
you sit stiff
on the sidelines
and watch.

There were times,
of course,
when no amount of suppression
could contain the need for ecstatic expression
and the feet were flying,
arms announcing each new beat;
heated faces
framed by stars
formed moments of fantasy,
never before or since
would the world see this spectacle:
so simple.
So stunning.

that done,
everything I expected
was where I went wandering alone.

Imagination may be the key in artistry
and, in so much as life is art,
it may even set you free, but
to plant such a seed in the needs of relationship
is to skip reality,
lose the opportunity,
a head so far ahead
that what’s actually said is missed,
misconstrued and, eventually,
by a misguided wannabe Mrs,
into marriage and babies
and maybe more than a steady supply
of smiles and happiness.

Oh yes: I went there.
Too many times:
the temptation was always too exempt
from everything I’d tried to teach myself.

A healthy dose of heartache later,
I arrived at pen and paper,
where I prepared to bare it all,
hoping to have a happy epiphany
or three
before committing it to computer screen
for all to see
and sigh about.

HA HA, ** ** and HEE HEE.

Poetic justice,
as always,
Thank prose for plying my punctured personality
with Reason and Rhyme.

They came so clear, so quickly,
that they caught Pain by its private parts,
spun it around,
turned it upside down
and emptied its pockets out
onto the patio floor.

As Hurt skulked and sulked by the door,
elbowing Ego
who was pacing
in a panic,
more than a little engrossed
with guessing when the game would be up
and it would be out on its ear......

As Pain -
poised and preparing to pounce
on its adversary,
ripping it to pieces
with words of sharded glass
and showing little mercy
- realised that Respect had it
by its respective receptacles
and was rearing its head in a way
no lesser emotion could hope to convey,
let alone disobey......

As Thought,
regarding the situation at hand and,
seeing that all was going quite as planned,
continued to concentrate on forming conclusions
about that most worthy opponent,

As the world whirled
and the cue queued,
almost at bursting point
and ready to take a stand......

Love tipped its hat,
took two paces
and gestured
in the direction of
my hand.

****** and ready to fight,
I saw
for the first time
a faint glow within and,
unfurling my fatigued fingers,
I found my fortune:
a gold coin,
shining and shimmering,
showering light
and understanding
into searching eyes.

it whispered,
with a smile.
Your wish was always granted,
you’d just planted the seed
of your affection
too deep to allow detection.

A grin crept into my gut
and kept on growing.
I repeated,
and defeated Disappointment
with a gentle tickle;
it fought at first
but couldn’t contain the calming caress of Release:
it curled up,
and purred contentedly.

The Love you wanted for
was with you all along,
in the women you walked with
(barefoot, do you remember?);
washed with,
wished with;
cooked with, sang with, smiled with:
all the while,
Love was there.

The women who watched
as tears sprang
who let them fall,
held your hand
in their hearts,
and un-did your despair.

The women who graced you
a permanent place in their thoughts;
who took you for tea
and took time
to be there.

Who cared for your fever,
fed you
and fastened you in,
that you might have a little security,

The women who,
without warning,
could cause laughter
so heartfelt
it melted the moment
and, in minutes,
could mould misery
back into Joy.

It was never about a boy,
my Love.

And as Love shook
its magnificent, smiling head,
I got ready
to re-think the relationships;
re-examine my readiness
to relinquish Hope;
rest my pen and prepare
to put something to bed,
including myself.

But before I could act,
a deep growl grew
from the gut of the beast:
it stacked all its weight
on my door,
whacked it open,
unhinged it and me,
the coin fell to the floor....
...and I saw
what I’d almost left
the other side.

Brothers! it cried.
Not the lovers you’d sought,
or the masters you imagined
you ought to bow down to!
Not the dramas
of passing pretenders;
not the lenders of hearts,
who drown you in lust
and then leave you
lost and unclear,
but dear, dear Brothers.

Who ask nothing from you
but affection;
perfection in one sweet-heart smile;
kisses that make no Mrs of you,
but instead grant your skin
the warmth of a day
in their company.

Men of honesty,
nature and pride,
who hide nothing,
having learnt long ago
that the meaning of self
is to be what’s inside,
and to sleep at night
is to face fears in the light of day,
so as to avoid the more frightening prospect
of dust-ridden dreams.


I cried.

My heart sang through the sobbing,
robbing my lungs of breath;
I hung my hopes out
to dry in the sun
and rested my head
in the hands of Relief:
it stroked my hair.
It winked at me
and I smiled with it,
and as I lay there
I thought of you all...

and I thought of you all...

and I thought of you all...

...with Love.
Nov 2012 · 485
Zoe Irvine Nov 2012
We can stand below and
watch the sun cast shadows
of the birds against the wall;
see their reflections,
dashed in angled glass,
so far from ours.
We can watch them group and part
and swoop the building tops,
or stand within the walls
and feel them fly at us,
our faces to their bellies,
noses pressed to high up windows,
thinking thoughts of high up futures.
We can be starstruck spectators,
catching sight of possibility,
or we can be the birds and fly
and take the risks that look like life
and feel like freedom.

— The End —